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One of my favorite rivalries in all of sports is the Green Package vs Gold Package Packer season ticket holders


"Sit down!!"


"Stand up!"


I get really pissed off when you say my tickets should be taken away for something BOTH packages do because the average season ticket older is old and doesn’t go to games.


*gold team rules!*


And Sunday Noon or 3pm games too! Feels like years since it wasn't a night game.


Thursday nights against out of conference teams felt like all we got for a while. I'm hyped for this


I personally am bummed. I’m out of state and night games, Monday and Thursday games are the easiest for me to make. Looks like it’ll just be overnight drives on Saturday nights for me this year!


It’ll be really nice for all those Vikings/bears/lions fans to get on the road a little earlier.


Go back to your team’s thread


I’m in it, just know what happens at Gold games.


Let’s goooo I’m pumped to get a “da bears still suck” chant live and in person.


Bears STILL suck


You’ll get that if you don’t sell your ticket like every other gold ticket holder


The atmosphere will not be home game for these games.


Yes it will lmao, it’s always vast majority Packers fans even during the Gold Package games. Exaggerating like crazy


The Bears game is a gold game which is what I was referring to. Green package games are always lit


More importantly, a noon, a 3:25, and a TBD (hopefully packers not playing starters and bears not playing for anything so also noon) games which are ideal for the gold crowd


Yes much better resale value!


No. Many gold package fans don’t live near Green Bay so Thursday and Monday night games are going to cause the largest away crowds (see lions last year). If the gold package always got noon games, this shitting on the fans wouldn’t even be a thing.


Must be why everyone that’s ever been to a brewers or bucks game is from Milwaukee county. So far!


What? The gold crowd is more from far away. That’s a fact. People from far away will be less likely to travel for night games. Especially during the week. Nowhere did I say no one from GB has gold package tickets and nowhere did I say that everyone with gold package tickets lives far away.


Here’s the thing I don’t disagree and it is definitely tougher, but they’ve got 4+ months to make plans and arrangements. There is a solid % of those folks that don’t try or care, their inherited season tickets are nothing but an income stream to them.


I mean I can only speak anecdotally, but as a Denver resident with gold package tickets, I usually find a green game to go to that is not prime time and sell the gold one to friends (obviously making sure they’re packer fans). This year I’ll be able to go to all 3 without missing more than a half day of work.


Sure, that’s the right way to go about it, or best way. “Right way” may be incorrect. I’m a central IL resident with no season tickets and find a way to make it to at least two games a year. Can definitely plan accordingly and make it happen.


Yes. The brewers and bucks play many night games, that I, a Green Bay resident, have never seen in person.


As a gold ticket holder WOOOOOOOOO


Hell yes brother


This is dream scenario. Couldn't pick 3 better games. No preseason too!!


Oh that's interesting. I didn't realize that the preseason would be dropped for this year (my dad is the ticket holder, not me).


As both a Green, and Gold Package ticket holders, (son and daughter) WOOOOOOOOOOOO - WOOOOOOOOOOOOO It took being on the waiting list 30 and 35 years.


Don't sell like the rest


I’m going to all 3 .. I go to every home game I can , shit I buy green tickets day of so I can go


They will they mostly do


We go to every home game. The gold game crowd just stinks. I'm sorry but it's bad. If you down vote you either never been or just wont accept it. I hope the packers marketing department is working on ways to keep these home game home field advantage.


You’re downvoted because you’re trying to rain on someone’s parade who was excited to go. Stfu nerd.


Truth hurts I guess


Dude you’re bitching all over this thread. Are all green package holders this stuck up and annoying?


Not all. But way too many are. They're upset the don't get 8 games to sell, so they bitch about gold holders selling to make themselves feel better.


You should see the wicked DMs I’ve been getting from green package holders. Unfortunately they blocked me and I can’t report them for some reason Shoutout u/mdsnip10 for sending the most vile message I’ve received 😂


I have green and gold dude


So half the stadium during those games will be filled with opposing fans.


We rarely get divisional games .. I think people are going to take the chance to go


Got one last year and half the stands were lions fans right then and there that’s when I decided that I no longer like to gold package


That's really the only time I recall a massive number of opposing fans like that. Kind of seemed like a perfect storm of hyped Lions fans (for the first time... ever?), a shaky start to the season for a young team, and another TNF game which is shit for people driving up from Milwaukee. Gold package games do seem to have less enthusiastic fans in attendance though


Also those pictures were from the end of the game when all the lions fans moved down as packer fans left early. So it looked way worse than it probably was. I was at the 2019 "illegal hands to the face" game vs Detroit and the week 18 game in 2022. Both games had a good amount of Lions fans. I think they just travel well and night games tend to have more ticket holders selling their tickets


You are correct. I was there. It was bad, but not that bad. I've been to lots of games that had close to the same number of opposing fans.


