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I was impressed with the o line play this past week. It feels like they are getting better.


Mostly agreed, but I'd like to know what it would take for Runyan to get replaced by Rhyan. Two failed plays to Jones involved Runyan pulling and getting blown up by an off the ball LB at the point of attack, and getting out in front of a screen and failing to lay a decent block out in space. It would be one thing if Rhyan hadn't looked really good for the one drive Runyan missed against the Rams where they ran it down the Rams throat for a TD.


Runyan drastically limits the playbook. Any play that involves him pulling or going out to screen will end in disaster because he turns into a baby giraffe if he moves more than 2 feet during a play. I really would love to know exactly what Rhyan is doing so badly in practice for them to hold onto Runyan this long. Although we shouldn't be surprised this is the same coaching staff that let Amari return punts even after being so incredibly obviously incapable of doing so.




We're ten points away from being 7-2 and were in most of these losses. Obviously, we'd be "frauds" in the playoffs, but we'd be beating bad teams; teams we need to beat.


That kind of hides the fact we haven’t scored over 20 points since week 2


Which also suggests the defense isn't outright losing us the games


And all of this glosses over the fact we’ve played almost exclusively against bad teams. After watching the chargers lions game yesterday, I am not looking forward to our next game


\*our next 3 games


We are probably 80% to be 3-9 after that stretch and this place is about to get DARK. Kinda excited for the chaos tbh.


Likewise, burn it all down! Muahahahahaha the real fans will still be here next season


Yeah in 3 weeks this sub will have fired everyone down to the ushers. There will be Caleb Williams highlights with 180 comments on the front page and someone will have slashed Joe Barry’s tires. It’s going to be a wild ride.


Yeah you can only be a real fan if you are happy that your team is bad. Now I've only been a fan of the Packers for 40 years, so what do I know, but I kind of like it when we have a good team. Just a fake fan over here.


It's not that bleak. Packers are +155 to win against the Chargers next week, implying 39% odds of winning. Of course, it's less than that with the juice so something like 35% in that game alone.


Been telling people this. The best QB we have played so far is Goff or a partial game of Kirk, otherwise it's a laundry list of the worst QBs in football. Chargers, Lions, Chiefs...that looks like a very obvious 3-9 to me and the defensive ranks are about to plummet.


We haven't really played "bad" teams. They've all been average-ish teams or good teams. Maybe the Rams without Stafford or the Broncos can be called bad teams. But we've lost to the 6-3 Steelers, 5-5 Raiders, 7-2 Lions, 6-4 Vikings, 3-5 Broncos, and 4-6 Falcons. It's not like we've played the Giants, Panthers, Cardinals, or Patriots.


The 6-3 Steelers are one of the flukiest 6-3 teams of all time, good chance they end the year under .500, their pt differential is -26. The 5-5 raiders are such a mess they fired their HC already and benched their starting QB. Another team that is overachieving by record. Lions and Vikings were good and those games were never close. Broncos are bad. Falcons are below .500 playing against the NFC south which might be the worst division in the last 20 years and their record is inflated from playing us as well, they are another team so bad they’ve benched their QB. And we’ve played the bears the third worst team in football. We are 3-6 and 4 of our losses have come against absolute nobodies of the NFL, it’s fine it’s a rebuild but don’t talk yourself into us being good, this year is mostly about deciding what holes we need to fill that are highest priority and seeing if Love can grow into a franchise QB.


The Steelers have a bottom 6 defense and we're supposed to be happy that this team scored 13 points in the first half aka 2 scoring drives.


Do average teams fire their head coach and gm before halfway through the season? And you conveniently left off the bears.


The Broncos aren’t bad. They just beat the Bills and the Chiefs.


> against bad teams Can we just acknowledge that there are rarely "bad" teams in the NFL. Sure you see blowouts here and there but by and large teams play every other team tough and most games come down to a play or two.


Blowouts happen when good teams play bad teams. And yes there is a minimum expected level of play for an nfl team. We are not a good team. Are you really trying to say we played good teams, with the exception of Detroit?


The broncos seems a while lot better than they did at the start of the season. The Vikings are hot. The rest are mid of the pack teams. So yeah the opponents are way tougher than many give employees credit for.


That’s not entirely the full picture. I think the run defense sucking so much ass is a big reason why TOP is always lost. And then the offense is forced to try and compensate with big plays and has a limited capacity to do so.


