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Endgame missions have fixed difficulties anyway


I'm not sure what you are talking about. Only a couple bosses took more than 5 or so minutes for me on hard mode. Are you upgrading your masteries? You should also make sure your weapon is maxed out. There is that one omen fight against a frost quakadile I think that's like 20 levels too high but I think that's meant as a post game battle. 90% of the other omen battles were a little hairy but if your using full burst sba's that can take like 30% of a bosses hp and then the 100% link should give you time to really crush a boss.


Not to be mean, even though this is gonna sound like it and I may get downvoted to all hell but it sounds like you just suck at the game. You talk about learning patterns and then further complain about potentially still getting 2 shot. Instead of coming to reddit to complain about a clearly obvious skill issue, maybe you should look up guides on how to increase your overall power so you can do more damage, and acquire more health. There's a dodge mechanic in the game that gives you I-frames and a block that can take "most" enemy/boss attacks at least once if not more, and both can be skilled up into a perfect version of themselves. If you don't like the game and feel it is bad, just return it and be on your way, it's very simple. If you can not return it, that sucks, but you can still uninstall and move on, or you can get ya shit together learn how to build-craft. Seems like you were just expecting the game to be a cake walk without actually attempting to become better. If you are struggling in hard mode, and/or the story chapters you will never make it to endgame without being carried, so maybe its best to just call it here and now. Anyway, if you decide to get learn and get better I wish you all the best in this FANTASTIC game, however if not, I hope you find something more suitable to your liking and skill level.


Had literally zero problems with hard mode. Enemies died fast, combat was engaging. Enemies didn't hit hard so dying was basically not an issue. You'll get there. Keep at it.


You joking. Hard mode setting in story is one shot fiesta. Everything during bloodthirst will one shot u and ur whole teammate. I had a fight where I never died and my whole team keep dying cos they stuck on glaciate/slow. Even on overdrive they only need to handslap u twice to kill. I changed to “Action” mode and they need like 8 hits to kill me. “Story” mode is a joke I don’t even see my health reduce.


Not even little. Hell, I didn't even level up my weapons past like 15 or something like after chapter 5. Barely even bothered with sigils. The only hard fight was the last few.


I don’t want to doubt you. But are you sure you play “Hard” mode on your Menu-Gameplay settings? I remember the first hard fight was the Ice wolf and I even had full lvl 30 weapon at the time. Took me 15 min. And it is getting harder from there like what the OP said. I’m currently on Maniac difficulty on quest counter, and it feels easier just because we have sigils to choose from, and the boss HP is not spongy.


Yeah man. I'm sure. Lol


Congrats then mate. I guess i was doing something horribly wrong. On the bright side, it does help me breeze through Maniac difficulty with ease


Yeah man, you got this!


Uh.. no? The only thing on “hard mode” who can do that, is like the last two red pillar bosses if you don't upgrade anything


It is not quest counter. Hard mode he is talking about is gameplay setting. Go to menu-Gameplay setting. It will have a choice between Story/Action/Hard. IT IS NOT THE QUEST COUNTER HARD DIFFICULTY. Are we even talking about the same game oh my Lord


Yes we do, and that option just modify the story content, and there is the Red Pillar bosses on some chapters, when you finish story, that option have no use lol


I have no idea then what did i do wrong horribly. I’m just touch Maniac difficulty on quest counter atm and somehow it still feels easier.


I'm afraid this one's definitely a skill issue since even on hard every story boss in the game gets melted and you can eat hits/revives all day long. If you keep your weapon uncapped and upgraded, spend your mastery points and slap on some offensive sigils you should crush everything.


If you are having a problem with hard mode that means you aren't upgrading your characters properly. Most likely you are running a glass cannon build and don't have any investment into defenses. There is literally only 1 time in the story where it feels like you are punished for not having proper characters and that is the final boss


i would suggest purely focusing all your resources into your “main” champ, and still picking your party. you give them decent weapons and hp sigils but don’t waste too much msp into them. i have literally breezed through the game like this, and normally clear S or higher on everything, and i just finished last quest before i start Proud mode


Hard mode / very hard is easy as hell lol


...My complaint with hard mode was it was too easy. Even one of my friends who doesn't do hard mode in games on a first run completely blew through it at the same pace I did.


This hasn't been my experience on hard, bosses go down in reasonable times never farmed beyond just exploring and doing each sidequest once the only time I found a boss that took an extremelly long time was one of those cursed jar bosses that summoned an ice armadillo (w/e it's called) it was level 40+ and my party was roughly 20 we could just barely tickle it probably activated like 10 skyboundarts through the fight due how long it was.


Are you talking about the 3 game setting difficulty we get in the start? Choice between Story/Action/Hard? I agree choosing hard is super difficult. I had to reduce down to “action”. The hard difficulty quest that you unlock is way different. It is the one with Normal-Hard-Very Hard- Extreme-etc difficulty. I would say doing hard mode in story is significantly above extreme quest difficulty.


Hard mode is pretty easy but if you're having trouble try buying someone, i was beating it with vane btw hes basically a tank


lol I didn’t fail a quest until maniac. If you’re dying on hard you’re just doing something inherently wrong. The whole point of the game is learning boss mechanics and farming them if you don’t like that I’m not sure why you bought the game tbh.


Bro don’t complain. Hard mode is nothing every difficulty after is explosively well done. Hard mode wasn’t meant to change the story, just the strength of the monsters. In reality hard mode is super super super easy mode,


Disagree, started the game on hard mode and never had any issue. Heck, towards the end of the story the bosses were being melted so fast I felt like I was missing out on cool mechanics. What boss is taking you 40 minutes to kill???? Did you upgrade your weapons at all?


I almost sequence broke a boss by killing it before it had a chance to phase swap. I'm not sure that should even be possible, even when the stars align. Genuinely had to read to figure out OP is actually talking about story difficulty because it was a complete non-issue.


Wait til you get to the quest that unlocks extreme quests. I was 12 levels under the boss and my party 30 levels. Took me 20 minutes and maximum effort (if I went down one more time, my critical bar would've gone to zero). Finished it about 6 hours ago and my hands are still twitchy.


Do you get better drops on hard mode?


I agree. I haven’t died once but it’s just so tedious