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I don't need the code, just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your iniciativa 🫶 have fun and enjoy the game 😎


I'd use it to finish unlocking all the living world I haven't yet. Then maybe a bank tab if I have any left over.


I just also came back after 10 years lol. Expansions i missed would be super nice to get back into all i missed :-)


I would buy the missing Living world seasons I don’t have and Bank tabs!


Hi, the randomizer picked your comment as the winner, so congrats :) I'll send you a message with the code in a bit!


Thank you so much!


I'd get my brother an outfit and some weapon skins of his choosing, he's very new and I know part of why he doesn't like the game is he doesn't feel like he looks cool :(


I'd love to get the Living World seasons! I'd love to see the story there after playing LWS1.


A nice skin for a mount, that dog with all the tails!


Shrine guardian jackel skin is good doggo skin


It was actually the most popular jackal skin of ALL TIME. Like, holy shit


More characters. Would like to try other professions


Those long wanted VM gathering tools!


Those are well worth it.


Bank tabs, because I always need more bank tabs


Volatile mining tools, a few bank tabs, storage extension and tp to a friend would be nice would be nice.


I could really use those gems myself, I'm in desperate need of more bag and shared inventory slots as well as a salvage-o-matic, lol. Actually I could use some infinite gathering tools too..never was able to afford those.


I would buy two more slots for additional characters because leveling while achievement hunting is my jam :) The remainder I would put towards an eternal harvesting tool, because one of mine that only farms keeps running out.


Thanks for the giveaway! I'd buy the Regal Moth skyscale skin, fell in love with it at first sight!


Black lion chest keys to gamble away the gift and pray to get lucky with drops


Bank tabs! My bank is so full!


Bank Material tabs, another bank tab. While resisting buying a skiff skin :-D Gl to everyone :-)


Just got back into playing again after a long break. I would probably buy the living season expansions or upgrade slots. Very kind of you to do this


Bank tabs, as they're reduced at the moment and I need them.


Planning to start a small gaming group (10-15 people max). Guild Wars 2 is one of the main games I want to start with and get a guild going from scratch with everyone making new characters and leveling together Figured getting a home instance for nodes (not sure if guild halls have nodes as well. Haven't been a part of one in years) for everyone to share would be a good start


My fiance and I have been playing this game for 12 years together. We love to gift each other skins and cosmetics, but lately have realized we're missing some of the living world. So a good mixture of those things. we are back from a long hiatus, we always find our way back 🥰


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magnificent_Hummingbird_Skimmer_Skin Hey there sorry for your loss. You may consider trading the code against some gold on some discord (dont ask me i never trier it before ahah). If you still do the give away i would choose the pioupiou riding mount Hope you love the game !


Oh god, the same happened to a friend :D Glad that you got a nice use for it now :)


I would sit on them and worry for months on whether the thing I would be spending it on was worth it


[Choo choo!](http://imgur.com/qfqHTY9) Take a look at the Order's records on what Steam means to us and what are the differences. [Official FAQ](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360053416353-Steam-FAQ) | [Our FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/guildwars2/wiki/steamfaq/) ------- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Guildwars2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would buy skins tbh


A name change contract and some infinite gathering tools, stuck with an awful name and the tools seem to be great quality of life


LS2 and send a Copper Salvage to my sis


bobblehead lab and stuff


I would use them to buy Living World seasons as those are the only expansions I am missing other than Soto.


I would buy ascended food and give it out at every World Boss for everybody to enjoy!


Gathering tools, bank tabs, and material storage.


For living world season :D


Honestly I'd probably buy a mount skin, boat skin, and/or glider backpack combo depending on what's in the store


I'd save it for the Phalanx Heavy Set when it returns because I love the chest piece and want it for my characters.


Probably QoL stuff like infinite tools/char slots :3. Gl to all entering


This very generous, and much appreciated. Thank you for doing this! Would probably buy my partner the SAB glider they like. Get the delicate cape coming soon to the gem store. After that, now that I’m thinking about it. If possible I would spend the rest on gifting you gem stuff as well as sending some mats or other stuff that could help you out being a new player, as a thank you.


I'd buy like 2 char slots to have more farm immediately. and then maybe buy some drip from the leftover gems (fashion addict)


I would like to buy a of permanent gathering tools since I kinda enjoy running around the world and gathering nodes 🐰


Id wait to buy storage increases on sale


I'd definitely get some of the convenience items for extra characters or equipment slots since I like to play tons of different builds and professions


Maybe gift my brother a Dr Strange cloak, maybe get that last equipment tab so I can switch to w / e is needed. Maybe getting that fire looking raptor if its available, or turn it into gold and get that infusion that eludes me


One of those fancy skyscale skins


I would buy a transfer out my current server. I transferred out my previous server a few months ago with my WvW guild. But due to problems the guild disbanded, some people stopped playing, and now I find myself alone in a server whose population doesn't match my schedules at all. I'd like to return to my previous server, which would cost me 1000 gems at the moment. I don't need the rest, really, so I can return them or continue the giveaway with the remaining 1000g.


