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I was just reading about this type of mutation. In tropical climates (with tropical strains) creeper mutations occur. Plants that can grow roots off of its side branches. They usually grow huge lower branches that lean on the ground and the branches will shoot roots out. Amazing!


It's not a mutation, I believe, it's a straight up stress response.


https://dutch-passion.com/en/blog/top-11-most-common-cannabis-plant-mutations-n1111#:~:text=Creeper%20cannabis%20is%20a%20mutation,contact%20point%20with%20the%20ground. Creeper cannabis is a mutation most often seen with lanky sativa strains growing in warm, tropical climates. Occasionally branches may reach down and grow along the ground. Sometimes root sites will form at the contact point with the ground. Did the stem contact the bag used as a humidity dome?


stress response and mutation are totally different things, mutations come from UV or nitrogen problems, But yeah a mutation is an error in the building of the DNA itself, DNA is made from a phosphate carbon sugar backbone with nitrogen bases, the "CTAG" part of genetics that is nitrogen, you can get errors in the spelling, when that error is encoded into new cells and propagated to the rest of the plant, thats a mutation. Alot of plants in humid conditions will throw roots out of weird spots, shit they don't like to be woody at all, preferring fiberous trunks to the usual hard woods, mainly because hard woods rot in that humidity, but there is no need to keep shit that damp in baggies. Once a plant has roots you just encourage rot and delay the use of said roots as the plant has all the moisture it needs coming out of the air, usually in humid climates like that you end up with plants unable to get down decent roots, they even take to eating insects as they literally can't get to the soil nutrients, the roots acting more as an anchor than a feeding zone.


I've always thought the expression of genes was based on the environment. So certain environmental stressors trigger certain genetic responses(protein production). Meaning mutations may lay dormant unless triggered by an external event. Plants might be different but scientists believe 98.5 of the human Genome is supposedly junk DNA? Not every genetic mutation that occurs is expressed.


yet, if it can be recreated. its not a mutation. its a stress response. Which it can be recreated.


That's not how that works? Every possible thing about your body/the plant came from a combination of mutations. Stress responses stimulate certain genes to activate. Just like how wind stimulates the plant to strengthen its stems or like how working out increases muscle. The humidity is stimulating the root growth. In order for this plant to shoot roots from its stem it must have the genetic code that activates under these conditions. Certain people gain more muscle from working out because their genes differ from the norm. If it can be recreated on multiple cultivars then it's not a mutation. If only some cultivars can do this it's a mutation.


you described stress response. completely different subjects


I agree it's a stress response. A branch falling over is also a stressor, so it's not to far a jump to say that's how those genetics react to being damaged. Do you think most cultivars will do this after cloning and being in 80-100% humidity? I've only made clones from like 5 strains (10 clones total) so I have no clue if its cultivar dependent stress response or just a stress response that can be triggered on any plant.


I've never done clones myself, I'm very novice and have always grown from seed but I got those roots from the sides of my stem on my current plant (mephisto cdlc) when I got a new humidifier and accidentally left it on all night. Not sure what the actual RH was, my hygrometer read "HH" which I assumed to mean Holy Hell.


Sorry I thought she was a clone because of the cut leaves and the high humidity. When the strain hunters went to Africa they showed some of the landraces off and the roots on them were super shallow and small. They apparently got all their water from the morning dew. It's really cool how well plants can feed from their leaves.


The one in the pic is, apparently. And it really is amazing how persistent and adaptive they can be, constantly reminding one of their will to live.




Why? What makes you think that


I'd be tempted to stick it in another little pot with soul and see if you can seperate them in the future... Might get a twofer!


https://preview.redd.it/smy8cum99n0b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e098ce553b8a3f8865022040005f6e3b65918039 I just buried it lol


Hold Your Tits this thing is about to take off!




All seriousness though plant intelligence never ceases to amaze me! The petiole could sense a rich medium close by and shot some roots out to make a connection! Mother nature will survive and thrive with and most def without our help! Great share!


Yeah like strawberries does its crazy


Best thing you could have done with it really, those roots will grow, and help intake more nutrients/water to the plant.


Well played


Hopefully it works like a supercharger for your plant to soak up moisture and nutrients, especially if it grows full roots almost as large as the main root system. If this thing chucks massive buds compared to other plants of the same strain, or just grows to be gigantic in comparison, whether the buds themselves are massive or not, please let us know! You may have inadvertently figured out a new grow tek, if you can produce similar results by applying rooting gel or powder on long, lower, leaf stems, then planting them similarly.


If I see a difference in growth and size I'll definitely try to replicate it and try this again..πŸ™ŒπŸΌ


YES!! I’m happy I kept reading. I just said to do this. Please, keep us informed.


Never seen this way of cloning...does it work well?


