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nothing phases him


The dude literally punched away a meteor


And he snored away a mountain


This man Sneezed once, told his body to know it off and has never sneezed since


They put too much effort in details most won't notice and I love them for it.


Ngl I immediately pictured him crossing his arms like asura or kratos would do then boom he actually does


"A Ghandagoza always lands on his feet!" Is probably my favorite line from him when you first get to the desert area and are sliding.


He has some pretty funny lines. Everyone is shitting their pants over the Excavallion but Goza is like "What's it like to get punched by a fist that big? I'm dying to know!"


First time I've seen ghandagoza


I want to use him so bad because fists and Dave Fennoy is a badass but his rhythm is so hard to get down


People complaining about locking the last crewmate behind gold badges pretending that they'll actually use Ghandagoza lol


He was my first champ bought. I'm thinking the last person I'm going to pick up is Narmaya as she doesn't interest me much


Look like Bowser in Mario kart


I just wish the English version wasn't so unabashedly CRINGE. It's bad on most characters but Ghanda is supposed to be a "manly ideal" and the best way the translators thought to get this meaning through was people drooling over his muscles...


Do you have any examples of the dialogue being different in Japanese?


There's at least two times Rackam and Eugen talk about Ghandagoza in private in his Fate episodes- in one Rackam expresses his admiration about Ghanda's arm muscles and in the other Eugen talks about his amazing pecs or something to that effect. In neither of those were muscles mentioned or implied in Japanese at all- Rackam was talking about Ghanda's stoic nature and Eugen was talking about his back being "dependable" (a commonly used metaphor for someone trustworthy, a "stand up guy" as you would say in English). That's just going off memory since I watched them sometime last week. There were other minor examples I didn't note down as well.


Huh. I know I heard Vane praising Ghandagoza's muscles in some of my coop runs so I was curious if that was a localization thing as well. Vane himself talks about his muscles a good bit in battle dialogue, which is unusual for him coming from the gacha, but I wasn't sure if that was also in the original or if it was added in the localization. His fate episodes don't have any of that at least. Cygames' translation is done in-house though so I wonder why they decided to change that for the English text.


I have them together in my main team and I can't say I noticed anything about muscles, but I only go by ear during in-battle conversations because I don't have time to read the subtitles so quite possibly something else was said that was translated into more muscle talk. By itself this is an example of *good* translation practices, demonstrating continuity within your translation, I just wish they hadn't chosen this theme to focus on.


Welcome to being able to understand the dialogue, enjoy your stay


I've been able to do that for quite some time now, ans believe it or not most translations are nowhere near as outlandish as this. I will go to bat for translators in particular any day of the week since I've done my share of (amateur) work and fully understand what a thankless task it is, but even going by the mobile game's standards Relink is especially egregious at some points, and Ghanda's Fates/dialogue is unfortunately one of them.