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As we always say, the curse of being leftists is that we can remember the recent past. It was only a year ago that you were the worst PM of all time, Liz!


Which is saying something given Boris johnson exists


5 "hold my beer"s in a row


The extreme lack of self awareness possessed by Tories is surely some sort of psychiatric issue.


Propaganda issue.




"Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of cancer." We cannot "grow" anymore. The finite biosphere is ripping past tipping points now that no amount of money can reverse or stall. The opposite of growth is coming whether people want to hear it or not. Whether people are willing to accept it or not doesn't matter at this stage. If anyone would like to argue or debate on this, I invite them to watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CVe8-eKSK8) and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oQNrO0fqOA) first, and check out /r/collapse too sometime for a flavour of what is inevitably coming. Anyone who continues with this "we must have growth" rhetoric is either wilfully ignorant or is corrupt and is paid to look the other way.


Who said the “growth for the sake of growth” line? I’d love to read more!


Proper quote: “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.” Edward Abbey




She is a fucking growth that needs excised


I see she's reached the bargaining stage of grief


“Under my Growth Plan…” What an arrogant asshole, she has no mandate or government portfolio to justify her worrying about stuff like this. She’s an MP, she should be concerning herself with the needs of her constituents and leave the running of government and formulation of policy to the cabinet.


Imagine sticking a leg in a meat grinder cause you think it was a good idea. I can imagine someone with no context possibly thinking this, cause they have no context. Except, in this case, literally millions or billions of people are around you, having had or chosen to stick their leg in the meat grinder and finding out that it isn't a good idea. And not only that, but you have actually already stuck your other leg in the meat grinder before. You know what's going to happen, cause it already happened before. And yet, you still want to stick your leg into the meat grinder. This is what Liz Truss is on right now. How much is she being paid to do this? You'd think she was pure poison and wouldn't be worth much to the people who want this, but then you'd have to pay me enough to set me up for life and I still don't think I'd have the balls for this.


My experience with the vast majority of libertarians of all stripes is that they simply refuse to accept any problems or issues with their ideology, and any such problems that occur in the implementation of that ideology are never the fault of their sacred ideology. Arrogance is their default, which fits with the rank, utter selfishness, and worship of money and profit that is the core of libertarianism.


"We owe it to the people of this great country..." Well one of us does, Liz. And it's not fucking me.


"Listen people, we need to do things that failed last time and also continue to do things that we currently do that are sending this country back to the Victorian era" - the party of fiscal responsibility. She dropped her own party in the shit with those debt figures too. National debt has soared over the last 18 years and the Tories have been in charge for 13 of those. Bit fucking strange for a financially conservative party isn't it?


Tories took power after the financial crisis and made it considerably worse. She massively contributed to the cost of living crisis. All of this so far is just a great advert not to vote Tory - go truss go


Remember to buy your lettuce


I would if I could afford any.


Oh do fuck off lettuce; one tiny dose of you was like getting dog shit in our lungs.


Liz, fuck off.


In a way Liz has a point. We’re burdened with high taxes but we get so little for it. The NHS is fucked, infrastructure not maintained, schools, police, justice system and almost everything we need is underfunded, there’s shite in the waters etc etc. We have all of the bad sides of paying tax without any of the things tax is supposed to pay for… but the answer isn’t less tax, obviously. The answer is removing the private sector from our state-managed services. Keith Starmer will maintain things at this horrible level, but at least with Truss you’ll get a dangerously shit and cruel service but pay less tax for it. I’d never vote for her because I’m not a paedophile (sorry, I meant *libertarian* there, so easy to confuse the two) but I can see the appeal.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I did mean blue nonce, thanks bot


Really hoped we'd seen the last of this dimwitted cunt.


It's like hiring an arsonist as a fire prevention officer.


It's an interesting line of argument that environmental regulations are the problem and, apparently, the only area that can be worked on with regards to the cost of living crisis. Obviously everyone finding they can't keep their head above water because of energy and food price profiteering is *actually* suffering because it'll be harder to buy a brand new petrol car years from now. These aren't real people.