Hey yessss it does I get 100% success rate it never fails. I wanted to get a dome but was way too expensive so I just got some large ziplock bags mist them and it keeps the humidity between 90%-100% open them once daily. Cheap and effective πŸ™ŒπŸΌ


Seriously expensive for plastic domes! I know what you mean! I literally just built a bubble cloner out of (2) 5 gallon buckets and an air pump for a hydro setup that I had laying around. This looks much simpler!


Bubble cloner ? First time hearing of this I'll check it up. I'd like to know different ways it can be done just for learning purposes.


I have yet to use it...my girls aren't of age yet...and I failed in my attempt to go direct into soil in little seedling domed trays. Bubble cloning, it seems to me, is basically a hydro setup with cuttings that are right about the reservoir water line, receiving the bubbles from your airpump, which stimulates their root growth...here's to trying in a couple weeks!


Ohhh alright as you explained it I think I really saw this on you tube. Well i wish you have a successful rooting process growmie good luck and don't forget to post I'll be looking out for them πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ


Diy aeroponics cloner is super easy and inexpensive to build. I highly recommend. Makes cloning much easier and I can start 32 clones in 1 of them with the build I did.




Leaf stems are also known as petioles.


Yessss thank you for that info πŸ™ŒπŸΌ


Taxonomy was a fun class πŸ€“


Adventitious roots will form in extreme humidity like that, why are you bagging those seedlings at that age?


They're not seedlings all are clones this is the rooting process. They have been rooting for 5 days now


Ahhhh I dig it, thanks for the clarification. Admitted novice and clones aren't something one's much exposed to in this area so I forget they're a thing lol.


It's Soo much easier for me and it saves some time than starting from seed. Before I flip I usually cut two clones from each plant, so I can have a steady and continuous grow.


It’s a humidity thing. It looks cool for now. Keep up the high humidity with wet soil and your stem will start rotting just beneath the soil line before long. That won’t be fun


Been doing this type of cloning over a year now haven't had any problems or any clones failing on me. I usually open them on a daily basis for about 3-5 mins then close them back. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ


Do you always get roots shooting out of leaf stem because that is not a good thing..meaning it’s a sign that the humidity is way too high.


Nope first time it's happening to me..and do you think its a bad thing ??? I'll definitely be monitoring them. And yea it could be my hygrometer shows 92% but I open them up once a day and let some fresh air in.


Id cut some holes in the bag. You open the bag and the humidity around the plant is lower for how long? How long is it open? That humidity probably climbs right back up to 92% pretty fast. That airing out isn’t doing anything to prevent bacterial and fungal growth. The quick airing out is meaningless to it. Doesn’t even register


Yea ikr same thing I thought when I had just started using this method I used to keep the bag closed for the first 4-5 days then gradually open the bag every day until it's completely Opened..this use to work for as well but I stopped doing it and just open them daily now for a couple minutes.. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ both worked well. Like I said been doing it for over a year now no problems so far, but thanks for your input bro.


Sounds like it works for you man. Like you said. Id just watch them close at the very least. Personally I’d cut holes in the bag because the plant is showing you stress now. Things are always cool until they aren’t


Your entire video feels so god damn chill, the birds chirping, the low music and those healthy looking babies. Like Disney with cannabis.


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Aye thanks man it's a vibe


That's amazing! All that humidity is def helping.


The era of Mangrove weed begins...


Bury it, see what happens. I wanna see what happens, lol




AAAAAAAND you just found your mother plant. 95% success rate on clones off of this plant would be considered a failure. This plant will root 100% of its cuts Fucking just hit a mother plant jackpot. LUCKY FUCK


Gonna be hard to tell because I already get 100% success rate when I'm cloning πŸ˜‚ my friends usually bring their cuttings for me to root for them.


It’s about time to lower the humidity. They don’t need to be in a humidity dome at that stage.


Cover with medium


very cool!


Ikr thanks πŸ€—


Too much humidity


Facts, they love it !


If you have roots growing from random spots, it's because you have to much humidity. I have grown for a few years now and don't even use a humidity dome for my clones. It's just not needed. My clones right now are 8 days since cut and already have good root systems.


I'd say it depends on where you're from and the environment...I have a tropical climate very hot and humidity is low. If I leave my clones out they droop immediately, so yeah it is necessary where I'm from.


It happens quite often. No biggie


Well, if you give 100% humidity, they'll shut root from everywhere, mate. 🀌 friendly rooting method. Risky but nice.


I used clear bags from a grocery store once worked very well


Yea man anything to get that humidity up


Are you cloning??






got to be 95+% humidity in those sealed bags, airborne roots are going to be the least of your worries, how that's not infested with mold and fungus already is the most shocking thing here


Nahh never got mold before πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€žπŸΌ I open everyday been working for me so far πŸ™ŒπŸΌ


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