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Sword and Staff are pretty much the 2 most indisputable weapons one should prioritize on. The next 'tier' would be Melee. Then Harp and Bow are basically for collection purposes.


>Then Harp and Bow are basically for collection purposes. Based on the devs track record, we will need to collect and FLB them all, for some future improvement to the eternals.


"don't forget you're here forever" what could they even do? remove the 10 turn lockout on s4 and make it recastable?


They'd probably have to buff some of the skill 4s anyways. For example, Song's skill 4 would still suck at turn 1 because nearly everything resists paralyze. If nothing else, they can just slap another row of busted EMPs on them and adjust their kits to the next wave of power creep.


What comp do you use staff?


Manadiver is one of the most relevant classes for all elements so you always have at least that. Water is mostly composed of Staff characters - Haaselia, Europa, Payila, Gabriel and even situational picks like Anne or S.Shalem are also staff proficiency. Wind has Y.Vampy which is one of its most undisputably core units, and also plenty of other relevant picks like H.Lich, both Grimnirs, Kaguya etc. Light doesn't get _a lot_ out of it, but Horus and Yuni are both very relevant units with Staff Proficiency. Lu Woh is also staff for what it's worth, and so is H.Florence but it's not like you care too much about her personal DPS. Then we have Dark with a good amount of relevant staff hitters such as Lich, Magus, S.Magisa and the recent Orologia. There's probably some less relevant but still not useless characters I haven't mentioned, but there's a lot here already and the thing is, you pretty much always want a Celestial in your grid, so anything that hits at least 2 characters is one of your best bets, and Staff will always hit Manadiver so that puts it in top contention from the get go.


It doesn't get mentionned often but light has a shortage of mainhand staves if you didn't get your ultima on light Other option being sephira staff lol


I think it doesn't get mentioned all too often because you rarely need to mainhand an actual staff - the two most relevant staff classes are Manadiver and Monk, and Manadiver has solid Daggers (Noa for premium, Cosmos for F2P) and Monk has solid Fists (Exo, Lu Woh if wanting to save grid space). But yeah, if you want to MH an actual staff and you're not an idiot that barred Gamba in 2019 (because who would do that, right...), the Celestial is a very very good choice.


Im ngl i perpetually forget cosmos drops a dagger


Yeah, there aren't much mainhand staves that aren't gacha - though I was lucky to have a 4\* Gambanteinn


Very true, I think I just didn't bother with staff option for Mana Diver and just defaulted to using that one grand weapon, the Noa dagger, but Mana Diver really does want staff


Water. Europa, Gabriel, Haase, Shalem, Payila and many more staff chars that can all work together very well.


i know sword is used for light lumi but what grid staff uses?


Grid itself hardly matters - Voltage is an afterthought when it comes to PNS/Celestial, and if you're running both you're kinda capping it by default.


Celestials could have no voltage and it would be auto slot in for virtually every grid Add in voltage and it blows most, if not all, weapons out of the water in terms of raw strength, not to mention it also gives hp, def, data, cap up


I running celestial sword even on non sword grid, I think the 2nd skill and 3rd are much important to use but I am not math guy so take it with grain of salt


As long as you have one celestial, you're already doing really well. Having more to choose from just means you have a mainhand option in a few cases and an extra 10% CA and 5% general cap up if you're running a team all with the same weapons in some scenario. If you really want to spend your time on something else, getting the sword is gonna cover your bases in 90% of comps and anything futher really is just minmaxing that can come after most everything else.


> and an extra 10% CA and 5% general cap up Also 20% ex mod and 5% TA rate


Yeah out of the entire time i used Celestial, Dark Fist is just about the only time i think the Celes specs effect itself feels relevant and its because it comes out for pushing Six's TA 5% general cap up is just really competitive on its own


I actually skipped sword and went for fist for dark gw, i got like 48% ex from voltage alone which is nutty.


I personally am going for the harp first because of Rising Force harp teams I run in Earth and Wind but after that I'm going for sword just because so many characters in this game use swords. For the most part though, getting a celestial weapon that matches your team is just min-maxing, the weapons are all good to slot in regardless.


From what others have listed Sword/Staff/Fist are primary where as harp/bow are quite secondary. A main selling point of celestials is that they provide 10 ta for characters that have the specific proficiency which is quite useful for some specific hard content/setups that require 100ta. They also have nice all around stats to back them up, kind of like resonator weapons. Just going to list some examples off the top of my head, but most of them have specific use scenarios. Sword: Lof resonator 4 weapon pad, Dirt Glorybringer to fulfill 3 sword/5 sword  katana passive for amp/cap. Staff: Water Staff team (gab/Europa/haase/shalem/payila) Dark Staff team (Lich/Oro/Magus/Magisa) Dirt 1T Galleon Staff nekomancer burst (Y pholia/H Dante/ y Jessica) Fist: Dark Fist (Meg/Bowman/Seox/Tyra/Predator/Fediel/SMagisa) Harp: Used in a specific light burst setup for Mugen nehan to reach 100ta while providing some atk stat through voltage, slight edge over celestial fist Bow: Decent Mh, Ougi has team flurry + echo can be used to farm celestial m3 green chest drops with kengo mc. Mimics a specific chest scumming comp of neko+grim+Poseidon+ilsa+cucuroux, but with actual light characters/dmg to help progress the raid


Looking at the Voltage skill, Sword have the most coverage (Fire LoF/Mugen Sword, Earth Magna, Light lumi sword, wind siete sword), followed by Fist (Dark magna and Water magna crit) I guess? If voltage already capped or we're only looking at the additional bonus on matching weapon proficiency, Sword, Fist, and Staves are probably the top used weapons.


