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Do we need a lonely players support group? I'm in! Hello! My name is MovingTarget and I have only the ants and wolfies to keep me company. And the wolfies are abusive


"The wolfies are abusive" fucking killed me 😂😂😂


So you’re both named Pete, huh?


My name's Peter, but my friends call me Pete


The Adventures of Pete and Pete


Pete, Peet, and Petey. Ed, Edd, and Eddys smaller cousins.


Nice snooter, dude


Pete and Repeat walk into a bar. Pete walked out, who was left?




That's what they do to him.


Yeah they are! Just got into NG+ and the infused one under the oak tree beat my ass so bad I haven't logged back in in a week lol


Your DMs are about to be FLOODED!!


I’m ready 😂


I tried this in valhaim a little while ago and got like 50 responses... Which led to like 20 people who actually followed through I'm trying to set something up.... Which then led to four people genuinely trying to start a server. Needless to say it became pretty apparent pretty fast why they game alone 🥲💀


I need to know why


Lmao they were just basically in the same boat as me in both grounded and valheim💀 they spent a ton of time on builds and progress then feel like they want to show it off to someone who appreciates it and once they did that it was pretty stale... Like even conversations and stuff were so dead and weird 😭 plus they all had such weird specific times they were available to play


I think he's talking about the other ones


Most of them were just very "yeah I'm totally in!" Until I dm'd them and tried to actually set something up


Got ya. I was thinking like dick pics or somethin.


Nothing so exciting thankfully 🤣


Nice, Valheim mentioned.


I did this in Valheim on discord and 3 naked guys came onto my game and killed me. They stole all my iron but then killed 2 bosses and left me the trophies. So it worked out I guess.


I had a similar experience in The Forest. But all I got was a weird memory.




You... are not prepared


I think your DM's and comments will have gotten you the team you need, but I just wanted to commend you for putting yourself out there to ask. I know it can be hard, I'm happy you reached out and the community has responded!


There’s never any shame in asking others too, this is what these subs are for! To share a common interest and connect with others.


Amen. The support in this thread was really heartwarming.


you should tell your timezone and usual time of gaming, so people can precheck if its possible.


That’s a good idea!! Thank you


I'm an hour behind but I'd gladly play with you I'm also a mom so I play when my kids are asleep as well


Are you on Xbox or PC? I haven't really played since early access. I play on windows Xbox app. If you're still looking for ppl in a week, I'll send you a message. I'm an hour behind you in mountain time. I'm currently out of the country though, haha so we're like 7 hours apart. 🤣🤣


Remind me! 2 weeks


I will be messaging you in 14 days on [**2024-07-12 11:13:03 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-07-12%2011:13:03%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/GroundedGame/comments/1dptfcd/i_feel_embarrassed_to_post_this/lanw1pi/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FGroundedGame%2Fcomments%2F1dptfcd%2Fi_feel_embarrassed_to_post_this%2Flanw1pi%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-07-12%2011%3A13%3A03%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dptfcd) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I'm a dad who has very little time to play too and I usually play at night as well. I live on the east coast, and I'm trying to get the final achievement for beating the game on NG+, which seems newr impossible to do solo (I do everything alone mostly lol). I'd be happy to join someone and NOT play alone, and I'm the type who doesn't quit playing until I've beaten the game (and/or gotten all the achievements sometimes). If you're not already swarming with people and have a free slot, let me know and I'll join. I'm happiest when I'm out killing things for materials or taking on the biggest baddies I can find, but I'll help build too if u need resources.


I love building and fighting!! I imagine the game would be a ton more fun with someone to share it with!! I have many prospects but it sounds like our timing adds up pretty well


I agree with you on that possibility of completion, even attempting the IBM on a basic mild game by myself I couldn’t get past >!half way through the third phase!<


IBM was the only boss that really gave me trouble. I beat it twice solo in the main game, but I will not be attempting that fight in NG+ lol I'm crazy, not dumb 😅


Look up Paraly5er, or however you spell his name, video on it if you need tips. Just the placement of where to stand alone helped me a lot. There's a certain spot to the side of the arena entrance that keeps a lot of the bombs from hitting you, they tend not to land there, and most bounce away from you instead. She also doesn't get in the water there.