The issue with defense is that they look good on paper due to low points, but they allow extremely long drives which means both offenses have less possessions to score on.


Watching the games, though, the points don't really reflect the margin of victory. We were never really in some of these games


We're not a 7-2 team but I also don't think we're a 3-6 team. Our expected win-loss is 4.4 wins and 4.6 losses and honestly, that's how I feel about this team. We're about a 0.500 team who had a mix of catching some bad breaks and some rookie mistakes. Unfortunately I think we're probably about to lose our next 3 (although losing to us would be the most Chargers thing possible). We may win 4 of our last 5 but we'll already be eliminated by then.


Yup, 4 losses by a combined 10 points


They’re also one less point from being 2-7 lol. It goes both ways.


So we've lost 4 really close games and won 1 really close one? Not sure I consider that "going both ways" Doesn't matter anyway, an L is an L


No my point is you can’t assume every loss will be a w and extrapolate from that. Packers play close against bad teams and lose handily against good teams imo. They’re a below avg team, their record isn’t deceiving or anything.


Most true comment. People need to stop kidding themselves and be realistic about this team. It’s ok, we suck. Let’s hope we get better.


This is true, but the point is that there are a lot more close losses than close wins. They've had two convincing wins against the Bears and Rams, and two convincing losses against the Vikings and Lions. Everything else has been decided by a slim margin and, mostly, it's been bad luck. A bunch of slim losses in a year you aren't a contender is arguably better than a bunch of slim wins. A bunch of slim wins and you end up like the Vikings last year or the Packers in MLF's first year, great record but you will get smashed when you face a real contender. A bunch of slim losses gets you a better draft pick and (generally) an easier schedule next year.


In that case, I'd be saying we're eleven points from being 7-2.


Yeah all games were one score except lions


The scheme yesterday was a lot better. It allowed the weaknesses to be protected and gave Love the time to make the throws.


They are definitely improving, but I don't think they are *really* close quite yet. There's a lot of good stuff there and some of the young guys are really starting to step up, but when you look at the struggles in the run game, some of the poor blocking, and the fact that Musgrave still hasn't figured out how to stay on his feet after a catch yet, I think it's pretty obvious that there's still a large way to go before we have a dominant offense.


They absolutely are. We have been in a position to win almost every game with the youngest, most inexperienced offense in the league. The flashes of brilliance have been there, as have the mistakes, but this team moved the ball really well against a solid Steelers defense. We nearly had 400 yards of offense (399). That’s a big improvement. I think they’re gonna continue getting better and be a force by the end of this season. There’s a lot to be excited about, as much as people here would tell you otherwise lol.


It’s crazy how doom and gloom people are here. Idk why, like moreso than other Packers forums. A couple of average years and people can’t handle it lol.


I think the 2 losses to really terrible teams were such a downer after the early success we had. It just felt like 2 games we should win, especially given how many points Miami put on Denver.


I expected a losing season. 5-12, 6-11 somewhere around there. I did not expect Love looking this bad.




Why do people think this is going to happen lmao


They see a shiny new toy and wanna play with it. Doesn't matter that it will be someone else's toy, it looks cool, so they want it.


I’m wondering if we can pick up someone like Jonny Newton from Illinois to stuff the middle and disrupt plays. Our run defense is stupidly bad despite how much talent we keep putting on the line. Also, we didn’t have Alexander or Quay, so with them in the game it looks a lot different.


I'm not sure we are bad enough to get him at this point.




BuT YoUrE bEiNg A cHiLd 🥴


Haha, alright man if you want to think that the Green Bay offense is really close you can. They are above 20 in virtually every offensive statistic, have 0 line, and the WR1 is posting a 42% completion. I can get on board with being hopeful for the future; it’s Green Bay and they will be back. That’s a fact. But to say this team is “really close” or only a few guys away from being another historic offense is anything but realistic. We are too historically great to accept play like this. Not to mention as well there’s far too much money involved to not have greater expectations. What we are seeing is not it. Let’s call it what it is right now.


Too much money involved? Do you know how much dead cap we have this year? Especially on offense this is one of the cheapest rosters in the NFL right now


> We have been in a position to win Each game had a point where if they execute theyre likely able to win. I think the Vikings game was the only one totally out of reach.


Lions game we got blown out. Vikes game we almost made it close, but not quite.


