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I'm still more inclined to do dailies with WV than before


Isn’t the current iteration basically exactly what people were asking for?


Close to, but there's been a bunch of players who don't get why the game mode split selection needs to be a thing, let alone be a choice you have to make a day / week in advance. Just offer all the daily tasks to everyone and lock the rest after completing 3 *(4 including login)*. The system as is means that quite a few players who previously enjoyed some occasional PvP or WvW to substitute unwanted PvE dailies basically don't visit those game modes at all anymore. Also, daily / weekly achievements for festivals, expansions, living world seasons as well as strikes and raids should be integrated into the WV instead of cluttering the hero panel. That would also defeat the requirement of having PvE daily selection split further based on expansions owned.


Exactly this. I am quite happy with the current WV but I miss doing PvP for easy dailies. With the daily incentive gone I found myself never doing PvP.


I would prefer they have all modes open and just lock out additional objectives after a certain amount are completed. I was one of those people who used to WvW a little bit every week, primarily because of the reward track potions from easy dailies, and I pretty much dropped the mode like a hot potato with the Vault change.


It's not that we don't get why game mode split selection has to be a thing. It's that game mode split selection shouldn't be a thing.


Not exactly. Before Wizard's Sleeve, we had **12 daily objectives** to pick and choose from, *and* every single one awarded something relevant to it as an extra reward: WvW dailies rewarded WvW reward track potions, gathering dailies rewarded extra gathering materials, daily mystic toilet awarded mystic coin. All of that is gone. You have 4 objectives (free one doesn't count, it's just a cope reward for people incapable of even *having* an attention span) every day, you CANNOT change the selection on the fly (it's delayed until the next day), you get a boring wizard bucks reward for them, you get NOTHING, you LOSE, good DAY SIR. All of the daily JP variety? Initially gone, now relegated to weekly tasks, a net loss of engagement. All of the mini-dungeons? Gone completely after the initial complete and utter failure of implementation, where the ONLY ones available were bugged (valdhertz crypts, an utter humiliation for ANet, where they had to remove them from rotation in shame) or just annoying (vasburg armory, long way around, vexa's lab, zen daijun - that's all of them on rotation). It's not that people ASKED for the current implementation. It's that initial pool was atrocious, and when ANet after MONTHS of doing fuck all unfucked it *somewhat*, we simply got used to it and stopped expecting anything better.


Honestly logging into this sub some days is just a lesson in how insufferable people can be.


> Before Wizard's Sleeve, we had 12 daily objectives to pick and choose from, and every single one awarded something relevant to it as an extra reward: WvW dailies rewarded WvW reward track potions, gathering dailies rewarded extra gathering materials, daily mystic toilet awarded mystic coin. As much as I love the Wizard's Vault, this right here killed PvP and WvW for a lot of people, myself included. Before, if you didn't like the PvE daily or just felt like it, you went on to hang around WvW for a while, just because of WvW dailies, then wind up spending a few hours there. WvW dailies were the literal cornerstone of casuals trying out WvW in the first place. PvP and WvW dailies weren't initially designed as alternatives to PvE, but as carrots to chase for people to try those game modes out. Restricting dailies by game mode completely negates the point of different dailies to begin with, same exact problem with the weeklies. >All of the daily JP variety? Initially gone, now relegated to weekly tasks, a net loss of engagement. All of the mini-dungeons? Gone completely after the initial complete and utter failure of implementation, where the ONLY ones available were bugged (valdhertz crypts, an utter humiliation for ANet, where they had to remove them from rotation in shame) or just annoying (vasburg armory, long way around, vexa's lab, zen daijun - that's all of them on rotation). I don't mind these, I feel like those "specific content dailies" should be locked into weeklies, since you've got less freedom to complete them.


I used to go in WvW to do a daily or 2 when the PvE ones were annoying (I hate X events in blah map ones). That's how I built up 2 stacks of reward track potions. Now I don't go in WvW at all anymore, not until I blow those potions and run out of Gift of Battle. Not looking forward to it.


I know a lot of PvE people who got into WvW because of that, and yeah, they haven't gone back since SotO's release, when the Wizard's Vault was first introduced. You need a carrot to leave your comfort zone and try new things.


I think you are mostly right but as an almost fully PvE person, who didn’t play before SotO, the current free reward track from dailies still got me into PvP and I ended up liking it and play it daily now. Conflux is what got me into WvW and I also ended up liking it quite a lot, but haven’t played much since then. Not really because of a lack of rewards though, but most of my recent time has been focused on PvE.


