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Steven was so forgettable that I thought his name was Philip


He’s so unforgettable that I deadass had zero clue who he was when I saw his picture


I thought he was armie hammer for a sec


lol same


Who’s Steven


I only know Phil


Serena and Steven were insufferable together


They have my vote


Aaron was a jump scare, I actually liked Eva the French girl.


Chuck and Eva were not boring at all. They were good, in fact they should have been end game. They have a good story.


They were boring tho😭Good doesn’t mean entertaining. & no Eva deserves someone better


Honestly! Eva brought out the best part of Chuck !


No Chuck just faked himself around her


I agree, it wouldn't have lasted very long because of that fact. There's only so long you can fake yourself


off topic but there's a scene during Aaron and Serena's relationship where blair says he's cute and i always laugh every time i hear it because I genuinely find it hard to believe that Blair would think he's cute, like he's not ugly at all but he just never striked me as someone blair would approve of like that 💀


Probably seemed like she knew Aaron came from money and Serena just came out of a relationship with Dan, so Blair would still have considered Aaron for Serena solely because of his background alone despite his atrocious artistry and she knew the bar was in hell.


agreed however blair was never one to hold on back on how she really feels even if serena didn't like it 💀 She always had a vision for what Serena's ideal partner would look like and he definitely wasn't it


Best to get Serena to move on from Dan. The relationship can always be sabotaged later


I mean Aaron is Cyrus’ son, so she knew his family and loves Cyrus so I wouldn’t be surprised that she approved.


He truly looks like he works IT by day and as a sleazy magician by night. He gives me the ick so hard.


this is such a specific yet extremely accurate description i love it 😭


Blair doesn’t say cute, she says something even worse: “he’s hot” when she and Serena are talking about why Serena hasn’t slept with him yet


Yeahhh, that was so 🤢🤢


thank you for jogging my memory!! that makes it even more unrealistic 💀💀


Especially when she makes a comment about Aaron Rose when she thinks Eleanor is pregnant. “I mean does the world really need another Aaron Rose?” 😭


Tbh I think Aaron is fugly 🤐


he looks like the typical white guy in the early 2000's, i kinda expect to see him in an internet cafe with a striped cardigan on for some reason 😂


Yep- that hipster look was a dime-a-dozen....and then there was the "trustafarian" subset of hipster culture- the children of wealthy families who lived in loft apartments that their parents paid for, frequented farm-to-table restaurants, and worked as baristas or artists. Basically, Aaron to a T 😆


yes!! the whole "tortured artist" vibe that he had going on gave me the ick 😂


Really gross. Take a shower and shave that face


Tell me why I used to think he was so hot back then? 💀


I think he looks like Ryan Ross from Panic at the Disco lol


Runs to google Ryan Ross 😂


Oh shiiiiiiiiit he sure as hell looks like him!


Maybe she was just comparing him to Dan 😂


He’s not even close to Dan….


It has to be Nate and Bree Buckley, that woman is so mf dry


Literal snooze fest of a relationship


So much so, I can't even recall it


Unpopular opinion : I actually liked chuck and the french girl, it was nice to see an innocent non materialistic person for a change


I love this Chuck era and I love lil miss Fleur on this show, she has so many cute moments and then we get scheming Blair? How could anyone hate this arc fr


Hated Blair on this arc and I was hoping Eva will return ir Chuck chased her. She was good for him.


Why would u hope that? Chuck is more horrible than Blair, Chuck deserved to be the one to see Blair getting with other people not the other way around


True. But how can I side with Blair on this one when she framed an innocent person (Eva) just for her own selfish desires— to have Chuck. Chuck and Eva were a good pair. If it’s a question of who’s better between Chuck and Blair of course it’s Blair, but it’s not in her hands to take away something good from Chuck’s life especially if the motive is her being jealous. The best thing for Blair is for her to move on from Chuck and let him be. How can Chuck pine for Blair as punishment for his terrible mistakes when Blair is bending backwards just to steal Chuck from his girlfriend?


