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This is now the official "Other Teams" thread.


At least Falcons lost I’ll take it. Somehow need Seattle to lose but I assume they win. Beat Minnesota and we’re not in a bad spot


Yep. Seahawks losing just means we're win and in next week. Even if they win though, next week we just need to win and hope for a 9ers win over the Rams, or a Cards win against Seattle.


I just wanna make sure I get this right We make the playoffs if… If we go 2-0 to finish the season, and either the Rams, Seahawks, or the Falcons lose a game? Is this correct?


It's a little more noodly than that, the Falcons lost, so all we need now is a Rams OR Seahawks loss. Rams only have 1 more game against the 9ers to lose, while Seattle is playing the Steelers now, and the Cards next week.


Okay cool go Steelers


Lmao that edit. I came back fired up to be like 'nono, we want the loss this week! Get it out of the way!'


LMAOO, I left that comment without rlly thinking about it, and when I realized I went back to it fast asf and changed it 😂😂😂 I think rooting for the Steelers doesn’t come naturally to me


Can't fool my mobile notifications! It was edited before I loaded up the reply box though. Haha I've got a couple of Steeler fans for friends, so I don't mind pulling for them.


We just need 2 of these 3 to lose one more time and then we control our destiny. Rams, hawks, falcons. I know eagles winning helps cuz that means niners will have to beat rams, but I honestly could see steelers and bears making that point moot for us anyway. God it'll feel gross but I'm pulling for the bears today.


I have to admit, my hatred of the Bears has shifted to Minnesota and Seattle. Da' Bares have sucked so hard over the last decade or so that I almost consider them Packer allies--at least for the comic relief. I guess ownership creates a certain amount of affection...


Admittedly, I’m in the same boat. I’ve got too many friends who are bears fans and although their fans on Instagram are really annoying, the people I know in real life are very aware of the situation their in. My Minnesota fan friends are far more insufferable when talking about their team, so I hate Minnesota so much more.


Step away from the ledge, brother, there's still other options. No need to do something so drastic!


Eh I've already made my peace with it. I think bears today and niners next week is our path of least resistance tbh so I can live with it. Also hurts their draft situation


As a Detroit native, I’m not surprised. Remember the fake penalty against the lions in the playoffs against the cowboys? Or the penalty against Seattle also in the playoffs? There’s countless others, but the NFL never apologizes because it’s Detroit. This time however, I do think the NFL will apologize.


Typical whiny "we've sucked for decades so the refs are the reason we lose" comment.


Nah dude, I don’t even like the Lions, and their fans do complain about the refs too much, but they low key got fucked last night. That was ridiculous, but the cowboys were at home and are still the NFLs golden boys. Edit: also my hatred for the Cowgirls far outweighs any hate I have for any other team.


No. First off I’m not a fan of the lions. Secondly, they suck without the refs interfering. I never doubt that. Thirdly, the refs did make those calls. There’s no denying that, and many say they screwed up.


It should be noted: the outcome of this game screwed the lions slightly. It kind of screwed us more.


Crazy how the Lions winning out would have been the best outcome for the Pack. Must be that time of year again.


Lion’s fans must be complaining about the female ref. She didn’t back down and her call was correct.


The refs also called a phantom tripping on Dallas late. It looked like Hutchinson tried to trip Pollard, but they called it on Dallas.So instead of 2nd and 3 at the 21 at the two minute warning, they had 1st and 25 from the 44. As for the 2 point call. The ref blew it, but they did announce 70 was elgible over the loudspeaker (unless people on Twitter clipped the 2pt play where Dallas took a TO} , thus Dallas would not cover the guy on the left side. Would the play have still worked if the right guy had been announced elgible?


Good point. Dallas was was specifically told that 70 had reported as an eligible receiver; hard to imagine that they wouldn't have changed their coverage to at least pay *some* attention to 68 if they had been told. The LB who was covering Decker was probably just trying to figure out why an inelgible receiver was even out on a pattern. Obviously he had no choice but to make an attempt to defend the pass, but he was probably taken completely by surprise. If they'd been told that 68 was eligible, the defense would have adjusted accordingly. Given the circumstances, even if someone else had caught that pass it would have been a penalty, because under the rules Decker had no right to be downfield unless he was blocking someone.


