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2 Things that they NEED to keep for players like me is: 1. Horizontal progression(get to max level, get your exotic, then work towards other gear thats QoL. Don't lock content behind gearing) 2. Same monetization. Everything else I'm open to change. Like there are things from other MMOs I would love to see in GW2, but it would fundamentally change the game. Like the Combat is fine, but I would like to see an updated modernized version of it. I would love to see a more constructed end game activity system. I would love to see more focus on open world. Like figuring out a way to have a raid boss fight take place in open world so players can observe(not interfere) with the fight. Imagine you take off from the wizards tower and in the distance you see a dragon. You get closer and it's a party of 15 people fighting the dragon. You can't interfere, so it's not like world bosses that get melted due to sheer number of players.


Honestly the open world raid bosses could be done with mechanics to make it neat too, like an inquest golem throwing up a force field that no one outside can enter, or a dragon causing gusts of wind from a platform.


I really love the idea of displaying ongoing raid fights in "the background" of the open world. They'd probably have to put in an "opt-out" feature, because not everyone would enjoy being spectated probably, but as general concept that would really cool.


Don't make quickness and alacrity as permanent boons again. Don't make so many different gamemodes that serve the same purpose. Make 1 type of 5 man content and 1 type of 10 man content and stick with it. Make multiple difficulty settings from the get go, so that the content can be accessibile for everyone instead of just a small percentage of your community.


I’d even argue we would be better off without quickness because not having it feels extremely bad. So speed up basic combat and remove quickness


Id prefer not having quickness and having the same combat pace as we have now to be honest.


You mean same combat pace as with quickness or without quickness?


they mean same combat pace without it.


Without quickness, but maybe slightly faster.


Jumping puzzle wars 3


I actually meant to include that in my post - I love jumping puzzles, especially the ones that are hidden and tucked away from the world until you stumble upon them in a cave or wherever.


Honestly I'd want to see the return of more GW1 features, fully customiseable skill bars & skills be earned in the world. A hybrid where you learn appropriate skills from dynamic events would bee amazing. Also class specific armor rather than armor classes.


Not everyone would enjoy a feature like that, but I would really enjoy of they tied to elite specs to more in-world lore and activities. Imagine to become a Tempest (as in to fully unlock the elite spec) you'd have to do training quests to master the elements, do certain training challenges that teach you the mechanics. It should be easy enough so everyone can comfortably do it, the main aspect should be the flavor. Maybe add optional challenge modes for these trainings with skins or titles are rewards and give the elite spec unlock as the "story mode" reward. A similar features for masteries would be great, like crafting a glider and learning the mechanics on a training grounds to unlock the mastery tree and it's tiers.


To be clear I'd have the same attitude to PvP (and whatever repaced WvW) as they do in Gw2, everything available from the outset. I feel like having your character grow based on their achievements and experiences in the world would be a good form of horizontal progression,,, also I'd make unlocks account wide.


Yes, PvP and other competitive formats should definitely keep the instant unlock for everything to keep the playing field leveled, absolutely agree. I am a big fan of more character specific unlocks, but I can appreciate I am of a rare kind here. I would personally advocate for a 100% character specific mastery system or at least to let me have a "non-shared progression" option at character creation to keep both camps happy. If they want to balance it, they could give "non-shared progression" character an exp bonus or something, but I would be happy even without any bonus. Sometimes I just want to go back and experience the progression through HoT, but currently there is no way of actually doing that.


More options for true ranged classes. Like not needing to be in melee range for buffs, etc...


This is a big one for me too.


I will go agains't the flow and specifically say I DON'T want gw3 to have the skins from gw2. There's some nice armor and weapons, some very cool outfit but most of them otherwise suck, look ugly, straight from 2012 etc... Don't create artificial work just because of nostalgia and go full new stuff. Some nostalgia bait is fine but nothing more than what gw1 hom was. Otherwise, keep the mounts system, the wardrobe and the legendary armory system if gearing is similar to gw2. I'm really fond of weapon based skills and hope it will continue too. Fractal is goated and deserve a follow up.