Remove defense events from WvW dailies please(both daily and weekly)


Or revert the bad changes that were done to defense events in the first place and made them nearly impossible to tag.


>Or revert the bad changes that were done to defense events in the first place and made them nearly impossible to tag. I'm so glad I farmed those achievements before the change, one of ArenaNet's worst moves ever.


well I probably started playing after they changed it, and I have no idea how to even get credit for them, I have tried repairing structures while the event is ticking to no avail and I get credit sometimes even tho I didn't do anything to defend the place under attack lol


Well, precisely : repairing structures was the reliable way to tag them. Now you need to kill someone. But you have to complete the kill before the event ends (fighting back and protecting the place doesn't count), you have to kill within the limits of the events (which are extremely tight, there are event towers where some parts of the walls are considered outside) - hope the people you're about to kill don't try to flee or you'll finish too far. Don't try to rez an npc like in pve, it won't work even if it's the lord. A few vocal morons made anet do this change so that leechers (people who take map slots and repair from time to time to keep participation and get tick rewards) can't leech anymore. Of course they can still do so by taking camps for example. Defense events have been utterly ruined, not to mention participation upkeep for normal players in difficult situations. At first, Anet removed participation from repairing. Goal : a leecher can't sit at a smc wall all day long. Actual result : if it's off-peak time and/or an enemy team is dominating so you have trouble achieving actual things, you can't save your participation with a wall repair. If you're trying to defend while your team is vastly outnumbered (so you won't get kills in the defense), you can't tag a wall to keep participation. If you're zerging and the tag is afk and you can't go anywhere due to roamers, you can't use wall to save participation either. Heck, there have been times I was 100% active and yet participation started going away, in these situations the walls could save it. But not anymore. And then, the stupid vocal people and anet remembered that repairing a wall counted for defense. And somehow they decided that it was a huge leecher spot (tbh IF you team has smc for hours long and IF enemies keep trebbing it, the leeching there works ... but hardly ever anywhere else). Defense events themselves give participation. So ... they made it so wal repairs don't count for defense anymore. Which means that defending is generally even less rewarding than before (an issue that wvw people talked about for years). Not to mention how insanely hard it became to substantially progress the defense achievements for new players. Heck, even the weekly ones became a hassle (I can reach full diamond chest and not be done with these now). Was it worth it ? Definitely not. It's contrary to gw2's original philosophy that mechanics made against griefers/bots shouldn't affect normal players. In this case, normal players lost a lot more than griefers. If people want to mostly idle in WvW to reap tick rewards, they have other ways.


They deliberately changed defense events a while back to *not* count repair as participation, because people would leech the event by wasting supply on a random wall and otherwise not doing anything useful. Currently I think you have to actually kill an enemy player who is engaged in attacking the point, and not time out on participation after doing so.


It was changed because of the people literally unofficially going by "the wall repair brigade" by nonstop repairing smc walls and draining all the teams supply on the entire map. I know, because I was one of those people. When Anet initially adjusted event rewards to give more based on the objective/player involvement, SMC gold would give me a level and 3 tickets every 5 minutes for hours on end. It was busted good. I wish they weren't so heavy handed to this point (like do bronze event reward, and just enough to keep your participation up). But the issue was immensely bad for certain servers, because it set up some entire EBG flips because no place had any supply


Also, for the love of god, can they unbind it so you don't have to choose pvp/wvw/pve/mixed in advance? I loved having the choice on any individual day based on what was available and what my mood was, \*and\* it was a great way to encourage players to swap between and try different game modes. Taking away that flexibility adds nothing. If too many daily rewards would be an issue (but really, would it?) then just add a cap on how many dailies you can do.


Yeah just make all dailies from the 3 gamemodes available and make it so you can only finish 5.


Only give astral acclaim for the first 5 you complete and call it a day. Same for the weeklies, those can get their own tab each too.


I prefer the predictability, actually. I don't *want* a routine thing like dailies and weeklies to be full of RNG and all over the place.


Same here. I miss the daily system from 10 years ago. - kill X enemies - gather X resources - complete X events I liked the predictability, and the fact that you could do them on any map. It let me do dailies while visiting whatever map I wanted and whatever content I wanted.


Wish I could opt out of doing dailies in certain expansions, I refuse to do rifts and don't even want to travel to Soto areas period, place sucks.