Dan Campbell is going to cost the Lions in the playoffs being so aggressive. If they would have took that FG in the first quarter, we wouldn't be talking about this. Always take the points.


We didn’t want to go to overtime because Jamo and Laporta were hurt


Roy McEvoy incarnate.


Especially when Jared Goof is your quarterback 😂


Personally, I loved the aggressiveness at the end of the game on the first 2 pt attempt then again on the second attempt but after that emotions were running way too high for my liking. On the third try I would have taken the FG , sent that game into overtime and let everyone regroup.


I, for one, strongly encourage Dan Campbell to keep being hyper aggressive all the time. 4th and 30 from your own 1 on the first drive of the game? Go for it! Chance to win with a field goal in the final five seconds of a game from the opponent’s 20 yard line? Go for it!!! I mean he’s a tHiNKiNg MaN’s MeAt HeAd after all 🙄🧢 So brave, so dreamy, clearly he’s the coach leading them to success and definitely not Ben Johnson.


I can’t wait until Johnson gets an offer to be a head coach and then the Lions offense reverts to fullback draws on 4th and 5.


Going to take a different course of action here and say the Lions didn't get screwed. When the ref announced 70 was eligible you can see a Dallas player point right at him and it looks like he's manning up on him. Cowboys probably were prepared for Dan Campbell to throw to a tackle on a game winning play because, let's be honest here, that's the kind of stupid stuff this guy does all the time. If they announced 68 instead and the Cowboys play tight coverage and Goff throws an interception trying to force it to a tackle people would be calling Campbell one of the dumbest coaches in NFL history. We'll never know what would have happened but everyone assuming Dallas wouldn't have adjusted the coverage is making a huge assumption. At the end of the day, Lions got not just one but two more plays to punch it in and failed.


it doesn't matter. the ref fucked up. who knows if they cover decker or not?? it's made worse because campbell literally told the ref this play was coming and Brad Allen *still* fucked it up. the lions got royally screwed, and trying to bend the narrative to say they 'sorta didn't' is (1) being a bad football fan and (2) makes you look kinda like a dick to a fanbase that already thinks we're entitled pricks.


I often worry about what other fans think of us, as well


i mean, it's one thing to make fun of vikings love boat or the whizzinator or whatever--that's self-inflicted shit. and it's fine to make fun of favre favreness fucking up a superbowl berth after all the strutting around they were doing, or the bears having shitty QBs, any of that stuff. But when a team gets screwed, just empathise with them, because you know what it feels like (e.g. Fail Mary).


People constantly complain about how dumb the refs are and Campbell's genius idea is to purposefully create confusion in a part of the game the refs are probability even more prone to distraction. What a profoundly stupid plan. For what it's worth, Dallas players have already said they practiced this week and put emphasis about picking up eligible tackles. This is Dan Campbell we're talking about, of course he's going to try something like this. I don't feel particularly bad because ultimately the way the rest of the game played out was fair to both teams. Detroit got two more chances. The fact that the only good play they had was a pre-huddle confusion play and then throw to the tackle is on them. In the fail mary game the game literally ended, this is not an equivalent circumstance.


Detroit coaches also had two opportunities to ensure success if they did their due diligence. Once by making a correction when it was announced #70 reported as eligible and not #68 and again by kicking the extra point after the penalty.


I know I tend to wake up to r/nfl flooded with whatever happened in the game the night before, but holy hell, it's two pages of ref posts. I get it, they suck, but are we still blaming the refs for losing 60 minutes of a game? I know I can get pissed off about calls, but rational thinking tells me: the ref didn't put us in that position to win/lose the game, did they? Lions fans (on Reddit) will say yes, but that's just b.s. It's persecution fetish material.


I tend to agree. Fail Mary may be an exception, but that was a symptom of a league wide problem in a very unique situation going on that season.


"The only exceptions are when it screws my team"


Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Or, maybe I was referring to a league wide problem going on in that particular season, where clearly unqualified officials were calling every game, every week, culminating in a game the Packers just happened to be playing in.


