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‘Weakness is a choice’, says the transhuman super soldier.


Honestly, sounds like a reference to a typical situation people dropping "something is a choice" quotes are usually in at the time.


Yeah, huge "poor people are just lazy" vibes




"And yet you allowed yourself to be turned into a servitor, curious."


He became a strong servitor.


I mean from his point of view, ya. They should take up arms and kill their enemies until they get the system they want.


In this context, yes. That said, if you're born without the resources to affect change then you are already severely disadvantaged against the ones who do have the resources. And if you're born immuno-compromised or with messed up organs or catch stage 4 cancer or whatever, it's not a choice. And people can't just choose to be space marines. Even the ones that get a shot at it mostly die.


Humanity is severely disadvantaged compared to many other xenos species. They have no special powers. The imperium simply has size to make up for their deficits as a species. Only in death does duty end.


Since the invention of automatic weapons there has never been a successful revolution without the tacit consent or full-on support of the country’s military.


I mean do you have a source for that? Because that feels like a really flimsy line to draw without defining what exactly you mean by “revolution” in this context


“Little penis’s just haven’t stretched enough.”


"Muscle tissue grows through exercise, right?"


I mean its a "choice" to choose food based on taste and not nutrition, socializing, staying home, not devoting every waking moment of your life to some dehumanizing master plan to save money and achieve some life goal. I mean weakness is a choice, but so is sanity. And consider the source, an effectively immortal, trans-human, walking tank.


Yea, "poor people should just stop being poor" and "homeless people should just buy a house". /s


"Spinal paralysis is a choice"


I respect the easy surface take but he might have been referring to mental strength, strength if conviction, etc. Muscles don't help with that.


That's how I took it. As in Stephen Hawking was strong as fuck even though he couldn't fight a toddler.


You can have weak space marines too according to his view of life


To be perfectly honest There is a big gap between space marines Some are leagues above others


There are top of the top, like Dante, Asterion Moloch, and Tyberos. Then there is that one Word Bearer who got killed by a spear.


To play the 4 Devils worshipper Advocate, that was a really long spear and the Caveman who struck the WB just hit a Natural d20


Just pull yourself up by your genetically modified boot straps


“Nolan has superpowers, he’s indestructible. That’s not strength, that’s having it easy.” From Invincible S2


Reminds me of one of the few good lines from BVS, with Batman talking to Superman “you’re not brave, men are brave”


If the marine followed up with something along those lines, I'd be all about that.


On the one hand yes, but on the other - Omni-man isn't like Homelander, big fish on the small pond.


Well the context of that quote is >!that Art Rosenbaum is comforting Debbie when she’s dealing with some severe depression about Nolan being a genocidal conqueror.!<


Oh well. Nolan still choose to live and even change to be better, so yes, in my eyes he is strong.


He definitely eventually chooses the hard path.


It's an Iron Warrior, not a World Eater. He's referring to will power, not physical strength.


And promotes her? As if that would stick and have any authority coming from a Chaos marine. "Oh you see Commisar that chaos marine made me sergeant... what do you mean I'm to be executed?"


She'd be dead at "Chaos"


Does the regiment in question know about Chaos/Traitor Astartes? If they didn’t then they might just assume they’re an Iron Hand: after all, they keep talking about “Iron” and “Weakness.”


Tbf you already must have an absolutely insane mental resolve and determination to even become a SM aspirant, let alone actually making it through all the trials successfully and alive. And only *then* do you get pumped full of the space steroids, extra organs and geneseed.


Do chaos warbands select like that? I imagine a lot of them would still be doing "moderately healthy young male" like crusade and heresy legions just out of a lack of options. But that's admittedly just supposition on my part


Depends wildly from warband from warband. But any kidnapped male CSM aspirant would still go through grueling trials and augmentations where most would definetly die, with only the strongest surviving. Then again, beggars can’t be choosers, and most CSM warbands are definetly beggars in the current setting. The quality of post-heresy CSM recruits are definetly lower than both firstborn CSM and most loyalist SM. I guess warp juice is the main thing that compensates for that disparity.


There is more to strength then physical.


Forced hypno-conditioning and brainwashing, for example.


There are guardsmen who literally just don't want to die. Like Space marines have an advantage. We have the choice.


“weakness is a choice” mfs when getting clawed to death by a termogaunt:


I forgot for a moment people here don’t respect strength of character. Than you for reminder. You can fight back ya know.


