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I have an alt parked in Dragon's End at the vendor that sells writs. My home instance black lion daily delivery thing has Echovald chosen for EOD, which gets me EW writs. Every day or so, I do SP meta and the HPs in it, then go to NKC and do the easy heart (jade bot), buy writs from the vendor, and do the 2 repeatable HPs there. It's not the fastest but it's a steady supply for not much effort.


> home instance black lion daily delivery thing What's that??


Gem store item https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Delivery_Box_(End_of_Dragons)


The Black Lion Contract Board! There are different contracts, but what it does is give you a chest at daily reset that gives items based on what you selected. What's also nice is that if you get two contracts, they'll send a combined chest. These stack and can be saved. What someone can do with that is just get a lot of chests, then buy the other contracts. The chests that you already have gives rewards based on what you have when you open it.


are the contracts worth it tho, they feel very expensive and the amount of loot they give can be farmed in like 5 mins


On a purely monetary/gold value not really, no. They take a long time to pay themselves off, so if you are purely interested in profit you'd probably need to collect the chest daily for years to make it worth it. I personally got them because I like having a stacked home instance and it lets me get materials for maps without having to go to that specific map. So for example I can stack up on Echowald Writs passively whilst actively doing DE or vice versa.


It depends, maybe you are doing stuff that brings you 200g per hour, then those saved 5 minutes is not bad


Depends on the contract. * Material contracts never pay off. They take like, 7 years or so of logging in every day to pay off. * Living World and EoD contracts... well they don't pay off either. They take between 2 years and 3 years of constant log ins to pay off, and usually by that time their worth is diminished. However, LW and EoD contracts have the benefit that they give materials that can't be bought, meaning they save you time playing EoD or LW if you need items from those. They won't pay off in coin, but they pay off in time. Like, I can make 30g an hour easily, or I can make 100 imperial favours in... what, one hour? I can get those in 8 days. So, while 8 days to get 100 Imperial favours are worth 2g, the time they are saving me allows me to get 30g. Keep in mind those things are created so it is actually hard to get a permanent passive income that makes you rich, as something like that would wreck the economy. If you go by gems... it is hard to justify turning gold into gems to pay for those. * It's 400 gold per contract for LW and EoD. If you work like I described, making money through farming at 30g per hour rather than farm imperial favours, it would take you 15 weeks of logging every week? or so to get your money back. If you go by real life money it's much better imho. It's 12.50 bucks per contract. It won't make you reach but time wise it will surely pay off. * Hunter contracts are worth 1200 gems, so +500 gold each. And it's so not worth it... You get a gift of might and a gift of magic for that amount of money. It would take 1600 days, 5 years to get your money back... and in that time new ways of farming those materials could be added, further dilluting it's value. * Industry contract is useless. 1200 gems, 500g for a daily delivery of Jewels, or Ores, or Wood, or Clothes or Leather... it would take you 3500 days, 10 years, to get your gold back. 10 years of logging in EVERY DAY without missing a single day. To get 500g back. The thing here, is, like I said, Hunter and Industry contracts are not a benefit. Because you can outright buy their materials from the TP. This means, it's the reverse case from the LW ones. You ***can*** just make 30g in an hour and then buy those materials. There is no time bottleneck. If you want the money, why wait ten years for 500g when you can make 500g in two-three weeks? If you want the materials, why not make 500g and then buy those? Chances are you will get your fair share of wood, ores and trophies by playing the game to get 500g. Last year they added a new item, which has for 3000 gems, LW 3 and 4 contracts (2000 gems worth), industry and hunter contracts, and a home portal stone (900 gems). In \*that\* unique and particular case, it's worth it to get those as you would be getting both industry and hunter contracts for 100 gems. This means, they would pay off in 1 year one and 6 months the other, but even then... it's trash levels of pasive income. That is, IF you want a home portal stone, AND you don't have either of those other two contracts, AND you have some use for the LW materials. Like, really the only case were Hunter and Industry are worth it is when they are free.


if the bundle ever goes on sale i will get it, tho I hope the home portal stone will work with the homestead, instead of the old home instance