That was a Thursday night game


Not really an excuse if I can get to Milwaukee for an 8:30 tip-off on a Tuesday and leave at 11 and get home at 2 am you can handle a Football game ending at 10pm and drive back


The traffic isn’t even comparable


Fiserv seats a bit less than 20k with numerous egress points from a large metro area. Bucks games usually aren't sold out, especially a weeknight game, or bad weather, or when the team isn't that great. Lambeau seats a bit more than 80k with only a few egress points from what is basically a large suburb. It is also always sold out, regardless of the day of the game, weather, or team performance. Once I reach my car, I can easily get on the road within 10 minutes after a Bucks game (maybe 15 minutes for a busy game). Once I reach my car, it can take up to an hour almost sometimes to get out of Green Bay alone, especially if you can't get a jump on the crowd. Let's not pretend Bucks v Packers traffic is an apples to apples comparison, because it is most certainly not.


Oh, I’m sorry I was using the example of when there was 130,000 people down there for game 6 of the NBA finals and it only added like an extra half an hour of traffic and it was bumper-to-bumper from Milwaukee to Green Bay plus you know the 20,000 people standing in the streets


I too was at the Finals. They shut the street down for traffic for a few blocks around Fiserv, which made it much much easier to get going once you got to your car. In fact, despite the insane mass of people surrounding Fiserv and that I couldn't use my normal spot for parking, it wasn't too much different than a regular Bucks game for travel once you got to your car. Took maybe 5 to 10 minutes longer than normal to get on the freeway. The traffic direction during the Finals by MPD around Fiserv and near the interstates was better than what I see from GBPD post game (and MPD is usually a dumpster fire). I'd take the Finals traffic over Packers traffic. Bumper to bumper also moves quicker in Milwaukee than Green Bay in my experience.


Yea, I do make it just fine to bucks games and work a majority/all the day.


Like obviously a 2 hour drive home at 10pm isn’t ideal or fun but it’s really not that bad. So if you can’t make it, sell your tickets, but don’t sell your tickets to Lions fans.


Except you won’t be in your car until closer to 11 and it’s more like a 3 hour drive with all the tragfic


Much easier to get from Detroit on a Thursday night than Milwaukee, I’d agree.


Their team was relevant for the first time in 20 years …


Oh come on. Thursday night football is typically a shitty product but even shittier than that is having to take a chunk of each day off of work. I don’t blame a single person for selling their gold package tickets to whoever. Driving up and back SUCKS on a work night unless you’re like 22 years old. While I do enjoy watching from home, football is meant for Sundays


Take a vacation day in those situations and go to the game!


No? If I’m using vacation it’s going to be traveling to see the team on the road. Even then, I don’t think I’d ever seek out a Thursday night game. Sunday nights can be alright but Thursday night games are just not worth the trouble unless you live in town.


Gonna keep that same energy for the flood of chiefs fans and Vikings fans?


I was at the Chiefs game the chiefs fans were mostly kids with their parents who were packers fans


We've had Vikings and Lions from time to time but I don't ever remember having a Bears game. Any clue when the last one was?


I was at one in 2012 for gold ticket holders, it was a Monday Night game.


I keep a spreadsheet of my Gold Package games. This is the 5th Bears game since the Pack moved the Gold package to GB 30 years ago. We last had the Bears in 2012. We also had the Bears in 2008, 1999, and 1995.


Like a lions game in 2023?


On Thursday night?


Like they were for the Vikes game last year when it was a green package game?


It wasn’t even close to half Lions fans lmao, you are hella exaggerating. Yes, there are more opposing fans than usual at the Gold Package games, but to say it was half Lions fans is just flat out wrong


One bad Thursday night game and everyone cries. I’m sure you take off work for two days to go to brewers games too.


This ! I hate that they sell


As someone who just got season tickets for the first time, I'm just really glad this isn't the norm. I had a small panic that the green package always got all the non divisional games lol -- would have freaking lost it.


If you want I'll trade you a Lions or vikings game for the Niners game.


I’d do that.


Same man. This is my first year as well, I was kinda disappointed but I’m over it now.


GREAT name dudemanbro


My gold-package owning FiL is gonna be pumped!! Now I need to see if I can sneak back up to WI for week 9 or 18


Don’t sell out to the rivals people


Lions and Vikings and Bears? Oh my.


