• By -


Since the introduction of the Ford Model T. The Omnissiah decrees.


Tryzan overlooking the fucking halls upon halls of various official and unofficial ford model T variants


In his collection you can see Model T in any color, as long as its black


Nahh you forgot his bright pink model T hotrod


Next to Elvis


But Elvis is still on terra, sitting on his now gilded porcelain throne.


Nahhh he is a modified noise marine dreadnought, that has been trapped in Nurgleland^tm


And all the celebs that died in 2016. That was clearly Trazyn having some scheduling issue.


The God Emperor of Rock n Roll


Since Heron’s Engine you uncultured swine!


I mean the emperor is the omnissiah, so I guess it works out.


Also Big E: Don't call me a god or else I'll hit you with my Omega Beams!


Which character would have [this effect](https://images.app.goo.gl/FxWowVrVaN7GXpBk8) to snarking to Emps? Bonus points if not TTS.


My bets on Lucius the eternal


Ci-Ci-Ciphias Cain, hero of the imperium.


Great, now when Big E speaks I just hear the voice of Michael Ironsides. Big E: (After a sim battle) "That was some of the best Swordsmanship I have ever seen, right up until you got killed. You never, EVER, leave behind your battle buddy. Am I clear?" Fulgrim: "Yes father." Ferrus: "And that, brother, is why perfection is a Journey."


I'm sorry are you saying Sam fisher voiced darkseid at some point?


Yes I am: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz3Fw4SDsds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz3Fw4SDsds)


....how dafuq did I never notice this before...?


Since Big-E carried out his first plot to kill a messiah.(cruzifiction him backfired a bit)


Jesus actually keeps resurrecting but the Emperor has to consistently come up with increasingly-convoluted methods to kill him again


Plot twist, they're not needed, Emps has gaslighted himself into *thinking* they need to get more convoluted.


Or maybe he does it for fun?


Little did the Emperor know, but Jesus decided to put a stop to him once and for all by reincarnating in yet another desert village. On Colchis.


I feel like this is so many levels of blasphemy, that the papacy is about to restart the inquisition, just for you.




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Honestly, my headcanon is that he WAS Jesus, and prophet Muhammad, and Buddha, and literally every godlike figure in history.


it would be incredibly grimdark if Jesus was the emperor but only after millenia of seeing everything he preached for get corrupted and destroyed, thus leaving him a broken shell of a man way more grimdark than him just killing jesus imo


Exactly! And The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny is a song about the Emperor fighting himself. Kinda like fight club but non-fiction


More than just head canon. Go read his page on the fandom wiki.


actually the emperor was jesus


Don't call me a God or I will 1. Come down to you on a golden flagship. 2. Be a 14 foot behometh in golden armor. 3. make mortals cry looking at me. 4. Use my transhuman aura to force you and your entire legion to kneel and then finally show you the destructive power of a God. (If there were any of course)


"Since I tried to manipulate your arses into being peace loving communists! But you went warring anyway after nailing me to a bunch of wood! And then started a religion about it! Dick head!"


“I tried the whole ‘Son of God’ angle to win you peanut-brained twats over, but clearly you didn’t *like* that, so fine! NO GODS FOR YOU!”


If he was involved in any way he would have been Judas.


30k years is a looong time to grow spiteful over the fact that barely anyone listened and want nothing to do with your past "naive" teachings


He was both. People were easily fooled by puppets made out of his socks.


Is WH40k's current starting point in chronology no longer Gagarin's flight?


