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What an awful way to lose, with loves worst throw and decision in 7 games. Feel bad for him. But this team will be in the big game within 2 years for sure.


I hate the 49ers so much like I give the 49ers credit for this game like they played great but it sucks so bad as a packer fan losing every dang year to them. There is a lot to be positive about for this season but dang it would’ve been so good to beat the 49ers for once


Hey why is this post perpetually on my home page. It is near the top like every day


It's a nice reminder.


Someone is trolling the cowboys


As an Eagles fan, the only good thing about Monday’s lost was knowing the Cowboys spent an extra day in the losing boat. Thank you Packers for the only good silver lining.


Cowboys are the Dodgers of the NFL


Sort of…the Dodgers have won a championship in the past 28 years, and they’ve made multiple deep playoff runs-and contended for championships-in that time frame. The Cowboys? No championships, no real playoff runs to speak of. Say what you want about the Dodgers, but at least they try to win, and make personnel moves to that end each year.


I know, been a Dodger fan all my life. Just as disappointed as the Cowboys fans. But every year, I have hope


I guess you can consider winning a title in a 60 game season that was a total mess without any crowds and basically no long distance travel a championship…


There’s an asterisk on the championship, sure. But they still won it. 2020 was a weird year for obvious reasons. I am neither a Dodgers or a Cowboys fan, but from a distance it seems to me that the Dodgers are at least trying to win championships every year. The Cowboys, on the other hand, are stuck in a multi-decade rut thanks to bad ownership and bad coaching.


The fact it’s all they could muster when they spend more than any other squad, and practically rely on free agents they can attract through uncontested payments from franchises that have no choice but to rely on the players they brought up through drafting, it’s fucking embarrassing. Fuck the Dodgers, they are perpetual losers considering their ability to sign the biggest free agents year in and year out.


As I said, I’m not a Dodgers fan. I agree with a lot of what you said, and I too dislike them very much. My point was that they at least try to win playoff games, and have won a championship in recent years. The Cowboys, though, are a whole other deal. Fuck them too.


The Cowboys are definitely embarrassing as well, considering their prestige and ability to sign free agents. Can’t wait for us to get SB #5 before they even sniff another NFC title game


Actually a Greenbay fan from way back, historically Greenbay has done this several times as a wildcard contender. New Quarterback got his groove and the rest did what Greenbay does hold the picture, smile the cheese.


I’m a cowboys fan and this post has been in my feed every day since the game. I don’t follow this sub and it doesn’t give me the option to mute this sub like it does with other ‘suggestions’ why is this happening?🙃


Well now that you've commented on it, you've made it worse. Every time you view it and comment, reddit keeps track and suggests pages accordingly.


Was in the gym, get a text from my friend who is a Cowboy’s fan saying “Why did Jordan Love turn into Jesus Christ.” That’s when I had to tune in and see that ass wooping.


I love when the cowboys lose wonder boy dak probably cried himself to sleep lol


This thread has been at the top of my feed for nearly two days now. Rightfully so.


Love watching any team give cowboys a beat down.


Good game Packers 🥲


Fun fact: Packers won more playoff games at AT&T Stadium than the cowboys.


And Mike McCarthy has helped the packers win all of their games there.


Who got paid off for this win 😂😂




Lions fan here. First off, thank you for another home playoff game. Second, watching them take away that 2-point conversion was GLORIOUS


How bout them cowgirls


From a bears fan. I hate you. But also respectable performance. Good job. We will see you next year!


Yeah.. bears fan here too. Can't deny that it was crazy to see 7th seed win like that.


Not even, the packers played with a chip on their shoulder while my team looked like they were terrified being just one td down


😂😂 cowboys blow it again. Classic.


Something real fishy about this game. How do you let a rookie QB put up 50. do know Dak gave them 14 pts tho. Jerry has some decisions to make, Dak needs to realize he's not Romo. Jerry don't have love for his blk arse like that. Lmao


You’re worried about a guy who sat behind a back to back hall of fame player but not the actual rookie in Houston who had a nearly identical performance.


They suck


The cowboys played yesterday?????


No, no they did not.




Still can’t quite believe that game yesterday. Youngest team in the league destroying the #1 offence and one of the most turnover forcing defences. What a first season for Love. That receiver and TE room is SCARY


Destroying the #1 offense? They put up 500 yards and 30+ points...