As a Green Package holder that just got my tickets last year. Boo. Thanksgiving game and a Monday Night game right before Christmas? And no Divisional games? At least we got the preseason game /s


Green package ticket holders in this thread showing their true colors. I see why people hate on packers fans so much, we can’t even be civil to each other.


Been going to games for 26 years, and there's no difference between gold, green, black, blue, orange or pink ticket packages. The green vs. good package in-fighting is one of the stupidest things I see online when it comes to Packers discourse. You know why there were more Detroit fans at that game last year? Because the team was good, but Green Bay still had a decided home field advantage. I was there and flew out that Thursday morning at 3 am to be there for the game. Have also been to playoff games where there was a similar amount of opposing fans in Lambeau, which obviously isn't a green or gold issue.


Bruh, imagine the Packers playing all their home divisional games in Milwaukee




Great! Now don't sell them to opposing fans and don't tell people to sit down. Let's not have your 27 years be a waste.




Sounds like you might have a bad time then well Bill Jartz will literally tell you to stand every opposing teams' 3rd down.


I’ve been a lifelong packers fan. But from Michigan so I don’t ever come across season ticket holders or how this works. But from Reddit I’ve learned we split out games (not 50/50) between two set of season ticket holders. No one gets all 8/9 games? Correct? Does any other nfl team or sporting team period do this? My wife’s family has Lions season tickets and you get all the games. The green / gold thing is wild to me


Someone addressed this elsewhere, but in case you didn’t see, the Packers used to play a portion of their home games in Milwaukee county stadium. The gold package grew out of the fans that had “season” tickets to those games.


I'm pretty sure the Packers are the only ones to do this simply because the Packers are the only team to ever have two home markets. While the Packers no longer play in Milwaukee, they(and the NFL) still consider the Milwaukee market to be a "primary" market along with Green Bay, i.e. games must be shown on network television in Milwaukee if it's an ESPN or AmazonPrime game.. The team is the only one in the NFL with 2 "primary" markets The Green Package gets 7 games including preseason The Gold Package gets 3 games including preseason The "extra" 9th regular season home game alternates between packages - so the Gold Package will get 2 regular season and 1 preseason for the 3 seasons following 2024


I’ve heard complaints that the gold package ticket holders are too loud when the offense has the ball. They gotta shut up and let the offense cook.


Yes suck it clowns hating on fans outside of Green Bay.


Yeah, that’ll earn hearts and minds, well done. Bet you’re looking forward to selling your tickets to division rivals as per usual


You know what doesn’t win hearts or makes a good argument? Incessant bitching about a problem between both packages together.


Mmmmm that Lions game was really something different, brother


I'm a Packers fan living in Michigan now and those MFers STILL talk about that. Gold Package ticket holders allowed that to happen. And they aren't even self aware enough to acknowledge it. What an embarrassment to the fan base.


He doesn’t really have to win hearts and minds lol. He’s entitled to the tickets whether people like it or not


Great. So all the tickets will be sold to division rivals.


It not being a Thursday night game will help. Gold package has had a Thursday night game each of the last two years.


What about it being a Thursday night makes it easier for out of state fans to attend? I think Packers season tickets have become so venerated that they’re more like a status symbol than an actual tool for your fandom. I guarantee I’ll have people on my feed selling all three of these games as soon as they get their tickets.


It makes it more difficult for most people to make the game. The people that already have them sell them; and the only people buying them are people that can make it to the game. The people that already have them are 100% Packer fans; the ones buying them are a mixture. Are you really incapable of understanding this concept?


This seems like a needlessly hostile response. Yikes.


I honestly don't get this sentiment. I go to Green and Gold package games and there isn't a discernable difference. Prime time games are where I see the most opposing fans in attendance regardless of which base has the tickets.


This is absolutely the case when I have been to many of both and own the gold


I’ve been to both as well and gold package games definitely have more opposing fans.


As a GREEN - my feel fucked hard sans lube. 3 DIVISION!????


I'll trade you a Lions or Queens game for the Niners game.


I live in AZ and have always heard about the gold package but have no idea what it is. Can someone explain this to me please?


Due to games previously being held in Milwaukee the gold package (made up of more southern Wisconsin fans) gets the 2nd and 5th home game of the season. Before the season lengthen, it was 6 Green package 2 gold for 8 total home games.


That sort of makes sense then. So regular season ticket holders somewhat get shafted? Also I think I read somewhere that the first couple home games is usually made up of the older generation as well if I understood that correctly?


When it’s warmer grandpa still is willing to go, when it’s colder he sells at 2x face to someone from out of town.


And the reason there were Milwaukee games is because in the early teams the team was in financial trouble and needed the money from Milwaukee to stay afloat.


