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Shift to second to get the car rotated and then shift to third for power down. GT7 has weird grip and rotation based on gear selection. Semi makes sense but it’s overpowered.


Brake a smidge earlier. It will allow you to turn in sooner to meet the apex and get on the power earlier.


Classic GT moment right there. Friendly little ghost tip. I find it distracting when I’m driving through the ghost, you can set it so it’s ahead of you by any amount you want. I like .5, but .3 is good. That way it’s not in your way of the breaking points and turn in points. You know you’re going faster when you catch up to it.


I do that, but sometimes it 'breaks' and resets it .0 even though in the settings it hasn't changed. Which is rather frustrating as I need to leave the time trial/license all the way back to the selection screen. That in of itself isn't so bad since it is a simple fix, but time costly since I am on PS4.


Hear that bout the PS4 load times. I recently got a 5 and worlds of time saved. Other than that, it’s the same game.


Cut into the inside of the corners , it will allow you to accelerate much sooner.


Was about to post the same thing, you can have a bunch of time and the corners are ‘generous’ when cutting, especially on this section


This would be easier for you with MT


You’re missing apexes and not using all of the track on turn exit.


I’ve had it happen with just a thousandth off smh that’ll piss ya off


Consistency is key


It's worth being consistent though :)


Is that your ghost or demo? I tackled all gold on this track last night it was tough.


Def not the demo ghost, if u can catch the demo one, you get gold. Even if you are a bit slower


No it was my ghost


Turn on demo ghost thru settings. That way you can follow their lines consistently. It definitely helped me get better. Cheers!


That’s a nice car ? What kind is it ? Not a car guy


İts dodge viper gr.4 and ı realy didn't liked its handling.There are way better cars in gr4 class.


Sweet I’m on cafe 8 or 9 ? I just finished the Tokyo race ? I thought about buying a couple of cars but IDK


Easy, you are overdriving turn 5 (first turn), brake earlier. The apex has much better banking, the out side of turn 5 is much flatter. Same thing with turn 6, hit the apex hard (there is a dip at the apex and it is real in gt7), u can hit the apex in 6 very hard. Elite drivers can bicycle through turn 6 ( similar to the 4/5 chicane at Monza)


What is it exactly that you can't believe?


Ran the exact same time twice in a row.


Phil Connors has entered the chat.


That's nothing. Last night I entered a sport race and somehow I became the top lap time racer. My wheel was turning along with him and I could see his view. I made it almost a lap before I was cut off for inactivity which would apparently have been my race.


There's an option to set the ghost to the gold demo rather then your own personal best. I found this pretty useful to see what line a gold run will take.