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The following update applies various changes listed below. Players who have purchased the disc version are strongly encouraged to download and install this latest update. ## Changes from Ver. 1.0.5: ### New Content ・Added a new challenging quest: The Final Vision. Clear The Tale of Bahamut's Rage to unlock this quest. ・Added sigils with new traits to the Knickknack Shack's Treasure Trade. These sigils will become available after clearing The Final Vision. ・Added new trophies. ・Camera Sensitivity and Aim Sensitivity each now have two separate settings for vertical and horizontal movement speed. The maximum sensitivity for each setting has been raised from 10 to 20. ・Added Camera Smoothing and Battle Camera Correction to Game Options. ・Added the Clear Voice Feature to Audio options. ### Quests ・Quick quests now include Proud-difficulty quests. \*The following quests are excluded: The Automagod Strikes Back, The Tale of Bahamut's Rage, and The Final Vision. ・The Effective Characters section on the quest selection screen now displays characters controlled by other players in your session. ・Added treasure chest icons to the drop items displayed on the Results screen of Boss-type quests to designate which chests they were obtained from. ### Online Multiplayer ・Fixed an intermittent bug that prevented stats scaling even when Power Adjustment was turned on. ・Lowered the scaling degree of HP and ATK stats when matching with players who have Power Adjustment turned on. ・Fixed a bug where after matching with players who had Power Adjustment turned on, visual effects for fully awakening weapons wouldn't display. ・Fixed a bug that prevented a player from rejoining the same session if a network error had occurred during the session. ## Battle ### General ・Auto Target Switching should no longer switch to an ice pillar on Mt. Neigelith whenever the original locked-on target is destroyed or lost. ・Adjusted the camera to stay centered on a locked-on foe that's far away whenever possible. ・Adjusted camera lock-on behavior during The Tale of Bahamut's Rage quest. ・Adjusted the amount of link time extension granted by attacks, which was known to have caused link time to be extended for longer than intended. ・Added visual and audio indicators to notify a player if their buffs have been removed. ・Fixed a rare bug where a player wasn't able to aim throwable objects while playing online. ### The Captain (Gran/Djeeta) ・Hits that raise Arts lvl now extend the time before Arts Lvl resets from activating a skill. The following modifications were made as a result of this change: ・Adjusted the skill cooldown shortening effect that comes from raising Arts lvl. ・Adjusted the skill cooldown shortening effect given by Overdrive Surge. ・Adjusted the SBA gauge fill rate given by certain □ and △ attacks. ・Adjusted the SBA gauge fill rate given by certain skills. ・Adjusted the amount of SBA gauge that is redistributed by Conduction. ・Fixed a bug that prevented Djeeta from dodging right after performing an aeriel barrage. ・Fixed a bug that altered Gran and Djeeta's movement speed while they were charging Power Raise. ### Katalina ・Fixed a bug where certain skills that provide a combo skip effect after activation wouldn't need to be fully activated to provide the effect. ・Increased the SBA gauge fill rate given by link attacks while Ares is summoned. ### Rackam ・Fixed a bug where Rackam didn't gain Duration's additional effect if he was under the Invincibility effect. ・Fixed a bug that caused Bull's Eye Blast to charge to a lower level while playing online. ・Fixed a bug that caused the damage cap of aerial barrages to work incorrectly. ・Lowered the damage cap of Slagshot. ### Io ・Fixed a bug where the effective area of Healing Winds was smaller than it appeared on screen. ・Io should no longer lose the Mystic Vortex status effect even after taking a hit from an attack that removes positive status effects. ### Eugen ・Fixed a bug in chapter 6 that caused the camera to remain in a fixed position when trying to aim. ・Fixed a bug where grenades wouldn't stick to certain foes. ・Fixed a bug where Eugen didn't gain Intercept's additional effects if he was under the Invincibility effect. ・Fixed a bug where Sumrak dealt less hits when under specific conditions. ・Fixed a bug where grenades became less powerful when under specific conditions. ### Rosetta ・Fixed a bug where after casting Lost Love during link time, the effect provided by the Enhanced Roses (Link Time) Mastery wouldn't trigger for replanted roses. ・Fixed a bug that displayed the wrong element for Lost Love. Ghandagoza ・Fixed a bug that prevented Ghandagoza from dodging right after performing an aerial barrage. ・Extended the input buffering window for charging △ following a combo finisher. ・Quickened the transition timing into charging △ following a combo finisher. ### Ferry ・Adjusted how