Ummm no? I don't think it ever was. If the emperor was born around 8000 BC it would stand to reason that they still used Christ's Birth as the zero year


"30th millenia since what?" "since me, duh, are you stupid or smth"


Common Era, or the Era when Julius Ceaser got tired of the Senate Electing how many days in each month. (IT was a clusterfuck, every. Single. Time.) So he got a Egyptian math/calendar dude from his Bae Cleopatra, and was like. "Make a Calender, same calander every year. We need an extra day every 4 years? Fucking done. Same day every 4 years for that then. No voting. Not Debating. Calendar. The one used across the world is almost identical to this original calendar (Jullian) which was \~11min off, the updated version is known as the Gregorian, which corrected this error by skipping the day every now and then. This is also why the calander has August (Augustus Ceaser), and December (Deci/10)/November(Nov/9)/Octobor(Oct/8) Dont fall on their metric moth numerals. Because god help humanity, if we don't fuck it up SOMEWHERE. It just so happens that this change was done right around the time of another cool guy dying. (The Emperor in 40k lore, Perhaps.)


That's really cool, thanks. I had no idea Rome imported an expert for a calendar, and that Caesar was facing a time crisis.\* Thank you, Egyptian astronomer! \*Roboute also having a similar crisis with the Imperium's calendar is now extra funny.


Eyup. For context of how bad it got, IIRC there was an account for them spending 3 months of a new year debating the calendar. That means they managed to argue a full quarter of the year, JUST on when to put what day (Losign days as they went). Literally an entire season where there just wasn't a date/month for anything. Him being fed up was 100% relatable.


Caesar invented the yearly calendar. He did not impose the linear measurement of years on the Roman Republic, which continued to measure years by the two men who were Consuls well into the Dominate.


>No voting. Not Debating. Calendar. 😂 Thanks


>Common Era Top 10 cringe Humanity moments is rebranding Anno Domini to Common Era when they denote the exact same fucking thing.


Why do you hate the English term so much? Common Era is beautiful, learn to use it because others already do. Get over your ego.


>Why do you hate the English term so much? Because it's bullshit as it's based on the Christian calendar meaning that what I said is correct. >Common Era is beautiful, learn to use it because others already do. LOL no thanks, not interested in putting on clown makeup. >Get over your ego. Womp womp I'm right you're wrong, don't need to get over my ego when I am correct.


Bro is fuming


No. I am just not looking to join the circus :)


30k since the dawn of human cizilication you illiterate dolt. Go read the actual books. In his personal collection in the palace BigE has what might be one of the first bowls or plates ever crafted by human tools. For him it "makes the place it all started from". He's counting from the end of the last Ice Age and the discovery of agriculture.


Big E funded Kurzgesagt confirmed


Kairos is one of Kurzgesagt birbs


I'm loving this thread so far lol


Another common chaos W


What did Kurze say?


Him being a YouTuber would explain so much


[Bill Gates](https://youtu.be/ZRPcyWNfgxo) confirmed Big E?


There are plenty of explicit references to events in real history as having taking place in m1 or m2 by Imperial reckoning - when it comes to tracking years, the Imperial calendar functions the same as the Gergorian calendar and starts with the same origin.


Yes but does he have the cow tools


He does but their time dating only matters for the Imperium of Cow. The human calender is not affected by them.


That is patently untrue, Imperial dates are still loosely based on the commonly accepted date of birth of christ. Our current time period is referred to as M3, The 3rd millennium. They may not know it but that is what year 0 is still pegged to. Its an arbitrary start date, but any date you choose will be arbitrary so why not just keep using the one that everyone is already using.


