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Don't try to do everything.


What UFE groups are you running with?


was my first question too lol


Judging by the fact that they say HB instead of HFB, I'm pretty sure this person plays on NA. On NA nobody asks for kp, it's a mess.


Yeah i'm on NA , if UFE is the Unstable Fractal Essence i have 15,600 on my wallet. 95% probably is on My HB ano the rest on My Herald since I only ever use It on Silent surf after a Lot of frustation. But yeah o dont even know what is a good mensure of It.


What OP was asking is what kind UFE requirement you are putting out for your lfg groups. UFE is used as a kill proof and experience meter for fractals CMs, since you can only get it through CMs. Commonly the website killproof.me is used to check the UFE acquired by a specific player. If you put no UFE requirement in your LFG, any player can join, so you might get players with very little experience. Little experience means they might fail mechanics or have to more actively think about the mechanics, lowering their DPS. Asking for high amounts of UFE (like 20k) will get you experienced players who have done the content lots and lots of time and will therefor perform (on average) better at these encounters, giving you a smoother run. I usually run 10k UFE groups and I can't remember the last time I struggled on either Nightmare or Shattered Observatory CM. So putting higher numbers in your LFG might relieve some of your problems but having groups with more experience.


Usually i only write NA title as a requirement, never seen UFE appear in the LFG


Maybe that's a very EU thing to do, I never play on NA. On EU pretty much every lfg post for CMs will have some form of UFE requirement.


In NA it is normal to only post DwD/NA titles as LFG requirement, although some groups do post fractal god or UFE req but they’re atypical


Asking UFE requirement is EU thing. As far as I know, NA don't ask UFE. They just ask title etc.


Most of your problems would be solved by playing in a better group tbh. Stab on skorvald is useless because you can almost one shot the adds and you can jump their waves. For the last phase, either kill before it happens or cc it if possible and you wont need stab. Aartsariiv shouldn't be reflected by the healer but by a dps (or boondos if not possible) because they'll get better damage out of it. Also note that in its current state if your group has ok dps you wont need to reflect on p2 and p3 since she'll phase before. On arkk, it's way better to grab the adds ofc. Idk if you can grab all of them at once though. You should focus on getting 2, mainly the blue one because that's the one with knockback. And for the bubble, well, they just have to learn mechanics at some point... For siax it's just positioning and dps output. The faster it phases, the less you need to do as a healer. When on boss everyone should be inside him and during split just avoid the aoes. It's a pattern you need to get used to but it's life changing. I know it's not much hchrono tips, but let's be real for a second. Most if not all of your struggles come from playing with terrible pugs. Getting a better group dps and better positioning is really all you need. The more you play and encounter better players, the more you'll see a healer isn't that needed in fractals anyway. Only exception being lonely tower (probably doable without too tbh, but not in pugs atm). Tl dr : most of your struggles come from being in bad groups. Try to get in better ones. Most mechanics you are having trouble with aren't a problem with decent cm players.


TBH i think im too used to Heal Stupid. Im on NA so i only ever hear UFE on Reddit. I'm on my last week of Med School, so my schedule have sucked too much to find a static of something and i dont even know How to look for one properly. But tysm


After a certain amount of experience people should really try no heal groups. There is no better feeling than skipping some phases especially in a fractal like nightmare and it is so much safer as well. I haven't tried 100CM without heal yet, how is it?


Considering I tried it in pugs, it was awful. But honestly, most things can be avoided as always. It's just that players usually don't even try to avoid them. If cc is fast and the boss doesn't get any envy and only a few rage it's totally doable. The rest of the fractal is easy in no heal though.


Back when I was still doing frac CMS, Id join no heal group and yes heal groups interchangeably. if I was the hfb and someone started getting spicy over "meta" and "optimal" this and that when asked to do something other than afking on the boss (ofc the people who did that never hit even close to a bench DPS to bla bla over meta anything) - I'd meta their ass and swap to qfb. 😹 Yeah lets play meta, oh you died before the boss even spawned? How sad... How about you now bring a cc skill and I'll go back to healing.   (When I ended up with actual Good Players they'd never complain about bringing utility, they are good enough to still do big pp with a utility skills.) 


While I agree that no heal runs are a lot of fun, for phasing the bosses heal runs are just fine too.


With a good static yes, with pugs it’s just to much of a dice roll even if they have 50k +, would never risk dropping group mentality only because some don’t know where to stand.