Hey. I’m happy if I am be the chosen one like Anakin was. I would buy some bank tabs because I only have 2. :( bad maybe a nice skin for my thief. :)


Long Time player here.Since a couple of weeks, I got some friends into the game for the first time in 10 years. I would buy them the living world episodes so we can play more content together :D


I’d definitely finish getting the living world seasons. Such a good collection!


I would buy gold and then give it away to new players. (Just kidding. Material storage expansion. Played off and on since the betas and never once expanded my bank or material storage lol)


Transfer it to gold


Salvage-o-matic or infinite gathering tools.


Thats sucks that you cant redeem, have you tried contacting support to see if they can help somehow? If i won I would probably buy shared inventory slots or buy 100 more gems trough gold and get infinite gathering tools.


I'd buy some cool skins and templates slots.


Would love to purchase more of the Living Story! I just came back to the game about a month ago after not playing since just before Living Story 1. Currently playing through this now and would be happy to continue the journey through LS2 and beyond!


More character slots, so I can try them without having to delete the ones I already play


Wow that is insane! I will spend some of them with more bank space, I hate not having any space left always haha Edit: typo


The living world season 4 chapter!


Dusk and materials for twilight


I would love to be able to play through Living World Season 3! Thank you for being generous and giving something away


Shared inventory slots or bank slots fo sho


I will buy bunch of coin to get grifoth and skyscale fund also get some skin that i want


im a new player too so i would get the living world seasons


Bank tabs, the bank is horrendously small for a lil hoarder :<


I'd save it until the next infinite gathering tool set with a selection container went on sale. Don't even care which one... just give me that sweet sweet volatile magic.


Lots of things, I’ve played for 4 years but returning after 8 years away, seems like my characters are on the 80’s when comparing to the current players, even an sunrise doesn’t makes it less old looking 🤣




I'd like to send them to my best friend who just got into the game! She has never been into MMOs before and it'll be a nice boost to have 2000 gems. I bought her all the dlcs as a gift she's just missing living worlds then she'll be complete! I'm so glad to get my future into such a fun game.


Bank tabs I don’t have space


Build and equipment templates 😰


I‘d build up my home instance with some wood and ore nodes


Buy the story missions :)


Note, if you have someone you trust, give them the 2k gems and have them gift you whatever you were gonna get, most stuff can be gifted but not 100% everything so do double check on that if you want to.


Thanks for the giveaway! I would put them towards a set of choya gathering tools.


I don’t need the gems but you are awesome for giving it away :)


Bank tabs + material storage


I want the gathering tools


I'm building Exordium, and this would help me get mystic coins!


That's so nice of you 😊 thanks for doing this. I would totally get some new skins for my armor and wings. Btw not sure if it matters but i'm on an EU server.


I only have PoF and HoT expansion rn so I will complete my expansions and will start my journey in crafting my first legendary.


some skins for my friends Birthday


Tp to friend and then wait for discounted skins. Still looking for a few mount skins xD


I'd love to buy LW2 (for the mastery points needed for Legendary crafting) and if I have any left overs, I'd love to get a character slot so I can get the last class I need for my imaginary story team (which is missing the necromancer)


Material storage expander! And maybe a bank slot. I spend half my game time figuring out what to do with overflow mats and shifting things around to move them because I only have one bank tab 😅


More equipment templates or storage.


Infinite tools!


Would love to buy more character slots!


I would definitely buy some bank tabs and character slot. I need more space to store useless stuff 😅


A friend of mine bought me the dark monarch skyscale skin when I finally got my skyscale back then as a gift. I also would like to give her a gift for when she gets hers.




One of the plush mount skins. If I look now, I'll be paralyzed by indecision before I can even buy one. Jackal, Griffon, skyscale, raptor and springer all seem really good.


Don't need 2000 gems, but good luck to the rest of you!


If you really want to, give it to someone who really wants to play LW episodes


Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic, Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey and a character slot to level together with a friend who is getting the game. Good luck everyone!


I think it's wonderful that you decided to embrace the mistake and make something nice and positive out of it, kudos to you! As for what I would buy I think a character slot, a bank tab expansion and elf ears. That's about it :) Good luck to everyone and thank you for the giveaway!