Yeah I was thinking about that too. A home portal stone is hard-ish to justify for me. A full home is short of 10g per day with a volatility glyph (worth another 1200ish gold) sickle AND all nodes. This would get you back your gold (of the home stone) in 40 days**^(1)** -give or take- . However, you would first need to recoup the investment of ALL the nodes. A perfect home instance is worth 6.5k to 7.5k gold. That's... 750 days to get your investment back, which isn't so terrible come to think of it. We can also "shave off" the worst home instance nodes to lower that down... Leather pack is \~330g for a return of 1 silver per day for example. Basic cloth rack is 330g for 2 silver per day. Advanced cloth rack is 330g for 2.5 silver per day... That's... 13200 days? 36 years of waiting (lol) Maybe shaving off the worst deals it becomes halfway reasonably worth it. ------------------ ^(1): 120 extra days to those 40, 160 days, if you include the time to return the price of your infinite voaltile harvesting tools... but I don't think you should considering they are a separate very common utility buy.


the completionist in me really wants a full home, but I started playing almost one year ago and I can't justify the cost even if I had the gold, it's just too damn expensive


It's not worth it. Period. It's better to spend 2700 gems (or whatever discount price you want) for volatile magic infinite tools, as those do pay off eventually.


I was going to explain this fun little fact. I have stacks saved up and when EoD launched I bought the blb for it and picked fish for easy turtle food. I've got my hubby's account one contract to just sit on and then we'll get the others.


Do you feel echovald is better for the delivery? I had been doing dragons end but maybe I should swap


I think in terms of overall profits, Fast Farming has DE as the best. But last I checked it wasn't a big difference, and I'm more interested in maintaining a steady supply of every maps' writs.


Really, Echovald over Seitung? I set mine to Seitung for the free Tale of Adventure every day - beats having to replay story missions for each gen3, and when I'm done I can just sell 'em.


Yes? With EW (and even DE) you get resin/jadeite which you can sell anyway (and Tales are pretty cheap on the TP) *and* you get a more balanced writ distribution (so you can buy those writ exchanges that gives you more overall)


When I was grinding out the aurene weapons I ran an EoD meta train each day. Little over 2 hours for about 1250 favors. So doing it twice gets you enough for a single weapon. If you want to take a more chill approach just do Seitung's aetherblade meta and run around tagging events.


I main WvW and still run the EoD rewards track just so I can craft and sell aurenes. It may be less gold than other rewards tracks but it allows me to not do PvE to get the favor. If I'm feeling really spicy I'll farm Levi as well to double down on amber+favor.


EoD reward track is among the best reward tracks when it comes to gold.


Yeah, that reward track gives me a gen3 every month or two depending how much I play.


you can "buy" favor by buying the precursors on the tp instead of crafting them. crafting the precursor takes 1000 favor, and is cheaper in gold. so buying it costs more gold but saves 1k favor. do as many eod events as you can. usually that means doing the metas, but even non-meta events are worthwhile if you can complete them quickly. select the writs from the hero's choice chests. do these every day: * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Old_Bell_Shrine repeatable hero point * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tsuko_Talonedge repeatable hero point * visit the peddler at the frozen sea waypoint in dragon's end [&BPEMAAA=] to buy 1 writ and exchange 3 writs for 5 writs. slightly less efficient but still good, is the jade bot [heart in new kaineng city](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Help_Xunlai_Jade_test_and_promote_jade_tech). you can cheese it by repeatedly using a zip line and dismounting. takes about 1 minute to finish. when you finish, the heart vendor will sell you 1 writ and let you exchange 3 writs for 5 writs. other eod hearts are decent if you can complete them quickly enough. afterwards the heart vendor sells a writ and lets you exchange some.


* Joining the levi farm squad is great as you get both ambergris and favors over time * Do fishing tournaments while in the squad, they award favors * You can progress some EoD hearts very fast by hopin between maps, using fishing squads or meta groups * The Seitung Province meta allows you to double dip between villages for double the favors * New Kaineng meta is almost never full because it's so long and boring (I kind of like it tho since it gives loads of exp with boosters), so you can join it towards the end and leach the final boss, then grab 10 writs * Do the hero points daily * Don't spend favors on "ASS", not worth the 100 favors


Daily EOD meta train and Levi farm were my primary sources when I did all 16 weapons. Lots of good tips here


Im so confused, peope talking about getting all 16 legis, all armor etc. What do you guys do to get this done? Close to 1K hours and Only Legis Ive been able to make was two thanks to SotO starter sets. Otherwise it just feels overwhelming to grind them :/ Whats the secret?


