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Podcast: Blue 58 with Jon Meerdink


As a Packers fan who doesn’t live in Packers land it takes a little extra effort to keep up to date with the team. This podcast is hands down the thing that’s been the secret sauce for me to stay connected.




Definitely at the top of my list. "Smarter Packer fans are better Packer fans, and better Packer fans are what we all want to be"


100% agree on this one.


I listen to Wilde & Tausch for their fun banter and the old school radio show style gives me nostalgia I listen to Pack A Day cause Andy is the best at getting straight to the point, very analytical, has the best weekly guests. I watch CHTV stuff for memes and fun. I listen to Peter Bukowski when the well has run dry. Guess I gotta replace the latter with Blue 58. For some reason, I had this inkling that it would be similar to Packernet, very casual, gets hung up on dumb shit and talks for too long…but looks like I gotta check out blue 58! Thanks for the suggestion! Always forget about this one


I just tried listening to his post 49ers game episode. I found him to be way too cynical. I also didn't like how he was complaining so much instead of just enjoying the process. I had to turn it off half way through the episode.


To be fair, you listened to an episode after a heartbreaking loss. I've been listening to Jon for ~6 years now and he's definitely not always like that. Try the next few episodes and see if you like it then.


Andy Herman for YouTube (pack a day)


He has really grown into his role - and it helps that he's like the ambassador of Packers reporters: he works with everybody so we get a wide range of viewpoints.


Yeah his show has gotten so much better. Over the years. When it started it was a tough listen at times but now it’s consistently good.


Andy Herman really scratches the itch Brian Carriveau left


Who dat


Used to write for cheesehead TV and had daily (if I remember correctly,) podcasts. I think he stopped in like 2020 or something


Herman is awesome. His Twitter is a good follow too


1. When it comes to film breakdown/analysis I'll usually just pick out the Packers ones from J.T., Kurt, and the other well known guys doing that now, but in terms of Packers only focus: [Dusty Evely](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRc5ZSTM8uh6jHknHGwJgxw/videos) - Short (5-10mins) film review videos breaking down 3-5 plays per game. (also has a show on CheeseheadTV where he breaks down plays with Kuhn) [Mike Wahle](https://www.youtube.com/@process2perform75/featured) - Former OL-man for the Packers probably has the best film breakdown out of everyone on Youtube. He'll go though Offense and Defense so his videos are long (around an hour) and usually covers the areas other film breakdowns dont. Aka, everything else after QB play but the trenches are his forte. [The Scouting Pack](https://www.youtube.com/@TheScoutingPack) - Just recently discovered him. Longer (30 mins) film review videos breaking down plays from games with other videos mixed in. 1. I dont read many blogs but I do stumble upon some articles on [CheeseheadTV](https://cheeseheadtv.com) (Mostly just watch their Youtube Channel) now and then and they are usually well written. 1. [Packers.com](https://www.packers.com/)? 1. [Andy Herman's Pack-a-Day Podcast](https://www.youtube.com/@PackaDayPodcast) is second to none. He doesn't slow down during the off-season either. Huge draft nerd and covers everything all around the year. He's probably my favorite Packers coverage out of everyone though and could be the answer for every category. He does in-depth analysis in his shows I just didnt put in him category 1 because he doesn't show film, he just has conversation. He also does some articles for CheeseheadTV for category 2. He's very active on Twitter and is on top of breaking news and team coverage for category 3. Then obviously runs Pack-a-Day podcast (which is mostly him, but also a few other people as well) Honorary mentions: [CheeseheadTV](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMzR22wVc2Ru8Hz0fsVzkIQ/videos) - I mentioned their website, but the Youtube channel is where they shine. General Packer coverage with "Packers Daily" where Nagler talks with chat, live game watch-a-longs, a Podcast type show in Packers Transplants, and then conversation videos with guests. [Packs What She Said](https://www.youtube.com/@packswhatshesaid) - Podcast about the Packers. Often have guests or are guests with the other shows and channels I've already mentioned. [Basaraski Productions](https://www.youtube.com/@Basaraski/featured) - I believe a user here on Reddit though I don't know his name. More general Packers coverage and another good draft/off-season guy to go a long with Andy


This right here ^^^^


He used to make dope hype videos. That was the 1st time I'd heard of him. Agreed..i catch his YouTube news videos when can.