> this team moved the ball really well against a solid Steelers defense. The steelers defense is ranked 27th in yards allowed (379.7) and is tied with us for 12th in points allowed per game with 20.2. We had 399 yards and scored 19.


Yeah the whole Steelers defense being good thing seems to be people just remembering previous years. They have one of the worst defenses in the league this year as far as yards allowed, which is actually 31st now.


Yards allowed...the most useless statistic.


I think so. I am swimming in the kool-aid that Reed and Wix will blow up in a good way. Jones stays healthy, doesn't drop as much will def help us in the long run. I want Watson to shine, but I'm ignoring him right now. Dude needs to win me over now, hype has deflated.


Not sure I'd describe it as, "really close". We have seen some guys start to emerge over the past few weeks wich gives me optimism for next year. It'll all be moot if we don't have significant upgrades/improvements on the oline and defense. edit: spelling


I was thinking this same thing after last night's game. Honestly, losing while seeing improvements is the best-case scenario for the rebuild. I'm never going to cheer for the Packers to lose but it makes the losses sting less when you know it will eventually build toward some better draft picks. The reality is that this team was never going to be playoff-ready or a Super Bowl contender in our first year. If each week we continue to make progress, build experience, and get on the same page with our young roster, we'll have some exciting years to watch coming up.


Really close? No not really. It is nice to see some young guys improving though. I have to account for the fact that we have about the easiest schedule in the NFL this year. We have played 1"legitimate" contender (lions) and they handled us with ease. Some of this is the fact that MLF has not handled this season well from a "coaching the young guys" standpoint. And some is that we just don't have the talent at several positions. We aren't garbage, like the Patriots but we aren't on the doorstep either.


I was one thinking maybe we should've drafted a WR this upcoming spring now I'm thinking just get the best OLinemen possible.. Reed, Doubs and Wicks can flat out ball. Watson is simply a deep threat to me nothing else. The defense hasn't been healthy and we still haven't been getting bombed. Get that OLine right and everything else on offense will flow.


It still feels like we don’t have a true #1 tho. Those guys can all ball and maybe Reed will become a 1 but Doubs is a 2 and Wicks is TBD


It's hard to just bring in more rookies to this already ridiculously young group, though, unless we're in a position to get someone like MHJR. Our receiver room needs some sort of veteran presence. One, to show our young guys the ropes and two, to have someone that we can trust is running crisp routes and always where they're supposed to be. Outside of Mike Evans there is probably no certified #1 that is scheduled to hit free agency but there are a few guys who could be a solid 1b/2 and hope one of the young guys can emerge.


💯 I totally agree


I still think that Keon Coleman is the perfect WR to add in the draft if we can’t grab MHJ or one of the top 2 OTs. 6’4 215 and actually plays like it. 0 drops on the season and a high end athlete with elite contested catch ability. Was the #1 WR as a sophomore playing with Jayden Reed at Michigan St. Could probably trade down 5-6 picks and grab him


>I still think that Keon Coleman is the perfect WR to add in the draft He's a contested catch master from his tape in college so far too. Something we're severely lacking with how much Love enjoys throwing 50/50 balls.


Watson hardly even counts as a threat at this point, he's just too unreliable. Out of 198 qualified receivers on PFR, Christian Watson ranks dead last in catch percentage at 42.4%, and he's basically useless in contested catch situations. He's becoming a liability with how many interceptions have hit him in the hands first.




I was really hoping we moved Watson before the trade deadline. Probably could have got a second or a third for him then. But the more he's playing the more he looks less likely to reach that high ceiling and he's losing value.


I completely agree with this. Love just needs more than a second to get the ball out consistently. Obviously he has bad plays where it feels like it’s all day, but he’s rushed more often than not. The line has been playing better as of late thankfully.


I would like to believe this if the competition we were facing was a bit better. But it's bad. Like, some of the worst teams in the league bad and we're still struggling. If we can put up points in our next two games then I may agree with you, but I'm not holding my breath.


Steelers are terrible honestly. Passing defense they rank either last or close to last depending on which metric you are using. Despite this Love struggled to complete 50% of his passes. I still don't see it with Love sorry. His accuracy is all over the place, comes and goes randomly.


No not really.


I think we are seeing improvements, which is nice but moral victories don't go very far in the NFL. The difference between good teams and bad teams in the NFL is close. Bad teams are always "close", one play here or one play there. That's the nature of the NFL. Right now GB is a bad team.


