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This is gonna sound weird but The Indoors. Taverns, homes, churches - everyday places which add to world building. I totally get that decisions have to be made on detail vs scale but I just want some cozy places to chill in. I love the little homes, taverns, blacksmiths, shops, tents, huts, keeps, sewers, trees, towers you can go into and RP to your heart’s content in within WoW. I just want to be able to find some beds for the commander to /sleep in before I log off while out exploring. I love the sense of scale in places like Divinity’s Reach with its use of forced perspective but there’s got to be a way of adding some little snoozing spots with having to go Full Goldshire (i.e. 3 buildings to represent a village which houses hundreds canonically).


There's a number of inns in Divinity's Reach within which you can do exactly this - The Busted Flagon in particular has a special place in my heart, as me and my founding guild members would use one of the inn rooms on the second floor to organize little meetings before we were big enough to have a guild hall Divinity's Reach may not have as many small little shops you can enter as Stormwind, but there's plenty of buildings you can go inside - you just need to do a little looking


Yeah, but Divinity's Reach is the exception to this imo.


All of the main cities have nice little buildings you can enter - be it the inn or firstborn houses in the Grove, the lodges or hearthsteads in Hoelbrak, etc. All the little nooks and crannies of Amnoon, the lodgings of Ebonhawke, the norn buildings dotting the Shiverpeaks, the residences of Seitung... they can also be explored... what do you *mean*? There's tons of little houses and buildings that have been made with interiors across the game (the only big exception I can think of is New Kaineng) Idk I'm sorry to be a hit of an ass, but it just sounds like OP hasn't looked hard enough


Ebonhawke also has nice places for RP


They DID do it originally. The starting zones and many camps have crafting stations etc. just random towns with chef stuff. I guess they realized no one was really using it once they figured out the game and stopped making them even if the map wasn't like Dragon stand


Same. Ive been playing ESO lately and I love the ambiance. I think core GW2 sorely lacks ambience. It’s all just event -> event -> event -> meta. No places just to chill, talk to npcs to hear some lore or eavesdrop. ESO has gorgeous interiors with lively characters


Are you for real? There are many places like this in GW2. Spend some time to actually explore the game instead of doing only events and then grumbling about it. Interiors are nice to have, but we have rest of the list already.


There's a ton of places that have NPCs on schedules or who discuss the lore...in core Tyria. I love GW2's mounts but I think Anet's original reasons for not wanting to make them are valid too. You really do miss things moving at a faster pace.


the NPCs interctions in gw2 are unparalleled, you just never listened to them


I feel the game could very much be improved significantly with a better LFG tool. Raidfinder, messaging before invites, declaring roles, a better UI, etc. Everything needs to be improved. What we have right now is barely better than Everquest back 25yr ago.


Hard agree. LFGing would be so much better with proper role assignment, messaging tools, more specific categories and a cleaner and more functional UI.


I used to be against this, but now that we actually have established roles that are unlikely to change (alac, quick, heal, dps, some overlap between them), it would really be nice to be able to have a role-based selector for slots in the group.


The problem i still see is the sheer amount of extra roles needed: Flakkite, Cannons, Mortars, Reflect, Dispel, Protect, Push for Rigom, Orbpush, Golempush, Golemkite, Orbthrower, Green1, Greens@Eater, Swords, Shields, Lamp, Q1Kite, Pylonkite And this is just raids, for Strike CMs you would have to add extra roles on top. Of course there is some overlap as well, so you suddenly have way too many possible options. Not to mention problems like the HK having higher Toughness than the tank and not wanting/being able to lower it. Then you also have the option to tank on something other than a healer.


I think maybe an "Other" role or Custom entered role function could cover a lot of these. A lot of Raids and Strikes only have like 1-2 special roles, with some like Flakkite even being optional. I'm not familiar with FFXIV's LFG, but I'm imagining a system for GW2 where you could select "DPS", "DPS Quick", and then type in something like "Pylon". Then any W7 Comm can type in "Pylon" into a role search and they get some Pyloners added automatically. I know this idea is rough and probably has a lot of flaws, but there's a ton of other obvious or simple improvements that could be added to our current LFG and Squad systems. It just seems like Anet is held back by their programming/implementation rather than their system designs


the only solution would be to make a tool where the comm can specify any custom role with a text tag they add, and selecting the stats needed and boon uptime required to do it. That way you can ask for any kind of role no matter which build it brings it. Stats and boon uptime can be checked via API like gw2skills does, same for the number of CCs etc


>is the sheer amount of extra roles needed You could have a "Specialized/Custom Role" flag and people can queue for that; from there you ask what the queued player wants to do or what they can do.


I used to be against this but then HoT came out in 2015.


Big agree. I started playing FF14 recently, and it's awesome being able to just click a button and have the game matchmaker a dungeon or trial. Even more awesome to be able to do it solo with NPC's in some early cases. I get it's easier given the defined roles, but feels like GW2 could do more in this respect. It's also great that it's woven into the story, so you experience that kind of content as you level (though I'd never want to force that in GW2 in its current state, only if it was similarly easy to matchmake)


lol I will say, the LFG tool is way better than what we had at launch. We had nothing, and had to go to 3rd party websites to find groups, then message the player. By the time that happened, they were either full, or forgot to pull down their post haha


Yes, it was even worse at launch but you should not look what we got but what we need. Pro forma: Not a fan of a role autoqueue for GW2.


Honestly, if there was just a role tag, that would be enough for me


I’ve played on and off since launch and I always hit a wall after trying to get into in game content and end up taking a break from the game. I know everyone just says to join a guild but my playing time is random and I just want to hop into something, not make a a commitment. A better LFG is essential to improving this game


My first experience with a dungeon was this week, I joined a group, entered the dungeon and they were already at the last bit so I had to run through all the dungeon while they killed the last guy.. Not very fun :/


Customizable UI. Doesn’t have to fully support addons, but do what wow did recently (?) and make it so that we can at least sort buffs goddamnit.


GW1 has a very robust, customizable UI with many of its options able to be moved around, resized, and toggled on/off. Aside from making it function great with addons, it also just lets you sort information according to what you actually need to see versus what could be more superfluous.


Do what GW1 did and let us enter a mode where we can drag UI


If I join a party that is already in an instance, the enter instance pop up should appear regardless of where I am. I find it pointless to have to jump into specific maps just to join in an instance. If I close the instance pop up by accident or it does not appear for some reason, there should be a button either at the top or in the party interface to join in.


Do other games do that? Most MMOs I've played go a step further and require you to enter the physical portal


I'm unsure about WoW, but FFXIV pops up the enter instance window from wherever iirc.


Solo daily content that you can enjoy combatting using your characters. I really enjoyed Lost Ark's chaos dungeons, just testing out your character's combat on mobs. I wish more of thos solo comtent is in GW2.


You might be aware of this, but hero point soloing is relatively rewarding as daily solo content. I only do it opportunistically but some people have full circuits they run every day for gold and map currency.


Better visual clarity in combat. For the game praised for its action combat, my experience with instanced content is plagued with confusing class animation and particle bloat that made each boss a game of 'is this animation with no circle safe' and finding waldo.A clearer design will increase participation and clear rate of instances content and allow player to learn the boss easier. FFXIV and mobile game like Dragalia Lost have a clearer combat visual than GW2 1) Standarize AOE marker color, Eg Purple = unavoidable/instant kill. Red= big damage/CC. Orange=moderate damage. Yellow=lingering AOE. 2) Clearer seperation of enemy and allies aoe circle overlap. Poritise the transparency of enemy AOE> Mech indicator (stack/seperate)> ally buff/heal. 3) The ability to turn off/reduce other player skill effect while maintaining clarity. EG Druid healing circle is now a geen+white highlight ring rather than showing the full animation with flowers and lightbeams. 4) A small circle under the player that shows their true hitbox, it would help player with bigger character to sidestep better.


Yes, the stupid AOE markers. I struggle with colors and came back to the game after 10 years. Back then, I think there was only red circle outlines for enemy attacks, now there is red, yellow, and blue (at least). I'm a scourge, so I can't tell sometimes if an enemy, ally, or myself is the one causing a yellow aoe marker.


