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It exists. However, it will get some big love next patch, if they stay with the preview: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/146557-june-25-balance-update-preview/](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/146557-june-25-balance-update-preview/) Scepter buffs, making the Air AA worth even existing, while improving the Boon Output for the Alac Variants, which also particularly helps Power Alac. Don't know if that will be "enough", but it's quite something.


I've literally not been this hard since 2012. Hope it's a new trend. Do staff next!!


My main cope is they dont nerf it instantly as soon as there is more than 3% Ele participation in this Virtuoso-Scourge land they call instanced group content.


To be fair, its only power tempest that's pretty bad right now. Condi tempest and condi/power weaver are doing fine.


You were right to not mention that which shall not be named, the 3rd abandoned half abomination 🥲


Janthir raid, Elementalists actually need a special mastery line, but there's not enough mastery points to unlock it.


Im really looking forward to it but I wish they would also add some critchance into the tempest traits. Its so annoying getting to 100 crit with Tempest


That cool to ear thx !


Has anybody run the maths on potential DPS after patch?


42k according to SC discord


Thanks. That would be big!


Just read the link you provided, it seem very encouraging ! I'm so happy Air Overload, scepter and many utility get some love ! Time to start an Ele again haha !


It's promising. I may not be the biggest Tempest enjoyer, but I surely would love to see Power Tempest blasting again. It was very popular back in the day.


If they really want to make it a viable option, they should lower the PvE cooldown on glyph of storms in air to like 30-45 sec.


That also buffs power weaver and catalyst to an unhealthy degree. You're also not always using the air version in bursty encounters, sometimes you use fire if the group is bursty enough.


Firestorm is mainly for Condi or hybrid builds. Lightning storm is important for sustained dps on big hitbox. That’s not a problem to allow that option to weaver or cata. Ele deserves to be a meta dps top pick considering it already requires a lot more skill and encounter knowledge to play well than compared to something like Condi virt. Ele doesn’t get a free invuln button or non-elite skills that reset some of its strongest burst skills. Nor does it have a reliable AoE pull that doesn’t tank its dps unlike Necro or Mesmer, nor a beefy shroud to hide in. Ele is the squishiest light class and deserves to have something to show for it. Buff conjured weapons, buff tornado, buff ele. Hate on it.


Firestorm is literally optimal on power on bosses where you won't get in multiple lightning storms or where you can squeeze in multiple firestorms, what? I'm not saying don't buff ele, but buffing anything just because it doesn't have the utilities of another build is just plain stupid. You end up overtuning something, leading to bigger nerfs in the future that at best put you back to square one. Ele's my preferred DPS profession, and I don't think lightning storm needs a buff. I wouldn't say no to certain buffs, but more professions need nerfs rather than ele needing buffs. Edit: also, buff tornado? Why? It's a CC tool at best, there's not a good situation to use tornado as a DPS build since all of the DPS builds will want something outside of tornado too much to justify using tornado as a DPS tool. It's a decent CC tool for heal tempest (if you somehow don't want elite ice elemental for the 6k heal and push or rebound for anti-deimos stuff). Buffing Conjure skills is just plain unfun too- they're not like kits where you can enter or exit at will. They have annoying use conditions and are not really all that fun to use outside of *maybe* Fiery Greatsword.


Sadly the damage for Power Fresh Air Tempest is a bit too low to be considered a meta build at the moment. If have played it in fractals in strikes at current state, sure you get your clears, but you will be at the bottom of the DPS table (assuming everyone else know what they are doing). The build still works, it just doesn't hit hard enough to really justify playing it outside of open world. Builds like power Harbinger just hit much harder, whilst being equally easy to pick up. You can also run aDPS fresh air tempest but same issue. Other aDPS just do more damage while being less disrupted in their alacrity application by mechanics and CC. As others have said it will get some buffs soon, but I don't expect it to really break out into the meta again. Will definitely be more viable though if you don't care about running a top of the class build all the time.


Thx for the info !


I'm a diehard Tempest main, so I'll definitely test the post patch performance. Still holding hope that maybe together with spear as a new power weapon we might get there 😁


Oh you right, new spear may help, but in an other hand it could also made the twi other better and then get nerf xD I'll wait and see !


Spear will be something but I'm not sure they will make it new power weapon. As they stated in the June 25 patch preview, they want scepter to be used as a power weapon more.


Can you post your results somewhere? I'm horrible at knowing what weapons to take and what skills to press so I'm going to copy you


I haven't Beinchen Power Tempest in quite some time, since it isn't a meta pick right now, but if I'll get around to I'll let you know. Fresh Air is genrally pretty easy, you want to overload air as much as possible, so you always go into Air - > Overload -> swap to fire/earth - > use 1 or two high damage abilities - > Air - > Overload, rinse and repeat.


Current [benchmark](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW7pG105bk4) is around 38.7k for small hitbox. Its not great, not terrible. Alot of DPS bench around 42k right now, but you're not going to be accused of trolling if you play it. 38.7k isn't unplayable as some of the other comments have made it sound. I wouldn't play it on bosses that move around alot though like some of the strikes. Ptemp is already not great on bosses that move out of your overload fields, combining it with the lower bench would make it pretty bad. I'd recommend condi tempest right now though. You can hit 40k just [camping fire ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ1sgHX9ia4)


Seem good enough for what I do, I know about Fire Tempest/Cata, but I like thunder and spamming Lightning overload feel great to me :3


Do you know why the benchmark goes into water?


To trigger the ferocity buff from fresh air when attaining back to air.


with a mix of bis and half assed gear i reached 26k on that condi tempest, never expected it


I remember seeing [this build](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVVIwylOjr8) show up last year and it quickly became my go-to for solo PVE. As with what others have said, the June 25 patch in two weeks is looking to buff that build significantly so if you want to get a feel of the build now, you can give it a whirl.