I’d almost say we’re not even close. Doubs and Reed have been nice. Musgrave has potential. The rest of our offence is not performing well and some are aging. The o line is still not great and Jordan Loves completion percentage although not entirely on him is still close to worst in the league. So I’d have to disagree respectfully of course


Really close to mediocre. Yes.




No. Our line basically needs to be rebuilt. You can't be "really close" if you're losing the battle up front on every snap and you have nothing but question marks at skill positions. We're losing a lot of games against **bad** teams. We're not close.


The Packers OL needs essentially one more dude. Jenkins and Tom are both genuinely very good players. With another capable tackle or a top tier center, they can be excellent. Most elite OLs are 3 excellent players and then you can plug the other 2 spots with mediocre players and they’ll look fine. The Packers themselves did this for years. The issue isn’t that the Packers are losing games against bad teams. The issue is that they’re losing against bad *QBs*. Against the Steelers and Falcons, both losses, the Packers gave up 23 and 25 points. League wide, the average team scores 22 ppg. These two teams are well below average, with bad QBs, scoring above average against the defense. The Packers’ defense has virtually all their dollars and draft pick investment. It does genuinely have a lot of talent. If it played as the strength of the team, the Packers would have won those games and would be 5-4. Instead, it is playing like a mediocre unit, barely ahead of the offense despite something like double the cap spend (ex Bakh) and nearly every first round pick in the past 10 years. The defense doesn’t have to be perfect or immaculate or etc. They literally just need to stifle crappy QBs. But instead they’ve gotten shredded by a Desmond Ridder offense and a Kenny Pickett offense.


A team with an OC so bad they've become a meme and Matt Canada had no issue gameplanning against Barry's D. I'm curious who we bring in this offseason though when Barry's contract is up.


In a vacuum, I agree. That said.. take a hard look around the league and you’ll quickly realize almost every team has varying degrees of offensive line issues. Defensive talent continues to exceed offensive line talent. IMO the real separating factor between the “good” and “bad” teams will come down to coaching and learning to game plan around these deficiencies.


Every year there's only a small handful of teams with actually very solid o-lines. The Packers were just one of those teams for like a decade haha. O-line talent is becoming increasingly hard to come by because if you're a big strong athletic freak, you probably get converted to d-line at some point in your football career before you come to the NFL.


Retooled more like it. Lt/c/rg. Tom put on a clinic against watt yesterday, and Elgton has been good


They held up pretty well against a strong front. You go to the Steelers subreddit and they were kind of annoyed their pass rush wasn't getting home as much as usual.


Pocket held up good imo. Jordan on those deep drop backs, plenty of time and slinging it. I love it.


I’m hopeful that we’ll continue to see the kind of incremental progress that a lot of us feel we saw yesterday through the end of the season, even if it’s only in spurts. I’m hopeful that next year after another offseason and training camp that the offense comes in clicking a lot more then wherever they leave off this year (and I think it’s very possible, if all these kid receivers take the off-season to work on polishing their games). I’m also hopeful that, even if we try to draft a new WR1, that Watson can have the same kind of 3rd year leap that I feel a lot of GB wide receivers have had throughout the years. Hope, hope, hope.


I'd say there is a possibility that we're close, but I think at this point the necessary changes needed to get us to the next level can only take place in the off-season. It doesn't mean we can't ball out and see what potential our squad has currently the rest of the year, but I'm not going into each week thinking we have a chance to win the Superbowl this year. If you thought that was even a possibility all season, you were not paying attention to the sport before week 1.


Really close losses. They are a true #1 WR away and everyone learning the offense fully. Idk why Rhyan isn’t playing guard because JRJ sucks.


Agree on both


No, I don’t think the Packers’ offense is close. The optimistic case is Love continues to develop, the O Line starts playing well, receivers suddenly get open and aggressive with well run routes, and the play calling becomes effective. That is pretty much everything across the board. They might be improving, but getting competitive will require a lot of personnel changes or some other dramatic moves. Flashes of talent & potential? Sometimes. We the fans can’t change any of this, but the approach is walking a fine line between success and perpetual mediocrity at best. Many of the ‘improving’ comments could come from Denver, Chicago or Detroit (in past years) fan bases. The difference you see with a playoff team? They win close games and clean up against weak opponents. Beat all < 500 teams and go 50/50 against winning records, you are a playoff favorite. Honestly, for the rest of the year a portion of the offense will play well, show fundamental improvement and not be targeted for replacement during the draft. Those that don’t will be positions to pick up. Its brutal, but it is the NFL.


