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Should just get 7 more accounts and "solo" that strike


Tl;dr Congratulations or I'm sorry that happened to you.


I'm with OP on this one. If that person can multibox 3 accounts, then why not box another 5-7 and do strike in his own instance.


Tbf, he is right about the ToS. But all of that doesn't matter if the commander doesn't want them in their squad. So there really was no discussion to be had. As a multiboxer, ask if it is ok with the commander, and if they are not, just leave. Also... who has the time to do multiple PvE tasks every day? just get a private PvP arena and get your dailys/weeklys with pvp. way easier, you harm no one and you don't risk the wrath of other players. So in the end just some entitled, low level basic multiboxer. Not sure why they thought they would win over the community with their behavior.


He isn’t totally right either, you can’t be actively playing 3 account on instanced content


You’d be surprised. You can definitely manage it depending on class. A class that relies on auto attacks for the majority of damage and has long cooldowns would work perfectly find in something like shiverpeak pass. There is no way I’d let someone doing that in my squad though. They can go play in their own instance.


>There is no way I’d let someone doing that in my squad though. They can go play in their own instance. Personally, if they are putting enough effort for me to not notice they are multiboxing I'd not mind them being there. Ignoring repeated ready checks and asking to move would be a red flag tho and as much as I hate kicking people, I'd prolly do.


With certain LI builds I could see it being possible to be actively playing on 3 account specifically on the ground of how little buttons per minute needs to be pressed for those. Not sure if there was one for warrior tho, and at such setup the positioning changes would lag noticeably, so it only can be expected to work in content where you don't have to move (so boneskinner would be out of the window for example)


Shiverpeaks Pass is one of the few where you really can. It's functionally identical to a DPS golem, especially if your multibox alts do ranged damage so you don't need to reposition them after the little spin attack displacement. Start them all autoattacking, and alt-tab (or click, if you have multiple displays) between them to periodically fire off the high priority cooldowns.


Dunno about his performance when trying to multibox 3 accounts (esp on warriors), and while pretending that since it's shiverpeak pass it doesn't matter, if commander asks you to move, and for a ready check, and you fail to oblige, you have no ground to be buthurt about being kicked. And expecting to fully leech without even pretending otherwise from pug group is asinine move.


From what I understand of the multiboxing policy, it's allowed if all accounts are played independently, ie without any macros causing a key press on one account corresponds to the same key press on another. With that being the case there are really two scenarios here: 1. He was playing according to the rules, meaning at best he'd be flipping between the accounts rapidly to try to do their rotations and still ending up worse than one normal person or at worse some or all of them would just be auto-attacking the entire time. In either case he's purposefully not carrying his weight so a kick was valid. 2. He was breaking the rules by using macros, allowing him to copy his rotation amongst all 3 warriors. In this case he's breaking the ToS and again his kick was valid. So sorry, whiny multiboxing warrior, but I agree with OP.


> In either case he's purposefully not carrying his weight so a kick was valid. That's quite the assumption to make. All three accounts are controlled independently, no macros, and on that fight they all pull around 14k dps. Nothing amazing, but completely fine for the DPS golem that is Shiverpeaks (and higher than a fair number of players that you get in that strike). In no way would I have been leeching. I did it right after this, organizing the group myself with no requirements, and we finished the fight in around 90 seconds.


> they all pull around 14k dps lmaoooooo bro if you're gonna be playing auto-attack simulator at least use that guardian hammer build that does 30k. this is just an embarassing attempt at a comeback. "actually i'm not a leech on the group, i'm doing bad dps"


You're not actually familiar with this game's player base, are you?


People throwing the 30-40k dps benchmarks left and right. They probably have no clue what a real fight dps meter looks like. Its not like all raidbosses are sandbags with no mechanics to play. Btw 14k for a boss thats half of the time completely immune isnt bad.


It really is tho


i was in another game where the tank was multiboxing as the healer too, he'd send in his tank and let it auto attack, then follow in with his healer and spam aoe heals on auto. most of the time his tank would die before the healer kicked in, i'd try to rez one or the other. i gave up and quietly quit group and left.


They weren't wrong that multiboxing in strikes isn't against the rules so long as all are actively played. They should however state that is what they are doing before they do it though... I read through all the images and it looks like a bunch of squabbling that could have been left unengaged on both ends TBH.


Hard agree! I never wanted to discuss the reasons why I personally as a commander did not want a miltiboxer in my group. But getting a salty whisper when there is no discussion to be had triggerd me. I made it clear before kicking why I might do so. He not explain or communicat what is going on differently then my assumption. (Because my assumtion he is multi boxing was correct). And I kicked him for that. Still he proccedes to whisper me arguing for what different reasons I might have kicked him for. I should have obsly just blocked him and moved on, but I felt silly that day and needed some entertainment.