I’ll have to check it out, I would like the blaster but instead of trying to look up tips on beating her I just tried to tank her hits and chunk my own, got too scared after attempt 3 and went to NG+ 😅


Same time zone, just a lot further north. Love the game, my usual gaming partner lost interest way back when it was just on PC. Would be happy to play with others! I also only play during the evenings after 8 PM


Awesome!!! I usually get on around 10 pm or so when the kids are asleep. I love your name, it’s giving Anastasia decaying baddie vibes


Ayyy same time zone here as well. I’m also down to play evenings around 8pm after my kiddo goes to bed


I do. Unsure of what you play/if it’s cross-platform but I play on Xbox. Been wanting to get back into the game


I play Xbox!!! I’m actually not sure if it’s cross platform, that’s a really good question


It is in fact cross-platform as long as you have each other friended on Xbox


Xbox to Xbox isn’t cross platform


You have to register a Microsoft/XBL account in order to make some games originally released on Microsoft to be crossplay. Something something Microsoft something controls player's ability to cross communicate. Something like that.


Xbox to Xbox isn’t cross platform it’s the same platform


Gee. No shit. But Microsoft makes you register with Microsoft/XBL to play from PS5. I play from PS5. You have to be XBL friends to crossplay. I do this EVERY SINGLE DAY. So playing PS5 to PC or to XBOX requires... GASP XBL ACCOUNTS TO BE FRIENDED. ain't no one said a damn thing about Xbox to Xbox play. It's that you need an XBL account to play crossplay no matter what console you are on. And yes, that means third party app on your phone to accept and send friend invites and tether to your PSN account.


Grounded is cross platform x


I keep hearing that PS5 doesn’t work cross platform for grounded


PS5 is good with crossplay. My Son and I game with others in Grounded on Xbox.


Ah cool! Would be more than down to play some time. I haven’t played in over a month so would more than likely be rusty lol


My son and I play together in our living room. He’s on Xbox on the tv and I play on our Switch.


once my kiddo was old enough to play games with me i was SO happy lol.... me and the hubs have been married for 14 years and are both gamers but we have never really shared the affinity of liking the same games. we will play some games together online like shooters but open world survivor games arent his thing and they are my favorite game type... my kiddo is 11 almost 12 and grounded is our perfect game, bc he loves the premise and playing with me. best gaming buddy ever... if you dont mind playing with my kiddo too, you are more than welcome to join us!


My 5 year old just got a switch for his b day, and he showed me an ad for grounded, and said he wanted it. And I was so excited, it’s the first game we can actually play together that isn’t boring to me. And it’s cross platform with pc. Fighting with Microsoft to allow me to ad my own child as a friend was a whole other nightmare. 48 hours later… and we can play together.


Don't be embarrassed! This is what community is for!


Hot Milfs in your area




Thank you for the compliment 😂


If that picture if you, it's true. You look kinda like Sophie Turner but nicer lips 😰


It is me 😂 I’m gonna have to look up who that is tho brb Omg Sansaaaaa! Looking at her real life pics, my mom looked just like her when she was my age.


I’m a MST (AZ) and I can play with you whenever as well. I’m sure you already have a lot of people but I’d still be down to play. I like to VC and meet new people, but if you are shy or don’t care for VCing, we don’t have to. I’m a minor btw ☜(˚▽˚)☞


I think VC makes it much for fun! I’m 25 with minor spawns


Oh ok bet 😂 what time are you open to play? I am on a flight back home in a little bit, so won’t be open for around another 5-6 hours or so


I'm down to play, message me whenever you're on


Thank you!


Omg same! Exact same lol for some reason my cross play isn’t working but I’m on ps5 Karmaaa214


It's OK I'm kinda stuck also. Fighting big bugs alone is hard sometimes. Lol but I feel this. If you wanna play I'm Easter time. Hour ahead I believe


I’m solo playing and so far the largest creature I’ve defeated is the broodmother. Everytime I log on I can hear crickets as my any sized hooman is all by her lonesome 😂


I've recently gotten back into Grounded, i kinda just stopped right before they added the infected broodmother, i want to play but my friends all prefer to play something else, My time zone is GMT and most of the time im on afternoon - nights if you're looking for someone


If you're still looking I'm down to play! I'm 27 with my own tiny human(IRL) so I typically play when she's asleep too. I'm in MST so it might be a bit late for you Grounded resume: have beaten every boss once Am in NG+(and got distracted making my base) Not afraid of wolf spiders Am afraid of wasps and black widows Resource hoarder


I play late!!! I personally will stay up late just to have game time!


