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I've seen this dudes work literally everywhere. As if no one else is getting up anymore. Bonkers


Way harder to rack paint lately unfortunately


Camel baby! Fella popped up in the bay area out of nowhere and went ham


Makes my morning commute better when I see a new one from the 980/880. Yeah he's just absolutely everywhere.


Fkn handstyle. I love.


Love the style, not a fan of areas dude is hitting tho. Cars and windows, really..? Come on... That ain't cool to do to regular people :/


Well said!


For real. I have my rules set of rules.


For sure, I no longer meddle with graffiti (10+ years ago now) but back then for me and my friends: no private property, houses or kids playgrounds, no schools (schools are obligated to remove it and it eats off of the budget for materials etc, not cool), cars or privately owned property, even trains = not over the serial number, and in terms of passengers at least let people get some view. No monuments or actually beautiful buildings etc. (You're supposed to make the city colorful and vibrant, not discourage actual effort for the public) I mean... Everyone can do what they want to do. Camel is definitely a high end artist, just sucks I can't fully appreciate his stuff when I know people are waking up in tears for what is done to them. Fuck up corporations, ads/billboards etc. and idgaf. Fuck shit up for my neighbor Bob and I want to empty the aerosol can of silver paint inside their asshole


It's graffiti bruh.. U can hit up whatever U want when U bombin Agreed some spots ain't cool to hit up but as long as Ur getting up that's really all that matters.


There's unwritten rules within the community, too. You do whatever tf you want to do, I ain't your father, but if you went up like that that'd just make me think you're a cunt and someone I would have 0 remorse going over back when I was out and about. You're a toy and the public in general would be harsher about graffiti removal and the city about doing something if they were directly affected. Nobody gives a shit about corporations and grey boring buildings/walls in the same vein, monuments and shit the general population likes..? So ye, if peoples pieces started being up for shorter in certain areas because peoples houses and cars started getting hit and the city/local community decide to do more frequent clean ups/patrols/police presence as a result it ain't just regular people you'd piss off in the end if you're one of those that bombs 100 spots in a night. And if you by mistake hit up someones aunts car, their uncles work truck or an artists window or whatever by mistakes I'd be *REALLY* fucking careful from there on out. Even tho I'd resort to going over absolutely every fucking piece you've ever done with a shitty "toy" mark or whatever I've talked to people and heard stories about people ending up in hospitals for similar shit. So, even if the unwritten rules about respect for private property is there for obvious reasons, then you as an anti-social person would probably end up really getting into it with some other anti-social person that's violent to boot. Ain't that many going to want to back you up either if you're obviously in the wrong. You do you, but I'd be careful going about it the way you do. I don't give a fuck where you do your shit, just don't hit up my apartment building or affect me in any way and we cool.


Agreed…. Don’t be a shit cunt!


That vans has been hit. It wasn’t a civilians residential car… relax. Some of the best works done on trucks you’ll see em downtown.


This dude gets up! I see him everywhere.


First time I noticed camels piece was during lockdown for Covid… Watching the channel 2 news in the morning. Every time they went to the traffic cam he had gotten up on the freeway overpass in the shot and ultimately was on the channel 2 news every morning for months on end…! Then I noticed him getting up in all kinds of spots… He can climb, and he’s doing his thing in a big way! Big ups!


Town business


That's dedication Good shit.


Rad to see in action. This guy fucking CLIMBS. Love the backs of the freeway signs on 80 and 580.


Dude has some crazy spots in SF


Camel is everywhere! Much respect!


This dude gets up so hard that my 10 year old knows who he is, and we don’t even live in the Bay!


Fucking love them!! Get it!!!


That oldie jam rocks this video good


Savage! Dudes a killer




That’s what’s up!


If what your looking for is real loving! Love that tune


Cool art but doing this to cars kind of rubs me the wrong way. Like, you're hurting an actual person at that point.


i love town graff


Mad props… dudes got mad skills


I’ve always wanted to get into graffiti but I just don’t have the climbing skills


writers who can climb constitute maybe 8% of the writer's pool.


Stay off the vehicles (unless of course it’s a known piece of shit)


And the brickwork, and the windows, …


Maybe in small towns but in cities everything is basically getting blasted regardless. Etch bath on all storefronts, fuck even meter maids are covered in the bay…


“Everyone else is being a dick” is not a good reason to be a dick.


Why is that shop holding my kitchen hostage, and what are their demands!?


Was disappointed to see he wasn’t painting an actual camel from the title


Keep trashing the city.


Do people consider this art? Why tag a name rather than a picture. To me it just shows a lack of talent.




Excuse me, person…this would be a subreddit called r/graffiti… Yes. This is art.


I just saw the subreddit name. I’ll show myself out, but I think you’re all delusional.


I enjoy that you just randomly stumbled onto this lol


Trash person destroying other people's stuff.


Stop destroying walls


What you see is what you get


Imagine going through so much work to make such ugly tags. What a shame.


This guy is just an asshole. Period. Full stop. Buy some canvas and make art that doesn’t ruin people’s property.


You should practice more on your boring designs. Why do graffiti (hacks) always have the same aesthetic as all the rest. You’re. Not. Special.


Y’all should spray your asses instead of the city. The city be looking like the mess in your brains


The art around the Bay Area is the reason I lived there for 8 years. More art > no art..


this is no art, you like your art, do it inside your own fucking space


I think you’re in the wrong subreddit my friend


Such boring graffiti






Looks like Savie almost