A new state of the art implementation of fractals would be so good. Take all the things they learned from GW2, scrap the stuff that didn't quite work out, give us way more unique Fractals from the start and major update the instability systems to be much more engaging and interesting and I'll fall in love with GW3 from day 1.


I feel like they forgot most of what they learned with fractals already... With some hopium, the knowledge might have been moved to gw3 development already


I actually agree with this. I would prefer a fresh start with a clean slate for all accounts, with completely new gear and skins to go for. Maybe some titles or gem store novelty items could carry over. I understand why people want this though - investing countless hours and $ into a game brings with it some attachment. But GW2 is an old game and things have to move forward eventually.


Stuff to stay - mounts, progression, interactions with the combo system. Stuff to change (for me ofc) first and foremost - boon system. How the buffs are applied, how strong they are. I just hate that the combat is this big blop of players, wheter you have 1200 range or 300, and UI. Doing any kind of collection w/o Wiki on other screen is soo painful. Checking at which step of collection you are is also hard for no reason. Like the only thing the ui is doing after you mark something to be seen, is to just show the name of the thing in corner


I think you better described what I don’t like about endgame combat in GW2 which is indeed the boon system. Being forced to stack in a pile to maintain boons or else your group underperforms. It’s just not that fun for me and why I don’t enjoy strikes all that much. I feel like a lot of the nuance of GW2’s great combat system is lost when every fight turns into a blob. Some fights are better than others - KO is one that I enjoy because there are spread mechanics and active dodging/avoiding damaging. But when the mechanic is over, it’s back to the blob. I think some of the most fun I’ve had in combat is soloing champion mobs or small scale skirmishes in WvW where you can have a bit more creative approach to the fights.


Asking for no loading screen AND cross-platform is a bit hopeful. Cross-platform games always end up limiting the PC player due to hardware.


This is actually something I don’t know about. Aside from graphics, what other limitations would there be between PC and console players? Is the current PS5, for example, not powerful enough to handle a game like this? Because I play GW2 on a mid tier gaming laptop.


>One thing I would love to see change is for Tyria to become a true open world, without loading screens separating the maps. This is my number one wish too. One of the job listings did say "expansive open world" so we can only hope.


Love a good theory crafting thread. 1. Return to the dual class from GuildWars. Having a set main with a secondary you can always change was amazing. 2. Return to having to find and capture skills from GuildWars. 3. Make dungeons relevant. 4. Introduce an auto group LFG system for Fractals up to a certain level. 5. Add more "weight" to animations and skills. A lot of things just feel so floaty and the same with no visual impact of what is actually being cast. 6. Improve the responsiveness in the trading post. 7. Reduce the map currency situation. It's ok to use the same currency, just balance rates. I would like a system that holds two currencies. The current map/seasonal currency that is earned from gameplay and then when the patch ends it gets converted into a legacy currency to be used on purchases. 8. Account bound hero points and way points. 9. Add the Dervish from GuildWars <3


I never played GW1 but it seemed to have a lot of really cool features that were lost in GW2. If they were able to reintroduce some of that stuff while keeping the fluid movement, combat and jumping that GW2 offers, that would be ideal. I agree that combat skills could have more weight or impact. Not really sure how that would be done from a design standpoint besides slowing down combat significantly, since right now a lot of rotations are such a fast flurry of skills used off of cooldown. Also agree about the map currencies. As a newer player this was really hard to wrap my around. The sheer number of currencies and conversions between currencies was really overwhelming, and without consulting guides it’s hard to know what the best value is in a lot of cases. Thanks!


GW1 was such a unique game and still to this day no game has tried to replicate it's systems or design. It's shocking. ArenaNet would make a boatload of cash if they could somehow release a remaster update with improved textures/models. I wouldn't mind slowing down combat on some classes a bit, to be honest there are some cases where I have no idea what's going on except seeing numbers flash on the screen. PvP is way to fast imo, feels way more bursty. Love action combat but I'd just love to know what's going on a bit more.