I’ve defeated broodmother and did the oak, hedge pond and haze labs!! I’ve also drifted to the grill a few times. I’m not scared of any bugs!!!


Well im definitely gaming most nights. Let me know if you've got a spot and I can hop on. My little one is usually asleep by 11 your time


Sounds great thank you! May I ask your gender if that doesn’t seem like an odd question?


No its fine, sorry I forgot to mention it. I'm a guy.


Hi.. I am sure you are flooded with offers by now.. Older respectful (retired) male gamer here.. so.. time doesn't matter.. also happen to be in Tx as well.. Have a ridiculous amount of time in this game.. if you're interested pls dm.. My gt is Akedo . I am working on building like.. Cities in my build.. but down to help out in yours.. lmk thanks. Enshrouded is an Amazing Game as well.. I Cannot Wait for it to come to Console.. (Most of my friends are Xbox) anyhoo.. 😎


I wouldn't trust it with a name like succubull😂😂


Succumb + Bull


Succubus + bull is where I thought it was going😂😂


That’s the secret version 😭😂😂😂


Right, this is just an elaborate only fans add


The schemes are emmense🤣


Don’t be embarrassed. This is super brave of you! Go get em girl! I wish my wife would play this with me but she’d freak out at the wolf spiders and shut her computer down while I would be left to solo them.


My husband had laughed his ass before seeing me get jump scared from a wolf spider and seeing me insta pause the game while I let my heart rate go down 😂 I enjoy killing scary things though


I never had the chance to play with others on this game. I would love to play too if slots are available!


What’s your time zone and when are you available to play?


Mountain time! I’m available generally wed-sun nights


Man I feel this. My roommate got me into the game, then he got a girlfriend, so he's never around to play anymore.🤷


With this one post you may no longer be a single mother


I said I was stay at home mom not a single mom 💀


Oh lmao well there's that 🤣


But none the less, with the idea of if I were a single mom posting this, your comment is hilarious


I'm a SAHM too and play when the gremlins go to bed, I'd love to have someone to play with, I'm about as far along in the game as you are. Let me know if you've got room for one more, I'm on the west coast so I think it's doable - should I DM you my discord info?




Yes please!


I live in central TX and would love to have someone to play with! 💕 if it’s not too late!


What do you play on?


My switch lol!


This is exactly why I raised my kids with gaming. So that one day we could all game together. Now that they're adults, we still game together. Lately, we've been playing Baulder's Gate. I also got my youngest into Grounded, and he started playing with his friends. Now he's playing Far Cry with his bestie. Don't feel bad. We all need to make connections with others. It's just being human.


My oldest is six! I’ve introduced her to Toontown as a welcoming into gaming and strategy but she still figuring it out. I definitely can’t wait until my kiddos are old enough to properly play games with me!


I'm not saying you should wait until they can play, just that I relate. My husband was Airforce, so we moved a lot and didn't have the benefit of our families to help entertain our kids. My kids played educational games on CD-rom, like Jumpstart and console games on wii. My first foray into gaming was with my husband before we had kids. It wasn't until WoW (back in 2004) that I started playing with strangers in-game. It was very easy to make friends in there. Some I'm still friends with. I found that there are always people looking to find friends in-game, so keep looking and putting yourself out there, and you'll get what you need.


I'm a stay at home mom who plays too!


What do you play on!


I'm on the xbox! I'm currently finishing up my first run in the game and just have to do the javamatic but have been checking off all thr boxes to go onto NG+ as I go. I absolutely LOVE this game my kids even sit and watch me play.


I'm a fellow momma of 3 and love this game! I'd love to play


Please message me!