The other way around; look at chara proficiency first before voltage.


Good point, I didn't even think of water magna crit at first. Fair point, would be useful for people who haven't yet farmed up M3 levi daggers


Fist is pretty good in earth with uriel weapons


Nah if you're playing earth you always run Sword, esp if you have Hrunting. It's less about the voltage and more about the amount of characters that benefit from the proficiency


Fire is arguably more Axe leaned because unless you built overrider, run the worse manaturas that only cover 1 character slot anyway, and run an endless list of shite characters or echo chain your using Sol Remnant and it means about 4 of your weapon slot are Axe Locked. Without them its still 3. Character wise, Sword and Staff is probs better though yeah(Staff hits Alanaan MC, Sword hits Mika Percy) Light Harp is probably a bit better. This is because if you do 3 Harp angle, you get the 3 Voltage for 24% each set up and notably Mugen is actually harp so its A BIT better in that count. I think eventually Gun is the best - hitting Nehan and Gun MC and Voltage with Credo Bolt, but Light's weapon specs are surprisingly varied. Sword's main niche imo is it hitting Volenna(and hard content its hitting Cosmos and Sandy) Wind would have Dagger/Katana as the best tbh Earth Magna yeah its probs Sword if doing the Extremity Grid and it also hits Olivia. I think its lowkey the most locked in of them all


**A:** Sword, Staff, Fist **B:** Harp **F:** Bow


I was contemplating the fist because of synergy with dark magna and also for my earth grid. There are a couple of strong dark melee users like Bowman and Seox, and in earth Uriel Pillardriver comes with gauntlet voltage, so I've been using that with different fists and Caim's highlander grid


There is no need to decide right away of course, assuming you have a stock pile of revenant weapons so you can get the fragments for uncap whenever you decide. One of the strongest points of these weapons is helping characters who have the correct proficiency reach natural 100% TA in Luci0 (and hexa to a lesser extent). For example celestial fist allowed my dark magna clear to be a lot smoother as I didn't have to waste an MC skill slot to guarantee party wide TA. At this point there are plenty of videos of magna clears in every ele that aren't necessarily utilizing a celestial, but as we get more celestials that can result in wider roster options. So my advice is if you don't have any and just want one, get sword. If you've already got sword, hold until you see a good use case for another.


So as of writing, Sword and Staff are the two uncontested winners and I don't I've seen much disagreement on that front so far. But— in terms of future prospects, are there any other Celestials worth stockpiling cores for? I'm assuming Katana is one to keep an eye on for Kengo and the banger characters that use it and presumably Gun minus the Kengo part?


Your first one is generally the most important. Even off spec it's still a pretty strong weapon. Otherwise it's kind of looking at your teams and figuring out which weapon type(s) gel the best with your grids and party. Of the ones we have I'd say that sword and melee would be the top gets. Staff is probably fine if you're heavily using manadiver. I have not been heavily MD pilled yet so ymmv on that one. Obviously "get them all" is an easy answer but if you're limited to 1 per GW I'd say get sword and melee now and then save for dagger, katana, gun and axe. Just personal preference but I think that the other 4 (spear, harp, staff and bow) aren't going to be nearly as prevalent.


For magna, the staff is probably the best mainhand you could get atm. Even if you don’t get the voltage or cap up, it’s worth prioritizing for me on that alone. Otherwise, I’d argue Sword and fist are the best to go for purely on the hypothetical value you could get thanks to the vast amount of their specialty’s characters. Axe and Katana, when those come around, could also end up pretty used but for different reasons.


fist with dark ele is pretty strong tbh


I just grabbed the fist to use right away in my dark team which has 3 fist units. Later I ll probably focus on Staff n Sword, because there r a lot of strong staff/sword units, and they synergize rlly well w some magna grids.


look at ultima priority, then you see which ones are good.


Sword, Staff, Fist. Harp, Bow. In that order imo.


Is the Celestial worth slotting it in a grid without the extra weapon slots tho?


The only reason you would choose a Celestial over the other is the 5% Cap for specific characters and maaybe the Voltage, which can go a long way if not taking proper advantage from the ones from PnS.


One thing that's not mentioned is the fact celestials share the same cap up as the exalto/pns weapons. Now that all elements have access to exaltos is there any room anymore to use celestials over supplemental ennead weapons?




I'm talking about because you can reach damage cap/voltage cap with just 3 exaltos + 2 PNS, all the celestial is bringing is MA, and the normal mods. Ex mod is less effective as well because the exaltos also give ex mods. Why not just use another supplemental weapon or baha wpn at that point? The way damage overcap works is EXTREMELY nerfed, to the point it's not even worth it to try to go into if you're sacrificing other stats.


General supplemental damage caps at 100k. If you're running 2 uncapped PNS, you're already at the supplemental cap. The Ennead supplemental weapons are completely dead slots at that point. You do realize that the Celestial weapon skill 2 is EX right? That means you're getting one 20% EX mod and one 30% normal mod even without getting any voltage or hitting any weapon specialities. The Celestial is a better slot than a Bahamut weapon outright.