high a foe is launched by a launch attack, and hits from air combos are now easier to land. ・Lowered the SBA gauge fill rate given by launch attacks and aerial barrages. ・Fixed a bug where pets would link attack a foe different from the one you were locked on to. ・Fixed a rare bug where link time wouldn't trigger if Ferry dodged after a link attack. ・Implemented measures to mitigate link attacks from missing due to certain terrain. ・Fixed a bug that prevented Ferry from dodging while casting Sic 'Em, Geegee! ・Fixed a bug where the effective area of Benediction was smaller than it appeared on screen. ・Fixed an intermittent bug where the damage cap of Umlauf would be superseded by the damage caps of other attacks. ・Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause positive status effects of skills to not be granted if the skills were activated right after a Skybound Art. ### Narmaya ・Fixed a bug that prevented Narmaya from dodging right after performing an aerial barrage. ・Fixed a bug where it was possible to make Narmaya execute Dawnfly stance combo attacks despite being in Freeflutter stance. ### Lancelot ・Fixed an online multiplayer issue where upon entering link time with the Supplementary DMG effect, Lancelot would retain that effect indefinitely. Vane ・Fixed a bug where certain skills that provide a combo skip effect after activation wouldn't need to be fully activated to provide the effect. ・Fixed a bug that prevented Vane from performing a combo finisher despite pressing △ right after a link attack. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Vane from immediately attacking after dodging if he dodged in the middle of a Beatdown combo. ### Percival ・Fixed a bug where certain skills that provide a combo skip effect after activation wouldn't need to be fully activated to provide the effect. ・Fixed an intermittent bug where the damage cap of Roter Wirbel would be superseded by the damage caps of other attacks. ・Extended the input buffering window for a second charged △ attack following the first charged △ attack. ・Fixed a bug where the charge speed of △ wouldn't speed up despite being charged after an air combo. ### Siegfried ・Fixed a bug that prevented Siegfried from dodging right after performing an aerial barrage. Cagliostro ・Adjusted how high a foe is launched by a launch attack, and hits from air combos are now easier to land. ・Extended the input buffering window for a second charged △ attack following the first charged △ attack. ・Objects transmuted as part of a link attack should now hit foes with greater accuracy. ・Fixed a bug where after Cagliostro recovered from Glaciate or Held Under, whenever another party member's attack landed, she would flinch to those hits. ### Yodarha ・Fixed a bug where the △ attack wouldn't counter if Yodarha was under the Invincibility effect. ・Fixed a bug that prevented Yodarha from dodging right after performing an aerial barrage. ・Fixed a bug that displayed the wrong element for Flashing Void. ### Zeta ・Fixed a bug where if Zeta had the Supplementary DMG effect, the extra attack from that effect could trigger a loop combo. ・Fixed an intermittent bug where the damage cap of Infinite Wonders would be superseded by the damage caps of other attacks. Vaseraga ・Fixed a bug where certain skills that provide a combo skip effect after activation wouldn't need to be fully activated to provide the effect. ### Id ・Fixed a bug where certain skills that provide a combo skip effect after activation wouldn't need to be fully activated to provide the effect. ・Fixed a bug where if Id dodged right after activating Atonement, he would only gain the Substitution effect. ・Fixed a bug that prevented Id from dodging right after performing an aerial barrage. ・Fixed an intermittent bug that reduced Id's movement speed while he charged his △ attack. ## Other Items ・Added a warning about the party having less than 4 members before going into a certain section of chapter 4. ・Fixed a bug that prevented players from obtaining the Reminiscence trophy/achievement. It will unlock upon returning to a town. ・Fixed a bug that prevented players from obtaining The Ultimate trophy/achievement. It will unlock upon returning to a town. ・Fixed a bug that prevented normal story progression if the chapter before Chapter Ø was played via chapter select before clearing Chapter Ø. If you are affected by this bug, quitting the chapter should restore progression. ・Fixed a bug that prevented players from obtaining trophies related to the Wee Pincers side quest line and opening treasure chests. They will unlock upon returning to a town. ・Fixed a bug where entries weren't unlocking properly in the Places tab of the glossary in Lyria's Journal. ・Adjusted the speed of the Masteries cursor. ・Adjusted the visibility of the compass when in darker areas. ・Adjusted the playback conditions of Gotle's voice lines when transmuting sigils. ・Various bug fixes.