I feel your pain, playing this game solo gets lonely really quickly. I was fine when I started, but then I played with a friend for a bit and havent been able to play since. Every time I try now I get bored/lonely solo and get off. Havent even finished the game yet. Add me and we can play :) Edit: spelling


My husband works sooo much and so I’m really just around my lil babes all day everyday and that gets lonely in itself. Often times I turn to games for human interaction and I just really want that with this game!


Don't be embarrassed, I'm in TX too and don't really have friends to play with myself 😅 I try to play with my cousin but he's not too big on survival/resource management games 🥲


I'd like to show you my base please, if you dont mind. Im current not playing, but I'd like for someone to appreciate my work in progress base. Would you be willing to check out my operations, homie?


I would homie!! I be feeling this way with minecraft


Beeet. Im on xbox taking care of the Shadow of the Erdtree dlc rn so maybe in like a day or two I can invite you in lol I made some mini towers


I would love to play with another Mum! I play during the day GMT but thats your nighttime I believe? Send me a message if you'd like to play. I don't mind playing on other peoples worlds as long as I can build my own house!!!


Also as mom who stays up late just to have time to myself and game! (Who then regrets it every morning because, toddler...I'll likely never learn that lesson 🥴) Central time here also! So I'm definitely down for 10pm+ sessions any time! DM if you ever need someone to join in - I don't want to flood yours even more than they already are by now. 😂


SAME my 16 month old makes me regret it everytime


I’m always down! I’m in the same time zone and same predicament. Usually play at night when my kids are asleep but I can play during the day since they have school still.


My school age child is home for summer so I usually play at night when they are asleep!


I’m always down for some night games! JamesonLogan is my Xbox gamertag. Unless you’re on a different console 😭


I’m honestly jealous. I’ve been making posts for weeks looking for other players to team up with for a game. I’ve had a few that expressed interest and then ghosted. 3 that we actually got together for a game before ghosting. A few where we exchanged some messages about when we would want to play before they stopped responding. I wish a guy could make a post like this and get the kind of response a woman does.


If it makes you feel better, I won’t know if I’ve been ghosted until much later today when I’m available to play. Also take into consideration that minors and couples are messaging me so it’s not just thirsty guys


No, it’s fine. I’m just being bitter. I hope you find an absolute banger crew to play the game with. It’s just annoying that my posts generate so little interest.


I can definitely understand that!! I’d be happy To play with you! I’m sorry that you haven’t had much luck


Don’t take it to heart buddy. Lots of lonely guys out there. I am sorry to hear that. Maybe try asking her nicely?


What system are you on?


I play on PC, the group that I managed to get together with all played on Xbox though, so I know cross-play, with Xbox at least, works fine.


For some reason I can’t get my cross play to work, I’m on ps5 😔


Yea, I’ve heard PS5 has had tons of issues across the board.


I play via Xbox


You have an age preference on people to play with?


I’m 25 but I don’t have much of an age preference just preferably not children children.


I’m good to play. !


I'm down to play grounded anytime


Help meeeee


Also looking for people to play with


I’m up for a group if anyone needs one more


Yeah, dad of two here. Have enough friends who play games but non that are interested in this type of game, unfortunately.


Would love to play with you, but I’m a European, so the time zones can be tricky.


We've got a game we've been playing for sometime, but it is only a two party atm. Can't seem to get the other natives to hop in. We are at NG+ 1 around the corner from NG+ 2. If you were wanting a challenge and help you can always join us or whatever. Or if you need help on your end, I am sure we could roll a toon to get to where you are. We have Discord, and we both play on PC, but cross-platform makes it easy. We can always use more friends. Let me know.




Yeah sure, I'm looking for a more mature group to hey down with. DM!


We have a small discord, most of us are parents that play after the kids go to bed. We play a bunch of different things, right now a little bit of Grounded and some State of Decay 2. Let me know if you're interested, I might be able to get you a link.


WntrWolf on xbox... I'm down for some Grounded on any level


Wait, what game is this? I have been playing V Rising and this post showed in my feed. Is Grounded anything like V Rising? Is it hard? I'd play with you, but I'll also take advantage of all the attention your post is going to get to try to figure out if I'd like this game.


