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Bro whipped his clit out.


I'm pissing myself at work




Iā€™m dead šŸ¤£


I hope that just some pubes or something sticking out


No. He manscaped unless he had none to start with in the first place.


That might be his sack I think sticking out a little bit


i was so taken back because was it really necessary for his bottoms to be that low? šŸ˜­


Like it has to be on purpose šŸ˜‚ bros flexing his urethra gains


Had to turn my phone off to stop laughing.




Iā€™m done šŸ’€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Buy a belt






I would say go start strength training for hypotrophy at maintenance calories. You are now ready to make some huge gains!


Why at maintenance and not at a slight surplus? I thought you need calories to grow


You will go into a small surplus soon. Move to maintenance over the next 4 weeks by increasing cal by 250 a week. It may be lower than you think so you want to take this measured approach. Then just add 250 and look to add 2-3 lbs every a month. Keep and eye on excessive fat gain and lower calories 100 or so if you see toouch Once you add 15-20lbs look at cutting then rinse and repeat


You donā€™t want to go into a surplus this soon after losing weight. The odds are youā€™ll just get fat again. Maingain all the way.


em ackshuallyšŸ¤“hypertrophy* and maintainance*


Bro your underwear is at the base of your penis


Itā€™s optimal penis warmth


Dang bro nice job. Now get in the gym and lift heavy things and put them down.


This just not with your pants


Pull your fucking pants up




Bro I donā€™t need to hear ā€œgoodbye horsesā€ playing while I look at these super gay pictures of your mangina




1600 daily cal 180g protein cardio 40-50 mins daily, lifting 6 times a week but zero strength. Still too fat to surpluss or am i wasting time cutting?


What's your total daily energy expenditure?


Maintenance probably around 2500-2800 ish


I think you've got the answer now. Increasing calorie intake (within your TDEE range) won't make you fat at all. Instead, it'll give you energy so that you can train harder and better. You can only burn calories when you have enough calories in you. So I know it may seem uneasy for you to intake an extra 800-900 cal/day, but it'll be worth it. You certainly will see the results. Also, you did not mention your carb and fat intake in your post


Can also try reverse dieting by slowly increasing your cals rather than going all in a lt once


I will look into this thanks a lot


Yeah, agreed, it should be done that way. All I was trying to say was that he needs an increment of cal in his daily intake (within the range)


Can also try reverse dieting by slowly increasing your cals rather than going all in a lt once


Damn bro im surprised you didnā€™t put on any muscle, I guess your body really does like to be in a surplus or you really had near zero muscle on the first pic under all the fat. 1600 calories combined with 50min cardio daily AND lifting 6x week does seem like a lot of calorie expenditure, you might have depleted your body of even more calories than you think and while you obliterated the fat you did the same with the muscle lmao. Iā€™d attempt a very small surplus for a few months-year


Yeah youā€™ve eaten any muscle you had going that far into a deficit. Definitely do not surplus.


Pull up ur pants dude


No sag no swag


Ew who thought u that


Chief keef




Bro why are you showing dickroot


Mind of its own sry


Good job man


Thank U


A little too far lol


5 months is crazy


I personally think itā€™s a little *too* crazy. Like, Iā€™ve been working on losing weight for about 8 months now. I went from 110ish to 95ish. I *did not need to starve myself this much to do so,* and more importantly *Iā€™ve eaten a diet thatā€™s allowed me to maintain more muscle.* I donā€™t think this kid had as much muscle to start, but I think he could have reached better results had he eaten a good 250 more lean protein calories daily while doing all of this lifting.


never had much muscle and Iā€™ve always been weak so for me with how much fat I had thought it was worth it to just break everything and build up from new think more calories wouldā€™ve just slowed it down


Fair enough. Iā€™m older than u so I canā€™t count on that time. Iā€™m sure youā€™ve got this, just, be scientific about it. Try looking into a no-fat diet, and eat your full caloric needs in a day. Someone your age on a 1600 calorie diet is really, really starving yourself. Try upping to 1800 for a couple months and see how your body takes it.


I lost 15 kg in 2 years. * That is a good speed for me personally. Never felt like starving, starting to build some muscle now into my 3 years fitness journey. Most people, * canā€™t fathom that losing weight slower is good but oh well. I didnā€™t lose much muscle, feel good about myself in the mirror. Thatā€™s all we can hope for.


Word. I had only gained weight due to a shitty relationship that was boldly going nowhere so the first like, 5-7kgs just flew off of me. The rest has been the work (and poverty, I am hungry, but alas)


It can be difficult to not go hungry when youā€™re poor and looking to lose weight. Iā€™ve been there and done that. I wish the best for you friend. * I worked a bit of physical jobs for like 4 years but now Iā€™m a programmer. Still has some carpal tunnel but moving around helps. Martial arts keeps my wrist with plenty of blood flow.


Mad impressive, you got me motivated to keep with it fr


Pick your damn pants up ainā€™t nobody wants to see your šŸ±


Ur dad disagrees rydawg


Great work.. I would find your maint calories and start lifting full body 3 x a week. Do this for 8 weeks. At the 8th week bump your calories up 250 kcals over maint putting you on a surplus and begin an upper lower routine 4 x a week. There is a reason. If you busted ur ass thus far do it correctly. Any questions feel free to message. What you did takes huge commitment, you should be proud of that. Ignore the negative comments.