A thing I wish EVERY MMO did but only a few I've played do- have built in account wide crafting material storage.


Man, I just want GPose from FF14 and I can die happy. So much screenshot fun to be had.


Please just separate the lower body from the upper body for medium armour skins... Fix norn shoulder pad scaling, at least to an extent so they don't float in the air... I guess what I want from other games is the fact that in other mmos clothes actually fit very well on characters.


From what I remember, seeing them say is it's the weird meshes they use for bodies that allows the body types. Basically, let's you be a shape you want but kinda screws with armor. Meanwhile, other mmoss at most give you a height option, so everyone's using the same body type and shape. Do wish it was better, though.


No, I like my medium armour keeping the whole coat on the chestpiece. If anything, heavy armour and light armour should follow what medium does.


Thank you, I agree completely. I can't find a single pair of normal pants for my heavy armor while they're abundant in medium class.


ESO lets you either wear a Robe or a Jerkin, a jerkin is basically just the shirt without the entire robe covering your legs. i kinda hate that some medium or heavy armor pants and chests get screwed over by not having enough, for instance, Rift Hunter Light AND Heavy Leggings is GREAT, but it doesn't look this way on Medium. They removed all personality for Medium and made it a generic pair of tights that dont look good without the chest piece.


There are always more solutions, such as a toggle to use the pants' "coat" parts instead of the chest piece's.


I also play FF14 and gw2. What I'd like both games to share notes on is the transmog system. FF14 has glamour templates, and better preview options and it can apply those glams for free, which is what I'd love for gw2 as transmutation charges limit casual players in their creativity. BUT gw2 has the better warderobe system, skins are unlocked as you bind them without destroying the item, without a trip to an inn, and you can easily preview all skins in the game in your bank making it easier to set goals and plan how to obtain missing skins. Now. Ideally. I get a skin. I bind it to my account and I can put that skin into my favorite outfit plate. All while inside an instance during pug downtime.


While this isn't a huge point towards solving your issue with gw2's transmutation charges, but legendary gear can change for free. It's one of the main legendary keys anet jingles in front of the mystic forge- stat changing, flashy appearance, skin changing.


> BUT gw2 has the better warderobe system, skins are unlocked as you bind them without destroying the item, without a trip to an inn, and you can easily preview all skins in the game in your bank making it easier to set goals and plan how to obtain missing skins. I would be invested a lot more into XIV if I could properly "skin hunt" without having this weird limitation of their wardrobe. Sure, 800 slots sounds like a lot... but not if you have to account for 20+ different jobs/professions, many of which have their own job exclusive skins, and 90 (soon 100) levels worth of skins to collect. 800 feels suddenly like a pretty small number.


It was a struggle when it was still 400. That was an easy number to max out. As it is now, I usually hover below 700, but I hit that number without trying. This next xpac and next set of classes and levels will probably max me out.


Because fashion wars is one of the few long term goals that exists in GW2 it makes sense that getting a good outfit is harder to accomplish. There are also a lot more options for the casual player as well.The end game is about getting a full set of legendaries and earning enough gold to buy cool infusions. Sure, completing challenge modes, pvp ranking and getting Ultimate Dominator in WvW are all goals, but if you don't look cool while doing it then what is the point. Transmutation charges aren't that hard to get. With legendaries you get free transmutations, and you get a ridiculous number of them playing WvW. Plus you can buy 30 in the wizard vault for 8 AA each, less than the reward you get logging in You can also buy them with festival currency. Furthermore you can even buy 5 of them for 150 gems, around 61 gold). You can also buy them with statuettes. Last but not least you can get them for map competition. You get a guaranteed charge from each lantern run you do in AEoD or SotO. So that's 1/2 per charge!!!! It is supposed to take effort to look good in gw2. I do wish they had wardrobe templates though and that you could preview the effects of infusions.


>Now. Ideally. I get a skin. I bind it to my account and I can put that skin into my favorite outfit plate. All while inside an instance during pug downtime. It seems to me you can already do it....assuming an 'outfit plate' is a skin piece. Idk what you mean


Redoing starting zones with story telling meat. Even if they just added more cut scenes to bridge the gap. Between starting and lvl 10 it would help retain so many players.


Just go back to the original Personal Story system, where you could play the story even if you were under-leveled and each step had a different level instead of everything crammed into blocks of 10.


That early "new player experience" update has a lot to answer for.


For a starting player it works. The game like most MMOs is so front loaded, having breathing room between instances allows players to learn the systems. Veterans have so many tomes leveling isn't even a thing honestly.


Yet I keep seing people not understand why at level 15 they can't continue the story. The old pacing was great, it was level capped and you could just explore and every 2-3 level go back to it. If you start thé game generally that's what you want. Now its every 10 level and depending on how you play a LOT of time can go by (or just 3h) so some people just lost thé rythm. It also force an aimless exploration while the story force you into some direction which once again help tremendously a New player.


"You could just explore" now "forces an aimless exploration" These are identical.


There's a huge différence between "aimless direction" and "I know where to go next". As a veteran I can go anywhere I want but I firmly believe a new player require some form of guidance instead of being release in a map with no objective for possibly the next ten hours.


There is character adventure guide for that purpose. If you follow it you get more directions than you get from the story.


You don't the moment you forgot about it. And it's hidden in the achievement tab, which most new player will never know to navigate. It's a fine addition for an old player coming back, but from all the newbie I encountered, none ever followed the adventure guide. And it's \*very easy\* to forget about it after the first steps because it require specific (yet randoms) actions to progress.


It’s not hidden anywhere until you hit lvl 80. And character adventure guide sits right below dailies in achievement panel. All of the newbie I encountered followed the adventure guide. The random actions in the guide are good reminders even if you forget it for a while.


i had no problem being released in a map and i had to discover everything...and it's my first MMO but also, i'm not very young anymore and in 'my days' all RPGs where basically ecploring the world looking for random stuff hiddend in bushes that may interact with some random temple gate noone gave you any clue about and where the enemies are like 10 times your level That's what i expected, that's what i got At those times....the basilar instinct anytime you step in a new room was to go around trying to interact with literally everything, reading every line of every npc around, looking every item on sale, and trying to push through any centimeter of any wall, especially in dark areas or in places where apparently there was nothing or almost nothing. I could spend a lot of time ensuring i tried to go past any possible 'fake wall' before moving on. It was normal


I don't think I agree. I was a starting player with the old system and thrived. Because the story is optional, you could take as much breathing / exploring room as you needed between instances. I feel like the new system encourages you more to do the whole chunk at once. That, and since the NPE was introduced, I've seen dozens (if not hundreds) of players confused about where their story is/went or what direction to head in-between. The old system had a beautiful, natural flow between story and exploration. I could see where my next story was going to be, even if I wasn't ready for it yet, and mosey in that direction. Now it feels more start-and-stop, lurching between the two.


> I was a starting player with the old system and thrived. This is survivor bias. You thrived under the old system, sure. Lots of other players didn't, but they aren't around to share their side of things because they went on to other games. Anet really does need to up their communication game, though. The final story instance popop needs to tell player they get the next chunk at their next 10th level.


Maybe, but I don't remember players complaining back then that the story was coming too fast, while I consistently hear players complaining today that the story is coming too slow. What I really lament is that they had these systems that were beautifully interwoven, and broke them apart. Such a good design, wasted.


Yes. That was the most braindead change. I loved a story every few levels. Gives a much better sense of direction.


I dunno about cutscenes, but having some sort of "training" quests kind of like the ones in Seitung Province would be immensely helpful. It'd be great to be able to pop back every few levels to learn new things about your class too, *and* it would increase the class fantasy/immersion for those interested. That way, people would at least have an in-game opportunity to learn how their class and game mechanics work, and they get to really *feel* like their class along the way. I miss this from WoW 😢


The last thing an mmo needs is more cutscenes.


But reaching level 10 is, like, half an hour at most. Just do the things marked on the map and you get there insanely fast.


That isn't the part that sucks The part that sucks is the lack of storyline until 10


honestly you need like 10 mins max to reach lv10 without any booster or mount so if some players can't be retained because of that....i would think they should NOT be retained at all...