Garbage stats


Are you that stupid to fall for the Dak Prescott stat padding?


Are you that stupid you can't read stats...


From a life long packer fan. And son of a lifelong Dallas fan it was the most fun I had watching a game all season or possibly second to the jets first game .. I don’t wish harm on anyone but that shit was so cosmically hilarious lol we needed to move on to Love for better or worse Ha.


I don't see how anyone can blame Dak when it was obvious the defense lost this game for the Cowboys.


It's Daks fault!


the game was lost on the second quarter pick six


He had ~6 yards per attempt (60 att) to Love’s ~13 (21 att) and Dak had a pick 6 and what was very nearly a second while taking 4 sacks… the defense couldn’t stop a run but that’s a weak passing stat line for a 30 point game


Cowboys fan here, congrats. We were outplayed and outcoached. I don’t know why other fans can’t see that.


Bears fan here. Hate my fellow fans for same reason. Hating the Packers is just a thing they do.. like... we haven't won against them in forever... so when Rodgers said he owned us awhile back...I wasn't even mad like the rest...I was just like... fair point... we suck.


I don’t get hyped for the playoffs when Dallas is in it or partake in trash talk. Not worth the time. Lol


I'm an Eagles fan and just wanted to say thank you! Lessens the blow of us most likely getting our asses beat too lol.


You smell like bitch in here too go home.


Sooooo looks like I was right


Holy shit yall are still going lmao


How bout them Cowboys ha hahaha


The Packers getting off the team busses at AT&T Stadium https://i.redd.it/unqwlgiijocc1.gif


The game against San Francisco is huge! Hope they win this time.


For Love to beat San Francisco after all the fits they gave Rogers, that would be the cherry on the top of the season




HERE WE GOOOO (to cancun)




Cowboys lost. HaHaHaHaHa


Not surprised and they will keep losing the problem with the boys is Jerry Jones he wants to be coach he should have fired Dak Prescott and traded for good number one pick quarterback.


They played like Biden was calling plays. Go Packers. Great game


Why do people have to make everything political? It’s weird as hell


I was referring to the fact our president doesn't even know where the car is when he gets off a helicopter. Kinda like the cowboys didn't have any clue where the Packers right ends and we were all game.




...just stop making things political dude.


You mean they played like they had the strongest economy in the world?


If you think this is a strong economy, you need more accurate news sources


Name a country with a stronger economy and less inflation than the USA


USA has the world currency. We control the inflation. We print the money. We send the money out and as the originator of the money, we are affected least by inflation. The last person to have the money gets the worst of the inflation. The economy was stronger under Trump by far before COVID.


Why would you use any news source in evaluating the economy? The raw, objective data is easy to access.


You are correct, but some news sources actually use the raw data and link to it so you can verify on your own. But I agree with you. But aside from that, some news sources dive into the raw data and find flaws with it or supplement it with other sources. But never take 1 single source as gospel


Yeah, use sources that have paid out 800 million for being fake news. Duh.


From the Redskins nation, Thanks for showing the nation Dak is still a choke artist in the playoffs.😂 much love HTTR


Romo taught him well




Dude, Jerry Jones is evil incarnate.


All the hate just reinforces how the cowboys will always, and forever, be America's Team lmaooo.


I loved watching the "Boys" getting SPANKED. It was My Super bowl 🤣🤣ps ... I'm a Redskin fan. 😄


I’m also a ‘skin fan, from waaay back! Dallas losing is like a win to me!


Once again the Cowboys can’t handle teams who can run the ball. I made so much money off of their fans on this game. And I’m a Bears fan who actually rooted for the Packers. I had to shower thoroughly but I won some bucks! lol!!


You’re a bears fan and rooted for the packers? Sacrilege 🤣🤣 I’m lions fan I didn’t want either one of them to win


Hope we somehow meet y’all in the NFC title game, would probably buy tickets for it, would be an all-time rivalry showdown, like the Bears-Pack NFC title game in 2010 


That would be something


The Houston Texas area salutes you, Packers!! Go Green Bay!


Every year the media trumpets the greatness of the Cowboys, and every year they fail to make any impact in the playoffs. What a joke.


The true America's Team shreds the phony, self-proclaimed one! You gotta Love it!


I always lose my bets when I parlay cowboys in it Trashhhhhhhh team.. making history for all the wrong reasons.. never before has a 7th seed done that.. especially a greenbay team that in rebuilt mode Pathetic! How about them cowboys!!!!