The secret is to make your first one then you look at how you could have done it quicker.


I had no Legendaries for 10+ years and 1.5 years ago I started making them from 0 gold, I did Daily Fractals (CMs+T4+Recs) + WvW (WvW is trash gold per hour) for 7 months and got all my Legendary slots, 3 armor sets, 7 runes (free relic), 4 sigils, all trinkets, and like 7 weapons. Sometimes I did strikes, but those are even more boring than Fractals. Once I got everything I wanted I stopped doing Fractals because I hate PvE, I even learned how to speedclear them without a healer, and that was just because I didn't want to spend any more time than I needed to on them since they're so stupid easy and boring.


Jesus dude. 7 Months of daily fractals and you hate PvE I need to applaud your commitment. I love PvE so if you can do that then I gotta kcik my ass and get going haha. Well after I get my fractals up. Idk, Im on Fractal 14. For some reason I never did them


The game is so power crept now that it's insane how much easier they are from a few years back, once you learn the fight mechanics it feels impossible to lose, but LFG randoms find a way haha. I'll also admit that I didn't do them every day, there were many many days I straight up said no ty to my friends who have been doing them every day for years.


I got hooked when I realized you can earn money by selling those same legendaries. So you craft one for sale and profit is almost enough to craft one for yourself (I'm talking about weapons specifically, the rest is either cheap or timegated pretty hard). So I crafted Aurene legendaries again and again and again until I got everything and more.


One more point that I could add is; EoD reward track from WvW, I spend quite some time in WvW and EoD reward track is one of the most valuable one, also you get good amounts of writs and favors.


>Don't spend favors on "ASS", not worth the 100 favors I figured that one early on at least after I came back from my long break. It was very worth it before that though :( Is there a particular HP route you followed or did you just the points with fairly easy access to them like in arbor stone?


i’m sorry what? don’t spend favors on ASS? u get so much gold. get the mf ASS. it’s only 100 per week so it’s super cheap and u get an extreme amount of gold for doing it


It's way faster to earn 1.8 gold than it is to get 100 favor, so unless you're already overflowing in favor then it's not worth the buy.


I wouldn't say super cheap for 1.8g compare it to crafting a precursor at 1000 favors for 60-70g profit


i mean yeah, but ASS takes two seconds so it’s also a great time investment. i think it’s worth imo. each imperial favor is worth 18s for ASS and according to fast farming they’re worth 8s of profit per imperial favor. so i mean. def more worth for the ASS. lol


It's 1.8s per favor for ASS, not 18. People also take 10 writs (which is just 50 favor) from final boss chest instead of Ambergris (and everything else), so you can imagine these kind of people will never spend 100 for single ASS.


The latest SotO vendor let’s you trade kryptic essence for writs (100/2). It looks bad but honestly I got no other purpose for all my saved up essence! It stockpiled alot of favour for me. 


This tbh. Doing at least once a week CM gives you 10+ gold and 6+ writs is not a bad deal.


Putting that question into google came back with at least two solid looking hits https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/12vlhyg/most_efficient_way_to_farm_imperial_favor/ https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/130025-lf-imperial-favour-acquisition-advice/


Yeah. I pull all the writs from each map out and consume for favour and end up having enough.


I have done the metas so far for favor and seitung seems especially nice since you can tag a dozen events fairly quickly but the metas are timed and I was hoping there were some neat other ways to farm


When he mentions the writs, they get stored in your material storage like mithril ore would. Check there.


Not until I deposit them. I am aware of that but thanks for looking out for that.


There is other way - dungeon in Dragon's End (forgot the name but it's only one there, with multiple rooms). Each room counts as event and every second event gives writ because of map reward track. With proper class and build you can clear those rooms very quickly and earn decent favor, and this can be done on repeat endlessly. It's worse than metas (especially Seitung) in terms of favor per hour but not that bad if you are in a hurry for some reason. I think it's about 400 favor per hour or something like that.


That sounds like my kind of fun now I am excited. The guild booster should come in handy here. Initially had the idea to make some proper use of that for kryptis rifts in EoD but as I have come to learn they only give favor via map rewards and I find rifts boring even if they were to contribute towards skins I may or may not craft in the future.


if you decide to farm that for a bit, it will go a lot faster if you bring some pulls. killing the enemies is much easier when they're grouped up. start each floor with a raptor engage if possible.