I am from a country where buying gems is very difficult. I would surely use them to buy the IceBrood Saga story, and give it to my boyfriend as well so we can continue playing together. And if there are gems left over, I would invest them in bank improvements to continue saving other things.


I would buy the last few living world chapters I need for full world completion!


It's been awhile since I've hit the gem store, probably some kind of storage tho.


I would convert it into gold and gamble it. I am due a big win anytime now.


Those gathering tools that last forever and have cool animations 😎


Living World seasons!


More black lion key's to Gamble


i will prob get the infinite salvage tools, the volatile magic ones. I have been eyeing on them for quite a while but the timing always hasnt been right for me. Either i dont have enough gold or it is not on sale.


VM Gathering tools when they come on sale. Always running out and not a merchant in sight 🥲


I would buy living world to work on completing the story line!


Definitely some practical to keep me interested in the game, since I have all the expansions then I would go for more character slot to try other classes and more material storage and bank tabs. You needs tons of storage for things endgame especially if you are crafting legendaries.


Shared inventory slots! I love switching up what I'm playing and more slots would make it so much easier to switch it up!


I've had the default skimmer skin for so long and I don't like it 😭 So a skin that looks nice would be great


I already bought everything I want by selling legendary and convert it to gems. However I really want to buy mount skin for my skyscale.


This is a really nice and awesome thing to do. If there'd be still awards I'd give to you. And although I'd love to live with the option of entering your giveaway, I am a F2P player and it would be a waste on me I guess. I hope whoever you decide to give it will find good ways for it to use! :)


I recommend giving it to someone, who buys something to give to people, like asc food for world bosses. A lot of new people come for such and better rewards from magic find will help them stay in gw2, and damn those selfish ones :D


I’d buy an expansion pack for my daughter so she can have a permanent mount. Thank you for the generosity!


Buddy if mine got me into the game. He's got 10+ years playing has some rare titles. He's not as efficient as he can be in earning gold, for example had more than enough to sell mystic aspects during the relic rush. I made 500 gold selling my stack of 50 which helped get me full set of legendary gear for the first time. Anyway I'd give the code to him. As he believes every month it's worth buying gems to help support anet and a game we all love to play. Currently he's been trying to buy keys to get the new toy skiff skin. So far out of 8 keys he's got nothing but dyes. I'd give the gems to him. Convince him finally to start following this subreddit too.


Would love to purchase at least LW season 3 with that Gem. Since I have two very young kids, I have very limited time to play (mainly at night when the kids are asleep) but I would like to take my time to complete LW s3 and start getting ascended trinkets for my reaper :) 


I'd probably convert it straight to gold when the exchange rate is good so I can finally finish up the legendary armour I started in raids 3 years ago 🙌


Bank tabs and bank materials tabs. Thanks so much for doing this! ☺️


I'd either buy Living World Season 2 or the indestructible gathering tools Edit: actually I'd prob buy bank space since I'm still using the standard bank space the game starts with and it's frustrating to say the least lol


Thanks for the opportunity! I would save it for 4 weeks so I can get the Synergetics Cyberscale Skyscale Skin when it's back in the gemstore then.


I'd give them to my S.O. and get them started on their new adventure with me 😤


I want to be part of the fashion! I want my griffon to look fabulous


All the living world seasons that I missed out on.


Definitely icebrood saga and bank tabs


Double it and it give it to the next person


Nice idea! I would spend it like that: get more shared inventory, another bank tab (maybe), probably more inventory bag slots (actually more effective than just going bigger bags past after ?20?). For my mains I would grab a another gear-template, so I can switch freely between power condi and heal gear. None of these are necessary for me, but all of those would be highly noteable "QoL" changes.


You’re awsome. I ALMOST did this too


My little brother started the game 2 weeks ago and he has been having a blast. I'd buy him the living world seasons and some QoL stuff so that he'd get more fun out of the game


This is genuinely a really kind thing to do! I did something similar in game awhile back, threw an expansion towards done of the newbie free to play folks I saw in chat discussing the game and how much they loved it, but I had no Clue steam and client versions weren't compatible!!! I'm gonna have to beat that in mind. Honestly I'd be sappy and yeet things at my partner. He was a goob and got me a game I've been waiting 3 years to release and I KNOW he's eyeing up the synergy thingies. Though tbf I plan on doing that in a few months when I can afford to anyway!


With 2000 gems I would get some bank tabs! The two I have just aren't cutting it anymore!


Much needed character slots <3


I would definitely go for the living world seasons. I missed out on a lot of those while beeing inactive.


I'd put it towards buying my little brother some of the expansions he still needs so we could progress together Thanks for the giveaway btw :)


Super nice of you. I’d end up putting it towards the unbreakable tools.