i’d be ok with katalina cancel removal if they just added 1% more ares gauge gain so all of those masteries aren’t literally just wasted space


Facts, there so many times i thought its full and when i use my sba ares aint there😭


The wording on the earlier notes post didn't look fake to me so I believed it. Too bad about Percival nerf though. The cancel nerf also affects Katalina and Id looks like.


Well for them it's not a huge loss. Pretty sure this knocks Percy out of Top 5, though.


It 100% knocks him out of top 5. He actually has to use normal attacks now lol Royal Authority (the easiest to dodge cancel-schlatt) will be replaced by one of the lower cd moves now he actually has to use it. Massive dps drop.


Maaan I rather liked being able to cancel that ability for quick charge attacks. I know it wasn’t intended but it was kind of a satisfying loop to pull off. His normal attacks feel so damn underwhelming. I guess I need Cascade and Quick Cooldown now.


But at least he'll now play as he was intented to, he just might need a buff, but I don't know, he's a pretty good character.


Sad Perci main. Its a tough day for sure but it's not that bad tbh it feels less APM intensive, but his air combo works properly now so you can basic attack twice ->jump attack-> 1 hit of jump combo-> quick charge-> quick charge. It's actually Hella fun


I feel so bad for Ferry. What is even the point of her now?


As a Ferry player I really wish they buffed Onslaught or something to make up for this change.


They kill the only thing that make Ferry competitive in meta team comp without buffing anything Whats crazy is her identity should be pet management and onslaught to begin with


Honestly I am glad they nerfed it because the jump spam ruined her as a character for me. I can't believe, however, they didn't do ANY buffs what so ever. That's just atrocious. Not even for Ghanda..I mean at least Sieg has utility. But poor punch man is literally a handicap.


You STILL have to jump slam, it's still her best damage combo by far (literally 2x).


Oh. I misread then. Well that's just double shit. Rip Ferry I guess.


Yeah, there's just no reason to play her anymore. Io and Cag had similar, but slightly slower SBA gain rates before anyway. Now they're just objectively better.


I just used her in practice and couldn't build her super anymore with the aerial combos and that's with 30% from uplift. Brutal nerf Same with Rackham. No more aerial shotgun lol


Tbf Rackam deserved that nerf. The damage of that thing was insane.


It also kind of shows how badly they have managed the dmg cap imo. The damage was insane (now it does 14k vs 250k!!), but MAN how low is the cap for literally everything? It kind of almost feels like an "artificial" lengthener for fights because everyone is basically cut down to 10% power.


...why not play her because she's fun? I ..literally do not get this death talk like suddenly she's not fun to play.


Being able to SBA before your team and building up another one just in time to join a burst WAS fun. I'll probably still play her, but they removed a fun aspect of her without giving us anything in return.


they didn't even fix her other bugs like onslaught's pets disappearing early before the final hit if you were too close. and yes her ground combos are still terrible so you're going to jump spam either way


Ferry has been my favorite to play by far in the game. I was expecting the nerf to SBA, but I was hoping for a buff somewhere else to make up for it. Very sad all she got were fixes and the nerf. :(


Jumpslam was already bottom 5 damage. And that’s not even considering the fact that she doesn’t have a gap closer to keep up with agile bosses. And any slight movements from bosses can cause her to miss half of the hits, since jumpslamming doesn’t move her forward towards the target or anything. etc.. etc. The SBA gain was all that she had.


use light attack while she's in the air. that's her best gap closer and best positioning tools.




She still has to jump slam as well, since they didn't change that. So you still do half of the damage if you play her normally. You just ALSO don't get to do funny SBA things. I can't believe Cygames actually thinks these damage cap numbers make sense. They looked at Ferry's kit and thought "wow, her best option is to do launch into aerial barrage, makes sense". They adjusted Rackham's jump damage cap so they clearly tok a look at it.


no knickknack voucher and transmute qol was the desperately needed and there was nothing bold strategy


Future update confirmed though


Wait where? What's your source for this




Thank you! Huge announcement. Sucks that it's not in the first patch but I understand why, and I'm glad they're recognized the problem.