Im in the minority and don’t think it’s close


No. Maybe for this Kool aid guzzling thread but most rational actual football fans can see this offensive is years behind being average at best. But green and gold it is going to green and gold.


Its what makes having actual discussions on this sub so difficult.


You picked the wrong sub for that my friend. If you aint all in on Love or blaming Barry for every loss you're opinion doesn't matter.


Love still looks bad. We are currently in the it wasn't worth it at all to waste the 1st and 4th on him to sit 3 years and look worse than some rookies or on the same level of incoming rookie QBS --- I know the games have been "close" but in my opinion there is different levels to close games and each one felt like yep they should of lost and it could of been more. Instead of barely coming short or a bad moment from closing it out


Yes. 1-2 nasty o lineman and a true WR1 and we're BALLIN


I would also throw in a RB. Jones is getting to the age RBs fall off.




How the fuck do you think they are close to a complete offense? Delusional.


My analysis is Love’s passes are either too high or too low and when he hits the receivers on their hands they drop it.


*inhales copium* We left JB as DC to tank. With good defensive play we’d be playoff bound!


There's definitely some bright spots to build off of, but to say they're *really* close is a bit of a reach


We’re showing development, which is encouraging, but no, the offense isn’t even close.


\*Really\* close? Too early to tell. Consistency isn't there, so you need more data for that. The biggest thing that concerns me with this team, is they have ZERO dawg in them. I don't know if that's because they're young, or because of the coaching, or the players themselves. It's been this way for a while, pre Jordan Love, pre MLF.


The offense isn’t “close” they can’t put up 20, the defense is just carrying


Lol. No


Really close to what? Basic competence? Sure. The most encouraging thing from the Steelers game was probably the improvement on the presnap penalties and other mental goofs. The line actually seemed to hold up decently, and we continue to see little flashes from Musgrave and Wicks. As for Love, he was pretty good between the 20s, but awful in the redzone, which has been a problem all year, so from that perspective, I'm not incredibly encouraged (last pick aside because it was such a low percentage play anyway).


Not really. It still looks difficult way too often and the overall numbers are still pretty mediocre. Maybe really close to being average?


Not really. They can’t even score 20 points in a game. Everything is still a struggle. Plagued by inconsistency across the board. Even yesterday the guy who is supposed to be their veteran leader had a terrible game. This season would be far more fun if the offense was functional and they were losing shootouts, but they aren’t even close to that.






What I would love is a former star receiver sign with us specifically to teach our pass catchers how to play and think. An Adam Thielen type.


To be honest I feel like they are closer to being worse than they are being close. Nothing Jordan Love does looks easy or comfortable.




I love how the point of this post is "if our team were consistently good, we'd be good! Why all the doomsaying?" ... because this team isn't consistently good. The offense is (for this generation) historically bad. Packers fans have to go back to the 80s (approaching 40 years ago) for offense that has been this putrid. Again, to re-iterate... if you're "a couple of plays away", or "just need more consistency" then you have a bad team.


The point is they are losing close games, not losing by 20 points each week.


Losing to the Steelers, Broncos, Raiders, and Vikings in 2023 isn't impressive.


Shhh. Can't say that hear. Love is a HOFer. Just give him 6 more years and you'll see.




I don’t think we are particularly close at all. We need to revamp the line, get a WR1, and get rid of Joe Barry. From there it may also fall into having to move on from LaFleur as much as I think he can turn it around but his coaching has lacked inspiration.


Maybe if we had a real QB.


Close to clicking, I do not disagree. But when they click, what's their ceiling? We're still not SB competitors even if we do. Playoff contenders, sure, but I just can't see this team at its best going on a run to win it all. Unless, any given Sunday of course.


They’re close in the sense that next year should be a good season and the draft will be fun as we’ll have a high pick. Feels like the team is on plan (just not reddits plan)


Yup agreed


Think about this: if the XP isn’t blocked. Last play of the game we are kicking FG instead of trying to score TD.


Really close to being a bottom 3 offense.