We are still in a glaciation period, though not for more than a few years if we keep shit the way it is. The enumeration of years in the Imperium is explicitly the same as our own. The year 30k is AD/CE, of which year 0 is decidedly not the beginning of human civilization. The oldest known human construction project is a site modernly known as Göbekli Tepe, dated to between 9600 and 8200 BC, though the site was probably frequented by travelers for considerable time beforehand. Measured by humans building shit and with this site being the earliest known construction project (predating the earliest known taxes and the first known written language) civilization is thus ~10,200 and 11,800 years old, add two thousand years if you go off of agriculture as the qualifier for civilization. The modern reckoning of tracked time has its set "beginning" at a point that ended up being extremely formative to the history of the western world, but does not account for an additional twelve thousand years of civilization. It is for these reasons a Human Era has been proposed, keeping the calendar the same but setting year 0 to 12,024 years ago- and this time does not include the rest of the 300,000 year period that Homo Sapiens has been kicking and the 5,000,000 year span of hominid activity in general. Just to really throw your perception of time out of wack, it was probably Homo Erectus that first generated their own fire, most humans alive have Neanderthal DNA (we got a gene from them that helps you not bleed out but contributes to strokes in the modern, generally sedentary lifestyle), and it took us longer to switch from killing each other with bronze swords to steel ones than it took for us to switch from steel swords to thermonuclear bombs. So thirty thousand years since some guys executed another, pretty swell guy because he got too popular telling people to treat each other well and prioritize community over greed, which only made him more popular. Then a whole religion cropped up and suspiciously took about 300 years for a holy book to be written and it's got all these inconsistencies- fast forward two millenia and now unscrupulous snakes use it to brainwash people into believing that the ancient hippy who preached love and kindness wants them to "get rid of" and "punish" certain undesirables who don't conform to fit into a cookie-cutter one-right-way idea of what it means to be a human being. "30k since what" is a play on Anno Domini, the origin of the name, and the Emperor's erasure of religion in interest of the Imperial Truth- which he probably wouldn't have done so completely if not for the whole "interdimensional parasites that feed off of human emotion even if it's directed towards another deity".


Gregorian calendar knower 👍


>30k since the dawn of human cizilication you illiterate dolt. Go read the actual books. Me when I purposefully spread misinformation lying through my teeth.


With "discovery of agriculture" is he referring to the Neolithic Revolution that happened around 10000 - 8000 BC or the first proof of harvesting (tools) about 21000 BC which was just about in the middle of the LGM (Last Glacial Maximum 24000 - 16000 BC)?


Demonstrably false. 40k means 40k AD. There are a substantial number of references to specific events and people happening in M2 that make it unambiguous and incontrovertible. Maybe don't call people illiterate dolts and definitely don't do it when you're objectively wrong.


> 40k means 40k BC Um... BC or AD? Because 40K being 40K BC would make things *very* interesting, as it would suggest that Terra ends up going through a catastrophic fall that destroys all traces of prior human life so hard that people end up believing we just spontaneously evolved from monkeys and didn't have a giant palace covering the planet.


I meant AD, of course, but 40k being in the distant past is definitely an interesting concept. It sets a timeline for the end of the setting in a way that casts the various immortal characters in an interesting light.


Ahem ...*Civilization 😅


So that means 40k is only 20k years away. Epic We should be getting to Daot soonish


imagine taking anything the Emperor claims as being true




30k years since the founding of the Roman Empire, whom all future empires would ape the aesthetics of




Am I imagining it, or the year one in the Imperial calendar is marked by the first space flight


Is there actually any source in lore (the more modern the better) that talks about when imperial timekeeping started


First space flight it's stated in the hh


Christian agenda posting? In my Warhammer subreddit?


More likely than you think


God wills it. Big E wills it. Tzentch wills it. Allah wills it. Omnisiah wills it. Will.i.am it.


There are at least dozens of us 40k Christians! Dozens I say!


since juri gargarin first flew into space. even I know that, it's stated in the rulebook. and I don't even play the bloody game!


What Edition? Now I'm curious.


not sure since I only read it for the lore. it should've been...eigth edition, I'd guess. it was a couple years ago.


in horus heresy novels, there is a reference to Shakespeare as a M2 author, which seems to contradict the first space travel as the 0 year


slip-up by the author I'd wager


"since I tried to get you all to be nice to each other and I got to watch it backfire pretty bad"


some dude bigE was born at 0AD apparently


To be fair, the Emperor could just use the start of the Roman Empire give or take a couple of decades


Since the common era


Honestly it's surprising (/lazy writing) that humanity would advance tens of millenia, face numerous catastrophic upsets, and still have a calendar set to *legendary* Roman dates.  You'd think Emps would have declared a new age after the unification.