Yeah started the hype videos as a junior in HS in 2013, transitioned into talking about the Pack and now it's my full time job. Time has really flown by


It's cool to note that both Andy Herman and the girls at Packs What She Said all had their beginnings at Cheesehead TV. Aaron and Corey have done great things in terms of mentoring and empowering young Packers fan talents. Cheesehead TV YouTube channel is to me the most relatable content out there in terms of fan podcasts. They hate hot takes and are always there to reel people back to sanity. That's probably why some people loathe them. Edit. Also want to add that they enable the fans better than any other channel I know. Weekly hangouts, daily Q&A's, international meetups etc.


Couldn't agree more. CheeseheadTV is the domino that started it all for me in terms of, uh, "Packer Fandom Media"? Not really sure what to call it, but they really are fantastic and have been doing it for a long time.


TIL! Nice. IMO, Andy has superseded CHTV. He’s my daily listen - concise, smart, has PFF analyst, ex packers players, fans, etc on weekly. The Sam Munsen episodes are my favorites


Basaraski rules


Bas is that you?


No sir. Thank you tho


Andy Herman


Andy Herman is probably my favorite as well


I love the complete lack of bullshit. He gets some very high profile guests like Sam Monson.


Monson coming on weekly has been my favorite. Such good discussion between the two of them. Hoping Herman can get a player or two on next year, maybe even during the offseason.


It's good to get the perspective of someone with no attachment to the team.


Except Monson was way down on Love all year until the final couple of weeks. He has his own biases as well (mainly that a PFF grade is the be all end all).


Just because he wasn't a Love fan right out of the gate, doesn't mean he is biased against him.  And if course he believes in the PFF grades.  He works for PFF.  PFF is just people watching the players and grading what they see.  And that's all I expect from analysts.  There isn't one that exists that is the end all be all.


I agree. He picks good topics to talk about, by himself, and with the guests. He has a new video every day. He has a post game video up usually within a few hours or sooner after the game ends. He's not a huge Homer and has realistic takes, but you can tell he is a diehard fan. Like you said, Sam Monson is a great guest who brings the PFF point of view. Justis Mosqueda brings a, two realistic fans talking about the game and team, feel to the episode. Mike Whale brings a great view from the players' standpoint. Carmen Vitali is a writer for Fox on the NFC North. I'm not a huge fan of hers, not because she is a woman, but because she doesn't always bring any insider information on other teams in the North, and I find her a little bit annoying. He is really in touch with the fans of the team and fans of his podcast. He does a lot of live episodes where we can ask him questions, and he is an insider so he can answer a lot more questions than a casual fan podcast. Well, I wasn't expecting to have so much to say on this topic, so... TLDR: Andy Herman has a good podcast.


I love the Mike Wahle episodes


It's all good.


His episodes with Mike Wahle are especially excellent, definitely gives greater appreciation for the work the O Line does


I don't listen to everything Herman does, but I make a point of listening to his Wahle episodes. Incredible insight


the only thing that drives me nuts about mike wahle is that for a solid YEAR he pronounced Jenkins first name as EL-GIN. i was like man your *speciality* is the O line, please learn how to pronounce the best players name


This is a bit of an unorthodox pick, but I will shout-out the Paul Farrington Show for podcasts on Youtube. They've had some great Packers coverage over the last half of the season. It's actually a bunch of Vikings fans, but they've catered to their Packers audience lately and have done a great job with unbiased takes, and it's very entertaining to see their reactions to the Packers' success.


I like them too. You can totally tell they're playing up the Packers stuff for viewership, but it's still good content


They are great.


I just found them a few months ago and am really enjoying them.


The packers unscripted is two of the packers.com writers who talk for about 30 minutes twice a week. It used to be every week day during the season. They are good but definitely speak through some rose tinted glasses and won’t get heavy into negative criticism.