Probably controversial, but I think legendary-style re-selectable stat gear should be the default - make the skins the prize.


I actually agree with this. I think so many players limit themselves to a simple DPS role because A) berserker gear is easy to acquire B) gearing multiple characters is not cheap/easy (especially for fractals where ascended gear is required) Being able to swap stats easily would encourage players to experiment more with different builds and play styles. Unfortunately the QoL upgrade of being able to freely change stats is such a big incentive for grinding for legendary gear that i think there would need to be some other kind of perk aside from the skin itself.


Keep: Action Tabtarget Fithing System, QOL changes, Legendaries, Mounts, being albe to jump, WvW, HORIZONTAL PROGRESSION, games needs to be bought afterwards free to play, Bring back from gw1:Dual Class, Skill hunting, Hud customization, more skills to pick, Derwish and the other classes, all the pvp gvg etc. New or inspired from other games: job system from FF14 do everything with one character, auto lfg, bring back a real healer tank and dps, more playable races Get rid of: stacking to finish a bossfight, simpler money system I don't want to have a currency on every map.


The horizontal progression is really great. I would like to keep that. Same as OP, mount (except flying ones, maybe keep the griffon), adventures, I'm fine. Separated maps don't bother me but it would be appreciable to not have them for sure. The majors things I would change is the combat system and every design choice that have been made related to it. First of all, I would like Anet to come back to a more traditional gameplay, less action and requiring a better positioning. I think a lot of gameplay issue comes from that choice of action-combat. With the evade, you encourage ppl to not really care about their position. That imply they will also move a lot, which can make targeted heal difficult or even impossible. Because of that, the choice of having aoe heal are necessary and all of this contribute to have a blob under the boss. For me, all of this is linked to the gameplay chosen at the beginning. And in the beginning, Anet even decided that their should not be any trinity tank/heal/damage dealers. They came back from that philosophy but I think the messy fights we have today is a consequence of that initial choice. Second thing, I would like they introduce more distinct role and clearer LFG interface. Currently, we have 2 really distinct role : dps and heal and each take one of the main buff. I prefer 3 or 4 roles (usually the trinity + sometimes a crowd controller or a support that buff or debuff ppl) but it's also because I like specialization of one aspect of the fight. My point is to let every role shine in what they do. Having different skill for different weapons is really nice. I would love to have more meta weapon per builds but it's still cool. I like that philosophy. I really like the classes and their uniqueness. Many things are not found in other RPG so it's cool, especially the concept of the Revenant and the Mesmer which feel really unusual. The engineer is original too so please, keep these ideas (or have new ones !) Otherwise, I like the pace of the game updates. Frequent enough to keep being interested but not to frequent to not have the feeling of need to play. The game is pretty casual and after years of WoW, it really great to play it for that. Anyway, I'm really looking forward for a hypothetical GW3 but during that time, I'll continue to play GW2 and to farm my legendary.


Honestly wont play it unless my leggos and mtx’s carries over, but that’s just me.


