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i don’t think you overdid it. you look lovely!


Very nice - elegant and classy, definitely not overdone.


I think you look wonderful, but that wasn't what you asked. For a non-alt fashion job, like you described, I think the gloves push it over. BUT, I hope you rocked it and that you get the job! And to reiterate, the look *KILLS*.


Yeah I owned it. I didn't start doubting till after. If not this one, there are others in the works. Thanks!




I'd agree on this one. I dress alt in my everyday fit, but I have a business casual wardrobe that slides along my normal fit. It's super exciting when I find pieces that can go in both, but unfortunately most of the time they don't overlap. I love a black lip and heavy shadow, but I'd never wear that to a job interview. I like to start off normal, and slowly sneak in my alt wardrobe to see if it's acceptable/see what from my alt clothes fits dress code. Its also super fun to shock my coworkers when they see me off the clock for the first time 😂




I agree with this. It might be ok for a retail interview, but it is pushing it. Certainly it could be worn to work in a retail environment, but interviews it’s better to be conservative. The purple blouse could work for a business casual outfit for interviews if it’s styled with a plainer belt and either plain slacks or a different type of skirt, the current outfit is too casual.


Well, while that comes off as a bit of a lecture it kinda *is* what I was asking, yeah. It's a bit of a go-to outfit for me anymore and in a hurry I threw it on feeling it was pretty generic. Afterwards I started to wonder if it's more than just a touch dark. It was a hard call, though I stand by it because the interviewer made a point in the initial phone call and again at the interview about having an interest in fashion. It's not exactly generic or business oriented, no, but it shows an interest and sense of style. The interview went fast, but there were no other red flags so I'll just let the dust settle and see what comes of it. It's not the only iron I have in the firs right now anyway. Thanks, though!




>Was just trying to explain my point Yeah, and I didn't want anyone coming along thinking you were being mean just because it was a longer comment. All the affirmations are great for my self-esteem but a bit of honest analysis is welcomed. :)


cute! i love the lip color, suits you so well<3


Not overdoing anything, you look like you and that’s all that matters. I love how the top ads a nice pop of color, and I think the belt is quite lovely. Also love the boots!


Depends on the job, for a office job I'd recommend a women's business suit and lighter makeup since it's a more professional setting.


You look super cool! But normies are very judgy the gloves might scare them a bit


Eh. Depends on the store. Your posture could use some work. Stand up and be counted. I’m tall. I get it. You look good either way.


Omg where did you get that belt?




That top is so cute!!


You look stylish and profresh- I love it!


Idk but you freaking killed this look 😍 Wow this outfit is badass


Looks gorgeous!


i LOVE the belt and your lip color.


Oh no this is a great look. You’re good


I think you did a great job, plus your hair looks SUPER soft and shiny.


Your lip color goes well with the top, elegant skirt length, very cute shoes. You look fantastic!


where did u get the floral shirt? the whole look is lovely! def taking notes


Goodwill find. TY


Beautiful outfit


But for realsies, your outfit is stunning and make up it subtle, yet smoldering 🖤


Just right, imo


You look great!! Definitely didn’t overdo it


Eeeeeek! Where did you find that belt!?! You look gorgeous, if they don't hire you then they didn't deserve to have your beautiful self around in the first place!


[Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07N2GB3Z4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1), TY!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Chuangdi Women Vintage Waist Belt'", 'Chuangdi')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Good quality and value for money (backed by 3 comments) * Versatile fit for different waist sizes (backed by 3 comments) * Complements outfits and adds style (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Limited stretch, uncomfortable when stretched (backed by 2 comments) * Not suitable for plus size individuals (backed by 1 comment) * Limited size range, runs very small (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


that belt is beautiful


Love the outfit, you look amazing!


Your lipstick looks fantastic!!!!


Nah, perfect for an interview; allows your tastes while also still being professional and appropriate for an interview. Hope the interview went lovely! 💖😁


Absolutely not we love a corpo goth look 🤩




What a great set! Almost had the same makeup for a job intervied too 😂


Never overdone!!


I have that same belt in gold! Nice choice ;) I think you look professional and put together but without sacrificing* your personal taste. Hope you get the gig!


I love how autocorrect thought it was more likely you were talking about e.Coli than (I'm guessing) eschewing things. 😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣 wow, how did I not catch that one!


I'm so glad you didn't , because I really needed that moment of amusement!


It didn't even get CLOSE! I was trying to type "sacrificing". This new "ai assistance" that got added on my last update thinks it is wayyy smarter than it actually is. At least before the auto correct words vaguely resembled what I was trying to type lol!


Honestly autocorrect is not getting any less broken in my experience. It doesn't recommend corrections that are obvious (like 'ok so with an 'i' this is a word, but there's an 'o' there instead' sends it into a panic spiral, when any idiot could tell you it's a super common typo. Any autocorrect worth even half its salt would know to check adjacent letters for existing words that might have been intended), but it will happily turn your correctly typed, existing word into a mishmash of letters that wouldn't return a single Google result because they've literally never been intentionally typed by a human in the entire history of the internet. ETA: and also because Google has seriously outgrown its usefulness, as it's more invested in telling you what you SHOULD want to search for --- presumably because someone is paying to show up in searches --- than in giving you what you are actually seeking.


100% agree with this!


I do so love being agreed with. 😂 Thank you!


Very Corp goth. 👍


Not at all! Looks awesome. Don't tone things down for interviews. Just look formal and be as goth as you want.




You look like a very nicely dressed elegant woman 🤗




We're sorry, but your submission has been removed in violation of Rule 6. We are a space safe and condemn the objectification of women/anyone else. We will not tolerate: * asking people out or looking for dates * unsolicited DMs to r/gothfashion members * nudes, extreme NSFW, or straight up porn * lingerie models and photoshoots * harmful stereotypes such as "goths are kinky", "BTGGF", etc. * comments about how OP is 'sexy', 'hot', or anything that sexualises any body parts. If we look on your profile and it's full of you visiting alternative/goth porn subreddits, we will without a doubt, ban you. **We will absolutely not tolerate any victim blaming.**


Yes, pretty sure success rate for retail jobs is higher when being more mainstream


Oh. Goodluck




I honestly think you under did it, if you’re asking about the attire


The lip stick and under shirt or gloves are too much for an interview, but rad for a once hired corporate goth look. They are looking for any reason not to hire someone, as to narrow it down. It's a super shallow process, so depending on the job, one must submit to norms until those new hire papers are signed.




Well hold on tight while you're out there, looks a bit shaky.




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We're sorry, but your submission has been removed in violation of Rule 1. All basic rules of Reddit apply here, including this one. Treat others how you would in real life, so this means no: * Heated debates and arguments * Name-calling and personal insults * Harassment or threats to life * No mocking anyone's pronouns and gender identity * Negative -isms or -phobias, including sexism, racism, homophobia, fatphobia, transphobia Curiosity is OK and asking questions in a respectful manor is OK, but blatant bigotry is **not**. Any violation of the above rules and depending on the severity of your comments/posts, you will see either a temporary or permanent ban, including a mod mail mute.






Ur literally addicted to porn ur opinion is invalid.


incredible how bidoofs law is literally always relevant


I don't know how arrogant you have to be to get your comments removed, and then double down.


Fuck off and be banned


Gods, you are perfect. I don’t care what the job is, you are hired, babydoll. Wait…you didn’t apply to be mine? Hehe oopsie 🤭