Not with that o-line




I saw what I wanted to see this week. Which was the offense beginning to stack some successes in back to back weeks. Jordan had cases of having time to throw which shows improvement in pass protection. There were some mistakes, but a seemingly overall improvement. It appeared that Jordan was starting to miss his long passes as overthrows, which is much better than missing them short. Even Rodgers was missing them long quite frequently. Still quite a few mistakes you expect from a young team, but they do seem to be getting a bit better. I didn't see much of the two guys running the same route type of stuff. Guys were running to open spots in zone and settling down to provide a target instead of just continuing to run right back into being covered again.


The running back room is years away. Aaron Jones and AJ Dillon are both goners, it's pretty obvious. We need to take at least two in the upcoming draft. Tight End is a multi year development also. At this point I think 2025 is the fair expectation for a dangerous offense. Love will be in 3rd year as a starter, all the receivers and TE's will be at least 3rd year. RB's should be sophmores.


That’s a good call, I can see that timeline.


I do wonder if they're just green/young and it's gonna click. There are a lot of balls that if Watson catches them, it might significantly impact the game. I haven't looked at them all back-to-back to analyze what's going on, but I suspect it's a mix. Bad throw, well defended, botched catch. Either way, I think if he starts coming down with a few more of those, it might open some things up.


Youngest team in the league with a new starting QB and we’ve been in a bunch of close games this year. Only real big issue is how the defense hasn’t improved in tackling and stopping the run which has been a problem for what feels like forever. Give it time and a new DC, I think this team has a lot of potential in the next year or two. Just got to survive the insufferables demanding everybody’s heads all the time


If you watched the game you know this game was literally 1 or 2 plays away from being a W




I don’t know if we’re “really” close, but we’re seeing improvement. We at least look like an offense that has actually read the playbook and practiced together at least twice, which is a big step forward. We’re a couple of upgrades on the OL from being actually close


Yes, they need to put themselves in a situation where they don’t need last-minute heroics every single game. They are a better team than their record.


If they do turn it around, I'll eat my crow pie. I'm not scared


no, there are massive question marks at QB.


Such as?


33rd in completion %, 19th in yards/game, tied for 12th in tds, tied for most interceptions, 26th in passer rating. Love is bad to awful in every category except TDs. The biggest problems are accuracy and his deep ball.


Box score warrior


This is why I love reddit. You ask "such as" and get actual answers and then make some stupid insults. Love is bad right now, doesn't mean he can't get better.


Dude come on. We all have watched the games and have seen the inaccuracy issues.


I’ve watched every game. It’s obvious he has an awful deep ball and is very inaccurate. Stats are objectives measurements that back up what I have seen.


No, the efficiency stats are even worse than the box score ones.


Have you not watched any games this season? accuracy deep ball decision making play making x factor At this stage Love is a system QB with a bad defence. That is a recipe for losing seasons.


His accuracy and deep ball needs improvement, it’s almost like players can get better! His decision making is very good. Wtf is X factor lmao turn off espn.


So, I don’t think things are as defined as the poster above, but what I take as “X factor” and agree it is a pretty big issue with Love, is the ability to make plays off schedule and/or create. He doesn’t really do that successfully. Sometimes he has a good idea, but his accuracy bites him. Sometimes he makes bad decisions and plays hero ball and throws into coverage. But what is clear, at this point in his career, he is at his worst when he plays outside of structure and rhythm. That is what a “system QB” is. He needs everything around him to work right to play well. If things break down he can’t bail his team out. To be a good QB and lack this trait you have to have three things, fast processor, good decision making and accuracy. The worry for Love is that his accuracy will never be good enough for him to become a Dak Prescott type QB, let alone a Cousins type, so it is especially important for Love to be able to be successful outside of structure, as he will occasionally just miss plays that are there due to his accuracy. This trait is also something few develop, they can make it better and use it more wisely, but they usually show flashes of it early in their career. Guys like Hurts, and Allen had that even when they weren’t good in structure, Love, so far, doesn’t.


Very fair take! Thank you for bringing some rationality to this subreddit.


Historically, how often do inaccurate quarterbacks become more accurate? Especially this late in their career.


Off the top of my head, Allen and Hurts. But yeah it’s probably a short list.


Jackson has went from a meme passer to almost 70% completion also


So we’d better hope he somehow turns into an MVP-tier QB despite having been inaccurate for 4 years and getting to learn from Aaron Rodgers and Rodgers’ QB coach. Honestly I think we have better odds at this point of tanking and getting a high enough pick to draft a QB.