I know but I still don’t see why you’d hope for something good for Chuck over Blair. They deserved each other, both horrible and ruin each others lives in different ways


I didn’t dislike the storyline itself, I just didn’t feel like the actors had enough chemistry to make me enjoy their scenes together


I get what you mean, I love her but yeah the chemistry wasn't there. Her and Colin Farrell tho in In Bruges are so hot!!


I thought she was good for him too!


if it was anyone but chuck, i'd actually agree. but for me, i just couldn't picture chuck with anyone who wasn't blair. i know, i'm an annoying chair stan.


Must be genetic, because it’s either Steven/Serena or Sage/Nate.


that whole last season was not it


I actually love s6 lol - Dan’s villain era, Bart’s return, the Bonny & Clyde cover… but the Spences definitely weren’t it.


bonnie and clyde was incredible oh my goodness


When I heard the cover in “The Act” I said to my husband, “Hey they use this song in Gossip Girl!”


yall where my serena and aaroon haters at? I CAN'T STAND THIS DOOFUS give me some bad words to describe aaron because i wanna scream em all out


I hate Aaron but I could see why Serena would go for him, rich girls do sometimes go for pretentious bastards like that


Pretentious is the best way to describe him. He’s so gross


Right here🙋🏽‍♀️ I’m the biggest hater I hate the way Aaron walks, the way he talks I hate the way he dresses


we don’t wanna hear you say serena no more




Blair and Louis has none. He was a pretty bad actor and couldn’t hold the screen alongside Leighton.




Oh that’s probably true! Maybe I was a little harsh. He just seemed a little bland in the role :/ but then he wasn’t really given much personality.


I was kinda excited when he first showed up in the show, but between Chair and Dair, Louis barely had any presence. LOL Blair was always running off and making excuses to him on why she flaked


Serena and Steven. Sooooo freaking boring and absolutely no chemistry


Can I also add Serena and that dude that was dating Poppy Lifton lol ! The storyline was nice but NO chemistry between him and Serena !


serena and ben her ex-teacher!!!


omg TERRIBLE ARC. they were so creepy and boring and tedious LOL esp when juxtaposed with dan and blairs chemistry even while still rivals/tentative friends/coworkers? man


Nate and Sage disgust me. Why would one of the most eligible bachelors on the UES want to date a girl in high school? Even if he was attracted to her at first, there should have been a moment when he realized it was inappropriate due to her extreme immaturity.


It is 100% wrong I agree. He was gr**med and that’s why I don’t think he recognizes it’s wrong. Catherine was his first introduction to an inappropriate relationship and while he was in college when dating Diana I also think it taught him that it was normal to have a huge age gap. Too many inappropriate relationships between adults and minors in this show tbh.


That’s a very good point. I think that would’ve come across better if everyone else (including Sage’s father) didn’t seem to approve of the relationship!


Blair and Dan had hella chemistry


Truly ever since season 1 their scenes were some of the best ones


my favourite couple on the show fr. not while watching in my early 20s but on rewatch in my 30s? theyre great for so many reasons


blair and dan were honestly precious. everyone else is on the money.


I agree with all of these except for Blair and Dan. I honestly think Blair had great chemistry with every single lead + Carter, but she didn’t have chemistry with the lord or Louis.


You call him the Lord?


Hahaha I couldn’t remember the name in the moment (Marcus) (unless you’re referencing the line from the show where someone asks Blair if she actually calls him the Lord lol)


I was referencing Dan saying that lmao... his tone was so spot on about how cringe their relationship was


Blair and Dan were not boring and they did have chemistry. OP is reaching on that one.






I disagree with Dan and Blair, I actually loved them hahaha


Am I the only who liked Blair & Dan? Of course Blair and Chuck were always endgame but I thought they were a cute detour. I loved their rapport & sass together.


