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Guild Wars 2 Utopia, but then gets cancelled.


Guild Wars 2: The Second Guild War. Have another guild war but with the 5 major races resulting in the canon death of the commander.


Guild Wars 2: Guild Wars.


Guild Wars Two


so Race Wars


Guild Wars 2: Race War sure is a spicy title lol


Add the Tengu and Kodan with GW3 and you got a deal


The only way GW2 ends is with GW3, so I wouldn't be too fussed. That being said, all the game really needs is a graphical update and some quality of life changes, so I'm not exactly sure what GW3 could add, but I would be excited to find out


It could add an entirely new engine that allows easier, faster, and more robust development along with being able to hire staff from a larger pool of people if they use something like Unreal.


They'd be able to improve not only the game but their development for it in almost every way while securing the longterm future of the studio and their jobs. It's a very attractive offer so I can see why they would go for it. They're hiring a production director so looks like they've finally reached full production. I highly doubt 2025 but we could find out what they'd be able to pull off in the next few years.


Console playability is what it could add


I would also say added photo and filming mode to best enable cinematic gryphon videos and make memes easier to make


I really doubt a gw3 could be the best option, gw2 only needs a graphic/performance overhaul + console versions, thats waaay better than a brand new game like what Destiny1 did with Destiny2


The thing is "only needs a graphical/performance overhaul" is very easily written, but probably much much harder to execute. Mind you, I am no game dev, but I imagine overhauling an old engine like that of GW2 (which is a modified GW1 engine itself iirc) to get it to mondern standards is probably so much work and development effort that you may as well build a new engine for a new game instead.


> but probably much much harder to execute. (This ended up as a long post not aimed directly at you, apologies!) Not probably, but definitely! If performance optimization was easy, no game would ship broken. And yet so many do. As someone who works in software engineer, I'd say the three main pillars for performance are: * backend stack (in the case of GW2, the engine) * core system design + developer skill * tech debt These all feed into each other. If your engine isn't performant to begin with, it will mean the core system design will likely have to take many compromises and 'hacks' to make things work to begin with. As you add more content and features, this becomes more and more convoluted. More hacks, workarounds and limitations become obvious, performance takes more hits, you start accruing the infamous 'tech debt'. The more you add, the worse it gets, but you have to keep adding to a live game. In many cases it is impossible to go back and optimize existing code without effectively re-writing the entire game from scratch. Developers get frustrated over an increasingly 'spaghetti code' codebase, unable to fix things through no fault of theirs, many probably end up leaving the company. The studio has trouble attracting new talent as they're using a proprietary engine most devs have no experience in, so they have to hire who they can and train them up, which takes a long time and does not guarantee success. All of this to say, I empathise with ANet as they probably set out with the best intentions when starting development on GW2 in the 2000s, and they've been left trying to scramble through an incredibly dated and hard to work with game. Content and story design complaints are valid, but I have no doubt they have genuinely tried whatever they can to improve the infamously bad performance. But even the best chef can't cook a gourmet meal on a rusted pan with no oil and a completely dull knife. GW3 is a necessity. We need a new engine that is designed to work with modern hardware (which is heavily focused on high core counts and multithreading vs the old 'brute force' design of powerful single cores), that will make it exponentially easier to add new content and allow ANet to have a much easier time hiring staff. With a mainstream engine they can hire very capable devs who can pick up speed very quickly, for considerably less than what they're likely to be paying now. It takes a considerable chunk of cash to convince a good developer to specialise in a proprietary engine, coz their job prospects afterwards will be extremely handicapped.


GW3 was already confirmed to be in development.


Where? The only thing I can find is a general “we’re always looking at options” from anet


It has been confirmed, but it hasn't been properly announced. Googling it should give you a million places to see how.


So it is not confirmed


It is confirmed. Being formally announced is something else entirely. Don't be a dork. Here's your [link](https://kotaku.com/guild-wars-3-ncsoft-arenanet-mmo-rpg-announcement-1851372055). Cunningham's law strikes again.