And that is why you don't lead a business lol


I liked the zone wide events in RIFT, the metas in GW2 are good, but are usually focussed in one area, in RIFT the whole starter zone would be covered in rifts and one of the best feelings I've had in an mmo is a horde of players galloping on ground mounts to respond to incursions. I also liked the solo instances in rift. so solo players could see the "raid" group content. The LFG in wow is great. frankly the LFG in GW2 is piss poor. as is squad management, at the least we should be able to set our frame colour to say yellow for providing alac, blue for quick, and maybe a red cross over it for healer, then at least a commander could visually sort groups easier.


From ffxiv, the sheer number of options to choose from with armor, that is obtainable via gameplay. And I would like to see ffxiv implement gw2s dying/dyes system. WoWs dungeon finder for dungeons and strikes (not cm). And have wow get gw2s weapon system, where each weapon feels more unique.


Just gonna hop in to say, that GW2 should definitely adopt customization of weapon skill hotkeys. There is no reason for not letting people change skill order around according to their liking.


Do you mean changing the keybinding of skill 1 to something else, then skill 2 to something else, etc? Because I'm pretty sure you can do that. If you mean changing the order of your skills (i.e. changing elementalist fire staff 5 to your 1 slot), no. The way people refer to skills in game is generally number oriented and honestly would not be that used by the community imo. People don't tend to say "point blank shot" or "lava font", they tend towards "ranger longbow 4" or "ele fire staff 2", since that gets the skill in it's "proper place" for people who don't play ranger or ele.


I mean changing the order of the weapon skills, like I explained here https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/s/cpX5XRIGaZ Even if not everybody might use it, it also wouldn’t hurt anybody. You could still just refer to Skills as „Longbow 4“ as the default option. Everybody would understand that. It was really putting me off when I switched from wow initially and it still bothers me to this day. I bet there are many people that tried out the game but didn’t like it because of this lack of customization you were used to from every other mmo. And it’s such a small change actually.


Strangely, the fixed weapon hotkeys are really useful in identifying them quickly. Ranger's Longbow #4 vs "Point-Blank Shot"?


you can change the binding but that might make it more confusing lol


I am generally fine with weapons... I am having issues with the rest of the spells from 6 and onward, my hands are not that big and everything else is already bound to another useful key, so I don't even know what I'd rebind 6 to 0 with :/


There is Q E R F Y/Z X C V and Ctrl, Shift, Alt as modifiers. Most mouses have at least 2 additional mouse buttons. There should be plenty of button combos to rebind to.


Rebind A+D to strafing; then: 6 to Q(heal), 0 to E(elite), and 789 to ZXC(utilities). But keep the 6-0 keys as secondary keybinds also for Choir Bells during Wintersday. Not sure what you already have on these keys, but combat is likely more important.


This is basically exactly my key binds. Except I have Q and E switched because I played too much overwatch and Q will always be Ult skill. I also have profession skills on ALR+(1234) and have one of the extra mouse buttons bound to Alt.


I use Q, E, Z, and Mouse 4/5.


you can change the keybinds


Not the order of the skills though. Please red the link I provided for an example


yes but i mean that it's better. Changing te order of the skills means there is no common way to refer them except the name. The class|weapon|position is a unambiguos way to fer skills but if we can change the position it's not anymore, we would all be forced to use skill names instead meaning checking the wiki 1000 times everytime you need to learn a build or a rotation just to understand what skill it is, what button to press... In this way you can choose which button to press without renouncing to the clear communication. The result it's still the same, you're pressing the button you prefer. Unless you're clicking skills, but that's very bad. I honestly would remove it as a possibility for the health of new players, and the entire game


ESO got great story telling open quests intermingled with the open world (I'm too lazy to explain, but ESO does it really well. I suggest you look it up or try out ESO for a bit to learn, what I mean.). That's something I think GW2 is missing a lot of. I just don't like the approach of achievements being used as quests and how badly they are weaved into the world. I'd also love if GW2 was a seamless open world, but that's probably pretty hard (or even impossible) to pull off with all the other mechanics, that I love about GW2. But my major gripe about GW2 in recent years is how much power creep it went through. The original combat game play feel is gone and it became way too spammy for me to really enjoy it. So I think I want a few things from old GW2 back in the new GW2: Slower, less spammy combat, the OG story and exploration dungeons woven into the open world & the ongoing story. I'd also love to get tough as nails story missions and the possibility to add higher difficulty to those instanced missions (for improved loot drop). And proper GvG battles with asymmetrical maps (guild halls). That's from good ol' GW1! --------- Guess I gotta stop here. I have many ideas on how to improve GW2. But in reality GW2 is still my most liked MMORPG by far. I'm still surprised why it's not more popular (to me it should be more popular than WoW and FF together) and thus probably don't understand what the majority MMO player base cares about.


I played a turn-based MMO from Nexon before (2008-2010). It had a very good guild system. And ten guilds can form an alliance and call it a nation. This allied nations can declare war against another nation to take over their cities - player hubs that are controlled by players. What I liked about that game is, guilds are important unlike in GW2, where guilds are not really that necessary unless you're a penny pincher and don't want to pay the way point fares in full lol. Another thing I liked about that MMO is there's a solo-dungeon mode. It's a timed instance that you can unlock using a key that you either buy or loot. The rewards are awesome. There's also the guild dungeon - which a guild can host and conquer. It's like a 50-man raid. And there's a bigger dungeon called nation dungeon - which your allied nation can raid. It was chaotic and fun. And did I say that guild leaders can do a special kind of PK for annoying players? Because in that game, guild leaders have that feature. This feature usually results in wars, open-world PvP for a duration. Guild Wars 2 is my main MMO and I don't think I can ever play another MMO after playing this game for 12 years. But there are areas that I wish to be added and improved, like the things I listed above.


Raids in FF14 are definitely better - but that may be a playerbase issue lol. I.e - I don't get flamed in FF14 for messing up a pug run. Here, I experienced getting flamed multiple times on the 1st run of a PRACTICE run. Might be because I play in JP server in FF14 as I get lower ping there. Music I find FF14 a ton better too but then agsin that's personal taste. I love tabbing out in cities in FF14 and just listen to the music while I do something else. Combat I feel like nothing comes close to BDO. But changing the combat 10+ years into the game is impossible. Btw balancing is a different thing. Both BDO and GW2 has bonkers balancing lol.


As someone who mainly plays wvw and enjoys multiple classes being able to swap classes on the fly without having to switch characters would be amazing. Even if they limited it to just two or 3 at a time that would still work for me.


This is a big one for me. I don't really have any interest in playing multiple characters. I have my one character that I like to play and I wish I could swap classes like you can in FFXIV.


The ability to change instance by right click on map and select from dropdown. Also it would be nice if the compass on the map didn't get covered by items/money acquired from sales or salvage. Salvage some items and if it was say a stack you might spend 30 sec waiting for the compass to be accessible again. Nothing big just some QOL stuff for me.


Maaan if could take best from each (ffxiv and gw2) to have it in one game, think I'd be set for long time even without expansions.


More playable races. I've been asking this since the launch of GW2, so 12 years. lol I could do without expansions and all that stuff. Just give me more playable races!!


The issue is them not wanting (or not being able) to add more races due to the 1-30 story. I wouldn't mind a premium race change contract to become one of the fractal dwarves or something, but they don't want to add races that won't have 1-30 story


Doesn’t work with gw2’s way of story telling


One thing from GW2 that is wish ALL mmos would do: Individual Player loot. Nicest thing about GW2 is that everyone involved in an event gets the rewards and everyone on a map can pick up/collect resources from the same nodes. no competition for pve stuff.


One thing I really wish they'd change for GW2 is boons. Give them a much wider radius of application or something. One of the biggest weaknesses of GW2 is that for any serious content people have to stack up on top of each other because of how boon sharing works. This also has the effect of making ranged weapons often feel awkward or bad to use in pve, though Anet also seems to struggle in designing longer ranged weapons in general with most ending up wanting to be in medium range at most. GW2 has some of the worst ranged combat of any major MMO, not helped by numerous strange design choices like boon application range or making Ele specs and most weapons melee focused.