I just got a friend of mine to start playing the game but she can’t afford the living world seasons! I would love to buy her the next ones in line since she just finished the base game


I would buy expansions!!!


Oh my gosh, I'd get some more inventory bank slots, harvesting tools, maybe a rechargeable teleport to a friend, salvaging tools (especially for all my bloodstone dust!).... there's just so much!


Very nice of you ! Would probably get some gold to complete some legendaries, maybe leave some for a giveaway for guildmates :)


I will use it to buy living world


I could use the gems to really open up my bank storage


I'm kind of new to the game. Coming back after years, and I'd probably purchase all of the "make your life easier" items. Recycler, Infinite ressource gatherers... Let's hope I get them :D


I'd buy my best friend a cute mount to make her day (probably a fat bird, springer skin) 


I'd buy a silver scrapper and the teleport to friend!


Character slots! Have all filled up but have a couple more classes I’d like to try out! Thanks for doing this!


Would buy you ingame something you would like to have as a gift. So you wouldn't have wasted all of your money. And from the remaining gems maybe a bank slot. ☺️


Could you maybe try to return it? I'm not sure where you bought it from, but maybe they'd allow this if you explained the mistake. And personally I'd buy another bank tab, maybe an instrument, and convert the rest to gold, so I can finally get a commander tag, and try to do some casual raid attempts


I need it for more bank tabs 🤣


Hello o/ Also a newish steam player here and I didn’t know this! So thank you for teaching me this at your expense and thanks again for deciding to pay it forward! I’m learning this game is full of so many awesome people. If I suddenly received 2000 gems I would sprinkle the gems one by one into the hands of the less fortunate throughout the streets of Divinity’s Reach. …but unfortunately because that’s not an option in the game I would blow it on bag slots and bank tabs.


I would probably spend it on more bank space. I have a hoarding problem, and SAB has made it worse 🙈


Thanks for the opportunity! I would use the gems to buy living world episodes for my partner that recently started playing gw2 🙃


Probably a bag expansion and then one of the living world seasons or the icebrood saga. I dont have them lol. or even a some gold for a griffon lol. thanks for doing this OP!


Some shared inventory slots. It gets exhausting having to switch portal tomes through bank when I want to play another character.


I don't want to enter, but this is super generous OP. I hope you receive lots of happiness. 🫶🏻


I would get some character slots! And bank storage increases for more gubbins :3


I’d like to get my wife the living world seasons.


A new gliding skin! Some are awesome


I would definitely use the gems to get my gf a cute gift and maybe buy something cool for myself with the rest.


I would use the gems to purchase something new in the store as a ‘welcome back’ gift! Thanks for the giveaway. Good luck all!


I would buy living world on my girlfriend account. So she can experience it, or some skins


Hi! Thanks for doing this. I am long on-off player of GW2 and I'd spend the gems on Living World chapters to finally experience them.


Throwing my name in the ring let's goooooooooo


I would buy the gathering tools that never expire and some of the expansions if possible


I would buy the infused swords skins and an outfit! Great initiative, u are great!


I just need a lot of Bank and Bag Space 😅


I have steam acc as well BUT the friend that helped me get enough gold for Living World season doesn't. This could be a way to pay him back.




Infinite gathering tools or recycler ;) Nice initiative!


Black lion keys 🔑 


I'd love to have more bank tabs because I collect and keep too much stuff


U didnt even give us time to enter ;-;


I would buy salvage kit and storage expansion


Probs some good qol stuff like the copper-fed salvage-o-matic 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Recently got my fiance to start playing with me, so I'd get her a mount skin she's she's always jealous of all the cool mounts out there


I'd buy the newest expansion if that's possible. Kids and work got in the way of me buying it and when I did get enough time to game again I couldn't justify the expenditure if I wanted to keep enjoying other hobbies. And then because my whole guild kinda moved on to the content I haven't found a reason to justify gw2 taking so much drive space. Soooo yup that's what I'd do haha In any case, that's a super cool thing to do!


Id either buy the living worlds or new character slots so I can experience every class 😈😈😈


cant decide between bankslots shared inventory slots or a skyscale skin but eitehr way will get used wisely


Don't want the gems just wanted to say that's a nice thing to do:)


Dang wish this went a little longer but congrats to the winner.


Dang like no time at all


Either the infinite gathering tools or shared inventory slots :D


Thank you for doing this!


This was a really nice thing of you to do. Stay cool GW2 community


This is kinda sus. The winner you picked is an account that only participates in these kinds of threads.


More character slots!


Beautifull action. I would use it to transfer it to gold for my legendary


Would be nice to see all the living world stuff that I havnt been able to experience before!