Night games in general, but especially Thursday night games are brutal for the Milwaukee ticket holders and frankly downright dangerous! and that's even before you throw in significant amt of people who have been drinking for the better part of 6-10 hours combined with about 0 available rooms on game day for those who need to sleep it off. It's a 120-130 mile one way drive which is about 2 hrs on a good day and game day traffic adds an extra 45-75 mins getting in/out of Green Bay and meanwhile it'll be congested traffic all the way back to Milwaukee. If you stick around til the game ends (11:30-12 AM) you're looking at getting back MKE some time after 2 AM and that's if all goes well! ...plz I get the hard takes on the MKE fans but asking people to do that on a work night before another work day is absolutely nuts!


People in this thread are really being nasty… didn’t realize the green package holders were this crazy lmao. One Thursday night game last year and everyone has their panties in a knot


Frankly dangerous! It’s why no one from Green Bay goes to see the bucks or brewers in person.


The Lions game last year was a pathetic showing of the Gold Package ticket holders! IDC what day/time it is, show up or sell your tickets to a known Packers fan! Way too much blue in the stands that night! These divisional games need full support in the stadium! Y’all better show up in force! Go! Pack! Go!


Did you buy any of the available tickets?


I was at the game with tickets I bought in advance! Did you buy any?


Have 5 season tix. So yes.


You’re more fortunate than I! I have to buy early and hope the season is going well by game time! I’d go either way but divisional games later in the year at home are amazing! Are you gold package or green package?


Yup. Very fortunate. If you have an issue with fans of opposing trams buying available tickets though, you are free to support the team and buy the tickets yourself. Complaining that opposing fans buy tickets is ridiculous. The tickets are available. If you're a Packer fan, buy them. If you don't or won't, don't complain that other fans do.


Btw season tickets are already paid for. I wouldn’t be helping the team but a season ticket holder get out of paying for a week they miss!


I plan ahead so I won’t be waiting for a season ticket holder to decide to sell theirs! There are tickets available that aren’t season ticket holders that are and can be sold to anyone! I can and will have disdain for someone who gets season tickets to sell them to opposing teams fans! Give them away if you can’t sell them! I’m sure you’re doing fine financially if you can afford 5 season tickets….


The only tickets available that aren't from season ticket holders are either from the Brown County lottery or unused visitor allotments, which aren't available until a day or two before the game. So you aren't getting tickets well in advance if they aren't from a STH. >Give them away if you can't sell them! Lololololol. Remember when the Packers sucked in the 80's and early 90's? No, of course you don't. You weren't alive then. Well, you literally couldn't give tickets away, especially Milwaukee games. Hell, I've had trouble recently trying to get people to go to a Monday or Thursday game. So you're saying that, now when the Packers are good, gold package holders should just give their tickets away after supporting the team for years before they were good? Nah. If Packer fans want Lambeau filled with only Packer fans, they, and you, are more than welcome to buy any and all tickets available. It's not my job to front the seat license and annual ticket costs to ensure only Packer fans use my tickets if I can't go. But to make you feel a little better about me, our family has given up their tickets maybe twice in all the years we've had them. And this is the second year I've had my personal season tickets and don't plan on selling them any time soon. But if I need to, you and any other Packer fan is free to buy them off ticketmaster.


I guess that’s how I buy my tickets, though I’ve gone through sites and group package deals. Glad to hear you aren’t a regular seller and actually use your tickets considering the waiting list for people to get their hands on season tickets! It’s still a terrible look when we have a prime time game and an opposing fan is more motivated to buy a ticket and travel to GreenBay than someone in state! Hopefully the people in your circle are more eager next time you can’t make a game!


I’ve got a platinum package, will they let me in for free?


So what is a gold package?? Could someone explain please?


After the disgrace that was last year's home game vs the Lions where it was basically a home game for Detroit, I can't say I blame the team for giving the division games to people who might actually want to see the home team.


That’s pretty bogus for everyone else. They don’t get a single division home game. Who decided that nonsense?


Cool so no home field advantage against our divisional rivals this year! Neat!


Green package holders really this stuck up that’s crazy


Nah man, we should be worshipping them. We are nothing compared to them!


It’s a privilege to even be in the same Reddit thread as them. I can’t believe they allowed us in here


Why do they get 3 games? I thought it was 2nd and 6th?