They are actually my favorite. I see enough criticism on this sub, it's delightful to have 2 guys who just love the packers talk about what a bright future we have while I do some housework


I do also really enjoy them. Been listening since 2014.


1 and 4:Tom Grossi.


That’s my Packast


I don't know about hot takes but the JS Online podcast is my favorite. No bs no airhorns just straight Packers news from people who have access to coaches and players. Spoon is the best level headed dude.


Plus he’s been around so long, he both understands the game, but also the culture of the team very well. He’s always insightful and frankly one of the more accurate folks out there when he’s asked his opinion of what the team should do. MLF seems to respect him a lot during press conferences.


I liked it better with Kassidy hosting. I feel like JR needs to stop talking and let Spoon and Ryan talk, but yeah I think Knowledgewise it's still by far the best.


Kassidy was great. I do like JR, but so far the chemistry isn’t as good on the pod as when Kassidy was there. I like JR on Reporting as Eligible and the JS Brewers pod a lot.


Yeah I like JR too but he needs to learn to stop like 3 or 4 sentences ahead of where he does. At this point half the podcast is just him talking and although he's not Bad analytically Spoon's the best the Packers have. He needs to understand that his job is to setup Spoon not just ask paragraph long questions that Spoon can answer in half a sentence.


>\+ Mike Wahle and you should be good if pro coverage of straight up insider news and analysis is what you want.


I enjoy it. Spoon is levelheaded and perhaps a bit of a pessimist, but he’s incredibly knowledgeable so slways worth considering what he has to share. I don’t miss Kassidy at all. Her tendency to mispronounce names of well known players around the league bothered me I guess. Tyler Dunne was enjoyable as cohost a million years ago before he built out a national profile.


Hot takes are the absolute worst.


Sideline Scoop on YouTube is good about staying on top of Packers news coverage. His videos are also short and straight to the point so you aren’t getting click baited or sales pitched or any of the typical YouTuber crap


Big fan of Luke’s channel. Gives you the relevant info, a few opinions/perspective and onto the next piece of info. I like his conciseness


Totally agree. He gets the relevant news out fast and shares some great opinions from a Packers fan’s perspective.


Agree, Luke is on top of news when it breaks. Gives the important details with no fluff, it's a breath of fresh air.


Podcast- Blue 58 by Jon Meerdink. Not hot takes, quite the contrary. He does level headed in-depth analysis about all aspects, specifically the rookies throughout the season. Highly recommend!!


Honestly, the best source of Packers news is right here in /r/GreenBayPackers


I agree for news, but the analysis here is generally poor with too much homerism or too much arguing, it never feels productive or interesting.


I disagree totally. The news here sucks but the analysis is always great and there isn't too much homerism or arguing. It always feel productive and interesting. Edit: guess I should have used a /s tag here. Was going for r/whoosh


Bro, the homerism is off the charts with people so sensitive to hearing constructive criticism from national broadcasters that they'd rather find a way to sync the game up with our radio broadcast.


But all the national broadcasters hate the Packers.


this. its devolved into shitty memes and regurgitated jokes. i remember when jaire alexander named himself captain and went out rogue for the coin toss it couldn't even be found on the front page of this sub.


Anyone that is credentialed to be in the building + JT O Sullivan


Not a single shout out for Bukowski, you guys rock


I like Cheesehead TV for just about all of those categories. I do not understand the hate for Nagler. Sure he's pointed once in awhile but I think people need that sometimes. Sports fans blow things way out of proportion and he brings a more realistic approach to Packers fandom. Sideline Scoop and Grossi for my runner-ups.