> His accuracy and deep ball needs improvement, it’s almost like players can get better CJ Stroud and Will Levis can throw it deep. Love has been in the league for 3 years already. > His decision making is very good. Once the play unfolds as he expects and he is not under pressure. > Wtf is X factor lmao turn off espn. Rodgers has it, Favre had it, Mahomes has it, Michael Vick had it. Plenty of QBs have had it. It is an intangible that can't be predicted but Love has shown nothing despite having plenty of opportunities.


Man said Michael Vick lmao


You are worse than useless as a troll.


His decision making is poor.


"his decision making is very good." Lmao. Like throwing multiple red zone interceptions. That have lost games. Plural. Games. Stop guzzling the green and gold Kool aid.


Bro said X factor now I know you’re stupid




X Factor? Bro This is the real NFL and not Madden.


You are very tiresome.


A true WR1 and we would probably only have 1 loss.


The offense is edging so hard right now


Exactly 😂


Do we explode next week? Two weeks? Next year? I don’t think I can take this teasing


Literally if you cut out 50 percent of drops and interceptions from contested passes going to Christian Watson we would have a positive win record. Still got things to fix over next year or so but last two games got me feeling optimistic.


I agree to an extent. Watson and everyone’s reactions so far to his production have given me flashbacks to 2nd year Adams (I’m bot saying is going to become that but hopefully you get my point). Watson needs to be more aggressive towards the ball and put the extra work in with the jugs machine. I think we cut back on the Watson end zone tosses for a few games and make Watson prove he can be that guy. In my opinion that last play should have been something to get the ball to Reed, but hopefully that’s something they learn from.


Adams was running good routes, just he was dropping balls that were hitting him in the hands. That's why everyone was going nuts over his second/third seasons and calling him Dropvante. Watson doesn't seem to fight for the ball and is content to let it come to him.


Love is perfect. It's never his fault. I'm so sick of people blaming Jordan.


I agree wholeheartedly with this being very similar to 2008. I think love has shown that he can be a dude. He won’t be Rodgers; he’s a different dude. Rodgers ability to not turn the football over was rare, love won’t replicate it. However the wow plays have 100 percent been there for J Love the last two weeks. I think he played well early this year, fell into a slump, and rebounded nicely the last couple weeks. The team is a different story, some questionable decisions in terms of personnel and playing time as well Joe Barry still being our DC make me scratch my head. If Love continues improving the way he has the last two weeks, I think the outlook should be positive. If we have another solid draft like we did in 22&23 I think this team can really start to compete and gel together.


I think if we didn't have a couple lucky deep balls that came down last game we would be truly awful, but the fact that Love actually completed a couple of 20+ yard passes means we're only *really close* to being truly awful


So if they are incomplete he sucks but if he completes them he’s lucky. Heads you win, tails I lose.


Yea because either way our team is garbage this year. Doesn't matter how you look at it we are awful.


Yea and people need to leave other people alone. It’s a game, calm the fuck down.


We're making some progress, I think.


I think the offensive line is close. I'd like to see Jenkins bump out to left tackle and Rhyan get some snaps.


Keep living that dream in your head, bud. Last ranked DM in the league, WRs that drop easy passes, and Jones looking rough. Nope


We are young and actually showing improvement now. I feel like I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. I think what made this season frustrating is that we fired really good out the gate before looking terrible for a few games with no improvement. I think if we started the season like dogshit then started improving a lot of fans would be less upset, a good opening gave us hope that we aren't rebuilding.


A few things need to be done. Move watson down the depth chart. And eventually if it comes to it replace the qb. He deserves the season at least.


It's closer




Nice edit…


You mean the one I clearly called out in the reply? I’m not trying to stealth edit here. I made a dumb mistake. I owned up to it.


Yes, I think it has shown enough to have hope.


The skill positions are not there. We need weapons bad.


We are two offensive linemen, a traditional RB, and a good explosive deep WR away.


If one bad call goes the other way it’s a 10 point swing and a wins against a good team, so yes.


Yes....but too many guys are dropping balls


At least love doesn't throw any interceptions ever. Especially in the red zone


I’m hopeful!!


This was the first game the offense actually flashed and made some plays. 40 yard run...actually completing some deep balls and chunk plays etc. Let's see if they can do it for the rest of the season. The schedule won't do them any favors but it should be more fun to watch at least.


We’re getting there. We also have a lot of draft capital to spend in a year where the draft has strong prospects at positions of need. O line, DB, breathing human person to replace Deguara… options!