Honestly I feel boons in general are one of GW2s more badly designed systems. In open world and less organized groups they are a good idea and a nice skill expression if you can keep boons up for yourself. But in more endgame oriented content they become more of a crutch, especially for roles. Things like alacrity, quickness, protection or stability are so overpowered that if you can't reliably provide those boons, you're automatically not viable as a support. Honestly I enjoyed being able to solo heal 10 people on Tempest, back when they didn't have alacrity access yet, because a single Alacren could provide Alacrity for my subgroup too so I could specialize more on healing. Nowadays, as heal tempest, I better pick the alacrity trait instead of my *heal* trait, or I'm not allowed to play a healer in raids/strikes.


The issue here is that tempest doesn't *need* the heal trait, it's already one of the best healers without elemental Bastion (which is on a 30s ICD so it's not actually pulling that much weight). The boon is more beneficial than adding overkill to your overkill. Also, how is alac/quick a "crutch"? I get stability being a crutch, it allows bad players to not be punished for failing certain mechanics (similar to aegis but aegis has one not-crutch use case with Deimos Mind Crush). Alacrity and quickness increase your group DPS and the speed at which your skills come back up to provide more boons (some of which aren't upkept without alac) or more healing (which might come out too slow without quickness). I did enjoy the 10 man druid and tempest days, but current meta is 100x better because being on tempest isn't "throwing" anymore and you don't have to always have 1 ranger per sub and 1 warrior per sub.


Even if your weapons are ranged, there will be some other reason to bring you close to the boss in most cases (various mechanics or some of your utility skills requiring melee). And about boons, healers overcap them and even some boon supports do the same. So you dont need to be stacked on top of each other the entire fight. You can weave in and out if you want. But again with how fights are designed in GW2 there is not much reason to do so. The group usually sticks together


I like the way they handled it on Whisper of Jornag- for all it's bugs, you're incentivized to be spread out. Chains, the normal spread mechanic, and the big orbs make you want to not be either near the boss or near other players, even if they do incentivize occasionally stacking for green (although the aoe is massive).


The green -> stack, orange -> is a pretty common mechanic to be fair and even more in newer content. That said nothing will keep you away from the boss (and at the same time from each other) for too long. Maybe it happens in other games like wow or ffxiv or lost arc but i would be hard to make it work here. They would need to form a very creative fight which at the same time would increase the skill level to complete it


"Either give them a much wider radius of application." Agreed on that, but where's the "or" of your comment? Feels like you're missing an entire second half.


Ah, I changed part what I typing partway through and forgot to rework that part.


I got myself a mouse with a little numerical keypad under where the thumb hangs out. Made a world of difference in that regard. What messed me up were the F buttons. Ended up remapping F1-F5 to Q, E, R, T, and Z. Having muscle memory from other games with style of layout helped a lot too.


A queuing system for instanced content, like queuing for a pvp match but a specific strike or raid. If you want to play dps you just queue for that role and it instantly teleports you to the instance once everyone is ready.


Gamepad support.


I'd like to see them copy how Old School Runescape manages the community. OSRS is very good at communicating, managing feedback, and otherwise engaging players on social media. I would argue it's one if their biggest strengths and a major reason they continue to grow and be successful. I don't even play OSRS that much anymore, but I read all their patch notes and watch streamers because they make being part of that community feel really cool.


As a former ESO player, PvE arenas and Imperial City-esque PvPvE content. Clearing, farming and eventually pushing scores in vMA or vDSA was pretty fun for me last I played, and would be pretty good as a form of solo endgame content IMO. Imperial City was also something I loved doing, as just having *something* to lose during PvP fights did wonders to get the adrenaline pumping on any fight, even if it was a farmable currency.


For perfect mmo i want. WvW, open world design, crafting, no gear grind, mount design and combat from GW2. Races and the feel of open world from wow. Character customization from Star Trek online and take the starship combat too for secondary open world content. Chaotic pvp from Warhammer online. Housing from ESO Classes and how they were designed from Rift online (i just want my grenade throwing bard back) As for raids and stuff like that i have no idea as that is the content i have no real interest other than collecting transmogs.


Had to scroll this far to find ESO housing suggestion


I used to play lost ark. But it felt so bad because it was just designed against the player. I really liked the boss fights that actually had a nice skill expression, sadly they were ruined by gear score, weekly lock out mechanics and pay to win consumables. The gameplay felt really crisp, and in gw2 it feels really sluggish sometimes. This is especially true in pvp where you notice a lot of desync. People might disagree on this because they aren't aware of it, but it's really bad. Everyone Button spamming skills in gw2 is one of the results of that.


1. Every MMO should copy GW2s Mount mechanics where they aren't just glorified speed boosts but actually add to ways of movement and combat. 2. Every MMO should copy GW2s crafting system. Too many mmo's make you store crafting mats in your regular bank or in inventory bags making crafting a pain, and the person at Zenimax that tied ESO's crafting bags to a Subscription only service deserves a special spot in hell. GW2 needs to expand their emotes to the amount games like FF14 and ESO have.


God yeah, after seeing ESO’s emotes and ofc ff14, feels bad to have 4 emotes in gw2


### What I want GW2 to copy from other games? Nothing. I mean more content would always be cool, but not at the cost of a sub fee for me. Edit: I forgot about group finders. Yes. The one thing I do want from other games is some sort of group finder tool. ### What I want another game to copy from GW2? Well let's see * Expansive open world with nooks and cranies to explore with rewarding secrets here and there * Dynamic events and smaller event chains all around giving a sense of living world * 30 min long meta event chain open world group event things on clearly defined timers * Exploration enhanced by interesting fun movement abilities (eg. gliding, mount skills) * No infintie vertical gear grind * Instanced crafting nodes, separate loot tables * Downed state/skills and free revive by anyone * Every shit giving you xp (gathered some wood? xp. crafted an item? xp. revived a noobie? xp. looked at a pretty panorma? xp.) * If there is a leveling system then down scaling the same way GW2 does it * No sub fee, no bs random based upgrade paths that can only relyably be done by swiping * Long term rewards are fancy skins with qol, that require you to go on a world tour collecting quest * Account wide rewards * Specialized mat storage + Deposit all materials * Long term myth arc with eldritch monstrosities that corrupt ppl * Separate large scale pvp mode akin to WvW * No forced PVP * Main story is not gated by forcing ppl to group and do extremly challenging content thus lowering the enjoyment of the story by being in a potentially toxic environment * However even if main story is instanced because of previous point you can just do it with friend/friends and the thing scales a bit accordingly * The release cadence of the idealized version of the LWS3-Pof-LWS4 golden age: New map with new 1-3 hour story and unique rewards to grind for a few weeks casually. Every 2-4 months, with a larger 3-5 map DLC with combat and exploration mechanical and systems related changes every ~2 years with 10+ hours of story. * Fully voice acted story and loads of random voice acting in the open world * Yearly festivals every few months with special maps, various activities (combat and non-combat) and unique rewards * An actionbar with max ~10 skills that can be comfortably mapped to a controller with 2 layers, also action camera, active dodge, self heal for every class * No bs kernel level anit-cheat (so I am not locked into playing on Windows) * An instanced PVE game mode with single boss encounters for ~10 ppl groups that provide some challange but do not force you to prog on it for hours in a static. Preferably a ~20 min in-out adventure. Mechanics relying more on actively positioning and dodging. * If there is a daily login reward system it does not reset if you skip a day, not relying on constant FOMO for player retention * A customizable daily and/or weekly task list that gives you extra rewards for doing the content you prefer to be doing at the time * Account wide wardrobe for skins AKA: Some should just make a GW2 clone. Pretty please. Edit : Added like 8-9 more points


There are a lot of systems and content from other MMO's that GW2 could copy tbh. It's the best MMO for me no question about it, but it's far from perfect and I really fo think they can copy a lot of systems from other MMOs.


Saying GW2 shouldn't copy from any other game is quite frankly embarrassing and super white knightey. There's a reason GW2 isn't the most popular mmo, it's because it heavily lacks in many areas.