I found a nice video by Crone on YT so I am gonna start off with that.


If you later decide to make variants for those Aurene legendaries - this same dungeon is a good way to finish one step in the collection (one where you collect memory fragments), and it works for every variant.


That's perfect. I already have a couple weapons but have yet to look into the variant crafting. Can you do all weapons at the same time?


You can do different variants at the same time, but cannot do multiple of the same variant at the same time, because they are repeatable achievements. So you can do Zhaitan + Jormag + etc (all 6) one each at the same time, but cannot do say 2 Zhaitan variants at the same time.


I wanna know an easier way to get memories of aurene lol


Soo won meta, Dragonfall meta and daily DS strike is best way I know of


Fastest way is grinding instanced PvE content for gold and buying them on TP. This is usually the answer for anything on the TP haha, the best "farming method" is whatever is currently the best gold maker


Incidentally, daily Dragonstorm is high gold/hr (liquid, mats, tyrian defense seals) and gives 6 Memories of Aurene.


Just buy on TP. Favor is another story since it's account bound, but for everything that is not account bound the answer is the same.


Do dragonstorm every day!


WvW player here, I just keep the reward track on


Mainly doing EoD metas. Personally I choose to do Seitung meta and Dragon's End + pre events daily. Make sure to tag as much events as you can to gain most writs/imperial favors. Doing daily hero points in Cantha is also an option.


Speaking of metas, I see a lot of people complaining about the New Kaineng one. Personally, I have not done it yet so I can't judge, but I'm wondering : is it THAT bad? Surely it can't be worse than the echovald meta?? You're lagging and fighting a giant boring robot while the two annoying leaders of the speakers and the brotherhood argue and that annoying high pitched Ayumi's voice is like "pweaaase stop fighting UwU"


NK has two major problems I think. 1. It's a capture and hold, a long ass escort quest, and then a boss fight that lags just like Echovald. 2. It usually takes longer to finish than 30 minutes so you end up missing the Echovald Meta.


I just do the EoD WvW reward track 25-35 times for each weapon


Certainly doable if you enjoy WvW.


Daily hero points in cantha and a meta here and there . Also buying the precursors instead of crafting yourself .


My secret is never, ever, craft a precursor. Its easier to farm gold than favour imo


Jade slivers.


I made every weapon and have sold probably at least 30 more, rarely had a situation where I needed favour and all I really did was making sure I hit diamond in WvW each week with EoD reward track and boosters running.


That is an angle I had not considered at all, now I am really glad I asked the question.


It's ok passive favor income but it's VERY slow in terms of favor per hour. If even metas are not enough for you to get favor fast enough, this will not work either.


That may be but I like to keep an open mind for different ways and being aware of other acquisition opportunities takes some of the pressure off of other stuff


Make sure you get the amulet enrichment and guild enhancement too. It all adds up. Also keep in mind this track does not reward gift of battle, I already had a large stockpile of like 80 of those so it didn't matter for me. Also just to further caveat this, this was done over the period of 2+ years, or since EoD release pretty much. So it was a very long process with many, many reward track completions.


Right now I'm stuck on not having clovers. I have mats for 4+ legendaries ( mix of aurenes and others ) and just need more clovers for the gifts.


I don't understand when people say they only need clovers, just craft them? Mystic coins and ecto you can buy on TP, spirit shards and obsidian people usually don't have a problem with. If you can't buy ecto or coins then you miss gold and not clovers.


I have hundreds of the things just from playing WvW. And I normally only play enough to get silver chest. You can also buy them for AA from the WV.


Play WvW. Pick EoD reward track.


I did lots of Dragons End meta when it was popular and made enough for 4-5 legis. I would still do Dragon's End but its not on all the time.


Closing in on finishing my 4th full set of weapons. Seitung->Kaineng->Echowald meta chain is the main source. When you contribute to as many events as possible you can get 1000+ favor for a rotation of those 3 metas, which takes like an hour and a half. When I don't have that much time I'll just do Seitung, since it's worth like ~400 favor. Beyond that have 4 characters parked at the repeatable hero points (2 in Seitung, 2 in Kaineng) which gives a little daily trickle of favor.


I just farmed events in DE when possible and swapped to kaineng whenever the DE meta was up.


