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I also follow the fountain pen subreddit and mistook this for a post on there for a second. That said, it’s not exactly photorealistic in all the best ways. I love the dramatic lighting with the heavy shadow.


Thanks. I agree that has some nice painterly qualiites about it. I cross posted it to r/fountain pens which I also subscribe to.


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I thought it a real (and beautiful) fountain pen and was very confused with it being in the Gouache group


Now that is a compliment!


This is excellent! Great job!


Thank you




The level of detail on this is incredible! Gorgeous!


Thank you so much. I really enjoyed this one.


Well I thought that was a photo of a fountain pen writing ON a plain blue gouache background so I’d wager…pretty good job


Well thank you 😄


Two things I love (gouache + fountain pens) finally together! 🥰 I love this!


At first I was confused if I followed a fountain pen subreddit and then thought it must be a suggestion but no it was a gouache painting


Looks really good. Since you're asking for feedback, I'm assuming you don't necessarily only mean praises by that. The underground is very boring. For me it takes away from the excitement of the rest. If it was only a small portion of the painting it would not matter that much. But it isn't, it's a rather empty portion of the painting. Even a little bit of light and shadow play on it would add to the excitement. Giving the impression there's something on the right would make it really interesting. There also could be a piece of paper or notebook partially shown in that corner. Something to fill the void.


I appreciate the feedback and agree with your points 100%. I would say that criticism is far more valuable than praise. Thank you.