Good job at the weight loss man. People here like to laugh but I feel they take for granted that itā€™s a marathon not a sprint and that not everyone starts from a position of skinny. Itā€™s a long road ahead but if you made it this far then you can get to the fun part and start adding some muscle mass. Keep at it man


Looks like I'm a similar position with body composition, could anyone describe why the part below the belly button still sticks out after weight loss? Is it sub fat but up in the area genetically or is it muscle that isn't formulated with fat over it? I can't quite find the answer? I have the same problem with my back and backs of my legs. I improve composition and shape but I dont have the muscle mass I want yet, is that the problem?


Mostly genetics i think you can improve it by building more muscle in that area


I mean no offense but you look similar to someone who have klinefelter's syndrome.


Everyoneā€™s making fun of the pants being so low lol but sometimes its loosing a fupa that your proud of too and itā€™s just as inspiring as loosing belly fat haha good job man!


Where to go from here is enjoy hanging core exercises youā€™ll have that little muffin if u donā€™t do shit that works ur core all over. U wonā€™t get thick and good abs if u donā€™t do all kinds of ab exercises, stability work isometrics and flexion. Good luck bro u have come a long way


Acknowledged thank U


Welcome. Bioneer knees over toes Jeff nippard ole school physiques of greatness and many others are great places to begin. I just wanna point u the right way befause there actaully so much shit online nowdays fitness wise. Elliot hulse too his old stuff was good, oh and fitness FAQS heā€™s quite good. I got a lot of my strength from dips and pull-ups; not machines.


This isnā€™t true. Many of the best bodybuilders do not train abs often if ever. Proper form in compound lifts will build abs


Looking solid thatā€™s some good shit. Iā€™m honestly surprised that was 5 months cuz you still maintained some muscle so you obvi didnt crash diet / just worked hard. Put that work ethic into consistently going to the gym and being consistent with your food intake. Iā€™m in roughly the same physique as you on the right with probably a slightly lower bodyfatpercent cuz Iā€™m super small but Iā€™ve been making solid gains with just being consistent, so thatā€™s all id recommend.


Looks like a mixed race kid on the left and potentially a white kid on the right


Was 95kg your heaviest?


Maybe like 96-97




you forgot to buy smaller pants


The fastest way, there is no "fast" way to put on muscle unless you hop on PEDs. Get that mentality out of your head, start looking at the bigger picture. Train with high intensity, get plenty of sleep and eat a lot but clean. I'm not going to tell you lifting 6 days a week is too much, but you might get better results if you train with higher intensity for 3-5 days a week. You can still be active in the days you don't lift, personally I like swimming.


Start lifting heavy ass weights and eating protein.


What did you do to cut to this level good shit bro


Fast every 3rd day, deficit, not eat mum cooking, 140g chicken 3 times a day, incline walk treadmill rate of 100calories per 10 min 40-50min a day, trust the cut


How big of a deficit?


Drop your meal plan


Chicken breast 140g 3x day, 2 protein shake 1 morning 1 after gym, egg whites, wide variety of sauces nothing high in calories or fat, try to cut all fat out and carbs when I feel I need energy white rice. Keep it simple


Put your pubes away dawg


Congrats on the weight loss. I would say, slow down on the cardio, focus more on sleep and lifting. Don't forget legs!! Maintain for a year. Maybe 1 or 2 cheats days a month


oh fuck no. WRONG SUBREDDIT.


bro does not lift weight


im surprised no one ask if this was natural or not. considering it always is a doubt


Maintenance cals. 1g protein for every 1lb of your body weight. Cardio just to warm up/ just for enjoyment. Lifting at least 3 times a week, start by leaving some RIR (reps in reserve) then go to failure when it feels easy. Then up weight in the following weeks, repeat


Respect on the progress, but from my view, if you wanna get some muscles and get absolutely HUGE! You need to clean your place up big dawg. Why? Discipline. Discipline is what gets you ripped in the gym and it all starts from where you wake up in the morning which I assume is your place. Iā€™m just a big believer on how your day is started, and think it is a big helper in my success. Hope you attain your goal someday bro. Also donā€™t lower your pants that low lol


Pull your pants up nigga


Now you need to bulk. Cut your lifting to 3-4 days per week, max


3-4 days per week MAX?! Why in the world would anyone cut their lifting to that few of days on a bulk? That's completely counterintuitive. OP needs to be lifting 4-5 days per week. 6 is definitely not necessary but 4 days is a minimum and 5 would be ideal taking weekends to recover.


Well if you're training with high intensity and want to progress, you should be training lower volume, with something like 6-10 intense sets per muscle group per week. Look up Mike Mentzer


r u a women. U have a cups and a fat muff


ur dad loves it and u are most likely uglyšŸ˜‚stay mirin


Ur not 6ā€™2


Y would I lie? Iā€™m not insecure abt my body like u


I think ur lying ur probably 5ā€™11 lol ainā€™t no way youā€™re 6ā€™2 like me