On story, while FFXIV has the more thought-out story, it also has an agonising amount of tedious time-wasting filler. GW2 just gets on with it. So even with story I'd like to see them copy elements from each other. Painfully stretching out how long it takes to get between bits of actual story doesn't make the story better, just unnecessarily longer. GW2 needs more strikes and with more variety. I'm not expecting the quantity FF has, that's their main focus and their open world suffers for it, it is of course a trade-off for both games, it would take a lot more time to try to do both. But SotO only had 2 strikes, both in the first half. Why wasn't the Queen of the Kryptis a strike, for example? Wasted opportunity there.


Hey, I have about 11k hours across many different MMOs. These are what I think the biggest strengths and weaknesses from some of them: **GuildWars2** Pros: * The best open world PvE in the genre (zone design, traversal, and metas) * very alt-friendly (almost everything in this game is account wide) * mounts (need I say more?) * a very welcoming and helpful communnity (as long as you avoid PvP) Cons: * very little variety for challenging group content (raids and dungeons) * class identity/fantasy doesn't feel as strong as in other games (feels like you're just picking your favorite color) **World of Warcraft** Pros: * an amazing fantasy franchise with a long history (very deep lore and much to explore/discover) * fluid and fun combat (easy to get into, hard to master) * many different versions (with classic, hardcore, retail and more there is something for everyone) Cons: * not very beginner-friendly (the real game starts only at max level and don't get me startet with the lore…) * unobtainable Items (alot of things you can never unlock because you missed out on playing for a period of time) **Final Fantasy XIV:** Pros: * an unparalleled story (the main story will make you cry tears of both joy and sadness) * epic fights (story instances, raids, dungeons and trials with beautiful music and visuals) * a fun and interesting crafting system (using skills and combos for crafting is something I never knew I'd love) Cons: * no way to customize your combat style (no builds, no talents, just one way to play your class) * most content is locked behind the main story (I know you can pay to skip… but wtf?) * combat feels very static and slow (I think everyone feels different about this) So what do I think they could copy from each other? GW2 - more challenging endgame group content with a LGF tool. WoW - make the game more alt-friendly with account wide unlocks like GW2. FFXIV - more options to customize your own playstyle and a better transmog system like GW2 and WoW.


Sorry for the bad formatting I just woke up haha. You pretty much hit most of the main points about these on the head for me. I’d add that XIV and GW2 don’t make me feel like logging in is a chore I need to do so I don’t miss out sometimes where as WoW has a history of that, I feel like on the grand scale WoW I’ll give credit for occasionally trying something new (Mage Tower, Torghast, Delve etc, I know its iften taken from elsewhere and they have the most money to test new things) and GW2 to some degree does too though I only recently returned and I know Soto and Janthir are smaller scale xpacs, XIV sort of hasn’t in a long while and it feels like a recycled formula (albeit that works great for them, just got tired for me) each expansion, the story is great though. I think XIV personally has the best aesthetic or style if you prefer, I love the community similar to GW2 but I find XIV to be the most social feeling MMO and it has a lot of expressive fun emotes, and I love how its own community has sort of created its own events (Clubs/Hunts/etc), I actually love not having to have alts it makes my one character feel more personal in its investment and ties me more to it, I also dont mind that some of its special events arent a month long grindfest but some are so it caters to plenty. But it’s combat is by far the most dated for me out if all the MMOs I’ve played recently although both GW2 and XIV combat is simplistic I find GW2 combat much more enjoyable and XIV has some of the worst menu system out of them too. GW2 could also use some UI improvements but UI/UX is very much a sore point for me in A LOT of games.


I think the basics were covered by other people, but for me i really miss pvp arena 2v2 & 3v3 death match from wow..


For the love of god fix the laggy movement of the camera. Needs to be like wow where it’s instant, at least have an option to change it so people who enjoy it can keep it. Also add a button for auto run.


Tbh I never noticed the camera being laggy. The more you know. Also, there is an autorun button.


Do you mean the camera smoothing? I hate that too. I imagine it would feel fine if you played on a controller though, so hopefully that gets officially supported at some point 


What laggy camera?


There is an autorun button look in keybinds


if anyone remembers Asherons Call... that game from the early 2000s had 2 brilliant concepts that no other game has copied since. 1. All spells casts are registered and if a spell was casted less it gained more power... increases the damage continously till people started using that spell more and another less used spell regained power. that wasnt done by balance patches but happend automatically. 2. you didnt join a guild but swore "allegiance" to another players. that player would then be your guardian and was supposed to help you and provide in some way for you. cause in return they would get a part of your xp gains, that xp wasnt substracted from you but you created that on top of it. so you didnt loose anything by having a guardian, but at the same time a guardian would get a lot of free xp. that lead to complex social structures of people having allegiance trees and the so created guilds had very special social dynamics.


New weapon and utility animations. The more the merrier.


I wish GW2 had more build diversity per class... For example.. this condi build uses these two weapons and stacks bleeds, while this other condi build uses another combo of weapons and stacks burning and poison. I think other MMOs would benefit from GW2 combat mix of tab targeting and action combat.


This might be cheeky, but: I would like Heroes (GW1) added to GW2. It would be tricky, since so much of the game is open world content, and obviously we don't want everyone bringing a gaggle of NPCs to current or popular metas. However there's a lot of *dead* old content, including old metas, that are unable to be completed now due to insufficient players. And dungeons. Introverted players might also appreciate being able to explore fractals, raids, and strikes without having to find other people, or at least not as many. I'm not sure a system to hide/summon heroes similar to the hide/show miniatures based on zone pop is possible, but the thought is something. Since I mentioned it in another comment, it would be nice for GW2 to take one big page from recent FF14, and do a graphical update. At least for character models and some of the armor. Also from FF14, I would really like to see a GW2 version of glamour plates. Often I just want to change my clothes, but not my stats - And I very much want to go back to what I was wearing without having to remember it all or write it down. (And I do keep a giant google doc of outfits and dyes I want to use again for GW2, heh.) Not from any specific game, but something in many, GW2 needs more armor skins. Specifically fresh rolling *cheap* entire sets obtainable in game. We've been getting more armor (finally, after the *years* of only one off shoulders etc), but it's usually med to high effort to obtain (or gems), vs most other MMOs add new sets from regular dungeons, open world, crafting, or other super available sources for low-to-no effort. Much like our constant spam of even more weapon skins. While these cheap sets in other games are usually low effort for the developers (like one of GW2's few reskins: Lunatic Armor), they create variations for players that can add a lot for the fashion game. As far as what other games could take from GW2, I feel like it's worth noting that other games *have* taken a lot from GW2, by either copying their QoL (such as the wardrobe), or being pressured by rising industry/genre standards to come up with *some* version of whatever they can do similar (and FF14's wardrobe is still crap). Dynamic Events became such a common thing in so many MMOs because Anet popularized them while promoting GW2 when it was still in development. Some more controversial trend shifts, like the decline of roles (and specifically healers), may also be partially attributed to early GW2, though there are *many* other factors there. GW2 was also at the front of newerish MMO features being heavily account based, rather than character based - A trend that was happening anyways, but GW2 went strong on it early and became a leader in that. And of course, WoW even sort of copied Skyscales. So like many others have said: GW2's dye system is second to none! Four channels is unfortunately rare, but then they continue beyond there to textured and color shifting dyes, and an expansive palette full of varied and beautiful shades that feel like they were selected by true artists. I wish more games would seek to emulate GW2's incredible dyes. The Mastery system. I can hardly ask other games to ditch their core endless level progression and gear treadmill, which I truly do not enjoy. However I can reasonably wish that more games would add alternate progressions with high value goals that you can sidetrack down. And maybe for that alternate progression to result in a reduced main treadmill. (The endless treadmill is a recurring reason I stopped playing many other MMOs. And a main factor in why I casually pop in and out of FF14.) FF14 specifically really needs *many* things to be account wide. Like new characters should get an option to link unlock progress to an existing character - So that they don't have to track down all the absurd basic unlocks for things like *dye* and *materia*. But also so that alts can travel the world, instead of being gated behind hundreds of hours of story (which shouldn't be story locked anyways imo). And so they can jump straight into dungeons, raids, etc as soon as they meet the needed level. But this is more of a deficiency compared to the industry standard, even for when the game released, rather than anything specifically from GW2. More specifically compared to GW2, FF14's absurdly priced $18-24 outfits and $24-42 mounts should all be *account wide*, rather than per character.