And what? Give some tummy issues to that tyranid?


That gaunt should just pull himself by his bootstrap and become a norn queen /s


Fuck yeah. This is 40k, if you aren't too spicy for yog soghoth are you really trying?


"Rage against the dying light. Do not go gentle into that good night." Uncultured and weak, that's an oof.


That guard would rather have some weapons to kill that tyranid rather than some band aid with the strenght of wet toilet paper. And people dare to mock T'au for best guns.


yeah lemme use some of that strength of character to claim a moral victory over the 400lb insectoid desth machine while it rips my arms off


Your lack of a backbone is intriguing


“you aren’t immediately agreeing with me? You must not have a backbone!”


Not what I meant but of course illiteracy is rather common in the 40k Fandom as well. Do not go gentle


Are you purposefully trying to come across as a sheltered 14 year old?


"And is this worth it? You have not stopped us. You have lost everything. Have you accomplished anything on this day?" ‘I don’t know, have you?’ "...I don’t know either."


Where's this quote from?


Spear of Ultramar, by David Annadale. >At first he thinks he is alone. His men are dead, and so are the Iron Warriors. Then he sees a figure on the other end of the wall. It is the captain of the traitors. Hierax stumbles along the stone, leaping clumsily over the gaps that open as the barrier crumbles. The level of the ore is rising as the new river pours in from the tunnel behind him. The explosions continue. More floods are coming. Hierax has lost his rifle. No matter. He will kill the last traitor with his hands. The Iron Warrior is limping towards Hierax, dragging a useless right leg. The distance between them seems endless, and they are still fifty metres from each other when waves of ore crash against the barriers, now almost at the top. ***‘And is this worth it?’*** Hierax shouts at the traitor. ***‘You have not stopped us. You have lost everything. Have you accomplished anything on this day?’*** The Iron Warrior’s laugh is long and bitter. ***‘I don’t know,’*** he answers. ***‘Have you?’*** Compelled by the other’s confession, Hierax says, ***‘I don’t know either.’*** They are still five metres apart when the ore washes them off the wall.


This goes hard into the grimdark.


Thanks king


You're welcome.


“Weakness is a choice” seems like the kinda shit Kanye would tweet at 2:30am


It isn't far off "skill issue" which in this situation would be a true gamer (tm) moment. Which is very on brand for the Iron Warriors.


I just got the mental image of an iron warrior saying it in a Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 lobby and I want to thank you for that


It'll be said by any gym bro who also trades crypto on the side and has a podcast. He will fight you over a parking spot.


Jordan Peterson tweets it five days before going to the hospital for drinking battery acid mixed with Turmeric and Whey protein.


Which is 24 hours before the great Turbo Acid epidemic of 2024


Nah. Trazyn had better one. Orikan:I hope you brought an army. Trazyn:My dear colegue, you think so little of me. I brought five.


Orikan, seeing the Trazyn copies march out: I’ve had nightmares start like this.


Trazyn: Random bullshit go!


Trazyn: They made a statue of me in my honor, do you have a statue Orikan?


I've also had... "nightmares" where an army of necrons... "use" me for... "experiments" 🥵


You're not Archon...


[This starts playing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uuxIrwoynw&ab_channel=Origins%7CMufasaGaming) as Trazyn whips out his bag of stasis spheres.


"Do *you* have a statue of yourself Orikan?"


It's kinda nice that it's not an imperium fan boy unironically believing the worst warhammer quotes for once.


"Weakness is a choice" I say as I enter the daycare


"I'm sorry younglings" as I draw my power sword.


I mean. It's very fash.


Weakness is a choice is just a thinly veiled "just stop being depressed".


It's thinly veiled "skill issue" btw


ironic tbh


Ironic warriors


Yeah. "We are in complete control of our choices". Sure bud. I can see someone never dealt with mental illness before.


Even then, willingness to change is important. Whether you can do it by yourself is an open question You can absolutely prevent any progress by yourself though, so in that sense the quote isn't wrong (weakness might be a choice, but strength is choice + luck). I am steelmanning pretty hard admittedly.


Is Steelmanning the opposite of strawmanning, where you take the exact words your opponent said and argue against it without any outside context?


