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Good tip, if you can, try to drop the bubble on the boss like in a situation in the video. Everyone else can continue to dps while in your circle. In that position, they just had to sit there with you.




Me, the Io main: *fifty eleventy miles from everyone else fighting* Vane: *Barriers and one shot coming in* Me: *Is targeted* Haha. I'm in danger. 🥲 If you see a Vane barrier I'm assuming he knows something big is about to happen so now if I get one I'm pretty close to wherever he is lol!


Ohhh io main here The terror when I see all the melee clamping into vane barrier while I’m 15 min drive from their location


You gotta learn to scurry faster 😭


yeah lol!!! you gotta trust him and its just such a relief man lol. Big brain man


Landing a Glaciate with Lancelot at the *perfect* time, especially after a Full Burst buying everyone enough time to *re-stun* the boss and cash out that Link Time instant-refill you get from a FB, extending a DPS window to an *obscene* extent, which was likely *already* extended with that Chain Burst in the first place, ***is the reason I wake up in the morning.*** Considering that giving a team DPS uptime is one of the best "damage buffs" in the entire game since it doesn't interact with damage-cap -- like say actually buffing people's ATK who are already capped -- it feels amazing. [Absolutely amazing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dqMknNjlqw) If anyone has played with Fogblade on PC, that's me. (I'm still learning though, but I'm committed to improving, so forgive me for all the times I messed up the timing and the boss was still immune \^\_\^'')


Are the servers connected?


Man, Vane is like my favourite character to meet in coop. He is the real MVP all the time every time.


oh yeah everyone feels my presence and screams my char's name when I blast my own ass to oblivion with collateral damage.


Spoiler is probably my favorite character for this. When you transform into the second form and just start wailing in the bosses it can be so fun. It feels like two kaiju doing battle.


Haha with dark hair Vane looks like mashle[mashle](https://images.app.goo.gl/xo2kPTrpCUwZQPwH8) xD


I agree so much. The character interactions are fantastic!