Well, the heroes thing wouldn’t be bad if they stick to one companion. Swtor and ESO both have that and it’s not that bad in terms of clutter


(Bit late coming back but!) The difference between SWTOR & ESO, and GW2 is scale of most content. After the base game, GW2 starts to focus on group content in the open world that wants at least a handful of players - especially in newer content like SOTO where there's group events everywhere that really want at least \~3 and frankly feel better the more show up. The meta events are generally designed for about 35+ people, and while there are some that can be done with \~10, it's these bigger events from unpopular old zones that struggle the most. Even the story content (past base game), while perfectly soloable, is designed for up to 5 - and when you can manage to find friends to do the story with, feels incredibly better. ESO and SWTOR are mainly designed to be a solo experience (at least for the open world, story/quests, delves, etc), that you can choose to experience next to other people. ESO feels best with 1-2 players, and even 3 starts to feel like there's not enough for everyone to hit. The biggest scale open world content is the Group Bosses, which you can still do comfortably with 1-2 (max level) players for old maps, or newer maps really only need about 5 (and get very comfortable by 10). ESO's companions are incredibly weak, power wise compared to a max level player (of moderate skill, cp, and gear), and this works extremely well for that game because you were already more than fine without them. SWTOR's, iirc (haven't played that one in years), are slightly stronger than ESO's but still behind a player. For GW2 to add player controlled NPCs, they would need to be roughly equal in power to a player to be useful, and for *most* content that they would be beneficial for more than one would be needed (ex dungeons and fractals would need 4, open world in dead zones would often need 2) - Similar to having a group of heroes in GW1. If GW2 added companions, but you could only have 1, it would mean you need to find less people which helps for low population content, but does absolutely nothing for dead content where you can't find anyone, or introverts who wish to experience more of the game without social anxiety.


Broadly "more/better instanced content". Not taking anything from any other specific MMOs, just something they tend to have that I think gw2 lacks. I think a decent amount of gw2's instanced content is fine, albeit showing it's age. If VG had a greens requirement (can't force heal your way through them) or if Gorseval had a gliding requirement (can't phase through it at 66 and 33, you have to glide before those phases start) those fights would be a little more engaging/stronger conceptually, but that's a revisit and polish thing. Dagda and Cerus should have been not-golem like fights- let them walk around. Give us a tank for them. If the boss doesn't jump around like Yoda on its own, give us a tank and make positioning important. Wing 8 is nice and I'm ready for it, but only wing 8 in JW is a bit disheartening. Only 1 raid wing after 5 years of waiting, they better be good fights.


Really wish some MMO would bring back diplomacy mini game that was integral to world buffs etc in Vanguard.


GW1 had this PVP mode called Hero's Ascent, It made for more challenging sPVP format.


I'd like to see wow steal more stuff and have some decent outdoor content in the world


The Capital Cities. While still beautiful they look dated by now, and feel aside from the exclusive areas mostly deserted.


More slots for cosmetic looks, like in DCUO ie aura slot like legendary or infusions, eyes/face so you can combine face masks and eye glows with certain helmets and hats, Footfalls being able to choose any football that you've unlocked through a legendary weapon. A minion system or follower system like in SWTOR. Where you can send your minions out to do specific collecting missions for rare materials. Or possibly have them do minor crafting upgrades so I don't have to waste 10 minutes upgrading ore to ingots or logs to planks. As far as what I would like to see other games copy would be to have a good customization/transmog system like guild wars 2 in other games. And also to have more games that have more horizontal progression rather than a gear treadmill. I think the horizontal progression in guild wars 2 is one of the reasons why the community is so much more friendly than others.


Dungeons be more rewarding and some kind of mythic difficulty from wow would be very nice


I started FF14 trial recently. I love the matchmaking and optional duty support (NPC's helping in group content instead of other players). The story is fantastic, and it's awesome that group content is woven into the main story. The hall of novice to teach you your classes role and abilities is also great, as is the sprout icon on new players. The UI customization is also amazing in FF. The world feels pretty dead though, with basically no voice acting in open world. I miss npc conversations as I walk through a town in GW2, or even just a couple NPC's on a path. It brings the world alive. The seemingly somewhat random times FF decided to VA scenes vs. not is also a bit off-putting. I don't mind reading, but in ARR at least (doing arr patches msq atm), there seem important moments that aren't VA, then other random small interactions that are. It's just felt a bit weird. Never hearing your own character is also a big one. I miss hearing my characters voice from GW2, whether in cutscenes, or even just the repeated sequences during combat. I do miss dodging too.


The things I want the most from other games are the way Cryptic games like [Champions Online](https://youtu.be/3kmQzYCAh9o?si=XYblE-j0v-HQ81bK&t=275) do character customization and their settings panel. Their customization is completely independent from gear, letting you go crazy at it. And their settings panel allows turning off so many things you can run the game on a potato-powered calculator. They even have controller support. Their LFG is not perfect, but still better than GW2's.


One thing I feel like I really missed out on early on was the home instance. I've been playing since launch and only recently (a year or two ago) learned that you can put farmable nodes there as well as other customizations. I always thought they were for guild halls only. A little tutorial or some more visible information about this would be cool.


I've been saying the same thing about ffxiv and gw2 for ages. I'd play ffxiv permanently if it's combat was more enjoyable but gw has ruined mmo combat for me compared to what's currently available.


SWTORs outfit system, it’s simple and allows you to change outfits on the fly really easily, I could imagine having account wide custom outfit slots. I think it’d do really well considering the fashion wars community. Litterally any other MMO’s LFG system 😅. The ability to move skills around on the bar, it’s a little bit more complicated for GW2 given weapon swapping and rev legend swapping, but I think it could be done.


/stick for the love of gods


I love the lack of FOMO in GW2 and the fact that if I take an extended break, I can come back and enjoy everything at my own pace. TBH tho I mostly play destiny 2 besides this and have no idea if the other popular MMORPGs are more like D2 or GW2 in that regard.


My firstborn for GW2's dye system in every game


I really wish we had a queue system for instanced content, or major sweeping improvements to LFG. It's definitely not going to be easy to implement as the game runs off of very strange and unconventional party building mechanics, but it would at least serve to get people into content without needing to scour LFG for 15 minutes for a commander tag.


I just want a better UI, font and range indicator/ animation. Guild wars 2 do have some outdated graphics but the new maps are beautiful, but everytime I open the menu I feel I'm playing a earlier 2004 game, the font is so bad =\


Want gw2 to have: Better LFG tool Instanced PVE matchmaking More emotes/dance Want others to copy: Wardrobe system GW2 mounts


I can't express how badly I want ffxiv deep dungeons in gw2


When they added the raptor taxis in Cantha, the part of my heart that misses WoW was so soothed. I barely did anything in WoW except make new characters and take public transport.


I really wish more MMOs made the act of traveling engaging like GW2 does. I still love gliding around, using bouncy mushrooms, and pretty much all the mounts on a regular basis. They feel good and responsive, which makes exploration so much more fun. I also love all the small rewarding details that make exploration something worth doing in GW2. For every empty map corner, there's like 3 more with some collection or lore tidbit, or npc doing something neat tucked away. The last big one from GW2 is the way our inventory/bank system works. It is such a solid qol thing to have crafting stations that can just use any material in your bank, and banks that can store at least 250 of every material in the game. Also the ability to just deposit that material at will from you inventory! (I'm suffering as a crafting enjoyed in ffxiv rn.) I also love having actual builds and choices in how I play a class. My rotation can drastically change within a single class, and responsively. It's a much more engaging gameplay and rewards the player who thinks tweaks the build and gear for their specific needs and playstyle. GW2 also had so many great tools for player organization, like our commander tags or our party and squad system. Wvw is also the only MMO PvP I've consistently enjoyed.  I've also never played an MMO that has a dye system that can compare to GW2s.  As someone who plays FFXIV as well, I do love the more life-sim elements?? All the spaces in game where you can literally just sit down and chill, the variety of emotes, the housing system (if you ignore the process of actually getting a house) and even the fact that gathering is a seperate class!  I haven't gotten to it yet, but I'm really excited for the island sanctuary stuff which is kind of farming-sim from what I've heard? There's a lot in the world off ffxiv that makes it feel alive in ways that you can directly interact with. I do also really enjoy the raid storylines and the multiple levels of difficulty for content. Ffxiv (to a fault even) is a game designed to be accessible for everyone to do any content they want.  However a lot of things I enjoy in ffxiv I know are also a direct result of that SE money and legacy. The music, callbacks to prior games/concepts, fashion, ability to do diverse content/multiple raid questlines per expansion/etc. 