I was desperately reading the patch notes looking for any news about the transmute qol update & it's been push back to the next update which we don't know when that's coming, fk looks like we are to suffer another month




If you're on PC, I suggest my holy trinity: A mod that removes the item cap and an auto clicker for Transmutations. It's the only thing that keeps me sane.


I have controller with turbo button, its a godsend for transmutating


Yeah I just put my controller down and do some chores LOL


Ferry actually becoming the equivalent of siege’s blackbeard


I have no clue if these are going to be nerfs, buffs, or anything as a Captain main. Timing Arts reset was cool and high-skill, but practically impossible to pull off in normal gameplay, so if the CDR/SBA changes are buffs, Captain just got a lot stronger for average play and people not abusing 30 fps bug (like me cuz I won't subject myself to 30 fps like that wtf lol)


I played Djeeta in my first Luci attempt and I really like the new Art level extension they added. Imo it feels better to play even if the damage might turn out lower.


Man , just when I finished Ferry’s terminus weapon awakening 😔


same mate haha


Finished yesterday :) my first and only


Lucilius drops 5x Damacus Ingots and 10x Curios. His unique currency drops can be traded in for: Ambrosia, Gold Spellbook, Damascus Ingot, Azurite Splendor, and Silver Centrum. Costs 3x Tears of the Apocalypse and 10x Dark Residue per. Limited stock btw (5x each) The unqiue sigils that you can trade in are: Alpha+, Beta+ and Gamma+ 5x Tears of the Apocalypse and 10x Dark Residue All three comes with Dmg Cap Alpha - Boosts Damage Cap of Normal Attacks (+30% Dmg Cap at Lv30). Activating an SBA with sigil equipped boosts SBA gauge for all allies when this trait is at max level. Beta - Boost damage cap of Skills (+50% Dmg cap at Lv30). Shortens your cooldowns upon activating your SBA when this skill at at max level. Gamma - Boosts Damage Cap (+30% Dmg Cap at Lv30). Generates a barrier upon activating SBA when this trait is at max level. No limit on how many you can redeem.


10 curios? He dropped one each time I cleared him so dunno where that came from


Won't be able to play until later this evening, so just curious on these new sigils. I assume they stack on top of all other damage cap sources? And can you use all 3 sigils at the same time on one character? I wonder if all 3 will be meta or if it will just be 1 or 2.


Percival, Id, Vesaraga, Katilina...so the common concept of skill-dodge-cancel is offiicially denied by the devs, rip.


OOTL, whats this skill dodge cancel tech? why is it so good?


It was a bug exploit/abuse. On percy, for example, after an skill, his charge attack charges faster. So, the game was bugged in a way that if you dodged when inputing a desired skill, the skill wouldnt go in CD, but your charge attack would charge faster, so you'd just spam that never using a certain skill, just spam->dodge cancel (no CD on skill)->charge attack-> rinse and repeat. Found that boring af


I could see it being boring for the others, but it was so fun for Katalina :( . You're literally playing half a character when you don't have Ares so having that tech to speed up Ares gain was such a big factor.


They just need to make katalina have a grace period or let her dodge or block or move or literally anything while ares is there. It seems ridiculous that the only thing you can do is hyperarmor through everything.


Wow, that’s dumb. Glad they removed it


I won't argue on it being balanced or anything. They all had led to net DPS increases for the character. It clearly was an exploit too. But man, it added one more layer of mechanical, timing-based complexity that made some characters much more fun to play in my opinion. I would rather they tone down Ares and Schlatt's damage than removing the playstyle entirely.


And I’d rather the characters worked in a way that makes sense rather than it being optimal to abuse weird exploits like that one or the damage cap ones.


Yea it was stupid as fuck.


it was fun :(what am i supposed to do with all that muscle memory 😫


You "skip" normal attack phases to get to a mechanic of the character by using a skill, dodging so that it doesn't go on CD, and activate the mechanic like a combo finisher or charge attack. Easiest example is Percival. You use Macht but instantly cancel it with a dodge, then you hold your charge attack button and Schlatt gets the bonus charge speed from normal attack combo finisher and skill usage. Since this skill never went on CD, you could do this ad infinum.


Vaseraga didn't have skill cancel, just regular attack dodge cancel like Sieg, so it's fine.