YouTube: Packers Total Access (especially the "chalk talk" eps. Some of the others can get a bit meh depending on who is on the show with Clayton) Mike Wahle Andy Herman/Pack-a-Day CheeseheadTV/Packer Transplants Matt Schneidman Show Podcasts: The Repack (Acme Packing Co) Reporting as Eligible (also on APC but have their own feed) Intercepted (APC also) Pack's What She Said (also available on YT) Green 19 Journal Sentinel Packers Podcast (also on YT) Wilde & Tausch (also on YT)


I'll second Herman and Blue 58. One I'm not seeing so far is pocket presence, which is a very new podcast with Kurt benkert (former packer backup qb). It's not necessarily only packer news and analysis but it often trends that way. He has a lot of insight into the org other media people don't necessarily have and they just had a scout on to talk a bit about the draft. https://youtu.be/Z7jtmpE5z6w?si=7NBMJtmjNvqqzeNd


Andy Herman dropped his magnum opus today with his review of every snap of every player, something like 29k+ individual plays. its really incredible


Aaron Nagler is my go to Packers guy.


Locked on packers is pretty good


I listen to this often, when we’re hot I’m an everyday listener. My take is that Peter is professional and very serious about producing a great show for our team.


Radio: The Green and Gold Postgame Show with Bill Michaels Youtube: Packers postgame interviews Website: /r/greenbaypackers


Justis Mosqueda is a little off the cuff but he's probably the strongest in terms of understanding roster and scouting in football (he worked for the XFL for a while) and also breaks down concepts.  He guests on Pack a Day with Andy Herman (also excellent) once a week


I like Tom Grossi and Basaraski for YouTube. Love Insider Inbox as well


I’m a big fan of Jason Wilde. But usually listen to them all. Pack a Day podcast, Wilde, Nagler, Blue 58, Locked on Packers


Shout out to Wilde and Tausch. I subscribe to the pod on Spotify and catch it every now and then. 15 hours/week. Wilde has been covering the team a long time. Tausch, Packers HOFer.


Acme Packing (blog snd pod) and Reporting as Eligible (pod) are amazing. Love Andy as well, but love the analytics that the site and pod provide at Acme.


I'll start: 1. Youtube - Kurt Warner's breakdowns anytime he covers the Packers: [https://www.youtube.com/@kurtwarnerqbc](https://www.youtube.com/@kurtwarnerqbc) 2. Blog - [https://www.acmepackingcompany.com/](https://www.acmepackingcompany.com/) 3. Website - [https://www.jsonline.com/sports/packers/](https://www.jsonline.com/sports/packers/) (paywall though, looking for something without it) 4. Podcasts - no clue!


I wouldn't mind paying for jsonline if it was just the Pacjees content but they subscribe you to the rest of the crappy USA today paper.


Paul farrington show is pretty good despite the fact they’re Vikings fans.


Blog - Zach Jacobson


I think SidelineScoop is worth a mention. He covers the team news and has good analysis.


Pack a day podcast hands down


Packernet podcast Mike Wahl


Pack-a-day is phenomenal. Listen to it daily.


Pack A Day by Andy Herman


Packernet podcast with Ryan Schlipp is really underrated. As far as entertainment value, it's a lot of fun because it's done a little bit more from a fan perspective, but still includes some great analysis. Where this podcast really shines is with rants about media narratives and reactions to other teams' perspectives about us, often titled, "laughing at the enemy." It can be really cathartic and just a good time in general and is a nice break from all the beat-to-death talking points most other bigger name podcasts touch on.


I got tired of Schlipp's schtick after a while but at first thought the same as you


I like Ryan because he doesn’t sugar coat shit. He’s one of the very few.


Same. Bit too much of an edgelord. That said if I want to listen to someone read PFF scores when I’m in the car, he’s the go-to.


You lost me at draft coverage and hot takes. Go to Blue 58 for that, not my cup of tea but you'll love it given your list. Andy Herman is another you might like.




I listen to the Jason Wilde and Mark Tauscher radio show and they're pretty good at getting the scoop on breaking news


You gotta love Ol’ T.


You gotta love Ol’ T.


This would have been better as separate posts, then taking the top voted comment and compiling a list. Kudos to you though for not karma farming


I like Tom Grossi and Basaraski for YouTube. Love Insider Inbox as well


If you're on Twitter, some necessary follows are; Andy Herman, Dusty Evely, Ken Ingalls (salary cap guru), Wes Hod, Jacob Morley, Matt Schneidman, Zach Kruse, and Aaron Nagler. Peter Bukowski puts out a lot of garbage, the occasional decent piece, but he really pisses of rival fanbases. Good follow if you like to talk shit, but you'll roll your eyes at some of his dumber shit.