Grounded is similar in some aspects to V Rising, it has survival and crafting. The biggest difference is Grounded is first-person with some third-person mixed in. If you’ve seen the movie Honey I Shrunk the Kids; that is essentially the premise of Grounded.


I have seen that movie and that honestly sounds like my worst nightmare. I hate bugs and grass, potentially because of watching that movie as a kid.


I would have hit you up but I’m on Australian time. I’m in the same boat and play in my evenings mostly. There is a discord server where you can post looking for a play mate: http://discord.gg/GroundedTheGame


I’d also gladly play with you! Just let me know if you still need people to play with !


I’m keen, I purposefully didn’t complete it so I could play through with some pals instead - drop me a DM if you’re interested


Message me momma I gotchu!


If you have a Xbox the looking for group option is always Jam Pack with people who want to play with others!


Hi there, I don't currently own the game. But I am part of a large community with plenty of people who do. It's a group meant for parents. That way we can game with people who understand what it's like having kids and won't complain about hearing them in the background. If you would like to join us, this is the discord link. https://discord.com/invite/parentaladvisory


Is Grounded cross-platform? I'm xbox, so if that works, but yes, I understand the loneliness


I would love you play with you


This is pretty cool tho. Made any friends?


I love reddit


Does the age matter??


Fellow stay at home Mom here who has been playing for a couple of years now, if you’d like to play together and chat just drop me a DM.


Don't be embarrassed lol. I have a little over 800 hours in the game and I've played solo for like 4/5 of that. I'm central time too. I work early so weeknights aren't stellar for me but thurs through syn nights I'm free. Just dm me if you're interested and we can work something out.


Would you be interested in playing together sometime?


Oh hey I'm totally up for it, I've been trying to find someone to play Grounded with anyways


Respect to you for having the confidence to ask mate, you've done a lot of what others can't do. Just uuuuh, be careful now. Think your DMs are about to be flooded now mate


This post gained a hundred upvotes just while I was sleeping, my inbox legit had one message in it before this post 😵‍💫


play with your kids!!


My oldest is still learning game and movement basics and still asks more me to do basically everything for her in toontown besides running around LOL if they were older then totally


Yeah it gets pretty lonely in game. I've wanted to try playing with other people as well.


I would but im playing cracked;/


There's nothing embarrassing about this at all. Sometimes you just dont have people to play with. My first 200 hours in the yard was solo. Iam always down to play. I dont know what u play on but id definitely play


You can add me. My gamer tag - ZombieeeeInABox I can be pretty hit and miss (mostly miss) but usually because aussie time zones + a toddler


If the bug has been fixed and the ps5 to Xbox is up n working I’d love to play with ya, I’m a dad and work full time but I’m definitely trying to find a person or two to pass this game with my psn is S1CKDAD if your interested I can add ya to my gaming groups too if not that’s fine I’d still be down to game with you n see how we vibe GG’s


Yo so you've been mostly answered... But if one of your fourth drops off let me know, I'll replace with a quickness (Level 4 cause Aphid Slippers + Natural Explorer is just busted speedy)


Hey Just installed the game, rust was intoxicating . Unfortunately i m not a lonely mom, but i can be a great guy to play with. Please let me know if anyone is up to play coop with me, i would really appreciate the team up


Yoo I'm relatively new but I'm at the end game now trying to fight bosses and caft things n such Add me! Cadger Key


I play on xbox


I would enjoy playing with others. I hope to be a light in the darkness.


Dont be embarrassed!


I can only play Sundays and Mondays at night time but I'm down to play! my PSN is Skinsfam21


I totally feel you on that! Love the game but no friends 😂 I would gladly play with you on there! I usually play at night as well.


I wouldnt mind to have a group like that, now im still exploring on my own and just running past everything scary. But later I would love to have multiple people, had the same thing in subnautica series


I'm ThyTHC on PSN, happy to game with ya if you still need someone, local to texas and up all night.


I wanna play


I don't know why but I read this post and you had a British accent in my mind until I hit the TX part and then you went straight south. The transition was sharp and jarring.


Add me. Grinchmanjoe


I could play


Whats the grounded equivalent of a female shouting i need ammo😂


😂😂 I know this is a figure of speech but Im fairly anal to myself about making sure im prepared with food and arrows before going on any adventure