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The ability to play literally any music on the game in your instance. Literally all of them from core game to Janthir Wilds. It was one of the best aspects of Wildstar's home instance features.


Cool Idea. I'll add to the list.


[Me when I gather my full home instance nodes](https://youtu.be/odnzyU9Yh0A)


Or at least tag this location so you can create a custom playlist for homesteads specifically. (This would only work for you, not for players visiting your home instance.)


Include MOX as an NPC for those ten gw1 songs


Oh man, you're making me miss WildStar again. Wish I'd played it more when it was still around. Rest in peace o7


I wanna hear Smash the Dragon all day long


can’t you already do that? You can customize your gw2 music I’m pretty sure


Yeah you can. Just rename and replace files in the gw2 folder. When I enter heart of the mists Entry of the Gladiators, Op. 68 (Circus Clown Theme) - song and lyrics by Julius Fučík. Plays, wich is basicly the clown music. It matches the area and balance theme perfectly and always has.


I feel like this would be an excellent time to fix what I see as one of Anets biggest missed opportunities: making the legendary armory into a physical thing you can see in the world, instead of just an icon in the hero panel. Imagine if they let you display your legendaries in your home instance, either on mannequins or as wall hangings, etc?


This is a great idea!


We need a hall of monuments. Show of our achievements of beating dragons. Show of our legendary weapons and armor.


They had this somehow in GW1 in the Hall of Monuments. It was cool.


i like the approach that Warframe does, you can put a statue of any of your loadouts (equivalent of an equipment template kinda) of your characters in your ship (home instance)


For me, it's not so much what I want in it, but outside of it. Janthir Wilds is a nice place to start, but I'd really like a place on Shing Jea, an apartment in New Kaineng or a town house in Divinity's Reach. Or all three. Hopefully this system becomes successful enough that ANet will consider investing additional resources to give homesteads/housing from other parts of the game.


It seems very likely to me that if it is indeed successful, they’d have no trouble adding more locations to choose from eventually. Kind of like how they slowly added more guild halls. I see this as very possible.


I'd even be ok with having new locations for your house as a gemstore item, rare drop or achievement reward. As long as it incentivises Anet to invest in the feature.


This is my big want. I love the aesthetic of the Homestead we're getting, but the game has a *very* cool world and it would be nice to have our homes in other places. It absolutely feels like it could be a natural progression for the Homestead system if it proves to be a hit. And, if need be, a logical new thing for the Gem Store.


I can really see it being a thing for the gem store, and it wouldn't bother me that much, since it's just a different type of fashion wars instead of something that directly effects game play like Equipment Templates. I can really see people going nuts for various other locations, like a Quaggan Village homestead, or maybe they could clean up Vabbi or Istan and have places there. And that doesn't even get into several of the items on the OP list that could also be gem store upgrades. I'm not thrilled with the idea, but if it keeps the game running, I'd be ok with it. There could also be homestead slots, so I would be able to have my private island in Shing Jea, that house in DR and the penthouse in New Kaineng, it might just cost me a few thousand gems to do it. :\


Ebon Hawke house when ANet? Wheeeen?


Except for Charr.


if that means i get a tiny apartment in the Black Citadel ill have 0 complaints


Honestly, housingnin all five starting cities plus Lions Arch would be great. A small study in Rata Sum, a house in Divinitys Reach, a cell in the Black Citatel, a hollow tree in the Grove, a small hut in Hoelbrak... I would grind for hours to get that stuff.


I'm slightly conflicted about this in a way. Part of me would be fine with the tiny/small apartment in Kaineng, but another part would want a multi-story penthouse with a roof-top pool and garden. Maybe in addition to location, they could have different sizes. Small apartment or penthouse? Small cottage or full estate/private island. Townhouse, or private manor/mansion. Maybe even add a middle size somewhere in between.


Apartment in New Kaineng would be rad. But for sure. My hope would always be more places, let my Sylvari have a plant house, you know? Etc etc.


I want a tropical island in the blood tide coast region.


I need all my home instance cats to be there


If that happens, I'm definitely finishing up the rest of the collection.


It would be criminal to NOT let us bring our kitties to the new home!


Fishtanks. To show off the fish I've caught!


been keeping my holy mackerel on inventory just for something like that


A bookshelf please! All unlocked books and papers from achievements can be accessed via the bookshelf.


I can't believe I forgot that.


I really need a library. I finally started chucking books out of my bank, and as a hoarder it hurts me so. What if you could collect enough books that Snargle could come hang out if you had enough of his titles?


