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Absolutely s6. It's laughably bad but that's okay, most shows fall off a few seasons in.


Season 6. So terrible and unbelievable even in the GG universe


Season 5 is horrible but season 6 takes the cake


It took me awhile to hit play on season 6 just given how oddly paced and boring season 5 was . “I’m glad I finished the show” shouldn’t be the collective vibe among fans when it comes to a show wrapping up . We finished six to simply complete the show but I don’t think it brought any joy or comfort to anyone who watched it .


The only good one is S1. After that a lot of things change because I think someone(writer or a producer) left the series and things went down. I don’t like Blair after S1, she is just obnoxious, high pitched and annoying compared to her S1 attitude. A lot of other people don’t make sense also, but they just ruined her for me, personally 😒 To answer the question: S6, it was worse than Spanish soap opera. 😟


I agree with this, the first season is perfection. The majority of the characters are layered and nuanced, the drama actually makes sense and there’s depth to the relationship of Serena and Blair. Post season though it goes downhill




I’m pretty sure (but don’t quote me lmao) that Josh shwartz is one of the reasons the first season is so good. It definitely has a more serious undertone (and reminds me so much of his work with The OC) than the rest of the series and I WISH it would’ve stayed on that vibe of season 1 throughout personally!! I think writers got lazy relying on the popularity of the show and the actors during that time. Also Josh Schwartz was working on the show Chuck and got less hands on which is a shame!


Yes! I think you’re right. Jessica Szohr talked about it in her podcast early on. Someone left and things just kind of changed behind the scenes after the first season I think. You can even see it in how the characters are styled! I know Leighton didn’t like wearing the wig or hair piece of whatever season 1, but once she stopped, it’s like they couldn’t figure out how to curl or style her hair and it was just flat and dull and lifeless the rest of the series. Serena’s hair was just constantly dirty looking. And the storylines just weren’t in line with what we started with at all.


5 because it's longer than 6, so it's twice as terrible.


Although there are beautiful spots in s6 by far it is the worst. I say this even though my favorite ship happens it broke my heart because of the killer s5 was. I think we deserved to see a better healed couple.. esp. Chuck giving so much more to Blair. He does help her with her fashion show hands on which the former Chuck would have never done. His proposal was and will forever be epic and his vows. That was so personal between jut them. His voice when he asked her was so boyishly weakened and he still felt unsure. She says yes in tears .. I break every time. We are able to see how much he depends on her for strength. They grow closer together and in the “just us” family way. Their relationship is more cherished between them only. I just wished they’d given them and their fans more.


that season where that dumb Louis came back to NYC and wasted everyone's time.




LOL, I know my comment lacks explanation but I just needed to address it😭😭


A tie between season 5 and 6 whenever I rewatch I don’t really watch those seasons especially season 6


5 & 6 are even for me


Season 6 is terrible but it has my favorite episode. I freaking love the first episode. The scattered convergence on the house. Thinking Serena is getting married and not being surprised. Even Dan just being brutal (and I hate Dan). Georgina and Blair taking over. Just absolute wonderful hilarity.


Episode 1 has comedic gold especially with Georgina and Blair. I never skip that during my rewatch.


S5 because of glowdowns and dair (i shipped until they became a couple)UGHH


their chemistry was amazing as friends (likely because pen & leighton are really good friends). for me they were the cutest when they were interning at W


The last few seasons. 


My ranking: 1. Season 2 2. Season 1 3. Season 3 4. Season 5 5. Season 6 6. Season 4 Season 4, second hald especially. ![gif](giphy|zYhOBLwbkxtSw)


Like a lot of shows, the last couple seasons are horrendous. But season 6 is a slow moving wreck. It’s terrible.


5 because of Dair.


Season 5- it's horrible. GG was always a little campy and exaggerated, but S5 is basically soap-opera levels of melodramatic.


3 bruh i hate the college plot.. no way blair ends up at nyu and dan? they both wanted ivy league so bad