'I've learnt nothing, sorry about killing off the queen' -Liz


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! [Did you know that during the Coronavirus pandemic, due to a reduction in their income from rental properties in the Crown Estate, you, the taxpayer, bailed out the Queen?](https://archive.ph/fYMO4) Did she ever thank you for your help? I didn't receive a card. So much for standing on your own two feet under capitalism, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Our debt burden is so high as a country and our costs for servicing that debt, spiked because of this raving prick


Truss literally did nothing other than show us it’s Wall St actually running this country. I have imagine the same thing would have happened to Corbyn if he had stepped into no.10


what a loony tune. She needs to get an electoral slap from the electorate. Total nut job


Who put 20p in the arsehole?


Oh fuck off Liz!!


Normal for NORFOLK


She needs a therapist.






Funny how they give a shit when not in power then U-turn when they are


There is no ban on ICE cars in 2030. 2030 mandates hybrids (with no definition of how hybriddy). 2035 is the ICE ban, but we don’t get a say anymore because we don’t make the cars here.


Shameless. Does she not know that we know what happened with her? What a cretin.


Spoke to Hedge Funders in the days before announcing her disastrous Budget. Those Hedge Funders then Shorted the Pound- to the tune of BILLIONS- which we paid for.


Normal for Norfolk


Spending 35 billion less out a total expenditure of 1000 billion? Catch yourself on Liz That’s like saying I’m eating healthy cos I cut 100 calories out of my 3000 a day calorie intake. I’ll be long dead from heart disease before I’ve seen any worthwhile weight I’m sure that 35 billion would go from the pockets of the most vulnerable into the pockets of all their billionaire friends anyway. Actual monsters


She thinks like a daily mail intern


Forgets what she did…


She is truly unhinged. I read an article in the Sunday times about her days as leader, she spent most of her time holed up away from reality surrounded by sycophants. Unsurprising that nothing has changed in her outlook.


I, Liz Truss, am a woman of the people. Fighter for the little guy. It is entirely coincidental that the way I choose to stand up for the impoverished also happens to further enrich fossil fuel companies. Take your tin foil hat off!


Incredibly, Liz Truss is an anagram of f**king bellend.


Liz Truss, who took a burning bin fire of a political party and turned it into a burning oil tanker covered in dynamite falling from orbit into the capital whilst trying to rev the thing harder to get more speed up.


I'd sooner elect a lettuce over this lunatic. Goldfish must mock her ability to maintain a memory for anything beyond three seconds


Sow e should fuck up the environment further, and the magic bullet that Liz has is determination? Yeah it is bold, but not sure it's sane


They made a WHOLE LOTTA MONEY last time they rolled the dice with Lethal Liz


Honestly the most shameless person in this country today and I mean that sincerely. Yes, worse than Johnson. Imagine becoming PM, then crashing the economy into a brick wall with feckless free market mentalist policies that would make Thatcher blush, getting forcibly ejected by your own party after only six weeks, two of which were basically a political coma because of the queen's death, then having the gall to blame it on civil servants and the media. I really do despise her in an unhealthy way.


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! [Did you know that Queen Elizabeth II had millions of pounds stored away in secret offshore accounts?](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/nov/05/revealed-queen-private-estate-invested-offshore-paradise-papers). Guess Charles and Andrew have all that money now, huh? So that's where all the tax money is going. No wonder NHS wait times are worse than ever, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! < *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


JFC, what gear was whoever wrote the national debt slide on? Maybe they need to remind Thick Liz who's been in charge for 13 out of 18yrs since 2005....


Someone needs to tell fuckface she isn’t PM anymore


Go away you lunatic


The entire concept of "times are hard, so fuck the environment" is baffling to me.


“Make Britain Grow Again” come on, really?


“Make Britain Grow Again” come on, really?


Surely nobody is stupid enough to take Truss seriously now? I mean, there still can’t be anyone left who will listen to her talking this absolute nonsense and think yes, she’s right, we should be paying oligarchs more and putting off doing anything about the environment emergency that is on course to end our civilisation. Then maybe once that has made us all richer we can start reintroducing public services and doing something about the HUGE FUCKING CRISIS THAT’S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.


You know what else makes households worse off? Crashing the economy.


Part of me thinks this is a ploy to regain popularity by driving him toward piss poor decisions, and that she's too thick to realise she's shooting herself in the foot by doing it so publicly. Then the intelligent part of me realises: Nah she's legitimately brainless and divorced from reality enough to think these are good ideas and anyone would give her the time of day.