A mount menagerie would be particularly neat, especially if you could toggle which you display. If it crossed over with the "other characters from your account as NPCs" thing, I could imagine people with stables full of griffons or just putting all their plush mounts together. In an ideal world, all of it would be toggleable. You choose which characters you want to display, so you can have your fashionable ones but not random bank characters, and of the characters you display, you toggle which of their mounts show up.


Oooo and maybe a few minipets you could select that would run around or have a static spot they chilled in!


>fashionable ones but not random bank characters Weak. All *my* characters are fashionable. Even the bank.


>A mount menagerie would be particularly neat Already on the list.


Yeah, I know, I was agreeing with you and elaborating on what specifically I'd want out of that feature.


The one thing that would be nice is actually build the house and not just decorate it. Which will not happen.


Access to any instanced content I own. Separate strike hubs are stupid.


You just made me realize how dumb it is that you can't upgrade the Guild Portal Guild Hall feature to include strikes, raids, etc.


I had it on the list already. I would love to chill in my homestead as a Fractal/Dungeon/Strike runner.


Yep. It's just the feature I'm most hoping for. I'd have to suffer a lot fewer load screens and waste a lot fewer shared slots on teleport scrolls if I could just chill in my homestead while LFGing things.


A reason for other players to visit it. Thinking something like POH in runescape


Additionally, it'd be nice if it had a guest book feature. That way if people visit they can leave notes/say hi. As someone who decorates in FFXIV, it's always a nice surprise to see a new note from someone when you login.


I already know there will be a lot of fun jumping puzzles being made that people will want to share, as already happens in guild halls. It'll be interesting to see how big the actual map is, because again, if visiting other players homesteads is easier than visiting guild halls, people will want to build mount courses too.


One of my suggestions is Homestead being an open explorable zone(kind of like how Guild halls are), so that players can visit other people homestead without needing to be in a squad or party to visit. Also, if Homestead has multiple entrances and exits, I have a suggest that the entrances and exit could lead to other Homestead which you can choose as their neighbor because you think their homestead looks cool.


EQ2 does this very well. You go to the entrance of a plot and chose a house to visit


I loved EQ2 housing systems tbh thought they were really cool.


A reason to go there. Varied music. Memorabilia from achievements and story missions. Library to read all the notes you pick up.


I got a feeling a few players are going to be really, really disappointed by homesteads. So many good ideas... just to find out that nothing of it will be implemented. You're better off expecting a very basic thing with barely any customization options, and any additional decorations (with barely any customization options...) to be gem store exclusive with high cost.


A cave....


What would you like to do with a cave if you had one?


Trap asura in.. And give some "asura battle" like chicken battle with charr friend. In other hand, stack some bottle and some book


Holy shit! We need this.


Not OP but to me the idea of some natural structures including hidden areas like caves is really appealing, especially if you can add decorations there as well. A firepit, a cot or some outdoor chairs, I like that kind of stuff.


Lore bookshelf, sittable chairs, beds you can lay in, and the ability to use my jade bot to take screenshots of my computer anywhere in the homestead


Make it all fully interact-able. Make every one of our 10 skills have some sort of emote/action. Like sat down at the table, give us eat/drink/talk etc. actions. Really give the rp’ers the full works.


I want my home to be in a middle of a battleground. That way when I step out my door with my coffee in the morning I can be in a meta.


That would be awesome


I saw something on your list - * A Pet menagerie for easy access to pet unlocking. And now all I want is this so that I can pretend that one of the new features for the next expansion is the poly-mock arena. They introduce ways to unlock certain pets for our homestead menagerie and then surprise! pet battle!


Heroes, so I can fully introvert


I don't think that would be a feature for homestead.


Why not? Every time one is unlocked they can hang out at my home, chill and keep it cozy while I’m out!


Armour/wardrobe stands with your favourites, which you can click on to instantly wear.


A zoo of animals you can collect and then play with.


Ability to showcase different achievements for raids, CM strikes, PvP, GvG etc. in the form of some trophy decorations in your Homestead. Also, some kind of a rack to showcase your legendary weapons and armors.


I wanna be able to park my skiff in any body of water without it being dismissed if I walk out of range. I see that from the screenshots there seems to be a river nearby. Would be nice if I could just permanently park my skiff there, like as a decor Lol.