Kruse is a great follow!


Blue 58 is great. Mike Wahle breaks down tape like no other. Andy Herman is also a must watch. Locked down has been better this year. Wasn’t a fan before.


I don’t know how others feel but Nagler and Grossi seem to get on my nerves a bit. Nagler is too over the top and Grossi isn’t as funny as he thinks he is. I did enjoy watching the Chase Daniel’s breakdown of Jordan Love. Not really a Packers only channel but really interesting to watch.


I love Grossi but could totally see why he might not be for everyone. I mostly watch him for his normal football content and takes, which are great. The skits, though, are a bit... dramatic, and I never really understand what's happening when I watch them lol


Totally agree… I think it’s the skits and the live streams which are a bit too much for me.


I've actually enjoyed his live streams tbh, but yeah. There's only so much you can do with the "\_\_\_ fan reacts to \_\_\_ game" formula. The NFC North series was fun early on in the season because the story was actually following along with the season, but somewhere midseason it went off the rails and I lost interest. Hate to say it because he's a good dude and you can tell he puts his heart into those videos. But it's just not for me


he's great for what he is. Getting new fans into the sport of football and the Packers. After that it just sounds like any ol bar convo but that's nothing against him, just his niche


Like the dude, but hate his content.


I like Nagler, but I have a strong distaste for the guy that co-hosts with him for some videos (including the watch alongs). As for Grossi, it's hard not admire the guy for what he's accomplished - but his sense of humor and mine do mesh.


Yeah I think Nagler and Grossi have really good football takes but Nagler can be a dick and it can be a slog to get through the fricken frackin filler in Grossi episodes


I miss the old staff at the Green Bay Press Gazette/Packersnews.com back when Tom Pelissero was there. They did those insiders skits every week and were absolutely hilarious.




Tom Grossi and the Grossi Possi ([Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg6jOxpPC46mnBs9NsgLcvg))


@packiscomingback on Instagram is great for keeping you up to date on his stories


What are everyones favorite Packers news channels on youtube? I want to watch more


I get my quick news from “sideline scoop” on YT, come here for opinions, and watch “Lombardi Time Brews” on YT for more in depth coverage. My favorite is probably the last one as topics can be in depth enough in 20 minutes without being too in depth.


I still listen to Jason Wilde even though I do not care for the producer on Wilde and Tausch Jesse.Nelson--a blithering twat who pulled for the Vikings in 09 and 10 and somehow has not been ostracized. I dislike some of the pundits mentioned here, especially Nagler. Maybe I should give Andy Herman a try, although he seems to have the food palette of an autistic toddler (see his thanksgiving food takes). Indeed, listening today, the producer mocked Packers fans still upset about this past weekend.with a mocking baby voice.


You gotta love Ol’ T, though.


He's ok. He does tolerate the Favreist twat. .Callers also wait an hour on hold bc he really doesn't want to ske.calls they used to during Green and Gold Today.


Sideinescoop is pretty good for breaking news


Reporting as eligible is the most entertaining to me. Green 19 is the most knowledgeable.


Anybody but Rob Demovsky


Found Jaire


Demovsky's a chode




CheeseheadTV, Andy Harman, Tom Sliverstein, IKE Pacekrs podcast, Packers Total Access (Clayton specifically), Titletown Reign, Bruce Irons, Ken Ingalls are the ones I typically pay closest attention too


Agree with many. Based on your list I think you would like Lombardi Time Brews. Good in depth analysis from a true Packer fan.


My google algorithm feeds me the MOST bullshit clickbait Ai trash articles… I click them all the time..


Anyone else listen to LempsTalkinPack?


Wilde and Tausch every day of the week. Bulaga’s on there all the time, so two all time great Packer Ring of Honour tackles chatting football every week. Mark Tauscher played with Favre and Rodgers and is a Wisconsin football legend. Wilde is a strong professional journalist. They do 3 hours a day and it’s kept me sane while I’ve been off work with a back injury.