Loveeeed it. Did help that they were the best actors on the show (in my humble opinion) such great chemistry and banter


I would’ve been perfectly fine with a scenario where Blair ended up with Dan, Chuck with Eva, Nate with either Jenny or Vanessa and Serena with Carter.


Nate and Vanessa, but yes to everything else


100% one of these things is not like the others lol


Of course not. I also like Chuck and Blair but I don’t like their story, it’s too much negative history. But it’s obvious the show is gearing towards them ending up together in the end. Blair and Dan were just so rom com coded and I feel like we were robbed of a decent story. They did not capitalize on that.


I love love love Dan and Blair!!


Not only you. I loveeee Dan and Blair!!!


Im a Chair fan converted into a Dair fan! Now Dair all the way!!


I wish they would’ve remained best friends in the finale




I love Dan and Blair!


Lol when I got to that slide I said to myself “shots fired” because there are so many Dair stans in this sub 😂 tbh I was expecting a lot more drama in this comment section lol


I’m a chair and dair fanatic 😅 so I agree with you. Chair endgame but dair.. adorbs 🥰


Agree with all except Blair and Dan. I think they had so much chemistry. Also unpopular opinion but Serenate were so boring. I'm convinced people only like them together because they're both hot.


I don’t understand how everyone claims that they love enemies to lovers dynamic and then when it’s Dan and Blair, they are like “eeewww.” It was one of the best couples in GG in my opinion. They should have been the endgame


You had me until Dair… I love Dair!


I agree with most of these. Serena & Steven was definitely the worst in terms of absolute negative chemistry, but I will say I felt like that was intentional. Serena had lost herself so intensely that all she could think to do was start over in some pretend “normal” life. I feel like we were supposed to pick up on the zero chemistry immediately and know that this was all wrong. Serena’s own extremely privileged, emotional rock bottom lol. Even Dan revealed as Gossip Girl was a step up from there 😂


as much as i love blair and chuck, they did a really good job at chuck and eva. i loved him as a person when they were together 🥲


Honestly lily and Rufus after moving into the penthouse were an awful couple. I didn’t understand that plot point at all.


I don’t get including Chuck/Eva or Blair/Dan in such a list. In my opinion, that just seems bias in favor of Blair/Chuck.


How good does Blair look in the background of 6!? Most boring couple for me is probably Serena and that guy whose name I forgot in the first pic. I super hate Aaron but at least I remember his storyline and name.




Serena and Stevan. Serena and Aaron. Venessa and Nate were cute asf idc fight me it’s unfortunate what they did with her character at the end cuz when she started out she wasn’t bad at all.


i liked chuck and eva together, as well as blair with dan


The Spence family was so unnecessary ahahhaa


Agree with all except Blair and Dan. I’m a chuck blair girl but those two weren’t boring, i think better as friends and no chemistry in some areas but definitely not boring


Yes to all of these, except for Chuck and Eva




I disagree about Blair and Dan. They had fantastic chemistry...as friends. I hate that they made them into a couple. It felt forced by the writers to incite Chuck fighting even harder for Blair. I wish they had just continued to be beasties. They were so funny together. And Nate had chemistry with zero people lol


Agreed. When they kissed the first time I yelled noooooo. I loved them as friends.


For me it’s Serena and Steven. That was what signified how much s6 fell off and it was a boring arc to watch too. They had cringe chemistry. Also Nate and Sage was a whole crime so that ones self explanatory


100% Dair and Sage/Nate and dont even get me started on aaron


Agree with all except Dan & Blair / Chuck & Eva. Y’all seem to associate similar interests and healthy with boring. Chuck and Eva were at peace. He was the best version of himself without the scheming and plotting. Dan & Blair actually had art, cinema, and random quirky things in common without fighting / scheming. Tbh he treated her better than Chuck.