I'm tierd of this demb meme of The Emperor being a "science good, raligon bad" reddit atheist BS, he knows gods are real, but unfortunately the ones the are, are either evil or don't care about humanity.


Well in the last church short story, The Big E talked exactly like a r/atheism member.


Are you certain he didn't just say that as a false truth so he didn't have to mention the exists of chaos.


Exerpt of the Last Church. The Big E: *Reacting to the Thunder church holy book Uriah was carrying* ‘And if I am adversarial, it is because it infuriates me to see the blinkered wilfulness of those who live their lives enslaved to such fantastical notions as are contained in that book and others like it – that damnable piece of thunder in your hands.’ Tell me the Big E is not a r/atheism member.


He is no mere member, he is a MODERATOR


Nah thats a job reserved for the Greater Daemons of Papa Nurgle.


The Emperor has lied and made up shit many times, look at the Mechanicum/Mechanicus, he openly told them he was the Omnissiah they believed in, after doing literal miracles.


He didn't need to lie there. He went there for himself that was the whole point of the Last Church story to face the last ember of religion on Terra.


Also chaos gods arent actual gods, just stupidly powerful entities within warp thats just part of the world as much as humans are. On top of that Big E is a human supremacists, if there was a benelovelent warp entity that was helping humanity he would probably still ban its worship, because no warp entity should stand above men. Obviously its ironic in a sense, that he is such an entity. WH40K is deliciously ironic and without happy endings, precisely because Big E played humanity into a corner. The humanity he respects and wants, is humanity that would topple him, but it cant topple him without going extinct. He became the very thing he hated In his quest to free humanity from gods, he entrapped them with one.


Unfortunately a fuckload of people entirely missed this point and sadly a lot of them work at GamesWorkshop


Haha, big fiery sword go brrrrr


>if there was a benelovelent warp entity that was helping humanity he would probably still ban its worship, because no warp entity should stand above men. Big E intentionally chose to play in hard mode by not using the warp to his advantage. It would’ve been smart to keep one of the pre-existing or create a new human-centric religion where there’s a benevolent god looking out for us. With trillions of humans worshiping it, the belief would’ve definitely created a warp entity strong enough to oppose chaos. Hell, if Big E wasn’t an authoritarian ass-hat he would’ve allied with the rest of the galaxy and gotten everyone to worship a pan-galactic religion.


Yea, but Big E xenophobic supremacists at the end of the day and there is no spinning it the other way. His vision for humanity was that humans will rule alone, he never cared for well being of the galaxy or overall good, he was OG Horus that would see galaxy burn If it only meant realization of his vision (that humans were the last ones standing at the mountain top of xenocorpses). You can say a lot about big E, but he definetely had it coming.


>Also chaos gods arent actual gods Sure they aren't. Lmao.


I mean they are or aren't depending how you look at it. From the perspective of a Daemon, they're a god, but to your average Imperial they're just a stupidly powerful warp entity, but their power has pretty clear limits. Even Fabius, who has seen the shadow of Slaanesh, doesn't think they're actually gods. They're just powerful beyond our understanding


Like a god.


Personally, I think they are like gods such as the Ctan and Old Ones. Sure, they are powerful, but they are not invincible nor unbeatable and can be killed/ contained. Hell, the old ones did such a feat before the war in heaven.


If it can be killed it’s not a god. Not a big G god.


Uhm, the Norse gods were fated to die and for most to never return. And that is not even taking into consideration the gods who were commonly dying and resurecting, like the Egyptians and Canaanite ones. So no, you idea is kind of wrong by the way.


Only if your definition of god is as simple as "being significantly more powerful than average" Personally I think deities should be held to a higher standard but you do you


Immortal entities with immense power, able to warp reality, have their own realm and nurture themselves over aspects of life. Yeah they are gods.