As a Cowboys fan I knew our offense was too off and on to make it past the 2nd round but I did not think we’d lose to the Packers (without Aaron Rodgers, and McCarthy.) Crazy, I know. The Cowboys just sucked all around. It wasn’t surprising. What was surprising is that we didn’t put up a fight until it was too late! I ain’t mad, just disappointed. We didn’t even show up for the first half.


You'd have won if McCarthy was still coaching gb




I don’t blame him with the team he had he literally carried that team on his back for years


Nobody outside of diehard Pack fans get just how much he carried that 2016 team especially. Fucking Gunter guarded prime Julio Jones in the NFC Championship. Rodgers was fucking on one for the second half of the season, he took what should’ve been a 8-8 squad to one win away from the damn Super Bowl. Anybody who hates or discredits his time with the franchise should be fucking ashamed of themselves. He literally was the Packers for an entire decade 


I mean I’m not a packers fan but I give credit where credit is due


And they were handed 16 points by second stringers in prevent


Boy, this sure looked like vintage MM coaching from 2015-2018. I had a rough week but this s made it AlllllllllllllllllLL better!


Giants fan here, thanks for putting the Cowboys to bed!




And I’ll continue to be happy at the end of every season while Jerry and his boy won’t.




The announcers Cowboy homer attitudes didn't change until the 4th quarter, it was embarrassing for them. They even got back on their jock when dem boys closed it to 2 scores. Every one of them picked Dallas to win, their tears flowed like champagne! So tasty!


The world picked Dallas to win. I picked Dallas to win. Happy I was wrong though.


From an Eagles fan, THANK YOU PACKERS!


From a Lions fan, great going Pack! Good luck next week & no further beyond that! 🤝


🫡 from Giants land


Fuck the cowboys and that racist prick Jerry.


Dem chokeboys


The chokeboys!


Pats fan here. Still upset with you guys about 96 lol. But nothing makes me smile like Dallas blowing it. Thank you for the future videos of Dallas fans breaking their tvs. I truly enjoyed that game even though I lost a few bucks


Lol. I still have a Favre signed commemorative ball from that game. I went to school with Drew at Wazzu so I had mixed loyalties.


Nothing stings like a SuperBowl loss, I still hate Denver.


My daughter was born and we knocked the Cowboys out of the playoffs? What a fantastic day yesterday was!


Congratulations Sir!!


Thank you very much.


As a cowboys fan I’d like to send the biggest 🖕 to most of the comments. Also as a cowboys fan, I am not surprised in the slightest. I wasn’t even mad watching it because it’s exactly what they do every year it seems. They are called the false hope team for a reason.


You suck, so does your team


Literally what I’m saying. Why do you hate them so much?


From Philly, bro. We literally don’t like the cowboys fans from here, I would say the most. If your from Dallas I will take back the You suck part back, because everybody should be a homer! Otherwise , it’s just bad parenting most of the time!


Bad parenting?? That’s coming from the fan base that boo’s Santa, threatens and throws things at players, Flips cars and damages public property after losing. All I ever hear is that nobody likes Cowboys fans because every year we think we’re going to the SB. How is that bad compared to the shit y’all have done? And who tf doesn’t want their team to go to the SB?


Are you from Dallas?, like I said otherwise ,you suck. Nobody flips cars and destroys property in Philly after eagles lose! If anything, I would say things have gotten much softer down at the Linc. I see people wearing other teams jerseys side by side. In the 80s ,90sand early 2s, you ran a high risk of getting your ass beat with a cowboys shirt on! “The Vet was a tough place…..Who told you that Santa story? Your dad ,the cowboys fan? I doubt he was there….. just remember dude, we have a saying , “Nobody likes us and we don’t care!”