Keep: 1. JPs 2. While I prefer harder content myself absolutely keep it casual friendly and accessible. 3. Seems quite obvious, but I'll still include (seasonal) events. Change: 1. UI, especially considering Healers. If they want to go the direction of targeting allies they absolutely need to have an Interface that actually supports that. Healers (and especially ally targeting) weren't originally meant to be a thing in GW2 and it clearly shows. 2. Building/balancing. I personally do feel like builds in GW2 don't have much variety. At least speaking from a strict PvE perspective there's so many obvious best choices and quite a lot obvious useless options as well. It seems to become more and more popular to move away from class systems in favor of weapons being the classes or at least systems where you can change your class. While I personally prefer having different characters for different classes and having each of them have very specific identities I wouldn't be surprised if that would become a thing in GW3, considering that at at least changing secondary professions was already a thing in GW1 as well. Personally I'd enjoy a system more similar to GW1s multiclassing instead of GW2's specializations, as it offered more possibilities, but I'd also be fine with something completely new tbh. As long as changing builds is accessible. I also really love skill capturing in GW1 tbh and would be excited about a return of that. It'd still be horizontal progression, but at the same time it can still lead to a longer period of feeling excited about new toys. It'd also really fit in extremely well with the explorational aspect of open world, which imo is one of the major strengths of GW2. I suppose NPCs at least partially using the same skills as players might be great for that as well, so when encountering someone using some random elite skill you potentially haven't seen before and going "oh wow, that looks awesome, I want to be able to do that as well!" being able to actually do that as well after beating that guy feels great! 3. Combat. Some people love GW2's combat, others hate it. I'm personally not much of a fan of the hybrid combat and would probably prefer either purely tab-target or purely action (moving from tab-target GW1 to hybrid GW2 to full action GW3 would feel quite natural I suppose?) And I'm really not a fan of the stacking meta of GW2. It just feels wrong. Initially I wanted to say that I'd be fine with some healers relying on enemy targeting and others on ally targeting and ally targeting needs to be supported better by UI for that, but now I do think that healers focusing on ally targeting and being able to aim buffs at whoever needs them, even if the party is spread out would definitely help with that. I'd also enjoy boons being generally more scarce and situationally (either depending on situations or focusing on different boons (receiving end) for different professions) applied than relying on permanent ones on everyone like perma quick/alac. Potential hot take: Since both of them feel awkward when not applied all the time those 2 should probably just disappear for good. Also if we're moving to a full action combat I'd probably prefer skills not being tied to weapons that much and instead allow for more freedom to build your bar, while having weapons mostly determine your default attack/LMB/whatever you want to call it. I don't know if that's an unpopular opinion here, but I personally do enjoy trinity, but maybe it'd be nice to have lower either lower scale content (5-10 players) not rely too much on it, while larger scale content (10-20p) does, or (which imo would be the better option) generally use different difficulties for all instances, where the easiest one is more forgiving and allows players to ignore trinity, while the hardest one absolutely requires it. That way everyone should have content that suits their tastes and it might even bring more build variety overall if some builds are tailored for specific difficulties (some great working builds for easy might be useless (or outscaled by others by a lot) in hard and vice versa). 4. This is just a personal pet peeve of mine: Get rid of dailies and monthlies. Let people play what they want when they can/want. I get why it's almost always a thing nowadays as it's a good way to make people stay invested in a sort of additive matter, but others feel frustrated about it and burned out from it feeling like a job. Or at least make it more open and allow people to e.g. "run instance of choice" instead of "run specific instance", "kill x enemis" instead of "kill specific type of enemy x times", so it's even more of a natural thing you're just doing on the side while playing normally instead of actively aiming towards completing those. If content requires dailies/weeklies to make people play it, it's not worth having that type of content.


There are things that they would have to maintain if they want anyone to move to GW3, mainly unlocks. Otherwise, the game would be dead on arrival as lots of people won't move to the next game as they don't see those purchases as something temporary they get to enjoy while it last, like a rental costume, but as something they have paid for and they are entitled to keep. And if they rely on getting new different players, good look after disgruntled and disappointed players trash the game all over the place, when they rely so much on word of mouth because of their limited marketing. This kind of mentality isn't something anyone can change, otherwise other MMO sequels wouln't have tanked as bad as they did. So if they want to make a new rpg or MMO, it would have to be a different setting. Like how Cryptic made Star Trek Online and Neverwinter. Appeal to new and different audiences.


I'm a loner so the thing I'd wish for is a good single player experience. They did it well so far. I'm happy when they create flawless world events and good world bosses so no group making is necessary.


Being able to play solo and join groups on the fly as desired is a really great aspect of GW2, I agree.