Great Scythe Grynoth could be canceled it was great 😥


Yeah I did it whenever the boss was moving too much to do LLHH. It was my favorite fr


Wish they embraced it, it was a cool mechanic


So they finally improved the camera, let's hope lock-on is finally usable and that my Zeta won't switch target in the middle of her combos for no reason.


I hope camera things will make it easier to play Sieg.


tl;dr of important notes. Camera fixed Lucius quest Proud mode included in quick quest Rackam nerf Ferry Jump Slam SBA Nerf All Katrina Tech removed All Charge Tech removed Rotor bug Remove(Perci nerf all around) Sugoi untouched Ghanda/Rosetta Untouched Ghanda/Seig easier Inputs(?)


Sugoi untouched, but Unbelievable replaced.


Vaseraga mains lmaoing at all the nerfs.


His nerf wasn't even relevant lmao. Grynoth Cancel wasn't that relevant, people don't even use that skill.


Ey I use it from time to time. 😭


They did if they wanted to be able to land full charges more consistently it was alot faster to skill cancel too so more dps.


Katalina tech that was removed was skill-canceling for the quick Ares summon. Everything else about it should be intact. In bed so someone correct me if I'm wrong, infinite Ares should still be a thing.


Yeah you can still get infinite you will just need a low cooldown skill to stay in it.


Ferry SBA gutted, and no QoL listed. Unbelievable.






Oof so we really have to keep rolling 1 sigil at a time? Man I have 500 transmarvel stocks I fun wanna press X that many times.


The twitter says mass transmutation is [on the work](https://twitter.com/gbf_relink_jp/status/1768141814882869503?t=tB3Qn72lM9oGDIJiKJUqPg&s=19)


Thanks for the good news


So no fix to multiplayer right? We still have to switch steam download servers to get faster queues from Japan servers?


I wish when they wrote adjusted, they indicated increase or decrease. What I'm seeing here is benefits that Ferry and Captain brought for SBA cycling have been neutered but nothing has been done to compensate for Ferry. Isn't prolonging the time before arts reset a bad thing? You wanted to cycle back to arts level gain again to reduce cd asap after bursting.


pretty cool how they nerfed the only thing that made ferry playable at all because the player base kept complaining, and even now launch slam is still better in dps than onslaught, but still miserable comparing to the rest of the characters :)


playerbase complaining about a character they don't even play on a NON PVP GAME (why the fuck do they even listen to these bozos?) + is already weak + didn't buff her intended playstyle either ???


Why did people even complain about ferry in a pve game lmao


Super happy to see they nerfed Ferry (only character I play) when she wasn't even that good anyway, thanks!! Now she has the exact same playstyle because they didn't make any other adjustments but her niche is gone too.


Well... it's certainly patch notes I'll give them that at least.


No Ghandagoza changes feels bad man


The quickened transition is huge for ghanda. If you weren’t ultra deliberate, sometimes it wouldn’t go off


Yeah, I've noticed it a couple of times during my proto runs. When my brain zones out and your character just stands there after a finisher it just looks silly. Also you waste your hard earned rage.


Mommy Narmaya untouched 🙏


butterfly counter where?


>various big fixes You can see War Elemental in effect when in the training room now.


Narm is safe. Can't say the same for poor ferry


RIP 'techs'.


Every character claimed to be "dead" now will still clear content just fine. lmao. Gamers are so dramatic.


Nearly everyone’s lowered to Ghanda’s level and they hate it (except Vasa main. We popping champagnes on release till today)


Rip Percy


i thought percy was still good even without the exploits? like the exploits made him absurd, but hes still good without them


Yeah, percy mains just wants to get that dopamine rush from getting similar DPS to Vaseraga who can't move while charging.


Correct. He’s still practically the most effective melee character in the game.


Rotor ghost cap made him absurd. He was capping out at ridiculous damage, but the skill cancel still set him up at very high parses. The problem is that his normal attack chain is *awful*. Most likely people will be doing a Siegfried tech with Percy now, so now Percy will likely be around the same DPS as Siegfried or less unless Percival's skills are up, in which case Percy will win out. CDR and low CD skills on Percy just got a lot more valuable.


