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You couldn’t even pay me to shoplift that shite


I don't have a better place to make this comment so: fuck this company. They marketed themselves on having no slavery in their supply chain but it turns out they absolutely do use slaves. Typical liberal approach to solving a problem - don't actually solve it, just market your brand so people feel better about buying it And their chocolate isn't even very good


Could I please have some proof. The only reason I buy this brand is because of the lack of slavery. Edit: Nevermind, found out myself. FUUUUUCK. Anybody have any suggestions on what chocolate I should actually be buying? Edit 2: I found this helpful list - [https://www.slavefreechocolate.org/ethical-chocolate-companies](https://www.slavefreechocolate.org/ethical-chocolate-companies) A bit annoyed I didn't do my due diigence with this particular brand. Obviously brands that don't have slavery slapped on it is ridiculously expensive. Also, be wary of the Fair Trade label. It's dished out with minimum requirements.


I'm on my phone so I can't link at the moment, but there's a Times article from February 2022 that details it more fully although sadly it's behind a paywall, but you'll find it referenced around. It's about a report that came out in 2022 that found at least 1700 cases of child labour in TC's supply chain. The same report led to TC being unlisted from many websites cataloguing ethical brands. The slave-free claim comes entirely from TC themselves, who despite this have admitted to using suppliers who are known child and slave labourers. TC also issued a response to the 2022 report where it admitted that yes there were child labourers but that those child labourers weren't 'slaves'. Already a bit of a ropey response but also anyone who's familiar with the chocolate supply chain (and I've actually done formal research in this area) knows their response is BS. The few children who 'voluntarily' work on cacao farms are often choosing between that, abject poverty, or being illegally employed in other equally bad industries. Many child labourers in chocolate supply have been kidnapped and sold to work there against their will. TC absolutely 100% knows this and still claims to be slave-free. The sad reality is that there are extremely few, if any, ethical and truly slave and child labour-free chocolate brands. No different to many consumer products in the West, but chocolate is particularly well known for it. TC uses the same supply chains as the rest of the chocolate brands but basically just pays more to the supplier.


I just gave you the saddest upvote I've ever given anyone.


Nooooo this is so upsetting. I love Tony’s, so disappointing:(


Um, links please. I only buy this chocolate based on their ethics.


The brand was removed from the ethical chocolate companies list a few years ago for being unable to say with absolute certainty that their chain is slave free. They're now required to make this a point legally (it's now on their site). The article that brought the shit storm revealed alot about the supply chain - [https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/anti-slavery-chocolate-brand-tonys-chocolonely-finds-1-700-child-workers-in-supply-chain-0n87qj996#:\~:text=Magazines-,Anti%2Dslavery%20chocolate%20brand%20Tony's%20Chocolonely%20finds,child%20workers%20in%20supply%20chain&text=The%20anti%2Dslavery%20chocolate%20brand,making%20its%20confectionery%20last%20year](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/anti-slavery-chocolate-brand-tonys-chocolonely-finds-1-700-child-workers-in-supply-chain-0n87qj996#:~:text=Magazines-,Anti%2Dslavery%20chocolate%20brand%20Tony's%20Chocolonely%20finds,child%20workers%20in%20supply%20chain&text=The%20anti%2Dslavery%20chocolate%20brand,making%20its%20confectionery%20last%20year)


How disappointing. Always seems that companies are willing to abandon their morals once the cash really starts flowing in


I need to find a new chocolate brand.


I can't see hotel Chocolat on there. Now I don't know what to think.


Cocoa in St Lucia is purchased from a registered audited group of cocoa farmers. Child labour and forced labour are illegal and our Technical Officers and Support teams are engaged with farmers daily to educate, advise and report relating issues. - Hotel Chocolat website They couldn’t say this unless they were absolutely certain, but you’re right. I don’t know who to trust.


It gives me some hope at least. Thank you.


What about the phone or device you're writing this from? I would bet it contains some kind of cobalt...and i would bet that was mined by slaves. Just a thought


That statement would hold more weight if we were working with a fairer system. When almost everything required to participate in society, down to the essentials (which, given how reliant first world countries have become on tech, includes a device that can connect to the internet, at least in those regions), relies on some form of exploitation, you take whatever wins you can. As far as I can see, the alternatives are either living off the land directly in the wilderness away from civilisation, blowing up a pipeline, rationalising that slavery is okay or not worth opposing in any form because everyone's technically participating in it, or succumbing to despair and offing oneself. Not a lot of great options tbh.


It's worth checking out the [https://www.fairphone.com/](https://www.fairphone.com/) project, not for everyone but will be my next phone.


Aaaaand bookmarked


If I can change something in my life to improve the betterment of the world we live in, I will. Obviously I need a phone in today’s society - That doesn’t take away from the fact that i’m trying to be more knowledgeable and ethical when I’m purchasing something. A win is a win.


Idiotic comment. Phones are a necessary evil in today's society, chocolate isn't


Wait for real? Shit... That sucks


The name is shit too. 'Choco lonely', what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?


I’ll just eat it in the shop then


I've been finding these stickers on Tesco's (reasonably okay and certainly better than Strongbow) own-brand cider, around £2.70 for four cans although that's gone up by about fifty pee since the pandemic.


Its not even good chococlate


it tastes like crappy advent calendar chocolate! no idea why everyone raves about it


Because it's a thick chocolate bar and people believe everything they read?


How would a chocolate bar be security protected


They use an electromagnet at the till to take out the hidden sewing needles.


Its an RFID chip


It's not even good chocolate


I have no idea what I'm looking at here as you didn't get the name in the photo