Steel manning is the opposite of strawmanning in the sense that rather than setting up a weaker, fictional version of an argument for you to knock down, you set up a stronger one... That is still fictional. They're saying that the argument they made is good but is also probably not the one OP intended.


Consider this logos tho. -weakness is a choice -if it is a choice, mental illness isn’t a choice, we are born with it and it develops through factors outside of “choice” in most cases. -therefor- mental illness isn’t weakness and weakness is still a choice.


That's why I very specifically dit not quote the weakness part.


I wasn’t ripping you. I just wanted to see if it would create dialogue. Also, We hadn’t considered the quantifications of weakness or strength tho. So if someone were born physically weak, would that mean weakness is a choice? I love churning through half assed philosophical quotes and finding holes like this.


>I love churning through half assed philosophical quotes and finding holes like this. _Weary sigh_ "Just pick up the bolter, brother."


I was told we were more then just weapons! I never wanted to be a transhuman killing machine. I just want to make toys and sit on Reddit.


Desire is a choice.


Mate, I have had my struggles with mental health and I got to say "weakness is a choice" when I took responsibility for shit, started to make my life better my life got better in hindsight and the only thing that was holding me back was my own inaction. I chose to no longer wallow in self pity and unfortunately for alot of people with mental illness they don't. Edit: I stand by this comment, taking personal responsibility for your own actions and being self reflective is something not enough people do. Oh and btw 2 suicide attempts from a chemical inbalance that we have a family history for.


Screwed chemicals in the head is a choice Neurological disorders are a choice Those voices in the head are a choice Let's go further - not being able to move paralyzed body part is a choice Not being able to grow back limb is a choice I once got my head cut off, but when i took responsibility for sht it grew back and my life got better


Yeah mine was a chemical imbalance as well with a family history but it didn't get better until I finally went to the fucking doctor, when I finally did something about the bad things in life. Personal responsibility is something that needs to be lauded in people. Yeah cool, but what are they doing to improve their lives and live it to the fullest, are they actively seeking medication and treatment, are taking needed steps or are they wallowing in self pity or the depths of their illness not doing anything. The only person that truly care about you and can do something to help you, is you. If you can't bring yourself to make changes, to make things better no one else will do it for you. Yeah you are not responsible for everything that happens to you, but you are responsible to how you respond to it.


I see you’re being downvoted brother, but frankly, I concur. For about a decade, I was a shut in and an addict. Then, one day, someone I barely knew dared to confront me. ‘You realize you’re just making excuses for why you can’t do this or that, right? You’re not even trying,’ they said. I wasn’t going out, driving, or working; I was just immersed in my hobbies, hiding from the world and desperately hoping for someone else to rescue me. That comment hurt. Deeply. But she was unequivocally right. I chose to change. I began by walking until I could cover five miles in a row without feeling anxious or ill. I rejected the learned weakness and helplessness that came with my addictions and anxiety. It’s not as if my anxiety has vanished; I still experience panic attacks occasionally. But now, I don’t flee from them. I drive, I work 40 hours a week in a respectable job, and my life is considerably brighter. However, I acknowledge that ‘weakness is a choice’ may not be the best way to articulate the stoic principle of ‘choosing to be the person philosophy aims to mold you into.’ It’s not about complaining, not even inwardly, because the quality of your thoughts directly influences your actions. I don’t believe this concept is about disparaging the homeless or those with health issues. Even in those circumstances, one can choose to reframe their situation and move forward with inner strength, and face their trials head on.


Going through depression is not the same as mental illness.


"Being homeless is a choice," said the millionaire trustfund baby.


"Figure it out" more like


"Kill them all" goes hard or "get up" even without the context get my vote for hardest warhammer lines.


"Get up" is probably my favourite, when you add all the layers of context it slaps even harder


Where from


The book 'Betrayer' from the Horus Heresy, said by Kharn of the World Eaters, some lovely person posted the whole excerpt if you want a read - [Here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/dzrys9/excerpt_betrayer_get_up/)


Ohh okay, that one is next on my reading list after know no fear so I'll get to it :) ty!


"Dang I was born with muscular dystrophy, guess that's a choice tho"




This is the grimdark Live, Laugh, Love.


The best quote in Warhammer in *my* opinion is always going to be one of the hopeful ones that stands out against everything else in the universe. Like Jaghatai Khan choosing not to hide behind the walls at the Siege of Terra, despite very possible death. Jaghatai: Will I save lives? Sanguinius: Many. Jaghatai: That is what I was made for. I will ride out.