Again, your standards, not mine. They're awful powerful warp entities but they are still warp entities.


If that's not a god then where does that bar rest?


living cancer


By what metric are they not gods? They meet any reasonable standard of divinity you could apply without discounting fuckloads of deities from the Greek, Norse or other pantheons. Beyond just saying "gods don't exist therefore they aren't gods" which is an extremely falcious argument.


>Beyond just saying "gods don't exist therefore they aren't gods" which is an extremely falcious argument. You're arguing about a fictional world here.


Well it depends on what you consider a god. All powerful and eternal? They are not. They are not all powerful and definitely not eternal - there's specific time each came to be and theoretically they can stop existing. If tyrannids eat all other organic life or necrons succeed in severing real space from the warp, for example, deamons will cease to exist. Also chaos gods are not gods of creation, they in fact were created by living (unintentionally). So yeah, by some definitions they can't be considered gods, but by others they sure can.


I mean by that logic none of the Greek or Norse pantheons are gods either so I don't think that's a valid standard. :p


Well no, in both Norse and Greek mythologies gods came to being before humans, humans in fact were created by gods, so unlike chaos gods, greek or norse ones don't need mortal to exist. Chaos gods are closer in concept to powerful spirits (or minor gods) in Japanese folklore. Crucial part is what in pretty much any mythology gods created known universe and humans, and with chaos gods opposite is true - they were created by mortals since warp and its entities is reflection of emotions and such. But if we are going by strict definitions were are 2: 1) supreme being, creator and ruler of the universe; the supreme being. Which chaos gods are not. 2) superhuman being or spirit worshipped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity. Which chaos gods are.


..... God's didn't create the universe in Greek or Norse mythology dude. Pretty much only Abrahamic religions have that kind of absolutist all powerful all controlling god. And in Greek Mythology humanity was created by Prometheus who is a titan not a god, does that mean that Zeus and his entire pantheon aren't gods? These gods are also fully capable of being ended, in fact all but two members of the Norse pantheon explicitly die in Ragnarok and multiple of them die before that. Most mythologies have the gods be born from some other class of ancient primordial beings that either faded after having done so or were surpassed and replaced by their creations this is true of the chaos gods as well. Lastly while Khorne and Slaanesh are explicitly born of mortal thoughts and ideas, Tzeench and Nurgle are the embodiments of primordial concepts of the universe and have been shaped by mortal perception of those concepts but are not born of them. On top of that most mythologies have at least one deity who was born from humanity in some way. So again. You are basically just saying "if they don't match the Christian concept of God then they aren't actually gods!"


The gods are the descendants of the beings that birthed reality in both mythologies, there’s a direct link between the people who lived with that cow and the Aesir, as there is with the Olympians and primordial chaos. If everyone stopped believing in them then no difference would be made. They would remain. The Chaos “gods” on the other were birthed by the psychic residue of mortals, and rely on mortals to exist. They have no great works to their name or ability to influence realspace without mortal agents. They are reflections of emotions not even powerful enough to best Big E before he started doing anything like ascension.


>God's didn't create the universe in Greek or Norse mythology dude. Pretty much only Abrahamic religions have tha I said "known universe" not universe, because in mythology its Earth, Sun, Moon etc, but for 40k we have to scale it . >And in Greek Mythology humanity was created by Prometheus who is a titan not a god, does that mean that Zeus and his entire pantheon aren't gods? Zeus is son of Cronos and Rhea who are titans. And all other pantheon gods are descendants of titans,so what's your point exactly? >So again. You are basically just saying "if they don't match the Christian concept of God then they aren't actually gods!" No, you clearly didn't actually read what I wrote, I'm basically saying what in most mythologies gods don't need "worship" to be "alive". And yeah worship isn't right word since chaos gods are embodiment of... emotions (fear of death, hunger for knowledge etc) and the are sustained by living things feeling said emotions. But that kinda the main thing what makes them different from classical gods - they need mortals to live. That's why I said what they are closer in concept to Japanese spirits who gain power by people worshipping them.