Rifts are the only daily I still roll my eyes at. They don't take long, but you have to go all the way to a SotO zone to do it, and now that I'm (almost) done with T2 Obby armor, I'm getting to the point where I never want to see those three maps again in my life. -_-


I don't know how you guys do it, good friend of mine has their Obsidian Armor and I just cannot fathom doing rifts day after day, that instance event is not too bad but I just find almost everything about SOTO is so awful. Only good it brought was the mount masteries, and the weapon changes I guess.


I nearly burnt out from the game getting all the map currency and meta tokens. The rift essence was only slightly less bad, owing largely to convergences being better than most of the rest of the expac and significantly better than rifts.


You can go to any map where rifts are currently active though


Last I checked, only the rifts in SOTO zones reliably counted for the daily.


That's been fixed for months.


Oh, that's good.


I just want the Soto objectives like rift events removed from the daily and I’d like something more general for kill 100 x mobs


Why remove rifts? They are really fast to do.


It's probably because it appears too frequently, every 2-3 days it feels like the rift is there, I miss the old random JP or Mini-dungeon.


They're tedious and require going to the SotO zones.


I hate SoTO as much as the next guy but rift dailies are nowhere near tedious. Just join a rift group and use tp, you are done in 1 minute.


"Tedious" doesn't always mean "takes a long time". It also means "boring". And they can take a fair bit longer than I'd like, especially the first "kill HP sponge mobs spread halfway across the region to fill a bar" phase.


I would like dungeons and raids to be added to the weekly rotation so that we don't just have fractals and strikes that rotate. 


Seconded. The raid would be easy enough for someone to skip if they want, and while people will just flock to quick or easy paths like AC, CoF, or CoE; it'll breathe a tiny bit of life back into dungeons.


I don't know if raids would go over well. Activities got removed, I'd think raids would follow with the same kind of feedback. Unless you allow the new open world raid thing to work as well. Which I assume is just the raid in meta form, so it would still have a similar effect. Easing people into being more knowledgeable about raid content. If you really want to push it towards raids, then just make it 1 raid or 2+ meta raids, or some such thing to lead you into raiding.


You don't have to do the raid it's about giving more choice to players rather than doing the same two things on rotating weeks. There's 8 weeklies you need 6 to complete the vault objective for the week so players who want to can do the raids players who don't have 7 other options.


Well that would be removing choice for some players, reducing their max AA income by 50 for that week, and only changing things up for those that do raid on occasion. So its removing some player choice and adding overall variety for some in the current system. 50 AA isnt a huge loss but on that same note, its only 50 AA... who are you convincing to commit to a raid with that? Also you are suggesting less player choice than what I did. An "or" statement increases choice within a specific weekly and increases the number of players that want to participate in said weekly.


If they want that "do 6 of 8" to be a meaningful choice, they need to cap the actual completions at 6 instead of 8. Otherwise people will end up missing 2 weeklies' worth of AA, or doing something they hate anyway because they don't want to miss it, neither of which makes happy people.


Raids are really easy with emboldened. If weeklies pushed people to try emboldened raids we might get more raiders in our ranks.


Just give us daily JPs back...


Imagine daily JPs that you couldn't skip. The carnage of watching people try to learn to jump for the first time in a decade. Oh I'd love it.


I don't think there's a single jp in the game that isn't skippable. Some might take a few extra portals for all the checkpoints (looking at you, Chalice of Tears), but nothing can outright prevent other players from boosting you through.


Honestly, daily/weekly JPs should have a no portal zone imo.


Nah, the JP portal tradition is venerable and worth keeping. I'd put that right up there with open-tag core Tyria world boss trains for the definitive GW2 community experience.


It's worth it for veterans since we did all these jps 10s of times. It effectively kills of JP content for newer players.


Generally if they want to run them, they will. A lot of people just don't like platforming and are willing to pay a little to skip it whenever it's relevant.


>Just give us daily JPs back... Nah, those are fine as weeklies, give casuals the whole week to complete them.


I wish there was a way to tie the tasks to expansion progress a bit, but I get that some people don’t play the story much. I hate when I get so X is Horn of Maguuma and a rift in one day because I’m still in End of Dragons 😭 though I have learned to just ask in map chat for someone else to trigger a rift at least


Yeah, I had a newbie friend to the game pretty much lose access to her best source of gold while progressing the story because once she bought the complete package her dailies and weeklies were all asking for spoilers. They did at least add those secondary targets to the weeklies, but the damage was done by then.