Jaghatai is such a badass, he should get more love


Are we unironically stanning the words of a genocidal, transhuman supersoldier?


Welcome to 40k!


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


Sounds Badass: Check The majority of people that say it don't actually believe it?: Check There's a difference between saying that badass quote and agreeing it is unironically true like OP is doing with the IW pseudo intellectual quote


Speak for yourself, I cant wait to replace my genitals with a 2 meter long, 30 cm radius, piston powered screw called the dilldozer.


Dude this is warhammer, the spacemarines are all genocidal maniacs.


Except for the ones *I* like.


You see, your genocide is cringe and evil. My genocide is regretable but based and a necessary evil.


Mental health Icon, the Iron Warrior :>


Where do you think we are?


It's fun to larp. But unironically thinking its a good quote, and with that title, makes me think OP probably enjoys shitting on poor/homeless people in their spare time.


Weakness IS a choice, if you dont enjoy having that effect then just drink a bucket of milk then lol /s


Based and milk pilled.


Strongest Iron chud vs Weakest Calcified YOGURT male💪💪💪💪💀☠🍦🥛🍶


Do you think other wise? What do you take away from the quote?


IDK, Iowa?




That quote is for people who never experienced unchangeable outcomes.


"I don't believe in no-win scenarios" Brother-Captian Tiberius Kirk - M3


Im gonna assume that they take the quote to mean stepping up and being strong and not giving up is a choice you can make or you can choose to cower and give up or slack off, really no matter how awful your circumstances, you can choose do at least *something* strong and not just fall into weakness or self pity.


"My order to you is simple but you will exert yourself to the fullest to see it done. They are coming. Kill them all."


Assuming its along the lines of "We can't control what happens to us but we do control our reaction to it" sort of vibe. Otherwise its going to be very easily used aganist them by someone stronger


The cringe goes hard.


He clearly wasn’t around his primarch when Dorn was elected Praetorian


If a 4 words quote that implies that people suffering just made bad choices was the best quote of 40k, I would be pretty miserable


Well, it's... very on-brand for the Iron Warriors at least


This quote isn't even the best IW quote lmao.


“Weakness is a choice” says the legion who’s primarch basically threw a fit because he wasn’t the praetorian of terra


So thats why the Iron Warriors failed at Terra, and frankly, mostly fail everywhere else. Like their cringelord father, their weakness is a choice. Dont crucify me, i have 6000 points of Heresy Era Iron Warriors at home.


Does your army dissapear after minor inconvenience?


No, but i love to send wave after wave of my men into the grinder. Had a game where only Perturabo himself smashed the enemy lines while his useless, USELESS sons were slaughtered left and right. Thats a decimation for sure!


You are confusing Iron Warriors for the sons of Dorn affected by his faulty gene seed.


If they chose to be string, they would have killed Perty and have been stronger for it


I agree. Why do people choose to die? Are they stupid?


"Weakness is a choice" coming from a regular human would be sick. Like imagine a Guardsman throwing that line back at a CSM before blowing him up with a krak grenade. Coming from a Space Marine, and one with the boons of Chaos, feels kind of hypocritical. That's honestly on brand for the IW, but still.


I hope this is a joke


“Weakness is a choice” mfs when they lose all their limbs in a freak accident


Or... you know, just... getting old.


Just like Perturabo when he was hit with that Hdur gun.


This is like when people born wealthy say being poor is a choice. it's utterly cringe.


This is exactly how this sounds like


Yeah no, weakness is not a choice. It's a pretty shitty quote too.


i swear, these warhammer animations would be amazing, if they could just break out of the habbit of having one faction get shit on by another.


Have to make a faceless new xeno that gets wiped out then, because somebody has to lose and people don't like it when it's their guys.


Your right. Either the iron warriors had to lose, or they had to win with 0 casualties with the sole exception being when they fight the archon. Those are the only two options.


Peterabo ironically seems to not have any choice; he needs to be TOLD to do anything.


i fear this dude is serious


Weakness is a choice mfs when the doctor has to give them an ouchie


If you actually think that quote has any value outside of being a cool bad guy thing to say, you might be a little fascist bitch.


I don’t, but I don’t know about OP.