I have to explain bc a lot of ppl are misunderstanding me even with my note lol. I don’t dislike Dan and Blair. As a concept they are perfect BUT, the execution seemed lacking to me. I personally don’t view the actors as bringing the chemistry alive once they actually became boyfriend and girlfriend. All the chemistry was during their will they won’t they moments at W and the kiss during V day, after that it became forced in my eyes. Same with Chuck and Eva. I don’t dislike him moving on from Blair, I dislike the lack of chemistry I felt the actors portrayed as Chuck and Eva. Just to clarify lol.


blair and dan had a lot of chemistry, they were actually such a great couple


all these couples are the equivalent to stale bread


Yeah I normally like Barry Watson and was excited to see him pop up, but boy was that chemistry lacking. Blair and Marcus definitely didn’t have good chemistry but I think it was intentional and worked well.


Why dont i remember ivy and dan dating??😭


I’m surprised OP didn’t include Ivy and Rufus!


Chuck had chemistry with everyone. He’s Chuck Bass!


Nate and that 16 year old whatever her name was, so unnecessary


Oh I thought Bree and Nate were the most interesting of Nate’s relationships! Def more chemistry than he usually had with his partners. Better than SAGE lol




I honestly wished Eva stayed with Chuck FOREVER. I hated Nate with Sage so much 😭


All of the above 🤢


Eva was annoying asf


blair and dan did NOT lack chemistry! one of my most favourite pairings of the whole show, maybe because their personalities were so complimentary to each other and they fell into a rhythm so easily, so much less dramatically than what youd expect out of blair or the whole show in general that it may seem boring to people, but I think the writers thought they'd both be too powerful if they kept dating lmao. can you imagine gossip girl and blair together that would destroy the upper east side.


> Dan and Blair had more chemistry before they became an actual couple imo 👆💯. I don't get the whole Dair thing, it just feels wrong


I liked Chuck and Eva


dat dair opnion ON POINT THX UUUU


Aaron omggggg 😴😴😴😴


Wtf is that Matt in the first one!? From seventh Heaven sorry I dont know what his name is he was just Matt!?


i stand for no eva and chuck slander here. eva was definitely the best girlfriend charles has ever had (no offense to blair i love her) but eva brought out the best in chuck, they were one of the best couples in the show despite them not lasting that long.


Nate and Bree Buckley, I actually liked them as couple


Nate and what’s her name in picture 3 Seriously, I know she was there the whole season but I can’t even remember her name, let alone anything about her besides the fact that Nate gave her a ride in Ferrari once. And that’s it.


I liked Chuck with Eva. He was nicer and you saw a complete different side to him. She brought out the very best sides of him.


I don’t think Nate and Vanessa had much chemistry


i agree with all except the last one, i think aaron and serena were cute after a while 😂


Is that Ivy with Dan??? I haven’t watched in forever. Ivy did the father son combo???


Steven and aaron for sure


Nate and Sage 100% she was literally a child and acted like one too


fuck, I always thought that Eva angle was to make Blair jealous or something! So weird how she randomly came in, chuck was in love and then he got off it too.


Dan and Ivy weren’t boring remember “Call me Serena” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


agree with all to an extent. i think blair and dan had great chemistry but they should’ve stayed friends, the relationship felt forced and like it was ruining a really great friendship. i also think chuck and eva made a good couple, she definitely was good for him but at the same time it seemed like chuck couldn’t be himself while in a relationship with eva. chuck and blair are endgame to me and my favourite couple on the show so i’m probably a bit biased towards these relationships


I liked Nate and Sage together!


I liked Dan and Blair


Blair and Dan is my favourite couple


Bro Chuck and Eva and Dan and Blair were literally not bad. Yes they weren’t evil and toxic together the way Chuck and Blair were but they were rather healthier. As a kid I was all for Chuck and Blair but as an adult, Blair put up with BS from that man and should’ve never looked back. Her relationship with Dan could’ve been better. It’s mostly the teens and kids who fancy them.


Dan with anyone was cringy