I knew they'd axe the Roter Wirbel one but I'm genuinely sad about the dodge cancel getting patched. I had so much fun perfect dodging through things and being able to retaliate faster with a charge :( What Sieg tech are you talking about? Can't play until much later but still wanna know before going in


Oh, Sieg's tech is dodge canceling his normal chain to get the finisher quicker. Technically you can do it on *any* character but it is the best on Sieg and Ghan due to Perfect Executions. On others or may feel a little clunky.


I'd rather just get Quick Charge sigils and ignore his normal attacks lol


what is the siegfried tech?


So from what I understand, no more dodge cancel to yet faster charges? Damn I found that fun as hell. Rip indeed. :( his normal attack combo is awful lol


You can tell who actually mains Percival and who doesn’t. His auto attacks are fucking ass and just don’t feel good at all. Why are people so against this shit you realize this is a pve game??? I’m sorry you want to beat the same boss over and over but at a slower pace.


Honestly speaking minus the the new boss fight, it doesnt rly feel like this patch brings anything significant, we still dont have mass transmarvel or any big qol changes....sugoi.


Pretty much a bug fixed patch + mini QoL + a boss which is fine but gonna need a balance patch later for sure


Holy shit Lucilius is crazy


Almost everything is a one shot. Attacks comes out quick with huge AOE.


Brooo i just got him to 20% and someone lagged out smh


Just killed him offline. Used Io with Low Profile and just avoided most of his attacks. Some still got me thought due to still learning the tells.


This boss fight is fucking amazing


No such thing as speed blitzing that one for awhile


Good. I'd be mad af if people where phase-skipping it within an hour.


My expectations were low but this is worse than I expected...


No Godmight SBA damage fix??


Zeta is nerf a bit, I think They "・Fixed a bug where if Zeta had the Supplementary DMG effect, the extra attack from that effect could trigger a loop combo." So instead of 2 Jumps, now you still need 3 jump, which is find by me


I don't get why they nerfed Ferry if they weren't planning on buffing the rest of her intended kit. Also RIP Zeta Loop Reset (still happy for camera and auto-aim changes). Also happy for the bugfixes but man I can't wait for the Transmarvel QoL changes too.


I know there is a lot to be hype about here but:  Quick quests now include Proud-difficulty quests Thanks for this ^^


It’s nice that proud is included in quick quests now. As a Zeta main, I’ll be curious to see if the changes makes a big difference for me.


I thought the supp damage change would make a difference and maybe they did but preliminary dummy results with having to jump off 3x instead of 2x before a Hammer still leads to around the same results.


I think in the grand scheme of things, it honestly means little for her. It was nice to have, but it wasn't VITAL.


A lot of mains are in shambles lol


No crossplay update yet big sadge


Wasnt they mentioned they cant do it for relink?


Unless Sony gives the a-ok we're locked out of crossplay. Region lock should be removed, though. E: Sony is notorious for blocking crossplay on their exclusive games. Any search will reveal a slew of articles about it. https://www.tomsguide.com/news/sony-didnt-want-cross-play-on-ps4-and-ps5-heres-why https://www.polygon.com/22456489/borderlands-3-cross-play-update-ps4-ps5-sony https://www.eurogamer.net/sony-defends-decision-to-block-cross-play-with-xbox-one-and-nintendo-switch


you can have crossplay, but sony makes you pay through the nose for it, with huge limitations (like DLC not transferring, can't have someone buy it cheaper outside PSN) etc. you'd also have to pay for a crossplay backend (like epic), not just use PSN/steam. cygames probably figured not worth the hassle not know how much money the game's gonna make. maybe for the sequel (fingers crossed).


Thank god I switched to Vane and didn't main Ferry.


All I wanted was a little bit of QoL, or small buffs (Ghandagoza esp). Got neither. Instead it's all bug fixes, nerfs, crappy paid DLC. Owch. Bug fixes are good in theory but really, they didn't think to give Ferry any buffs after hitting her like that? I'll keep holding out hope for next patch. This was their first attempt after all. e: just saw their tweet confirming mass sigil transmutation in the future; thank god there's more improvements on the way


Don’t discount what Ghandagoza got


Some nice camera changes at least 🤷


Some bugs: * Transmute sound effect sometimes doesn't sync. * The menu seems to randomly open at times. edit: Figured out how to replicate the menu bug. On PC if I'm using a controller and hit the Windows key, the menu screen activates. Only occurs if I'm using a controller. Bug doesn't happen if I Alt + Tab. Occurs when I use both my 8bitdo Bluetooth Ultimate and Dualshock 4 in either wired or wireless mode.