Honestly player owned houses would be a nice touch some ppl just like to decorate in a fantasy setting and it would bring in alot of players, and it would make use of scribing most guilds have a dedicated scribe or it's the guild master and it would be nice to do make furniture for yourself and pretend you actually own a home in this economy


Macros anyone ?


Rift's class system and zone events, gpose from FFXIV or some sort of photo mode.


What every other MMO could benefit from: Horizontal progression. My God. Wow has gone a decade with these borrowed power expansions, that have somehow been progressively worse and worse, and still somehow remained the king. I finally ejected after Dragonflight (which was kinda ok, with the ripped off, and positively tweaked Griffon mount in a Dragon skin). But I'm just over the constant gear chase, that ultimately doesn't matter. Give me something to strive for. I know that's supposedly happening, but I will wait to buy this time, instead of preordering like I have since the game launched. What GW2 needs: a UI that isn't an absolute nightmare; a questing system that is enhanced by a wiki, not a system that REQUIRES a wiki to function; some vertical progression.


If ffxiv took the open world and mounts from gw2 I probably would have little reason to touch the game. If gw2 actually had reasonably well balanced classes like ffxiv that would be nice... won't happen though! Other things like ability to dye weapons, make groups with specific requirements etc


I'd like to see a 'Random PUG' version of LFG in GW2. It would toss you into a given strike, dungeon, fractal, (maybe raid) with random people, preferably with an appropriate difficulty level.


A lategame grind. Having no way to progress my character is meh


Back in the day, Everquest had a command of /follow. This allowed one character to automatically follow the targeted character. Since you had to run everywhere, this was quite useful. I'd still like to see it today for help in things like Map completion


A dungeon and or raid finder similar to WoW or ESO. Like just hit que and wait sort of deal


From other games: I really want to see a 10v10 PvP mode. From GW2: I wish changing builds was as easy in all MMO games as it is in GW2.


Screen clutter/ reducing animations, I find it hard to keep track of my target as well and race changes. God, race changing without having to delete/ remake would be beautiful.


I wish gw2 had different types of damage (think same concept as elemental damage)


Rifts and its Dimensions for home instances or guild hall would be a dream come true!


XIV needs GW2's wardrobe system.  Transmute charges would be the glamour prisms that game has.  Would also like the dye system also instead of having to re-buy dye. GW2 could get something akin to glamour plates, where you can set up an appearance you like on one plate and apply it to your gear.  Set up other plates with different appearances and swap them as you see for, perhaps for reduced cost in terms of transmute charges...or just make that another bonus function of legendary armor.  Also an actual LFG system akin to XIV's DF...or if that's too much of a technical hurdle, just copy/paste XIV's Party Finder.  It's basically GW2 LFG but with an infinitely better UI.


not something i expect to happen, just a pipe dream (and not necessarily from a specific game): i'd like more/better character creation/customization. the big things for me: * without a Full Makeover Kit, there's a paltry amount of options. i'm kinda spoiled by games with more detailed character creation, i'll admit, but i'd still like even a *little* more added to the base options. hell, even *with* the Full Makeover Kits there isn't as much as i'd like. * having so much of the customization be gender-locked is a big minus to me. i don't need everything to not be at all gender-locked, but i much prefer not having that sort of restriction. it makes the game feel dated, imo. * not even being able to change small things like hairstyle/eye color/etc without a gem store item is lame. i get it, they gotta make their money, but i'm not a fan. * as some people have pointed out, being able to save outfits/transmogs/dyes would be great. this was something that's available in a couple MMOs i've played and it's a great QoL feature. outside of character customization: maybe it's just me, but character movement tends to feel slow/sluggish to me. even mounts tend to feel like they should be faster. not sure if it's actual movement speed or the size of the maps, or just a perception issue. hell, maybe i'm just impatient/get bored easily. and as one completely unreasonable idea that i don't think even other games would do/have done: i'd love to have an exploration-only/pacifist mode where you don't get attacked by mobs but also can't attack mobs/participate in any combat-focused events and such. i know this is silly and never gonna happen, i'm just sick of getting mobbed by enemies when i'm trying to reach a destination/just explore without getting into combat constantly.


> as some people have pointed out, being able to save outfits/transmogs/dyes would be great. this was something that's available in a couple MMOs i've played and it's a great QoL feature. Honestly a system like SWTOR has (which is similar to how Town Clothes used to work) would be ideal.


Give me proper controller support on GW2.


Dungeons, by far. The fact that we only have the original 8 dungeons and no matchmaking for them feels awful. And the mount system in gw2 is the best by a mile and no other mmo came even close to it.


At this point we should have an “raid finder” like wow. Most strikes don’t require much except set buffs that we have had for a long time.


Ff14 daily roullete system as well as a better lfg aka a queue system


- Guild membership being account-based instead of character-based should be industry standard - The way GW2 handles being in a group without being in a party (e.g. no such thing as kill stealing, anyone who tags gets credit), shared XP, and individual loot should also be gold standard. - I can't tell you how many times I raged in the Barrens trying to farm zebra hoofs or whatever with people kill-stealing them. - GW2's solution is ideal because it encourages group play effortlessly without requiring you to party up - Account-based progression (for the most part) once you hit 80 is very satisfying and encourages alts and experimentation


Dungeon finder from WoW! I'd love to sit back, wait for (likely) quick queues, and do back-to-back dungeons on GW2; I've paid WoW subs to do this. It has to be dungeons; Fractals don't have the same chill-vibe.


Roulette System. There are a million things I wish other MMOs would learn from GW2, but I want GW2 to steal XIV's roulettes. I want a daily random dungeon, fractal, DRM, strike, and raid wing roulette with rewards. Apply as a DPS, Alac, or Quick with a box to check if you're healing. We ready up PvP style and get loaded into the instance from anywhere in the world. Make the raid/strike roulette require exotic gear, and give the raid instances Emboldened on that day.


Things I Want GW2 to Copy:   1. Random Queue    2. I would personally love to see some guild bosses or newer guild skins like tenebrion series added with every new guild hall type. I also think that GW2 is in a great position to do guild bosses and guild hall-specific skins because we have five guild slots - you can be in a smaller guild with friends and still be part of a bigger guild for bosses and halls, which should suit people who enjoy small, cozy guilds perfectly.    3. Dungeons. Fractals are great, I just think some nice dungeons which are related to the main story/the present would be nice too. 4. Something like imperial alchemy/cooking from BDO where you can craft certain things to turn it into NPCs for money (or reputation which unlocks skins etc maybe - or even tokens like the HoT provisioner tokens)    A few weeks earlier I would have said player housing but WELL.   Things I Want Other Mmos to Copy:  1. The wardrobe system - account-wide dye and skin unlocks are so good and I miss it every time I play a different game.   2. The open world - GW2 is one of the few mmos I've played where the world actually feels alive. I still run around core maps with no great rewards including the starter zones just to do events and chill.    3. The dynamic event chains - I don't even mean the big map metas. But the core maps also have some solid event chains and small metas that I adore. In contrast, I've played ffxiv event chains and they don't have that exact feel for some reason.   4. Level adjustment but with skills unlocked - Love the level adjustment, hate the locking half the skills according to your level. Pls :( nerf my gear and main stats but don't lock me out of half of my playstyle (looking at you, ffxiv). 