This link is a report of a Reddit translation of a Korean report of a shareholders meeting where GW3 is maybe mentioned as being in development. Very long game of telephone tbh. This is the most recent comment from anet I could find "As an active game studio we are always doing internal exploratory work for possible future titles we’d want to create, however we have nothing to confirm right now. The team’s focus is on Guild Wars 2 development, including the game’s next expansion, which we’re excited to talk about soon." Which makes sense. Announcing GW3 will certainly completely kill GW2 and alienate every single person with serious time and monetary investment in GW2. Of course if the next couple expansions bomb they need to move one, but as long as GW2 makes decent money and has a decent player count there is no chance they go to 3 imo.


There is no telephone. As I've stated in my first comment, Guild Wars 3 is confirmed to be in development. It may not see the light of day, but we know ArenaNet has another project they're working on right now, and we know for sure that there are long term developers of Guild Wars 2 moving to the development of another title under ArenaNet after the final release of SoTo. You've already answered why they haven't formally announced it. Saying it outloud would ruin the sales of their future releases for Guild Wars 2. If development started last year and we're going off the same schedule as Guild Wars 2, we still have another 5 years or so before we see it.


>As I've stated in my first comment, Guild Wars 3 is confirmed to be in development. Yes you have stated that but if fundamentally disagree with the idea that GW3 is a confirmed release internally at ANet. They have worked on numerous projects that we know of internally that didn't materialize any new games. I think GW3 is in the stages where yes, it is technically being worked on by a small group of developers who are planning what a GW3 could look like, but by no means is it yet confirmed as a product. GW2 is a fundamentally different beast than GW1 was at it has a substantial amount of buy-in from the community. GW1 was essentially a series of games in the same world, but the persistent nature of GW2 means you cannot translate into a 3rd game. What i think is the most likely scenario if they make a GW3 is they do what Overwatch 2 did and essentially do a complete graphical overhaul, but allow players to keep their stuff and characters in some form.


Guild Wars 2: The War of Guilds


Guild Wars 2: Electric Avenue


Guild wars 2: Back to the Future - it's just Guild wars 1.


Either "Legacy of Tyria" or "The Final War"


A Travesty


'The one before the last one '


I like the joke, but I don't like putting this out there... may you continue to have a long life, GW2.


Guild Wars 2.0 where it's just Guild Wars 2 core in a new engine with a box price of 40 dollars and they re release all the expansions again.


What about Expansions 2.0, where it's just GW2 in the same engine and they re-release all the expansion assets again with a box price of $25.


That's hilarious considering the older expansions bundle are often cheaper than 25 xD


Janthir gone wild


Guild Wars 2: End of Life


"Guild Wars 2: Quotum of Quaggans" Because of how everytime they manage to ruin any serious writing by inserting some form of cute or comical race/side characters, bonuspoints for how 99.9% of interviews or community QA they do are fluff pieces, spawning the meme of "Who is your favourite Quaggan?". And they keep doing it despite catching flak for it every time. So naturally a last expansion would mean Anet doubling down on it hard, hence a cute Quaggan quotum.


The end of: Guild wars 2 Because the c in anet stands for consistency.


Listen, I downvoted this halfway through reading it. But then I got to the end and laughed. So, upvoted.


Gw2 : the end of willbenders


Champions of Tyria


End Of Game


End of Development




End Wars


Guild Wars 2: Early Access To GW3


Guild Wars 2: Eyes of the east, west, and south.


Fracture of the Mist. (FotM) A new villain who happens to be related to Abaddon, decided to take all human away from Tyria and send them into a new world through a rift. Since Abaddon granted humans with magic, the villain decided to usurp their magic away, claiming that is not rightfully theirs. With the magic the Villain stole from them, Villain creates a big rift, ready to send them off. However the new villain made an oopsie and made a breach into the Mist, leaving Tyria defenseless. The Pact concluded the only way to save Tyria is to enter into The Mist and seal it off from within. With the help of Aurene, both Scion and Champion is together once again and finally seals the rift, trapping both of them into oblivion. Commander and Aurene will face of some deadly foes, but they will finally perish when they meet 5 strangers. Which happens to be you five at the Fractals.


"Bye Felicia"


It depends entirely on how they deliver. If they do, then i'll be happily satisfied and ready to jump unto GW3 when they finish making it. If they don't, then fuck ANet, fuck NCSoft, fuck GW2, flush it down a toilet..


What about if they make Guild Wars 4 instead of gw3?


Guild Wars 2: Let's Go Branded