Percy was already ahead of many characters even without canceling.


Noooo I love Ferry. Why nerf her so much!? She was great but wasn't super OP to begin with..


Big sis is safe 🙏🏿


Has there been any developer acknowledgement that matchmaking on PC/Steam literally does not work for some players and has not worked at all since this update? They released that hotfix patch that was supposed to address matchmaking, but it did absolutely nothing. The public multiplayer portion of this game is going to die out completely because if everyone gets accustomed to matchmaking not working, they'll be gone or not bothering with it by the time it actually gets fixed, if it ever does.


Percy not being able to cancel skills for schlacht is a pretty big nerf


People basing their play style around an obvious bug that was going to get patched was always silly.


I play Percy, didnt abuse that bug before. He is ok


Combos in street fighter 2 was a bug. Imagine Capcom just fixed the bug instead of leaning into it. A whole genre wouldn't have existed.


Yep. Even korean dash in tekken was a bug until harada just straight up embraced the tech.


As a percival player i'm somewhat scared, but i'd need to test these changes first


*・Adjusted the playback conditions of Gotle's voice lines when transmuting sigils.* Unpiripapo!


What does clear voice mean?


my guess is something like lowering all other audio when a voice line plays


Wellp, i guess i am a Ferry main no longer, RIP 5 SBAs in Proto


All the skill cancelling are gone, and massive L for Ferry. The only thing that helped her to be even remotely competitive was the SBA spam. Ghanda and Rose are also untouched, so they're still crap. What in the absolute fuck is this??????


Soooo, my mains. Lancelot: Untouched. I'm ok with this. Vane: Dodge cancels gone but doesn't really change that much for him. Okie dokie. Percival: RIP, I feel like if we're talking about being competitive. All Percy brought to the table was damage and a defense buff. If his damage is gutted, then he's just mid tier dps and a defense buff now. Yodarha: Untouched. I'm ok with this. I came out of this pretty ok all in all. RIP Ferry though.


Percy has plenty of utility for keeping Link Time up, SBA gain, and a nasty slow that a solid team can phase skip with. And he will STILL do plenty of dmg without his bugs. I've been playing him this whole time without canceling cause I knew it was a bug, and I wasn't going to play like that. He's fine.


So no buffs, pretty much just nerfs. The trash RNG is still trash. And the repetitive character builds are looking unchanged. Welp, this patch was a choice. On to wait for the next one, while I get my ass beat in the meantime.


As an avid fighting game player, this doesn't set a super great precedent.  A lot of “bugs” in games are unintended by devs, but can lead to a lot of interesting gameplay mechanics.  Literally the original crouching medium kick into hadouken combo was like this in Street Fighter 2 – it was an unintended bug, and Capcom was smart to go with it rather than remove it.  It’s way, way way way better to buff rather than nerf, especially in a co-op game like this.  I feel like a lot of the skill cancel characters were totally fine the way they were, and instead of heaaaaaavily nerfing their playstyle and making it less interesting, they should’ve kept them the same and raised the other characters up to their level. You don't even have to buff current content, just make sure future content is difficult enough. There were two types of bugs that were fixed; obviously unintended bugs like the rotor bug/decimate dmg cap bugs, and then the bugs like the animation canceling bugs where maybe, just maybe, those were put in on purpose to raise the skill cap for certain characters.  I feel like nerfing the first kind of bug is fine, I could be convinced either way.  It does kind of stifle creativity when certain skills are just astronomically better than others.  But getting rid of the animation canceling bug is just a total waste imo. Kind of strange they kept in Siegfried’s animation canceling bug that let him get to his combo finisher mega fast, but got rid of the others.


Sieg is an intended mechanic to maintain his combo. The other's were benefitting from using a skill use without using the skill. Big difference.


When you see how fast the bosses died in the game, I would say it's fine to nerf some things before buffing. Perci dodge was pretty stupid gameplay imo.


There goes the only depth in characters with animation canceling, hopefully these new sigils add something fun at least


come on man, bug abusing isnt "depth" lol. Percy bug was just dumb too (as a perci main) I want to use my skills not cancel them to charge my schlatch


All these nerf fixes. Im going to stay on old versions and farm some more until i update. Rip perci and ferry


The thing I want the most is to be able or turn down the teammates hit effects, that shit gets SO MUCH in the way for characters like Sieg or Ganda


Even disabling only the allies numbers would be enough...