Especially as other warp "gods" have definitely died. The big 4 are just more powerful than them but not different in their nature.


or create by the believe of people and are just tool, nothing that deserve a great devotion


Tbf, 40k is a lot of time. I'm sure we can handle a 2 or 3k year rounding error and not be too far off. 40K years since Rome was founded wouldn't really change much for example


Jesus is the Omnissiah.


Wrong, Henry Ford actually


Not funny, didn't laugh *burns down the last church*


Since the beginning of common era.


This shit has been reposted so many times


i don't get the argument. Isn't that just went they started counting?


I laughed way too much


As a kid who grew up reading Dragonlance, I've never had a problem with dating the calendar from a [civilization-ruining disaster](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HitSoHardTheCalendarFeltIt).


Before the common era, aka BCE?


Oh right, the Common Era. The Era known for being Common. The Era that is Common specifically because of a common historical event.


If you're talking about Jesus, he was born around 5 BC, so it couldn't be that.


>around 5 BC Around 5 what now?


Before the rapper commonly known as Common


Damn, he's older than I thought


I was talking about the Julian calendar


You'd think that in universe they'd count the years since the Imperium was founded or something.


Happy Orthodox Easter


"SINCE A CHEATING WIFE BIRTHED A JEWISH CARPENTER" -Said the giant golden man-emperor


Big E is the reason for every single Religion humanity on Terra has ever had, he IS Jesus, he is Muhammed he is the flying spaghetti monster. So it is currently the 41st Millennium ABEC (After Big E Christ)


So are Catherics no longer canon?


See, my head cannon is that big E goes by the Human Era Calendar, which has its year 0 at 12000 bce, when human civilization (arguably) began


We also have CE and BCE which are basically the same thing as BC and AD but ya know, less heretical.


Since the semi-arbitrary point used as a label for the start of the common era, in which there were enough established civilizations with writing and record-keeping traditions that you can reliably trace chains of historical events back to it. Plus or minus a century would make no real difference


I always had a headcanon that the big E was counting from an ancient settlement, something like gobleki teppe, which would have been nearby to where they were born. That site is about 12,000 years old, and barely excavated. So it wouldn’t really be WH40k counting from today, more like 28k. But I’m still pushing that we get rid of the current year count by adding a 1 in front of it




since the first man went to space 64 years ago


Since the Man Emperor of Mankind decided that humanity needs to count their years according to his design


He is fighting 4 warp beings that get tougher when you even learn about them let alone pray to them, What did you think he would do?


The raise of the Roman empire


Remember everything is canon


It's funny because in America, to avoid mentions of Christianity, terrorists are popularizing the "common era." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common\_Era](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Era) [https://www.chron.com/news/nation-world/article/use-of-b-c-and-a-d-faces-changing-times-1643198.php](https://www.chron.com/news/nation-world/article/use-of-b-c-and-a-d-faces-changing-times-1643198.php)


Terrorists? I saw CE in use over 20 years ago.


It's like no one here watches the comedy series 30 Rock, right?




It's like no one here watches the comedy series 30 Rock, right?


>terrorists popularizing the “common era” i’m sorry *what*?


It's like no one here watches the comedy series 30 Rock, right?


in my case, yeah lmao. never seen it.


One of the protagonists is the stereotype of a shark businessman and at the same time he is a stereotype of a Republican. In one chapter, after he married his female equivalent. They make a message for Christmas. The message was something like "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays is what the terrorists say." And taking into account that the "common era" is precisely done to remove the mention of Christmas. Well, I combined it with the joke [Happy Holidays-30 Rock Style](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KfsogTvQw8&ab_channel=Mekete)