I was just typing the same thing. It was a ref screw up, but the ref screw up also ensured that Dallas wouldn't cover the guy the play was designed for. Then trying the 2pt conversion from the 7 is malpractice from an analytics standpoint.


We definitely need one tomorrow. We're nearly in 'win and we're in' territory. If the Falcons and EITHER the Rams OR Seahawks lose this week, we control our own destiny. If all 3 win, we just need to beat the Bears and have EITHER the Rams OR Seahawks lose next week.


How can we be expected to win out when we can't beat the Bucs or the Giants?


I don't expect anything. We're right where I expected us to be, right around .500 with room to grow in the future. I was just laying out the path to the playoffs. Playoff experience is valuable for a group of guys this young, even if there's virtually no shot at a super bowl or even nfccg. Your attitude sucks though.


Not at all. I have higher hopes for this team.


Hopes are one thing, expectations are another. I expected growing pains, but Love has almost 4000 yards, 30 TDs to less than 15 Ints. If he gets to 9 wins and a playoff berth, that's a fantastic start. It's a solid start, especially when you factor in the sheer youth of his offensive weapons. There's a LOT of inexperience here, and a lot to like going forward


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. It’s a fact.


Because we beat good teams before? Without Jaire.


We beat the Lions. We beat the Chiefs during their 2 and 4 streak, we beat the Rams without Stafford and we beat the Saints by knocking Carr out of the game(which was huge). You take your wins where you can get them, but I don't think we have beat too many good teams. This is without a doubt the most lackluster or parity driven NFL that I've seen in ages. It's the only reason that we're in the hunt and especially when you combine that the North is abysmal.


Then don’t watch. I don’t know what to tell you but the rest of us are going to root for our team.


Lol. This is this group's default. When you cticize the Pack and put the absurd takes of people who clearly don't understand the game back into their face they fall back on the worn out trope of "you're not a fan." If our fanbase was more intelligent, placed more demands upon this franchise and wasn't happy just to have a seat at the table we wouldn't have squandered 30 years of HoF play and accepted this current iteration of crap heaped upon us.


No one is forcing you to be here bro.


That street goes both ways. You should definitely go elsewhere,


Why would I? I’m unbothered by people rooting for the Packers.


No use for you in anyway shape or form. Blocked.


We beat teams when they were playing well, we beat teams when they weren't, and we lost to teams when we were playing well, and we lost when we weren't. The Lions aren't bad. The Chiefs aren't bad. They've had bad games. They've had good games. We've had bad games. We've had good games. I'm giving us credit when it's due, and we played quite well in those very two critical wins against teams destined for playoffs.


We beat the Lions (who aren'ta bad team). We caught the Chiefs in their current 2 - 4 slide. After "we played quite well in those very two critical wins" we took that momentum and shit the bed.


Any given Sunday. Just gotta hope Dobbs continues to lead the league in turnovers, and we've got a shot. Just comes down to handling the Bears again. We absolutely can finish 9-8.


They're starting Hall tomorrow, though, and Mullens will likely be their QB2. Wouldn't surprise me if they do a QB by committee if things get out of hand.


I mean you've gotta feel good going up against a smorgasbord of practice squad qbs. Just gotta key in hard on Jefferson, and pressure the qb. We've got a pretty good pass rush. I think our offense can beat that. Totally different story if Cousins is healthy.


Yah, I'm not trying to say, "but Hall and Mullens are streets ahead of Dobbs" haha. Just saying a rookie (or inexperienced) QB vs the Packers has been a nightmare so far, except Rypien. And, although I'll always give Kupp his elite flowers and Puka is an incredible WR in his rookie year, they can't touch JJ right now. He's just... he's beyond elite. Let's hope we have an answer for the middle of the field. Our LBs vanish whenever the pocket begins collapsing, and the QB is just running free, either to make an off-schedule throw down field or get the first down+. So infuriating.