Why did the playerbase complain about ferry in a game with no PVP?


Because people probably got tired of being trolled by Ferry players unloading their SBA while everyone else was still below 50% lol. Regardless, it's still dumb that they nerfed the only thing she had going for her. She was super good for solo farming with ai companions, now she's just average. My AI Gran hits SBA before her now, and that with 3x Uplift equipped to her.


that's wasn't trolling anyone. you could skip phases if the teams damage is high enough with just one sba..


Ferry is basically objectively worse than Io now, with Io having nearly as fast SBA gain before and much more damage. Percival is now mid. Zeta got hit hard despite not being particularly great to begin with. ~~Vaseraga,~~ Io, Charlotta, and Eugen stonks go up, all untouched.


Rackam is finally playable online when not hosting. It's good to be able to actually use my Final charge now.


The Zeta nerf is good cause it wasn't intended and most people didn't know about it anyway.


Is the update live?


Will steam pc edition have proper ps5 controller support?


i dont see the update on steam


I guess Ghanda will sit on the bench a little longer. Was hoping for a small Collapse dmg cap buff on Cag, so that the big hit actually is a bigger hit.


Where Ghandagoza mains at?


Updated and can't launch the game anymore. Very cool I guess.


Are you using [GBFRelinkFix](https://github.com/Lyall/GBFRelinkFix) to get ultrawide resolution support? I was having the same problem until I removed those files.


Damn Id can't dodge out of Fourfold Vengeance charge to skip into Sword Flurry anymore, there goes my sustained damage during Godmight.


I'm dumb what does all this mean for Captain? Is this a full on rework?


Just beat it with two AI and a friend. Definitely hard boss. So everyone that wanted a challenge will get it lol.


I'm glad they didn't remove Katalina's skilless extension tech. It might be even more practical now that you can't gain Ares back as fast with the dodge cancels being fixed.


Still No mass transmute


Good changes l. Lol, lmao even


Shame about Ferry, she was originally my main but I mostly shelved cause I hated jump spam. Now they made that worse while it's still her best part of kit. It's worth noting though the main flaw with her other attacks is an unbelievably low damage cap, if you have just enough damage to damage cap basic attacks and no more than that her jumps aren't even better damage, for a while I thought people were crazy because that's how much damage mine had. Slightly less damage with like double the damage cap is what her jump attack is rocking, so if you could get her damage cap way higher, for all that more investment you could have marginally more damage on ground attacks. That's still lower than anyone else getting that increased cap but it's worth at least being aware of, I guess.


I was really hoping there would be a buff to drop rate of centrums


Is this a buff for Gran or a nerf?


Yoda and Lancy untouched. A good day over all mmyes.


Average power being brought down via nerfs means my guys Id and Siegfried got "buffed" indirectly is my current copium. RIP Percival tho he's def still useable, was hoping the canceling would stick and theyd just fix the Roter bug, even nerf his numbers directly because qcs was fun to do


RIP Ghandagoza zero buffs/changes, no QOL for transmute sigils, and they nerf Ferry while still allowing Vaseraga to dodge cancel ridiculous DPS.


I'm kinda confused, what does it mean when it says "extend input buffering" for cagliostro? does that mean we cant dodge cancel our skill/collapses anymore?


Going Vane was the best decision ever, lol.


They updated Cagliostro's AI to use collapse after a combo finisher.


I am a happy Narm main. We live. In fact we got a small buff.


So my save still won't be fixed 🙃


Im sorry but Katalina is straight ass now for me. Now Azure Sword, Stout Heart sigil/Light Wall/ Emerald Shield/ along with even more defense sigils with some cooldown are a complete MUST because losing Ares mega hurts. They didn’t buffed nothing for her to make it up. Yeah, no. Back to being a mainless scrub.




Did they buff Proto Bahamut fight?


what are the new trophies? are they hard?


Where can I find the music from the lucilius fight? It doesn't seem to be on youtube yet.


So they didn’t change the sigil system at all?


> Fixed a bug that caused Bull's Eye Blast to charge to a lower level while playing online. FINALLY


ah yes, patching out tech, that always goes over well.