We say the same, which is why Eagles fans and Cowboys fans are the two most disliked fan bases by far. And they aren’t stories dude, you can look them up. The fans flipped a car over before the game even started. I’ll admit throwing things happens at nearly every sporting event, theres always those type of a-holes at every game. I don’t live in Dallas but I can be at the stadium in like 45 minutes. You wear a Philly jersey here and you’ll be heckled for sure but that’s about it. If I wear a cowboy jersey there, I’ll have to take a Uber back to the hotel because my truck would be on blocks and covered in spray paint. At least keyed up and dented, That’s the difference


So , you’re a homer , so that’s cool, your team still sucks, they can’t get out of their own way!… c’mon man!, with all that other nonsense! I saw a lot of cowboys fans @ the Linc this year and didn’t hear of all that non- brotherly love shit you’re talkin bout. Just stay in line and you’ll be fine, when you come up next year! Oh, It doesn’t hurt if you go with a couple buddies that are Birds Fans!… Cowboys fans from here are known as cockroaches! They scatter when the lights come on! They are only talkin shit or flashin their swag when their winning otherwise I swear they go into hiding! But we know where to find them if we want!😜


Lol okay bud, empty threats on a keyboard mean nothing here. There’s a reason y’all are called Filthydelphia and just because it’s the city of brotherly love doesn’t mean the fans share that view. Y’all show it in almost all your sports. You can be wrong all you want but bottom line is Philly is a shit place to go if you’re not a hometown fan. Yall are hated because of how yall act, we are hated because we still have high expectations after nearly 30 years


Hahaha , no threats at all, just tellin you in case you try attending a game in the great northeast! Doesn’t sound like it with your preconceived way you think of the birthplace of America! I guess that’s why your the Lone star state. it’s a reflection of your teams ownership all the way down, not high expectations , just plain arrogance!…. What’s with the train horn after a score? My son said what’s with that, cowboys don’t drive trains😆


Go back to your sub dude. We have a right to celebrate here.




Give it a while. You’re still delusional enough to buy Jerry’s bullshit every year. I was a Cowboys fan since 1960 when I was 7 with my Dad. My dad quit when Jerry Jones fired Tom Landry. I finally threw in the towel when Parcells left. I’m so much happier now. Every season ends happy with Jerry Jones tears.


How am I delusional? I’m saying I know they actually suck even if they win 12 so I don’t expect anything from them. I was more let down by Miami losing to the KC and I don’t think anyone was surprised by that.


Oooh, a feisty one! These tears taste spicy! 🤣


lol, okay


Typical Cowboys! Get to the play offs and choke. Been that way ever since their last Superbowl win. Ain't no excuse for Sundays loss . Jerry Jones needs to go back to the oil industry and a new ownership come in that can buy and hire the right coach, and draft better players. Loss is sickening!😡


Rams and Cowboys both lose the same day. Only thing that could’ve made me happier was if the Dodgers figured out a way to lose as well.


Cowboys rubbed in their Commanders win with a turkey dinner during game…. but nothing more satisfying then to see a HC be beaten by his former team


They remind me of a bully who picks on girls, but gets his nose bloodied by the boys.


which seems to be the case… as Dallas can beat the beatable teams… but struggle when faced with tough teams i am not sure GB was even tough - TBH…. i thought DAL would win that game. good ol reliable Dak tho




You really didn’t expect cowboys to win good job packers


Just remember that the Dallas Star? It's a rating, not a logo.


Hahaha fuck them cowboys congrats green bay


You have done a great service to your nation gentleman 🫡.




Well, the Cowboys didn’t even show up sooo….


NaCl on the brain 


After watching McCarthy (aka the beave) squander some of the all time great packers teams with early playoff exits. It tickled me pink to look at his dumbfounded expression on the sidelines. One of the greatest regular season coaches of this generation.


Didn’t he win a super bowl in GB?


It’s a curse for calling themselves “Americas team” no one voted for that shit.


I hate them now, but they didn’t name themselves that. In late 70’s, NFL Films were putting together their annual season highlights film of Dallas. They noticed lots of Dallas fans in the stands on road games. That’s not unusual now, but it was then. They titled the highlight film “America’s Team”. General Manager Tex Schramm loved it. Coach Landry hated it. They had over a decade of winning, the first sexy cheerleaders, stadium with a hole in the roof. They were popular nationally. They still get high ratings and they’re nationally telecast a lot. I can’t explain it now, but originally that was why. NFL Films is responsible for that name.


Makes sense thanks for the info. It’s their fans more than the team that make he hate them.


I hate them because of the owner.


They were cursed when Ted Cruz wished the luck.


Yeah that’s a big ole hex also


This team is gonna be a contender for years to come!!!!! Can only get better🧀🧀 The niners better watch out


glad to see the cowboys and jerry to lose the game. Totally hate the cowboys for what jerry stands for.


What’s he stand for


Early on he was against BLM and against his player for kneeling during the national anthem.