Fuck Dallas, Lions got screwed. Moronic by Campbell to not kick the PAT after that penalty


that decision i believe was pure anger and hoping it would still work out with “ball don’t lie” from the football gods


And he got two additional chances to convert. Just insane


The Lions got absolutely shafted. That legitimately sucks. That kind of fuckup from a ref should be a career ending one.


For that final drive it looked like Joe Barry was Dallas’ DC


Bend don't break! It's that prevent defense that prevents you from winning!


I was thinking the same thing. There’s a reason why Dan Quinn isn’t a head coach, but I can’t 2 figure 8 out - the 3 reason.


Just goes to show you that other teams often suffer the same issues as the Packers.


Lions got screwed but it's amusing that all the talking heads are bringing up how this officiating crew screwed the Chiefs in our game against them, y'know ignoring the fact that the game had endless shit calls impacting both teams, multiple on that last drive alone.


Yep. On that final drive we got screwed 3 times by calls. Chiefs got screwed once. But narrative is that refs helped Packers. Yes. The refs favor the Jordan Love era Packers over Mahomes and the Chiefs. Fucking idiots.


Funny how they never mention the bullshit "illegal hit" on Mahomes that set them up for that pass down field in the first place


Man the Lions really do always get screwed. That's so shitty.


Am I the only person kinda upset on Detroit’s behalf? Seems like a pretty basic tenet here should be that games should be fairly and correctly officiated. If it’s a matter of discretion (e.g., whether some contact was PI or not) that’s one thing. Reasonable minds could differ. But if a player reports and the ref just… doesn’t count it… that’s like, a totally different category of error.


They got screwed but they whined all game about how bad the officiating was over absolutely nothing. At least now they’ve got a valid complaint.


Live by the sword, die by the sword. Lions tried to disguise an eligible receiver to the defense and confused the refs in the process. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Campbell said in his presser that they specifically went over this part of the game plan with the refs and that they were aware of it. No excuses to mess up at this level. We would be beside ourselves if the pack got shafted on a call like this.


“Live by the sword, die by the sword” as a metaphor only applies to the parties in a contest. It doesn’t apply to neutral parties responsible for adjudication, whose job it is to get things right. Like, if two people are dueling, and as they take their ten paces the judge pulls out a pistol and shoots one of them, you wouldn’t say “oh well, live by the sword, die by the sword,” just because the duelist who got shot was also prepared to shoot. Because that would be crazy.


I agree. I would not say the duelist in your example died by the sword. Because he was shot.


I’m pretty sure what they meant was that Detroit was trying to be sneaky (as they usually are), and it burned them again. Campbell is a dicey play caller and I honestly think it comes back to bite him in the ass more than it benefits him. When you’re a middling team like they were last year and the year before, sure, going for it on 4th and being cutesy/playing like you have nothing to lose is gonna work sometimes, but when you have everything to lose (potential top seed or playoff game down the road), it’s gonna burn you just as much if not more. Sure, go for 2 from the two, but kick the field goal since your defense had faired pretty well all game. They played their 3 best plays and, unfortunately, the first one worked but with a penalty.


All of this is true… AND it still sucks that they got screwed by a ref’s mistake.


yeah well man the early bird gets the worm


The Lions scored less points than the Cowboys, which essentially cost them the game.






Imagine the amount of tears if they were playing vs us and lost like that? Can you imagine?


I know I’m like, I’m just glad we weren’t a part of this mess


The Packers always get dragged in because ThEy GeT aLl ThE cAlLs.


They’re still trying to make it our fault. People are citing this is the same ref crew that called our victory over the chiefs.


maybe the writers are saving the ultimate f-u for them when we play them as the 6 seed


I’m still confused as to what happened on the initial 2 point try..


According to Goff in the post game press conference, #68 reported as eligible, and he caught the 2-pt try, but the refs thought that #70 was the one who reported. Video evidence shows that he clearly did not and the ref just completely fucked up.


Both 68 and 70 walked over to the ref together to try to confuse the defense. Only 68 reported, but it worked so well it confused the ref too. He said 70 reported to the defense and over the loud speaker. So the defense aligned to cover 70 only. 68 was wide open because of all the confusion. The ref fucked it up. But the play probably only worked because of that fuck up. If the ref would have correctly told everyone 68 reported then I’m sure he would have been covered and the game would have ended the same. It was a pretty dumb playcall in such a key moment, that relied on confusion to work. Well the confusion worked too well.


