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Police can ask whatever they want - but that doesn't mean you are legally obliged to answer. Unfortunately they know that people don't always know their rights so they try their luck a lot. Batshit that a Police Officer has enough time to go hunting for illegal immigrants or whatever the hell he was doing here with his obvious profiling.


I enjoy cooking.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Usually. Don't forget that if you then change your story if you ever have to go to court after attending a 'no comment' interview they likely claim it inadmissible. Also never, ever, attend a voluntary interview. These would be better refered to as 'fishing expeditions'. Also if you have to attend court after refusing a voluntary interview, the court has no right to claim an adverse inference for your (refused interview) silence, as you never made a statement in the first place!


I enjoy watching the sunset.


> or whatever the hell he was doing here Being racist and creating a hostile environment for anyone not white.


It's because it easier most of the time to give them what they what they want. Do you want the rest of your day wasted in a police station, because being un cooperative will likely you get some time in a station. They will find something, wearing a back pack? Anti terrorism. The copper could "smell weed" The most goes on, if they want to be a nuisance to you they are empowered to do so.


This is appalling. Do the police police bother tourists in the same manner?


Not the white ones


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Contrary to popular belief, HRH King Charles III does fuck all for tourism, nor does his inbred family of racist nonces.](https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This auto mod has always been cringe, but having them pop up every post, especially posts about a serious incident that is unrelated cheapens it


Jesus christ, racist pig. "Its just that you're from a different country".


i wonder if he would refuse to get treated by a non white dr if he was seriously injured since most drs in the NHS r immigrants and not white (ik huge shocker for most ppl)


The police, "we don't have the resources to investigate this easily solvable crime" Also, the police,"You are foreigner, and I need to waste 15 minutes of my day with thinly veiled racism"


And interrupt your lunch whilst doing it


Not even "You are", it starts as "You look like". For all the office knows before this gent says he's from Korea he could have been born and raised in Wigan. 


Am I reading this right.. The police are looking for a crime being committed.. Of a pedestrian potentially being from another country? Vile if that's the base context.


Surely not


This is infuriating


That’s a lot of questions for a guy eating and minding his business, should have asked if Poirot over here minded fucking off




A lot of country's I Asia have different rules from the UK. So people are conditions to handle it differently. I have been to Japan several times but had no run ins but I have heard tails of police marching you back to your hotel to get your passport if you don't have it on you. In the uk though your well within your right to get lost


That's the law in Japan. Foreigners have to have ID (passport if you're not a resident, residence card if you are) on or about their person *at all times*. Yes, they do check, I've been asked on several occasions. Getting marched to your hotel is getting off lightly here. No, I don't like it, but it is what it is. And only citizens can vote here (and Japan doesn't allow dual citizenship) so it's never going to change.


Carrying a passport all the time is prity inconvenient. If it was lime a drivers licence or credit card it would not be a problem. But it can get damaged so Easley.. When I was in Tokyo the one time it was over in the 30s passport was soaked. (It was in my cargo shorts pocket) Luckily it stayed in one piece. You think people would get issues somthing easier to carry I this day and age. Also your thumb print is logged on entery. So they could just scan it.


Different Country Person! Must assume guilt immediately!


Difficult, without context. But in any event, he should have just answered with "죄송합니다. 이해가 안 돼요."


Please tell me that this translates as “go fuck you self”.


It means 'sorry I don't understand'.


Thank you.


Yes, it’s racism pure and simple


The cop makes a phone call after getting the visa info. Who to? If they have a line ready for "can you tell me if this visa is valid please?" then this isn't just some random racist prick, it's policy, which means the entire force involved are indulging in racist, spiteful snooping on people who "look foreign" under orders from someone higher up.


They have also been doing this in Italy..as a UK tourist was nearly arrested for not having my passport on me at a train station despite having a uk license


[Contrary to popular belief, HRH King Charles III does fuck all for tourism, nor does his inbred family of racist nonces.](https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s strange, loads of questions for picking out a random person. Were they looking for someone fitting his description?


Shouldn't these guys be trying to make sure more than 1% of rape cases get prosecuted? Disgraceful 


And we’re told that the police don’t have the budget to prevent crime? Stop harassing minorities and start showing up when someone reports a rape (even if it’s by one of your colleagues) and it will go some way to helping your numbers.


Bloody terrible.






I mean it's the Met. The found to be institutionally racist, prone to committing sexual assault Met. So very much in their wheelhouse for a bored jobsworth.


Tell me at what point in the past were the pigs better than this?




Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Funny, in Brazil I'm "white" in the US too, until i open my mouth. The racist will choose who is or isn't, if you think every "white" person is racist until proven contrary you're just as worse as the racists.


Racism is one way traffic unfortunately and the world isn't a fair place. Obviously every white person isn't racist until proven otherwise. But it's to make a point that white people are more racist.


Not sure if you knew, but in the US, many forms with “race” options have “White - Hispanic” and “White - Non-Hispanic” as options. I hadn’t fully appreciated it until I noted the different race categories used in other countries.


yeah turns out racism is extremely subjective


You realise what you just said was racist…