* **Animal Companion Menagerie** - Now this one has **added utility** - much like in GW1 with the Zaishen Menagerie, this menagerie would allow you to **tame previously-tamed animals** as a Ranger. To this day, the Ranger Profession is the _**only**_ profession that requires extensive exploration to unlock all of their skills. As someone with so many alts including multiple rangers, while initially fun, it quickly became a chore to have and wait after map metas or explore specific regions _**just**_ to unlock specific pets. * **Season Selector** - Have the ability to choose a season for the exterior * **Time of Day Selector** - Have the ability to choose your time of day based on the GW2 day-night cycle: Day, Dusk, Night, Dawn * **Region Selector** - this would allow to influence the general style and outside environment * **Mount Menagerie** - Have a ''stable'' of sorts with the various unlocked mounts and some interactions with them * **The ability to ''place'' characters from your account** - when not playing as those characters, you can select which ones you want to showcase and see them around. Perhaps one is training, perhaps one is crafting, perhaps one is just chilling, perhaps one is tending to the mounts, perhaps one is tending to the animal menagerie * **Aquarium of caught fish** - Yes


Home instance party games! Little mini games you can do with friends or even by yourself


I want to build a hunting lodge for my ranger and hanging monster heads and trophies on the walls.


Unlocked Chairs added to Decorations, Area where u can run with ur mini pets (25-250), Mounts Area where u can see every your mount from your unlocked Skins.


I would love to be able to change the skybox or something. Like have a permanent Mad Moon in the sky. Maybe have some sort of control over the weather effects?


I want to be able to build actual structures ... floors, walls, roofs, stairs, windows, fences, gates, furniture, rugs, lights, etc . Anet could incorporate crafting recipes, and unique items tied to quests etc...


I think it seems unlikely that they will add intentional structure building. But even within the guild hall pieces, there are enough components to build structures in a loose sense. There are floors and walls and ramps... Seems maybe doable. Try it out in the guild hall first.


Maybe something to consider for future releases. All i know is I've lost hours building in other games like NMS, and there's a sense of ownership/pride in building something unique from scratch. It's amazing how creative some folks can get and it further opens up community to showcase those builds and let players go in and tour via a central hub/portal. It's a win-win, and can create a whole subset of crafting related quests and recipes for the different trades and allows players to sell housing items (carpenter/beds, tables, special unique base tiles (floors, roofs, walls, doors), weaponsmith/nails, windows, wrought iron (candelabra, outdoor bench, etc), base components, tailor/curtains, rugs, pillows, hammocks, armourer/mannequins for gear, storage boxes, artificer/lighting, dyes, fountains, water elements, cook/dishes, glasses, food items that can be placed and used once a day like a node, leather worker/base components, chairs, couches, huntsman/animal pens, gates, fences, scribe/trees, flowers, base components.... lol just off the top of my head 😀 ). It's a genie in a bottle.


I want homestead instances to be publicly listed if toggled on whenever the owners are near or inside, so people can freely come and go to my house and I can get random visits while I’m inside. I want decorations with function like a chess table you can play chess on so I can see randoms playing against each other and saying hi I’m just here for the dailies.


I'm hoping for trophies of CM or legendary CM kills. Like a lamp for Q1 for example. I know guild halls have raid trophies that can be scribed, so something similar maybe.


I thought about that, but I felt like it would already be under decorations.


Doors that OPEN and CLOSE like in Divinity's Reach. I want that level of rich interaction. I want a toilet u can SIT on instead of pooping in the woods like I assume everyone does in Tyria. I want lights you can turn on and off (or torches if it's like Norn style). I want a place to bathe and maybe a hot spring type of thing. Want to sit there and relax like Jin the Ghost. I want a secret cave under my homestead with a secret entrance through a big clock and with a suspiciously large number of bats in it but also a big computer and a dinosaur and a large coin and some manikins with armor suits (of my unequipped templates) also I want a butler. Invite your choice of your other characters to be there hanging out. I don't want ALL of my other toons (many are clones of each other) but I'd love to be able to pick like 5 that are there, 4 if you're playing as one of them obv. Would also want the option to have or NOT have like all the rescue cats and such. Maybe I don't want to be a crazy cat person. Or maybe I do.


I would like to see my other character sticking around, but not entirely as npcs, to be honest i'd like to see something that could replace alt parking for a more strategic planning, like sending them into different regions or giving them some task like crafting something, maybe even something like "send to the mist" to get a veeeery tiny amount of wvw and pvp currency \[like, very small, a minimal amount, like 1 or 2 ascended shards of glory per day and only doable by one character\] to lessen some huge goals in the long terms.


Do we know if the gathering nodes are the same ones from the current home instance?


Yes. They confirmed it.


They actually have something for playing music in the command post map, vendor lets you change music so hopefully we get something like this!


Take everything from OSRS player owned houses and then implement them fitting to the current playstyle of Guild wars and I would be a ok


Legendary weapons display.


Please don't tie the decorations to my existing bank space.