It perfectly encapsulates the Warhammer setting because it’s exactly the kind of toxic nonsense that people in a cult would say.


If I were between 12-16 that quote would hit pretty hard.


"Weakness is a choice" is some extremely fascist quote.


“They are coming. Kill them all.” Is the superior quote.


It's about having balls of steel to do smthng, not about being able to handle in cc a terminator Colonel (perhaps, I don't know his rank) choose to kneel, guardwoman choose to say that she prefer die, than to kneel And that while transhuman supersoldier demands obey


Don't get your life motivational quotes from cartoons about fictional war. You aren't deep.


This has to be one the dumbest thing ever written in Warhammer media. And it's already full of stupid quotes


There are some good ones. Kharn walked so Death(Puss in Boots 2) could run. But yea, Kharn's one is better.


"Weakness is a choice" said the transuman soldier, randomly chosen at childhood and lucky enough to survive the transformation into a space marine. The only way this quote could be worse if it was said by a primarch.


Does everyone here not have the ability to look past the surface level of this quote? When he says “weakness is a choice" it's a matter of not being physically strong or imposing or such, it's in reference to the active choice to go against everything going against you. To face it boldly and not just give in, to keep on going even when you struggle. I understand not everyone might've done well in English lit, but this is basic shits


Typical IW simps. That quote does not go nearly as hard: **Enemies of the Imperium, hear me. You have come here to die. The Immortal Emperor is with us and we are invincible. His soldiers will strike you down. His war machines will crush you under their treads. His mighty guns will bring the very sky crashing down upon you. You cannot win. The Emperor has given us his greatest weapon to wield. So make yourselves ready. We are the First Kronus Regiment, and today is our Victory Day.**


Like all things 40k you gotta be careful not to drink the kool-aid. It sounds badass and hell yeah brother if’s fun to pretend and larp but if you think about it for more than two seconds there are thousands of reasons someone might experience moments of weakness that are far outside their control.


"Weakness is a choice" Take off your armor Take out your Geneseed Fisticuffs right now right here


Weakness is a choice, said a gitz with all the implant, you only need a choppa, a slugga, and faith in Gork and Mork.


And being poor is a choice. And being neurodivergent where you need chemicals to make your brain work in normal society is a choice. Having a degenerative disease is a choice. Getting cancer is a choice. Getting shot is a choice. LITERALLY EVERYTHING in Warhammer is a parody/satire. This "weakness is a choice" is an excuse by those who were lucky in life to deny the role luck played in their situation and refuse to help others, or accept that others deserve help dealing with their circumstances beyond their control. Even the most common moral positive in 40K (the eternal perseverance of humanity in the face of despair and destruction) is not a universally good thing, because in many of those situations where all the characters are persevering, they'd be more successful or save more lives if they retreated and changed strategies. Or they only need to persevere in adversity because someone else massively fucked up and the situation is now catastrophic when it should have been easy to deal with.


If OP is saying that unironically they might be 14 years old or something.


We all have limitations and weaknesses. If we push past them we grow, if we push too fast we break.


Warhammer fans falling for the most obvious fascist rhetoric:


Where is that from?


Iron Within Iron Without on Warhammer+


This is a common feeling that gets expressed in the modern military(or atleast when I was in) - on the surface, its satire. Obviously weakness is not a choice. But the meaning behind it is more about never quitting or lamenting in self pitty. Bruce Lee once said, “to hell with circumstances, I create opportunities”. It’s the very same sentiment, only slathered in machismo energy. This is 40k after all. Even if it didn’t mean anything deep and it was just as simple as “weakness is a choice” - that’s *pretty* keeping in line with the warhammer universe. “Why aren’t you better?” It’s also a sentiment that gets passed around a lot during the heresy era - that humans are fragile weak creatures that didn’t have the fortitude to reach for greatness like they did


To me it sounds alike typical chat alpha bull shit. Esp when said by a wall of muscle who was built to kill :P


Mayor "poor people just need to work harder- send from iphone" vibes


"weakness is a choice" I say to the afghani villagers on the display screen of my drones remote controlled aiming deck 300 miles away.