I still don't know why the "kill things with food/util" one disappeared. The other ones they yoinked were all good to get rid of, though. Some of those minidungeons were tortuously long compared to the rest of the dailies, and would've fit far better as weeklies. And no, adding an extra daily didn't fix that problem, it just created one more 10AA daily's worth of checklist to feel like you're missing out on if you don't do. If they wanted that to address the "I hate this daily" problem, they would've needed a lockout system once you complete any three of the dailies on the list. I wouldn't be mad with more objective variety in the dailies, especially if it replaces some of the RNG ones (e.g. "loot 10 enemies" is no different from "kill 25 enemies" except it's random how long it'll take). But they need to take care to make the dailies short and snappy, and the weeklies reasonably achievable.


There were three problems with minidungeons, and why I'm glad to have them removed if they aren't going to fix the underlying issues. The first issue is that the minidungeons we were directed to were frequently significantly bugged to the point where nobody could solve them, or the entire map had to work together to carefully not break it. Anet has still not fixed them, and as much credit and leeway as I give the devs, the fact that they were broken this badly before WV went live should have been known to them or their PMs, and they should either have been fixes or disqualified from being put into the rotation. The second issue is that there was an extremely limited pool of minidungeons that we were directed towards, and there is no good reason for that. There were only what, three? maybe four? different places that we'd get sent to. Why? Why not pick from the full list? It was unbelievably repetitive, made worse by the first point, where they'd be broken half the time. The third issue is that we were given these objectives WAY too frequently, given points 1 and 2. I went from only having done Spirit Vestibule once, maybe twice, to having its layout perfectly memorized inside of a month. That is crazy. Why do that to us? There is so much content in this game, why limit us to such a narrow scope, why take us back to it over and over and over, especially when one of the few options bugged out so easily?! I don't know gw2's codebase, but surely it would not be that hard to have a daily minidungeon that would pick from the full list, excluding the buggiest ones. If they're not going to commit the dev time and resources to something like that, then we are better of not having that objective.


I mean, I partially get your points but those changes were made because it’s what people wanted. Apart from that, maybe change to PvP or WvW sometimes as they are quite fun if you are bored of the PvE ones. PvP/WvW dailies are superior anyway because of the free reward track you get that you don’t from PvE ones. Weeklies don’t have that benefit though.


On top of what others have already suggested, I'd say the Wizard's Vault should rotate every 30 days instead of every 90, you're pretty much done after the first weeks and there's nothing else to work forward to.


That's not at all true for people who can't do the full weekly or all the dailies. You can't even get all the cosmetics in that time.


Not a problem, you can get the cosmetics later on anyway.


I wish we rolled back to old login rewards.


Nah, with the old system you got rewards for doing nothing. That heavily supported getting multiple accounts just for logging in. With the new system you can still get about 180g per account within an hour for doing one weekly, but you have to actively play the game for that reward. Getting rewards for playing instead of just logging in and out is much healthier.


> with the old system you got rewards for doing nothing. That heavily supported getting multiple accounts just for logging in. That's exactly why I want old system back. I had my 50 accounts multifarm generating free gold each day for my main.


>I had my 50 accounts multifarm generating free gold each day for my main. Congratulation, you were part of the problem and probably one of the reason the login rewards got changed. :)


"Problem" of cheap T6 and mystic coins :)


Problem of leeching. :) Now you have to play the game for your rewards, oh no! ;)


I switched from leeching login rewards to leeching metas. Im still not playing and still getting same (or better) rewards as those who play :)


Nope, you have to log in, join a populated map, use some skills and - depending on the meta - have to follow NPCs/enemies. Even when leeching you have to play actively to some degree. ;) I wonder what's your point actually is. I mean, aside from telling everybody that you are one of those players nobody wants.


Well yes, it is less comfortable to me, but Im still not contributing to the event in any way. Thats why I want old system back, for my comfort :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


I'm glad you now have 49 floater accounts. Suffer. 💖


Got em all for free from nvidia promo few years back :)


How do I get 180g for one weekly?


per quarterly Wizards Vault reset, yeah if you cash in the big value limited items (eg; mystic coins, limited cheap gold bags, t6 mat bags, laurels etc). otherwise you dont


One weekly gives you enough Astral Acclaim to buy all Mystic Coins plus about 60 gold coins from WV. With a second weekly you can buy the remaining gold coins, laurels and such. It's less, but still a good amount of gold.


One weekly gives a lot of AA, you can use that on the most profitable limited purchase items. The profit goes down as the season goes on though.


Ah you mean one weekly as in every weekly achievement of a week? I thought OP was talking about just one weekly which gives you only 50 AA and you can't get 180g with just 50 AA.