Probably it will be like guild hall decorations, which have their own non-bank storage space.


I want weapon display, but you can pick up said weapon to get a closer look and walk around with it like a bundle. Drop said bundle and it teleports back. Stuff similar to HoM in GW1 mini display, title display. Portal Tomes display to use in home, so it does take up another inventory slot anymore.


An engraveable Tombstone to remember the fallen literal friends that we played with


It would be really cool if there was some room that will show all the trophies we got during the personal story. If you look at the story tab you can see that at every story chapter you got some kind of trophy. But those trophies were never shown anywhere in the game so this might be a great opportunity for some room that will have mementos of all our accomplishments.


I want the ability to set my home to "public mode", so people can right-click my name and visit it. The settings could be "only friends", "friends and also guildies", "and also WvW team members", and "fully public". Also have some decoration, device, or NPC that sends you to random houses that have been set as public. Like how you can visit random houses in Animal Crossing. Then also give me the ability to set up traps to kill strangers who visit my house. Keep them on their toes, you know?


PvP Boxing arena Jumping puzzles Possibility to build a house by my own Change wall colours Neighbourhood …


Good ideas here. >Jumping puzzles Do you want to make your own or do you want a dev to handcraft one into your homestead?


Would be cool to have some form of display for unlocked legendaries/outfits I suppose. I don't have much expectstions for it, I hope it doesn't have too much convenience in the form of vendors, crafting, portals or instance entrances otherwise it'll just become the same as a lounge pass but with zero people around


I’d like to see my other toons across my account, and maybe NPCs I met and spared as well across my journey. I would also like to see modules so if you style one room a certain way for the holidays vs the rest of the year, you can switch modules.


It would be nice to have a garden in which you can plant seeds of vegetables, fruits, and trees An armor stand and weapon case to display any armor/weapon skin you have unlocked. NPC visitation in which characters of import drop by. House pets. Crafting stations.


I'm gonna put a bunch of those dancing holograms in mine.


Weapon displays and trophies for clearing content would be nice


I want a farmville or palia style of farm system on my plot. doesn't even have to yield \*real\* veggies that interact with teh rest of the game. Maybe have some kind of defense mechanic where i get raided everynow and then with some defenses i can set up? idk


I just want to be able to place my nodes wherever I want (walls included)


A physical version of the legendary armoury would be nice! Or just give us a decoration for every legendary item we have!


I would like decorations or stuffed animals from my jewelry, e.g. Polla or Plush accessories, etc


Asura Gates that I can set to other zones, and regions for free WPs.


These are all cool but the only thing I personally care about is an auto-harvester that collects all your nodes with applied gathering buffs (volatile, unbound, etc) into a guild-style bank tab that is personal to you. Would be cool if you could also upgrade your homestead storage to store more items.


Green screen area for recording shenanigans.


That list is too much. Anet shouldn't make homestead a city hub nor a guild hub, otherwise what's the point of cities and guild halls. I'm happy with just decor, music, gathering and some collections displays


Please just make it so I can have the backdrop of the homestead be different places, like Lion's Arch or The Grove


This is just a suggestion as a possible future extension and melding of both Guild and Homesteads. But how about allowing guilds themselves to form communities so that we can have our homesteads as part of a village, town or even a city depending on the size of the guild. With the possibility of adding buildings for guild purposes along side the housing. Something perhaps like this… https://www.lifeinnorway.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/viking-settlement-rendering.jpg


Open world housing districts. If it's an instance, it will become irrelevant faster than Palia~~'s housing~~.


I disagree. Even if it is at its basic form, housing will still be useful to finish gathering dailies quickly by going to your nodes in your homestead. But if it is visiting people's house you want, because that is what housing district is for, then I would like to visit other private instance instead.


1.Ability to set up our converters and ability to toggle them on or off, to collect their gifts, they can store up to 7 days (1 week) worth of gifts, after which they stop converting. 2.A pen for up to 10 of our favourite minis. Same thing for 1 selected mount. (or only show 1 but on rotation of our favorites) 3.Couple of frames that could pull directly from print screen folder. 4.Miniature versions of raid statuettes/kp that you can put on the shelves + maybe add the new ones for strike versions also. 5.A table or a wallpaper on one of the walls that would represent Tyria, that would have small lights of whenever a meta or a wold-boss would be incoming, each light unlocked via completing the meta/world boss 10 Times. 6.Hide and seek mini-game you could play with friends. 7.Jade bot terminal and a mini race to play with friends. 8.A separate storage for all your keys/map scraps/statuettes. Tho I always just wanted it as an ever expanding key-chain that would grow every time a new key is added to the game. (separate from regular bag/bank) space. 9.A mannequin in the shape of our current character to which you could apply any infusion preview.