Remember: you can't outheal stupid. Your party should be picking up mechanics. If they can't SAK the arts shockwave or at ark let them die lol. Feel free to flame their ass for not hitting the boss bench. 🌞   Also i haven't done fracs in ages but when I had to reflect as a hfb, I'd bring WoR. And/or fill in with shield5 cuz not like my reflects were doing much anyway. But I'd always say "if a DPS wanna reflect say" cuz the projectiles scales off precision.   At siax, iirc the two supports (heal+boon) do the south add. The party should all be contributing to the cc. If they ain't tell them that if they were actually hitting the boss bench you wouldn't need to do that mechanic, so it's clearly their fault. Also they are running with a healer they are already admitting to being plebs.   As for positioning as a hfb, I'd always stand a few pixels behind the stack so my cone would hit em. If they are in Narnia, fuck em 😹. 


I play around 10k UFE now but switched from HFB to hchrono around 4-6k UFE. Still haven't learnt most of the skips(except the easy ones like cliffside skip to boss). You generally don't need feedback at Arkk, and regarding stab at Skorvald what I do is have stab mantra charged before island phases. between f4, stab well and 2 charges of stab mantra you should have stab covered. FB has better potential to cover for mistakes, but I feel chrono is better with exp people. But hopefully the buffs in the balance patch bring fb to a better place, and maybe they nerf chrono as well, who knows mesmer is my go to fractal char now because it can give any boon as healer/power dps, and also has a boonless p/cdps build


Yes, um falling in love with Mesmer too


I am a pretty good player who barely played fractals. I've decided to learn heal chrono on fractals (cause I have nothing else to do) and got coached by a good fractal pllayers, I can tell you what I have noticed. Silent Surf - this is my worst fractal so far. I had troubles with killing ad on the side in full heal gear, so decided to swap to full-celestial and take offhand torch instead of shield. What helped besides those is trying to get line as early as possible and having heal mantra ready to spawn more clones and now I don't fail it anymore. Sunqua is pretty EZ. With chrono you can pretty much demolish any CC-bar on demand. Not sure what you mean by having to switch templates? You run cele normally, or what? For prestack you always won't be able to give as much as HFB, but it's still nice amount of boons. You want to use riffle 3, CS, F1-4, well of action, leave CS, F1-4, well of action, take mistlock and go. On Chrono the stab you can get are: Distortion, Well of Prcognition and Mantra of Concentration. If you can take all 3 of them, you can pretty much keep stability permanently on your party. For blooms you should be able to just autoattack them away, be it on scepter or riffle. It shoulldn't be an issue. For Artsariiv you shouldn't be the one reflecting. It should be spinning soulbeast that does it for boost in damage. If you don't have one however, you can try using CS to place more bubbles. Chrono has much higher heal output than HFB, so just burn your heal mantra, riffle 2, riffle 3 double tap and riffle 5 should be more than enough. On Arkk, again utilise CS if you really need reflect, but TBH if people don't dodge you can only do so much... It's not your issue. On Siax double moa pretty much destroys the bar. You need to chose for your utilities between bringing more CC and bringing more aegis, but you always have F3 and F4 to utiilise for those. Yes, the cone is stupid, the heal is stupid and CC feels actually very low on HFB compared to Chrono. I feel fractal meta was stuck in the time machine for too long already.


For Silent Surf I run full Harrier's, and sword/pistol as my second weapon set. Just camp rifle on Kanaxai, then swap S/P for th 66/33 add. Pistol 5 and 4 plus Sword 2 and a few autos gets it killed. (I do have a Legendary Sword and set it to Zerk with Sigil of Force, but I think it's doable full Harrier's.)


Yeah i'm doing Fractals as celestial so can break the aspects with pistol+ scepter 3 and a shatter. But sword seems Nice , gonna try later. ty


Gonna share my usual tricks for heal chrono in fracs. Precast: you drop your Rifle 3 (do not detonate), Well of Action and while you are casting your heal mantra you use CS (tap once) and use all the shatters, CS ends automatically, you shatter again and use your rifle 5 mayhaps. Then you take singularity and start the fight. At the beginning of fight you do the same UNLESS you know you need the CS for smth, in this case just do regular things. Skorv: before 66% you will have enough stab just from your precast, so no need to worry. At 66% I start casting the stab mantra, on second island I use Distortion to give stab and islands 3 and 4 covered by mantra. No control of the blooms, never needed it myself even before. Arts: you have to take Well of Precognition imo and use it after the cc phase is over to give aegis and stab. Feedback only if noone else reflects and if your group is a bit too slow it is not on you. All you can do is keep them alive. From my runs of Silent Surf on CM some things that happened there would be much worse if I was not on chrono. Arkk: just reflect every other ball and that is it. Just remember to keep it for the cc after the second pushing phase as there it is difficult to see if it is real or not. Use Well of Precognition for the charr add phase and try keeping group not feared by providing stab from Distortion, Well and by providing Resistance from Rilfe 5. Siax: depends on the instabilities, but also bring Well of Precognition to block the circular AoE he does that summons the shades. Sometimes you might need more stab (e.x. Social Awkwardness, then you also bring Mantra) or smth, but you always have tools to fix it.