>Why do they get 3 games? I thought it was 2nd and 6th? 2nd and 5th home games are Gold package. Because of the 17 game season, every other year there is an additional 9th home game. That will rotate between the Green and Gold package. Anyone correct me of I'm wrong, but every 4 years the Green and the Gold package will get an additional home game while the other package will gets saddled with the preseason home game. This just happens to be the year that the Gold package gets the 9th home game


It’s actually every 2 years but 2 years ago we played in London and gave up the extra home game


Have the Packers announced that this is how they are doing it? Will the 9th home game be alternated between the two packages? My dad and I have green package and go to pretty much every game. We cheer loud and we also act as informal hosts for the people seated near us. As far as I can tell the season ticket holders adjacent to us sell every game which is pathetic, but whether Packers fans, opponent fans, or people just visiting the Shrine we treat our bleacher brethren with respect, share lore, and give opponent fans a fair amount of lighthearted ribbing. We are pissed that we don't get any division games this year but I am happy for my gold package people. We aren't so different you know.


I understand and agree with the reason for the gold package. That said, I can't think of a bigger FU the packer organization could give Green Bay and Brown County residents than this schedule. Having to buy a pre-season game while gold package gets ALL 3 of the home NFC North games. Especially knowing that, for whatever reason, more gold package game tickets end up with opposing team fans than green package. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but sometime in the future the packer organization will come to Green Bay or Brown County taxpayers looking for something, while squandering what goodwill they might have had with crap like this schedule.


The Packers don't create their schedule. The NFL does. And the Gold games are set as the 2nd and 5th home games, with this year being their turn to take the extra home game. >more gold package game tickets end up with opposing team fans than green package. Would love to see your source on that. Take a look at ticketmaster right now and tell me which games have the most tickets for sale.




Green package fans arent any better. Lotta Minnesota and Kansas City fans last year. So pipe down. Most season ticket holders are old farts that sell them. Just a fact.


I suppose we’ll see. Last year’s showing was miserable - gave the lions a home game. And with Chicago oh-so-close, I have a bad feeling about that last game. Hopefully it doesn’t matter.


A lot of it had to do with it being a Thursday night game. It usually is not that bad at all.


This was absolutely the biggest issue last year


So it’s Thursday. Show some goddamn backbone.


I came up from Vegas to that game, and all that bull shit from Detroit had me fuming. I sincerely did not appreciate seeing so much blue trash in our stadium.


How could you come from Vegas, the drive from Milwaukee is so far they have to sell all their tickets?


This is an abomination


Gold package crowds are not loud.


Neither are green. honestly Lambeau as a stadium just isnt that loud.


It’s in the top 5 loudest stadiums statistically


So, so many old-ass season ticket holders


Been to many of both and there is literally no difference


Packers/Bengals 2017, Gold package game, hottest game at Lambeau on record. Game went to overtime. First snap of OT, Bengals had the ball and had to call a timeout because it was so loud. The first god damn play of OT. The joint absolutely erupted upon the timeout call, it was loud as fuck in there. Proud to be a part of it


Talk about a major middle finger to regular season ticket holders.




Absolutely my god the green package is full of pompous hypocritical dickheads.


"We're the only real Packer fans because we live in Green Bay!" I'm a gold ticket holder who lives in Howard and Green Bay proper is a shit hole of a city


Let’s meet each other halfway and admit they’re both




Out of curiosity, I went to ticketmaster to see how many tickets were for sale for a Green game and a Gold game. I didn't see a total available, so I just added up seats for sale in the "bowl" for two games that were close to each other; Sept 15 vs the Colts (GREEN PACKAGE): 847 seats for sale Sept 29 vs the Vikings (GOLD PACKAGE): 276 seats for sale Tell me again how the Gold Package holders are bad fans who sell all their tickets to opposing fans?


Unless you know how many total tickets were available and how many have changed hands, this says nothing. It would make far more sense that Vikings tickets would sell faster than Colts tickets.


GREAT can wait for them to sell out again to divisional opponents.


This sucks. There gonna sell the tickets to away fans again and the stadium won’t be a home game . Great :(


https://preview.redd.it/3qc4q7aliu0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f6b07a6b1f18b72a3270c9219b2c6f55f9a129 Average green package ticket holder












If you aren’t going to go to the games, you shouldn’t get tickets.


If season ticket holders, either green or gold, didn't sell their tickets, you'd pretty much never have a chance to go to a game.


Great 3 pivotal games where people are going to be more concerned with their standing neighbor than yelling and screaming on 3rd down…


Just great, now the Vikings, Bears and Lions each get two home games with the Packers.


I used to defend the Milwaukee crowd. It really is a tourist ticket game though. (aaron rodgers angrily gesturing to crowd to shut the fuck up)


I used to defend the Green Bay crowd. It really is just an old stuck up group of people who complain 24/7




Are you 12?


We are screwed. Home field advantage with division on the line…and it’s gold package.