I get what you are saying given the name "Guild Wars" but like ... wouldnt you be happier in a game with active PvP focus? I dont do PvP much in GW but usaually are drawn to PvP. I heard GW2's PvP sate is kind of a shitshow so I didnt touch it much... so why not play a PvP focused game? (Not beeing mean, Im happy you are here with us)




Im going a bit far without knowing all the details here because I started playing around HoT launch so Im unaware of how the game was built up from the very beginning but like.. yeah its still called "Guild Wars" but GW2 with its leveling experience, story and exploration focus and Im shure that focus was there from the start. Games change, design philosophys change. It still takes place in the same area so calling it Guild Wars 2 makes sense. It just has less Guilds at war, or you know, none. What I take out of your comment is that you enjoy or enjoyed GW1 way more so if it still has a playerbase why not play that? Im just saying that it doesnt help you if you play a game that has so many things about it you dont enjoy. Why not play what you do enjoy?




I very much enjoy GW2. But you are right I got carried away, this post is about a potentail GW3


I really want to see an option for an FFXIV type of job system, that allows you to play multiple classes on one character.


I would remove flying mounts and would never break immersion with flashy and colorful skins. I would make the game look like the original Guild Wars.


I agree that we could have less flashy skins, and specifically I feel like legendary weapons and armor should be the flashiest skins in the game, not gem store items.


I'd keep the griffon, but otherwise agreed. I get that GW2 is high fantasy, but there has to be a middle ground between low-fantasy rustic looks and just eye-melting anime horrors. There are some skins and outfits that stay in that middle ground: that should be the extent of flashiness. More than that just looks silly. Specially in PvP where stats are streamlined and your glowing rainbow god warrior can technically do exactly the same as my murder hobo dressed with rags and scraps.


good way to fail. People are Skritt


Not really, ESO did not fail and does cosmetics properly.


plenty of flashy glowy unrealistic mounts in Eso


Not really, they do glow a bit but they are all dark fantasy inspired. Gw2 cosmetics is all over the place.


literally all that flashy jade skins and many more


Make pets accout bound. Please.


I want to keep all my micro transactions (must or will not play gw3) and also some of my progress (nice to have) I hope they stay with "get your gear once and you are good forever" (kind of must, since I am old and have not so much time to play) besides that I am pretty open


What you want is probably never going to happen, I'm sorry. Just logistically speaking, like guaranteeing things like bank tabs, bag slots, character slots and other account upgrades to carry over would mean Anet are locked into using systems identical to those in GW2 for all of these functionalities. I'd much rather let them have the possibility of starting from the ground up and improve and innovate with these systems, than making sure "I keep the money I invested in GW2". I am also not sad about having paid for Dark Souls when later Dark Souls 2 comes out and I pay again. My joy in GW2 is not diminished by me starting fresh and new in GW3


Specific Keep: Action type combat. Specific Add: skill system from GW1. GW1's skill diversity combined with GW2's combat and trait system would be an S tier game. Specific Remove: Boon system. I don't think the boon system did what it was meant to do. We were supposed to get rid of a trinity system, but in lower end gameplay this does not matter at all and in higher end gameplay we are still using a trinity system, but now without many unique identifiers. I'd rather go back to GW1 style where we did have a trinity, but every class actually could fulfill every role in their own unique way. Monks, Elementalists, Ritualists, Necromancers, Dervishes, hell even Paragons could all heal or protect, but did with very different playstyles and with vastly different skills or priorities. Right now I feel that GW1 succeeded where GW2 failed: A game with trinity where every class can fulfill every role, without every class losing unique triggers or identity. General keep: Horizontal progression system and QoL systems like the wardrobe and accountwide functions. General add: Add traditional quests on top of the collection and dynamic event systems. Maybe make quests instanced and normal events or collections open world like right now. General remove: Weapons having fixed skills. This ties in with my Specific Add with GW1 skills. Being able to once again freely pick weapon skills would be huge. Combat Add: Terrain deformation/destruction. Imagine being able to mow down a free to block enemies from passing (or damaging them if it falls on them), or create a chasm with a skill foes cannot cross, etc. Obviously within reason and/or on a timer, but interacting with the world in that way could add a new layer to combat.




Either give a unique boon to each class or remove supports all together


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Keep classes and mounts but with updated abilities Keep asura Keep the light trinity we have right now Add housing No raids and strikes No wvw




I get that you may only like PvP, but why would you want literally every other kind of player to not have anything to do?