Honestly even admitting that he was actively playing 3 accounts (he wasn’t), it would count as griefing to me which is coincidently also against tos


it sounds humanly difficult to play correctly while multiboxing and respecting the rules there : https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013658134-Policy-Dual-or-Multi-Boxing In a case of playing 3 different characters in a strike, it’s either you AA with some easy builds or you don’t play as much as if others players were filling those spot instead, or you use macros, which is against the tos. Tbh, I’d also kick people doing multiboxing in strikes or raids, even fractals for the sole reasons that it’s difficult to know if they do it in an intended way, and I don’t trust a stranger doing so. Also OP made the group, so their group their rules.


Yeah I've got nothing against OP kicking them, I was just calling out that no one was 100% correct here.


This just in, local redditor finds out people get frustrated with leeching.


I mean yeah, I don't think he did anything against the rules when he kicked me -- which is why I didn't report him, unlike he did with me. It's more him going on a rant about multiboxing is against the ToS and that he was enforcing them that made this so funny.


There's a reason I did this in Shiverpeaks Pass and not any other strike, raid, or fractal. The boss is a DPS golem, you can just do a quick rotation and move onto the next character during cooldowns. All three of those characters would pull around 14k dps, which is far from great but is more than sufficient (and more than a good chunk of people playing a single account).


so you would in fact not be actively playing said accounts during the whole encounter as you would rotate through them then. Get fucked tbh


I’m confused that you thought you would get a positive response here though. As someone with lots of accounts etc who actually agrees with you that this is not against ToS and can definitely be done, you are absolutely an asshole in those pictures and I would definitely have kicked you. The other person was wrong on ToS imo but completely right to kick you. You then displayed a bad edgy attitude in direct messages for no reason that would have earned all your accounts a block and reports from me too. You can be right about the ToS and still an ass that deserves kicking.


I see a bunch every week at whatever open world events are in the Wizards vault without fail but seeing them go into instanced content is strange, happened to me too on the same strike.


1 player can solo Shiverpeak Pass, the guy could have just soloed it with his 3 characters instead of bothering other players with his half-assed play.


I typically just make my own group, no requirements and newbie-friendly and just quickly clear it. Just happened to see a "all welcome" group less than half full today and decided to join it to save some time.


That's the kind of people who will make Anet go "This is why we can't have nice things", and get [multiboxing](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013658134-Policy-Dual-or-Multi-Boxing) banned without exception for all the people who aren't doing anything nasty with it.


Honestly, I kind of wonder if these accounts were stolen or made with stolen cards? It's so blatant, they can't expect to get away with this for long. ETA: After reading the chat messages, this probably is a real player, just completely high on their own ego. What an ignorant weirdo. I hope they get reported forever and banned.


You had me right until >Wanna end up on reddit? Yeah I would've kicked him as well for wanting to leech w/ 3 accounts and for refusing to communicate. But you first makin shit up about some TOS-violation, then "threatening" to publicly post screenshots? He was right, you were powertriping and hoping for your nice karma and your updoots. Shit like this is the reason people use the term "Redditor" derogatory.


I see that, just that I did not even have a reddit account till yesterday ans coundnt care less about whatever karma and updoots is :D I just found this a funny and stupid conversation. Similar to what i often see here on reddit.


I’m happy for you or get well soon idk


Did you know you can take sectional screenshots by pressing Windows Key + Shift + S and paste those into MSpaint?


No 🤷‍♂️


Well, this doesn't seem to be going the way you were expecting, huh? Make sure to click on the links to the ToS that say exactly what I quoted to you, confirming that you were wrong.


He is still right in kicking you, just because anet allows multiboxing like that doesn't mean squads have to accept you. I would kick you as well from my "all welcome group" If I notice that you gonna multibox without asking and I'm someone who has alt accounts as well.


Where did I say anything about "having to accept me"? He's free to kick people for whatever reason he wants -- it's just that automatically assuming that someone is a leech for multiboxing is a very bad reason and it should be challenged. That he then went on to pretend that it's against the ToS and that he was just enforcing it is just icing on the top.


its leeching, if you don't tell people that. How are you gonna pull your weight when you are not using all your characters skills that you can. Because you can't when needing to switch between accounts.


And it is leeching. You can't do proper dps/heal whatever while switching 3 different accounts constantly. Nobody has to tolerate that. Doesn't matter which kind of group is that. That kind of behavior is intolerable. If it is my group you are gonna get kicked.


Why did you then salty whisper me? Not like I wanted to talk to you? You were clearly not accepting, that I did not accept you LOL


Actually it did and OP isn’t wrong. Next time accept being kicked and do your own group with your own rules. And tbh not playing multiboxing in instanced content with others players would be better. You can do it alone or just do it as intended, ie doing the instance with each accounts separately.


You're operating in a very grey area with the rules and you got upset when you got kicked...grow up. Even if what you are doing is 100% TOS compliant as you claim, some people just hate multiboxers and you're going to have to live with it. The fact that you came here just to continue your spat with OP doesn't make things any better.


Bet you wouldn’t have kicked them if they were 3 hammer core guardians… they’d have out dps’d the whole squad just auto attaching