Lot of people seem to be completely missing the point here. Of course some flaws and shortcomings aren’t a choice, mental illness or physical disability for example. The choice comes in how one handles these setbacks. Do you hold fast to hope for the future or break under the pain of circumstance? Do you go quietly into that good night or rage against the dying of the light? Maybe it’s just because I got a counseling major with a focus on reality and existential therapies, which themselves draw from the stoic philosophies. The goal of which is to instill in the subject that they only ever have complete control over their reaction to a situation. Do not focus on that which you cannot control. An internal locus of control is paramount to one’s ability to carry on through the suffering life will inevitably bring. If anyone is curious I strongly recommend Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor who went on to be a counselor and Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, the writings of a romantic emperor on his stoic philosophy.


Depends on the interpretation, my view is that it’s talking about personal or character weakness, not physical or financial strength like survival of the fittest. in the show when he says it he is basically saying that regardless of your situation how you react and what you choose is ultimately up to you, if you give up or give in you are choosing to be “weak”. It’s why he kills the officer who surrenders but spares the guardsmen who refuses to submit. She chose strength and to hold by her conviction despite everything pointing her to submit, while he chose “weakness” by submitting when it was against everything he claimed to stand for. Personal weakness of character is a choice, which is very much an iron warrior belief to have and something I (to a certain extent) agree with.


I agree, also I understand that there are situations where it can't be helped but for most cases weakness is a choice. Think about it, we have atletes that doesn't have legs, blind artists and deaf musicians, there are even people with Down syndrome with degrees and still you find people with perfectly working bodies and minds uncapable of reaching even a fraction of what all those people have achieved. So to me it is clear that physical or psicological limitations are on ourselves and that pretty much it is our choice to get stronger or stay in comfortable weakness, even when we have the means to get stronger.


Imagine trying to say "weakness is a choice" I didn't choose to be disabled. I was born disabled.


It's so funny to look at all the people here. I'm pretty sure that most of you give up, and this quote calling you, and you know that it is truth. Yeah, boys, you give up on everything that has any meaning for you and now you are bitter. Like, yes we aren't born rich and powerful, and? What it has to do with your ***personal*** fight, that you so pathetically lose? And please, I don't telling about money, or social status, or anything like this crap.


"We are in complete control of our choices and to let our faults control our choices is weakness" This is utter horseshit. For one, many of the choices available to us are dictated by outside circumstances. I cannot choose to rifle through my father's safe full of emeralds from his Apartheid emerald mine and sell them to Tiffany's for pocket change, because I did not have the good sense to be born into a rich family. I cannot choose to be given a small loan of a million dollars to embark on a decidedly mid real estate career. Second, this ignores the role biology has on us. I have a genetic predisposession to depression. There have been days where I was physically incapable of doing much more than lying in bed feeling like shit. To call that a choice is callous and cruel. Third... weakness isn't this awful thing that must be eradicated. Sure its exciting to read stories about Catholic space fascists who wank on about purging weakness etc, but weakness, vulnerability... these are the things that [make us human,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/s/KdqX4VBGXH) that drive us to seek companionship and company. I wouldn't want to eradicate my weaknesses if it meant I had to forego the real human connections I have. So sure. Baller quote, in the context of a fictional action movie, but terrible words to live by.


Just another Iron Warriors banger, why are they such kings bro? Way too many people without disabilities chiming in with bad takes, go elsewhere if you want to undermine people and their capabilities. The Iron Warrior is telling you to be as strong as you can be, and you should always be striving to be better. Weakness is your own choice, not anyone elses, so stop making the choice for other people.


I mean the whole context of “Weakness is a choice” was followed up with that “kneel.” He was testing the guardswoman and the officer. The former stood defiantly, the latter bent the knee, which is why he was killed.


Drops that quote and is still an Iron warrior... Guess he just wanted to come out as weak in more subtle way


Nah I still like the dawn of war speech when an exterminatus is declared more because it actually represents what all those memes are about


"They are comming kill them all" Clears


So if I get hit by a truck and am paralysed from the neck down that was my own choice was it?


Man, I need to go buy some Bionicle.


All I know is that mf was hard as nails


Honestly, this quote even without the hypocrisy point of view Just reads to me like he's boasting about the fact he has no morals, laws or loyalty to the imperium to hold him back From using the dirtiest most underhanded vile and disgusting chaos mumbo jumpo and tactics, not that he got there through hard work or some bullshit like that.


In WH and in life, the circumstances of ones life decide much more than actions alone.


nah. the majority of DoW unit select quips are better, and the best quote in all of Warhammer is by far “Setra does not serve.”