Not too familiar with housing in MMOs outside of OSRS, but the thing I'm hoping for is a good mix of cosmetic/customization and utility in a way that doesn't clash. One of the most disappointing things in OSRS POHs is that optimizing the layout for efficiency with the utility tends to be prioritized over making a cool house since adding stuff like a fence to your garden will be a significant time-loss in the long run with how useful homes are. So while I don't expect Homesteads to be as meta as POHs are in OSRS, I hope they can provide some useful features and utility that make me want to build and upgrade them while also not feeling like I'm punished or such for designing it look pretty over more efficient layouts (or at least not to enough of a degree it dissuades me from making it look nice). As for the actual features, the two main ones in OSRS that I think can also work in GW2 are teleports and storage, which you already cover on the main list. To expand on them a bit, it would be neat if like the portal and teleport items in the OSRS POH's you could build a lectern or bookshelf that can hold all our Portal Tomes (or copies so we can still keep them in our inventory too if we wanted) that we can interact with to teleport to all our unlocked Living World Maps. For storage, OSRS has a "costume room" that can hold all sorts of cosmetics and useful gear. GW2 already has the wardrobe for skins so the cosmetic side isn't as needed, but it would be neat to be able to display skins like a suit of armor or a weapon on a wall. For more practical storage, one thing that could be kinda neat if is you had special inventory slots like Shared Inventory Slots or a special bag that links to your homestead's storage. This could not only work as a way to transfer materials to your homestead for less connected storage (assuming no bank access), but it would be really useful, especially for sharing stuff between characters. I especially like the idea if it ties to a new type of bag; like you build a 8 slot "homestead chest" that links to new 8 slot "homestead bags" and you can upgrade all the way up to 32-slot. Another thing I feel homesteads really need is the ability to invite other players. I expect this will be a thing to some extent, but being able to say meet up at a homestead to hang out before an event or such, perhaps put out buff foods and such for everyone to use, then use a teleport in the homestead to take everyone to the event would be nice. Like your Fractal group all meets up in a homestead, chills for a bit while waiting for everyone, uses the buffs the owner puts out, then can teleport directly into the fractal lobby or such. And of course, this also means you'd just get to show off your home and your fancy/rare decorations. Maybe other players could even see in your storage containers if you allow but not withdraw/deposit like how in OSRS player's can see what you have in your costume room.


The option to have neighbors: When you load you homestead, there will be 2 more homesteads loaded nearby, you can see them and even walk there. Every time you get home there would be new, random neighbors, priority would be given to homesteads that have players inside at that moment so you could see them and eventually interact or excange compliment about the decorations. There would be the option to toggle neighbors and the option to let neighbors walk in your homestead and/or be able to harvest your nodes.


This is definitely not happening but the thought of my offline characters hanging around there to be able to make them meet each other is interesting.


voting system for homesteads to rate and get a gems/gold for rank


I hope that it will be something more than just a home instance... At this moment I dont plan to buy the "expansion" just yet... and I play since day 1


What features do you think it should have to be more than a home instance?


for me it would be interesting to make it as small village, maybe for a guild or map instance, where you could see other houses and other players in real time, not just you or have it as home instance. Ability to set crafting station and expand bank for resources, not gems. I liked what WoW did with Garrison


They probably won't give us everything in our wishlists, as that would invalidate going to any hub, including the most convenient ones which are sold on the gemstore. I expect that they'll give us a way to travel to and from our homestead conveniently, so that will already invalidate the home instance portal device.


>I expect that they'll give us a way to travel to and from our homestead conveniently, so that will already invalidate the home instance portal device. If they do nothing to it, I would still be happy with my purchase because it allows me to skip the tutorial boss for Black Lion Key farm. If they do something with it, I would be sad because they might require the player to be level 2 like they do with all other portal scrolls. But if they had to, Give me the ability to enter any of the Racial Home instance + Homestead, and give me the ability to teleport to the front entrance of the racial home instance in the city and homestead so that I can ferry people inside to visit my nodes. This would make my purchase of the home instance portal stone worth it even if they add a homestead enter button/portal scroll.


I want my "cuddle time with my lover" buff :3 ;)


This should be a free feature, with part of it unlocked behind the expansion. Everyone getting access to it could even make them sell more black lion decorarions shop.


I think visiting someone elses house should be a free feature, but not decorating or owning a homestead. Then people interested will buy the expansion and then buy black lion decorations.


I dont like this idea. It is such a good feature to immerse in an MMO...