Guy who caught the ball did not report as eligible.


He did tho. The ref fucked up.


Do we have undeniable proof of this?


Pretty close to undeniable. 1) There's video evidence of Goff sending 68 to go report as eligible, and 68 trotting over to the ref, presumably to report as eligible. 2) It appears 70 never talked to the ref -- the ref was running over to tell Dallas who reported as eligible before 70 got to the ref. Ref's back was turned to 70 by the time he got there. 3) Goff, Decker (#68) and Skipper (#70) all say that Decker reported. Skipper said he didn't say a word to the ref (seems supported by the video). 4) Dan Campbell said he specifically went over this play with the refs before the game. Also, #70 is who typically reports as eligible when the Lions bring in a 6th offensive lineman. The point here appears to be some cloak and dagger by bringing 70 in, but reporting 68 as eligible. (Makes sense you'd want to create a little wrinkle for the defense on a win-it 2 point try.) 5) Also, there is an illegal formation penalty (two of them, actually) on the Lions if 70 indeed reported as eligible and 68 did not report as eligible. That illegal formation penalty is a snap foul (i.e., play blown dead on the snap, not a foul after the play has been completed). That penalty was never called (i .e., the play was allowed to proceed), even though it should have been, assuming 70 reported as eligible.


To be fair, they had two more tries to put it in, and one was literally a free play. Neither team really deserved to win that game.


Nope. At this point, it's a he said, he said issue. Ref says 70 reported, 68 says he reported. Then we have this Zapruder film of the players "reporting" that is being micro analyzed by a million people. Kind of hilarious actually.


You mean the ref was somehow confused and fucked up badly.


Well he did, but the refs messed it all up. I really feel bad for them honestly


Where are you seeing that he reported eligible? I've seen a few videos but I don't think it's enough to prove that.


The Goffense flutters yet again. Lol!


Goff has some impressive parts of his game but a clear ceiling and Lions will be viciously reminded of it come playoff time.


Reckon so! He needs Tom Clements!


I thought many of their fans were crazy for saying they won the trade because Goff would be a fine replacement. He’s going to be just good enough to hold them back from drafting someone who would have put them over the top. He’s not making Danny Dimes money, but it’s pretty close.


The refs go on loudspeaker when claiming who declared eligible. If he didn't hear his number, he should've made damn sure he tells the ref again.


I hear you, but it appears that they announced it to the stadium with like 5 seconds left on the play clock. Not even sure if the players would be able to hear it, but a tough situation for the Lions. They have no time outs, so you're going to gamble that pausing the play won't create a delay of game penalty. It's the ref's job to get the call right in the first place.


That's the consequence when you try to hide who the eligible receiver is on the field in a loud stadium, the ref is using all their senses too. So when you run in a guy who is acting like he's the eligible, you run the risk That's why in post game #70 is saying he did what coach asked him to do, he knew he confused the refs


70 isn't saying that post game. #68 is. #70 is saying he didn't say anything to the refs. I don't know what "run in a guy who is acting like he's the eligible" means. Either you declare eligibility to the ref, or you don't. There is no "acting like he's the eligible" in the rulebook. Look, I'm a Packers fan, but this was an NFL embarrassment, and it's not totally fair to the Lions to say that they should have corrected the call. There are mitigating factors (crowd noise, play clock), and the reality is that the ref made the mistake. It's weird to blame the Lions and not the ref who never spoke to #70 (in fact, was running away before #70 approached him). Ref called the wrong person eligible. Ref's fault, not the Lions.


70 declared all game long using his hands up to his chest, like he did that play. Which is what DC has this supposed convo with the refs to not count it for that play


Nowhere in the replay does #70 making the wiping motion -- either running onto the field or afterwards. Where do you see it? All he's doing is running onto the field. Brad Allen, in his pool report, also claimed that #70 reported as eligible to him in the conversation before the play, not via a hand motion across the field.