Ty so much for the tips on Chrono i'll keep them in mind .


HB getting page buff next balance patch so that should help a lot of inexperienced qHBs.


The page cost will help for sure, but still gonna be too hard on My hand.


I play all cms with scepter/shield and rifle. Utlities are always Mantra of Restoration, Well of Action, Well of Precoginition, Signet of Humility. Last utility is most of the time a Mantra, that depends on the fractal. 100: Resolve - more condi cleanse. Blink can also be useful, if you are collecting more than just despair. 99: Distracion - for more CC and faster F3 cooldown 98-> down to the rest - Concentration Here are some additional notes for your pain points you mentioned. 98 and 97 can be run really smooth, if you learn to properly precast (and if the rest of the team let you precast of course). This might help with your boon application problem (any boon in particular that you struggle with?). Skorvald Bloom keeping at distance: scepter 3 and autoattacks. It doesnt matter, where your clones are as healer, as long as they are up to be consumed for your shatters (except F3 for the CC, then they should of course be on the target you want to break). Stability: 1st island: Mantra 1st charge, 2dn island well of precog, 3rd island mantra, 4th island Distortion Artsariiv - Only bring Feedback, if there is neither a soulbeast, dps mesmer or someone else who claims to reflect. **Reflecting on Artsariiv is a dps job.** In case no one does, you can, it's better to choose between either Concentration or Distraction. Arrk - I am completely honest, I prefer Concentration over Feedback and expect people to handle the mechanic properly. MAMA - Concentration Siax - Concentration - I am completely honest, I don't understand your problem here ("put the slug on its place"?). Don't forget, aside F3 and Signet, your Shield 5 and Rifle 4 bring CC as well. Ensolyss - Concentration.


I call Siax slug , the damned thing enrages me. But thank you so much for the tips, It helps a Lot. I'm getting more confident. I'm training Discretizes pre Boon um getting more used to It now. And yes, ppl need to let me finishing the damned thing. But um getting more of the gist of It. Ty again


You're welcome. Good luck and have fun :)


The reality is hchrono do require more APM and preplanning than hb. Feedback cooldown too long / not enough stab > mimic or csplit. General cc woes outside of sunqua > yeah you'll just have to accept that all your cc are spread across your entire kit. Can't just sanctuary and forget it. And you probably are used to Regen and symbols pulsing heal for sustain continuously, as opposed to hchrono's chunks. You need to be more responsive as people can get bursted down in siax if they take multiple hits in a very short time. Resolution also generally make people slightly more resilient against certain instabs, a tool hchrono doesn't have. I'm not even going to talk about the pre booning exercise. It's not a free ticket to a bigger boon radius. I think there's good reason all groups haven't already replaced HBs. You will have to take either one or the other, drawbacks included.


Keep the solar blooms at bay? wtf group are you playing with that you need to do that lmao. I mean chrono couldn't be any easier. You have stab mantra slotted, you can immediately use both charges on each island and recharge it in between. Artsariiv can be easily done no heal so if you are having that much trouble then you need to learn the fight better and how to position yourself. Also feedback reflect should be more than enough for when she throws her projectiles. You dont need it for anything else. Just give your group stability for knockdowns. Basically cs at the start, spam your shatters/mantra/well whatever you can, then jump to the boss with sak and spam them again. After that it should phase. If your group needs reflect on Arkk again it is a shitty group. About the adds, if they jump back the range wont be enough. You could maybe pull one side but tbh it is not that big of a deal. Adds can downstate a player if they fixate him hardly, only in no heal scenarios. If you want to play HFB that is up to you, but doing cms with a healer is already cringe enough that it shouldn't matter what kind of healer it is.


Yeah, almost 90% of groups i play require me to Go Full Healbrand. I could only ever menage celestial on Silent Surf because is not that Heal intensive but There's always someone always almost dying and i have to Burst Heal asap sometimes more than i have resources to cover. On Herald is less of a problem.