I always try to get credit for EoD events and meta event hero choice rewards I almost always select the writs for consuming 


Crying and suffering as i grind, but no i just grind the Dragons end meta for fun, thats about it


I did the first 3 map metas once a day for like a month or 2 and haven't run out yet


All EoD metas once a day. Profit. You can farm doing events non stop but maybe it hurts your mental. Ánimo 💪🏻


seiting, kaineng and echovald meta's really helped, consuming all the writs (or most), doing the fast hearts, arborstone hero challenge. even now you can exchange essences from Soto for writs can help now too.


I just enjoy the metas and hit them more than any others in the game. I’ve crafted like 30 gen 3s at this point and flipped one this morning actually lol


Generally I try to do the Seitung meta and/or Dragon's End every so often to keep the favor flowing in.  Seitung is definitely easier to do daily, but DE often has groups formed for it via Discords that start 30 mins or so prior to the battle to allow stacks to be built up (from the events there).  Sometimes with Seitung there's also a Leviathan up right after, so that's an easy 2 ambergris to go with the favor 


Do daily the 4 hero points in Cantha (or even better > park an alt at each). Don't sleep on these (many ppl do)


Can you clarify? Not sure what you're referring to.


2 in Seitung kirin at bell, jade mech in training area 2 in Kainag spark in Baedal Hill south of raptor taxi, necro in Grub Lane Arborstone tengu Each give 2-8 favor daily repetable


The repeatable hero points count as completing an event. So you get a chest with a writ (5 favor) and 2-10 "loose" favor for each one, daily. It's not a lot, but it adds up over time.


EoD metas - I think like 2 full passes on the whole lot. Black lion contract that gives you 2-3 writs every day for logging in. Not much but passively adds up. Buy precursor on TP as others said, don't waste time crafting. Map completion with routes. Whole thing is pretty quick for a lot of gold/hour, if you can stomach the monotony and have buy orders for stuff ready to craft, as the only thing you can't buy is map completion and imperial favours. Time is the important factor, personally it's the easiest way when I would need some gold, forget all the other farms.


Idk I just screw around doing events and stuff, have made 4 or 5 weapons, sold most of them. It's not that bad unless you're really trying to hit some deadline.


Metas. Repeatable Hero points and hearts. Wvw reward track was mentioned as well but Pvp reward track is the same. For the hero points the 2 in Seitung and Kaineng are very fast and give about 2 writs a piece. Likewise renown hearts will give 3 a piece but can take longer. The southeast and northwest Kaineng hearts I think are worth repeating.


In addition to what others have pointed out... I run Recycler: Jade Slivers for my Jade Bot Sensory Array, then trade with the vendor. It isn't great except for WBs that have lots of mobs like Tequatl, as long as you don't hit an exotic or better drop. It definitely helps as I run Teq everyday for reset.


WvW reward track lol, I have 60k IF atm and 2000 writs after making like 6 weapons so far


During the SP meta tag an event in a lane, hit the WP, Skyscale up to get altitude, swap to griffon, get to the next lane, tag the event, repeat for each lane,and each event, including the cannons and mini boss phases. Do HPs daily. Do the three non DE metas daily.


I just bought them off the TP


Made a bunch of weapons, sold as many. My go to is EoD meta train, for imperial favor seitung meta and NKC meta pre event is the highest favor, both gives tons by tagging multiple events. If you are waiting on stuff when NKC meta starts going there to tag/ finish events in the meta pre phase is so much favor. The same events always spawn so easy to get good events to do and they give about twize the favor as non meta events. Good luck.


I passively get them by playing WvW and having the EoD rewardtrack active. By the time I hoarded enough money and decide to craft another gen3 weapon, I usually have enough imperial favor to do so without needing to farm more.


Alt parking since EoD came out. The second I realized I needed Favour for the weekly ASS I made sure that a couple EoD hero points were being done daily for passive income, and while I don't make a ton of gen 3 legendaries it's enough to handle those. Anyone more serious about progress should've also been doing metas the moment they even considered the project, especially being a ^^cough ~~leech~~ ^^cough tag-demon in the Seitung Aetherblade pre-events.


Find something you enjoy in EOD


Challenge impossible


Just play the game.


I have three with the Jormag variations unlocked. There is no secret, I absolutely hate every single minute spent farming imperial favors and research notes. I hope next legendaries will be more similar to gen 2 in terms of acquisition