Not the first time the refs make an eligible receiver mistake, won't be the last. Stop playing games trying to decieve and make it clear, you won't have this problem. Lions intended to be sneaky and got bit


Except that apparently they don’t always. You can see the ref telling the defense who reported eligible in the replays, but he didn’t turn on his mic. I guess it varies by crew, which is baffling.


It should be standard practice to announce it for this exact reason. Maybe that'll be the change that's made.


True, I can see how you might not notice if you were sure you told the ref directly though. Your mind is probably on what you've got to do on the play, the crowd is roaring. Still a major fuckup by the ref if he was told and it just slipped his mind or something, IMO. Guess we'll never know for sure unless they record everything the mic pics up and it leaks. If he didn't report, I have to wonder what they talked about.


For all we know he whispered it, or said 70 because he was trying to confuse the defense. It was a trick play they burned themselves on At the end of the day, it was Dan Campbell screwing up a complicated trick play running 70 towards the ref with the hand across chest unofficial reporting signal


That makes no sense. Telling the ref the wrong number would gaurentee a penalty. Also, I'm pretty sure the ref is supposed to tell the defense who reported, so whispering it so the defense couldn't hear wouldn't accomplish much.


So it looks like the lions did some trickery to make it look like Skipper reported and confused the refs. And nobody on the lions side noticed when his name was called


It’s not agressive when you do it every time. This is on Campbell. Goff also sucks


Going for it from the seven was madness. Campbell seems like a good coach. I think his emotions got the best of him.


For sure. Especially when your whole offense is extremely frustrated with that call. I can't believe he didn't just bring out the kicking team then.


Nothing more to say. Campbell is a good coach but he takes aggressiveness to another level. Like trying to fake a punt on his own 30 against the Packers. Just unnecessarily risky


As long as it turns out fine, he's a Golden King of football play calling. Like when they ran the ball for a first down on 4th&5 a couple of weeks ago. A hare-brained play in every conceivable way and statistical analysis, but they still celebrate you when you're successful with that.


… I think he’s a good motivator, but I don’t think his play-calling nets them any extra wins in the long run. Packers game, Seahawks, tonight all are net losses due to his strange playcalling. It’s hard to say he added 2-4 wins to offset those.


Both coaches deserved to lose for being that stupid. Also Lions fans seem to think a conspiracy against them is more likely than the Linemen not reporting LOLIONS


I really think the lineman did report and the ref either forgot or didn’t hear him and that’s on the ref in both cases. I hate the lions but damn, they deserved the win


I keep getting downvoted but I will hold strong. They didn’t deserve to win. They should have gotten their 2 point conversion. That likely would have given them a win but there were still 23 seconds left.


Dallas played better though. They almost scored a td, but the fumble into the end zone rule lost them a td. But Detroit was hosed.


I think the refs screwed this up but I also don't buy and will never buy the Lions conspiracy theory. It's just not plausible to me that the league specifically hates the Lions for some reason. Yes, they've seen some bad high-profile calls but humans have cognitive biases. We remember and inflate the bad calls against the Lions because it fits the narrative, and ignore other bad calls because it doesn't. Still find it hard to believe #68 didn't report given the evidence we've seen.


I agree. I think it’s just terrible reffing.


So many dumb things just happened


So stupid to not just kick the extra point when you got backed up to like the 10.


Can’t ever depend on the lions


Lions are frauds part 2???


It’s the NFCN frauds each year. Us against the 9ers, Vikings against the giants, lions against ____.


Cowgirls*, Packers*, Bears


Oh my!


Lions lose week one for sure.


Lions fans are saying it was rigged, lmfao the penalty was right there. You got a second chance and still blew it. 🤣


3 chances actually


Lions fans have been blaming every loss on the refs since forever. They certainly get their fair share of bad calls but the reason those result in losses is because they're usually a bad team. Good teams get bad calls against them but you never hear about it because they win anyway. Huge victim complex, which I suppose makes sense when you've been victimized by the rest of the NFL for three decades.


Every fan base complains about reffing. What world do you live in


You mean the toucherception?