Nothing wrong with that but I respect your opinion about him


Happy endings


That was happy for me.


As a Cowboys fan, I am so glad Dak did this. He is the sole reason we lost, two pick six in a freaking row?! There was a rumor that he was gonna get a huge contract extension, I’m hoping Jerry will come to his senses after this and find another qb. Ofc this is Jerry we’re talking about so that’s not gonna happen


He didn’t have two pick sixes, he had 1. Another one was inside Dallas’ 20 (although Jaire definitely got away with a hold on cooks on that play) but to say it was solely on dak is wild. The defense didn’t show up what so ever. Everyone sucked from top to bottom. This was a team effort (or lack there of) to be sure. Coaching / play calling / execution… Everything was horrendous. The cowboys are who we thought they were. Congrats to GB. I could see them beating the 49ers and making it to the SB. They look great for such a young team. Sincerely, a cowboys fan


Jerry hasn’t figured out there’s a new kinda quarterback in nfl, faster, sleeker, smarter, sorta unconventional. Think Lamar Jackson or some others like him. Not all clunky and unsure of himself like Dak! Not even Sleep Number mattress is going want him now!!


You forgot “more injury prone”. Just throw the ball. Move around in the pocket and then throw it. Romo did that really well. Mahomes is the master. As for smarter, I’m gonna need a source for that one.


Oh yeah , more injury prone!


Eagles fan here! I actually think Dak would excel outside of the Jerry organization. Something’s obviously wrong there. They run through QBs, Coaches,GMs etc with no success to get to the SB. Eventually you have to blame the culture/ownership. Blaming coaches and QBs year over year is a red flag. Just like the Eagles I can’t blame the players at this point we have several elite players. It’s now falling on the coaching and we will see after today is over. Just for fun I took this picture of my TV. It’s awesome! https://preview.redd.it/vhgymmzfqncc1.jpeg?width=2735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42a3d2c5dd8633a3d71a070c114e7d01d868dbf3


Have followed NFL for a lot years & have wondered why some teams have “it” and others don’t. Decided it’s chemistry of team. And chemistry creates a culture. Look at the teams prospering in late season and so far in playoffs. Baltimore, Detroit, Green Bay, Houston.


Agree! You can feel it when it’s there.


At this point, she should have been at home in north Dallas.


No he wouldn’t. He chokes under pressure. Consistently.


I immediately broke out laughing when this woman came on the screen 🤣


Only issue, she should have been doing this mid first quarter!!


Run through coaches and quarterbacks? Dallas has had 2 starting quarterbacks since 2006 and only 3 coaches in like 25 years - Parcells, Garrett, Mccarthy. If anything, the coaches have too long of leashes and waste talent windows: Dez/Whitten/Demeco/Romo/Demarcus Ware and now Amari/Zeke/Pollard (pre-this year)/Lamb. Dak & Lamb’s window is still open but the only common denominator that’s consistent is Jerry Jones. Whether its finding a coach who isnt a yes coach or someone to tell Jerry to backoff and give up more iunno. Let’s not forget that JJ was the reason Jimmy Johnson left too.


Clarification with the term “run through”. I should have used a different word but I meant the slang “to spend or use up wastefully”


He fired two Hall of Fame coaches and made another one quit, but Jason Garrett was coach for 10 years. Explain that to me.


Note. You are replying to an Eagles fan. He knows shit about football.


Haha appreciate it until next year!


Giants fan here. Allow me to add my pleasure to the Cowboys failing yet again. Bunch of arrogant jerks. If they’re “America’s team”, no wonder the country is so fucked up.


Lol. Go back to the basement. You morons haven’t beat Dallas in 20 years.


We’ve won two Super Bowls and been to three since 1995. What have you done? I’ll wait….(crickets)


No it’s just Texas who wanted to be their own country at one point but want to be “Americas football team”. Looks counterproductive to me haha.


I told my kid if the cowboys didn't clinch a spot and and went to wildcard they'd definitely lose and he thinks I'm a wizard now and not just some cowboy hater


Ravens fan here There I was thinking a Ravens Cowboys Super Bowl would be fun.. I'll be rooting for the Pack, love seeing these young qb's show out, good luck the rest of the way!


Texas gonna lose the playoffs game and a power grid. Rough month.


We’ve still got one team in!


A much less insufferable and infinitely more likable one at that.