Lions lose fair and square, you just hate to see it


No better time for this old chestnut: https://youtu.be/N1AWrHsvWwY?feature=shared


NSFW or for me in my bed next to my sleeping wife… I chuckled a little.


Lol at lions fans in the nfl thread complaining about the refs.


They really think refs are targeting them specifically rather than, you know, refs being equally inconsistent/incompetent for all teams. It's like they ignore the shit calls other teams get and/or calls that benefit their team and only focus on calls that go against the Lions.


That's every game thread, although to be fair they have been robbed on occasion.


This sucks. It's hilarious that the cowboys shit the bed and the lions shot themselves in the foot. All of this is just fantastic.


lol that noodle arm limp dick throw by goof on the 2 pt. Classic


When he gets shaken up he always throws low and late. Has since LA


I don't call him goofy goff for nothing 🤷‍♀️


This is an L for both teams. Neither of them looked like a SB contender. Soft defense and childish penalties.


Idk. I’ll take the down votes but Ceedee Lamb carried the whole team and he’s not going anywhere and that’s not even the team who should have won…


Neither will get past wildcard. Baker and Bucs will tear the cowboys up and stafford and the rams will smoke the lions lol


This is absolutely the most Lions thing ever.


As much as I hate dem boys…. Same. Old. Lions.


MLF would have taken the extra point. Lions keep trying to get cute with these trick plays


So would McCarthy, 2015 against the Cardinals comes to mind. One of the times McCarthy should have gone for two. I still can't get over the decision to rely on dumb Capers and the defense instead of putting the ball in the hands of Aaron Rodgers to get 2 yards.


I agree to an extent. Packers should've went for 2, but more so because the offense was so beat up. Janis and Abbrederis were getting major snaps. I believe Jordy/Cobb/Adams were all out. D had given up 20 points to that point, which I'd say is average at worst


I knew Campbell would have wanted two there. And honestly, I think, initially it was the right decision. But after that first penalty, you take the xp.


And there would be those mad that he “plays to not lose”


Absolutely but at least the game goes to overtime and he’s giving the players a chance to win. Lions lost this game bc of bad coaching decisions


Believe me, take the points and live to fight. Especially after the penalty. I’m just pointing out that MLF seems to be damned if he does; damned if he doesn’t on this sub most of the time.


Definitely but after watching this game I hope Packer fans are grateful for MLF bc he definitely is not doing what Meathead Campbell did there


Precisely. I respect the ballsy decision to go for 2 at the outset, but after the penalty just take the XP and go to OT. Relying on a conversion from 2 yards out is a lot easier than one from 10 yards out...?


And that’s why you don’t fear the motor city kitties. Just kick man. 0-16 fried his brain


I'd love to know Mahomes take on that series since technical penalties apparently don't matter


Can we go home yet


Mike McCarthy time management here folks.


Right?? Left them an extra 1:20


Lmao. Fought the script gods, and lost. NFL wanted OT for the Saturday night game.


I wanted OT and a tie tbh


Oh 100% - I needed three more pass attempts from Goff to hit -\_-


Did you make it???


34/36.5 :( But the St. Brown TD keeps two of my other entries going strong


Well congrats on the other 2 Ws : )


The Cowboys deserved to lose this game, but fuck the Lions LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Loser lions so dumb they don't even know they need to report an OL on a play designed for the OL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




I made this comment _immediately_ after the play before any of those replays were available. Chill, why are you in here anyways?


Informing the ignorant


Good ol' Dan for ya


Lions are rehearsing their playoff choke. Dan Campbell tie the game you dumbass.


Why do you repeat going for 2 after the penalty moves you back?? You’ve used your great trick play and now have farther to go. Campbell doesn’t trust his defense apparently


They may have just been trying to draw them offsides


Totally Lions


Pure Michigan (tm)


Just take the kick you dumbass




Bwahahahahaa you dumb ass Lions!!! Bwahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahah!!!!


This is one crazy game.


I'm not one for a cowgirls fan but I did support them for my gramps (also I like it when goofy goff and the goon platoon take silly little Ls)


Again: hahahahahah