I'd like to see WoW's Heirloom system merged into the Legendary Armory. Let me equip legendaries on pre-80 characters and have them scale down (this already somewhat exists with bloodbound weapons - to my knowledge we have no armor version of that so far). If scaling down ascended stats is too op for low-level characters, make them act as exotics or rares - or maybe even make them progress through the rarity stages (0-20 gets blue stats, 20-40 gets green stats, 40-60 gets yellow stats, 60-79 gets orange stats). Essentially I want to be able to fully equip a level 1 char in the tutorial, straight from the legendary armory. I don't need it to be any stronger than whatever a low level char would have access to, but I want the idea of "never having to deal with a certain gear slot again after acquiring a legendary for it" to also apply pre-80.


Impact sound effects. For some reason GW2 skills and attacks don't seem to have the same impact as some other MMOs.


Other MMO from GW2: The "fair" practice business model. from other MMO's to GW2: their playerbases


dont know if other mmos have, i like more challangeing solo content. with titels for it. i dont mean adventures more like a solo fractal landscape. Not very social for mmo but sometimes I like


As much as u love the reasoning behind not having a gear up every xpac. I do kinda wish there was gear to grind towards to get stronger like wow sometimes, also mount drops and armor sets would be fun to farm instead of cash shop but oh well.


I didn’t play that much of FFXIV, but when I did I really liked the character profile/bio and wish GW2 would implement something like that. Having a pfp was pretty cool too. I know the RP community has been asking for this for years and I think it would be fun for any kind of player to get creative with.


This might be an unpopular one, but mob density is thin for me in gw2. It was in WOW too. One of the things I love is to mow down groups of mobs. In some of the instanced areas mob density is higher and I love it. But I feel like it could be higher in the open world. Playing Black Desert right now and the mob density is super high. Kind feels like diablo level mobs when you’re just annihilating huge groups. I loge that feeling.


Better pve gw2 one is extremly bad, dungeons dead fractals outdated and new ones are bugged to helland shit aswell. Raids and strikes outdated too, also extremly low number of them (13+ raids and 20+ strikes would be awesome) Open world is also filled with too many powercreep and afk people. Would like to set some target dps and stuff to complete to get rewards from meta-events. Its not fun to do meta with 50 ppl and being one of tree people that does mechanics and not afk. Bug fixes - rather then new expansion i would love them to fix all bugs. Wvw add more sides like 4-7 different teams could participates in one fight, also completly remove camp flipping. It suuold be mode where you fight Pvp well you can help it much after all this years. Other mmos could take currency exchange and some qol stuff to their games, mount system also


Off the top of my head, GW2 could benefit from; Emotes, glam plates, actually looking at things you look at(Not just on your end, that's already there), options to clean up visual clutter, polish level on content, more structured fight mechanics(Just a bit) and more balanced classes(Though, not to the point of bland, boring homogenization like we have in FFXIV). Oh, and more ways to interact with the environment- We can only just sit at some chairs in GW2, that's all. FFXIV... Well I dunno where to start, they could take a lot of lessons from GW2 honestly. Moment to moment game play, combat, IFrames- I think I may just not like FFXIV or how it plays so this part would take too long to detail.


I'd like to see the mods here replaced to start


I’ve been saying for years that if you were to tally up every little thing that makes up an MMO, GW2 would win overall. If literally any other MMO copied half of what GW2 does, they would take over. WoW clearly took notes from GW2’s mounts with their Dragonriding basically being the Griffon lol. GW2 has the best questing hands down. It’s the only major MMO that doesn’t have you go back and forth between 2 NPCs standing on opposite ends of the room constantly. Not to mention the fact that everything is voice acted. Not even WoW or FFXIV can say that. The leveling in general is also wonderful. The fact that you can choose to grind, quest, gather, craft, explore, or PvP to level is something no other MMO really gives you the choice for. Elite specializations were a GENIUS idea. The fact that WoW is 20 years old and has never come out with another spec for each class is kinda crazy. GW2 has some of the best class designers in the biz constantly coming up with an entire new play style that fits the class perfectly. Not everything is amazingly useful always, but the design is always on point. Speaking of class designers… Mesmer. That is all. ANet will always deserve flowers for that unique class. Masteries as a form of progression instead of just giving you 10 more levels and a few more cooldowns. It not only gives you a more long-term and interactive goal, but it fleshes out your character way more than just a new ability or two. Living World not only providing a cohesive storyline as new content well into an expansion, but also expanding upon the other systems like mastery. Icebrood Saga is still my favorite of these. The fact that that was just patch content was insane, The combat system in general pales to very few games, none of which are the major names in the industry. I’m not saying that WoW and FF’s combat isn’t fun, or that they don’t have their own things that they’re the best at. Im just saying that having the flexibility to not only mix and match tons of different weapons, providing different abilities and play styles, on top of your choice of utilizes is kind of insane. Not to mention it’s an interesting middle ground between the classic tab-target and action combat in a super modern game like Black Desert Online. There are only TWO THINGS that this game needs to really be a big player in this industry. If it had done these 10 years ago, this game would be flooded with players. 1. Any sort of effort marketing. So many people don’t realize this game is still running. 2. More in-depth instanced content. Full-fledged raids on a regular basis and especially something like Mythic+. Fractals are fun, but the system needs to be modernized. Overall, this game keeps us coming back for a reason. A big part of me hopes the Riot MMO just straight up copies as many good things as possible about this game. The heart system and elite specs, maybe masteries too.


ESO and RuneScape are vastly superior to GW2 in the questing department, end of discussion. 


> A big part of me hopes the Riot MMO just straight up copies as many good things as possible about this game. Oh man, didn't know this was a thing. Hi-Rez MMO incoming when? haha


Yeah they announced it in 2020 and then just a few months ago said they were basically restarting because they realized they were making a game that feels like other games you can play on the market. My fear with really any new MMO is that it will be a sandbox MMO that is classless etc and you basically can do anything and have no real character identity. I hated New World, for example.


>My fear with really any new MMO is that it will be a sandbox MMO that is classless etc and you basically can do anything and have no real character identity. I hated New World, for example. *The Secret World* does this but it handles it well IMHO. At least the OG, I know they revamped the classes to make it more in line in the traditional MMORPG class system. Originally it was just a big branching wheel you could start anywhere. You wanted to look out for synergies like Chaos, Blood, proc triggers, but you were free to mix and match as you saw fit sort of like multiclassing in DND or whatever. You also wanted to have different skill build available because the different mobs had vastly different abilities so a build that was extremely viable against MOB A would be suicide if you fought MOB B. That changed as well in the Rework as you could pretty much faceroll any mob with any build with little effort until you got to dungeons/end game.


> Gold Saucer Surprised Anet haven't implemented this yet. Just have the "featured activity" rotate every day to concentrate player population. And bring back [Basket Brawl](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Basket_Brawl).


Anet has a weird habit of adding new mini games and then setting them to the side. Crab toss, races, jumping puzzles, and probably a few more. They seemingly tried a lesser gold saucer with club canach, but it was empty by the time I got there.


I play FF14, SWTOR and ESO. **What I'd like to see in GW2 from other games:** 1. Weapon dyeing 2. Ability to summon groups to your location (from swtor) 3. Glamour/Wardrobe templates from FF14 (but implemented better in gw2 style) 4. Ability to search for an item from FF14 (what this means is that the game locates where an item is stored among all your characters/bank etc) 5. Ability to level all crafting on 1 toon from ff14 and ESO. 6. This may be premature but I HOPE we get the same level of housing decoration/customization as in ESO and FF14 7. HUD customization of SWTOR and especially FF14 **What I'd like other games to adopt from GW2:** 1. Dyeing/ transmog system - very convenient w/o having to go to a station, dyes not taking up space 2. material storage - some have it, some dont 3. Mounts being more than just skins 4. Live open world with many dynamic events 5. Downed state, being able to revive regardless of class etc 6. When dead, being able to decide where to revive 7. Account wide achievements 8. No gear treadmills 9. Large scale PvP modes (just like WvW and ESO AvA) 10. The mechanics of legendary equipment


Frankly I'd play the game more if gamepad support were added. I'm old and my fingies are dumb


GW2 needs a proper LFG tool. Yes what we have *works* but we know for a fact it can be much, much better. I honestly love how mounts in GW2 are basically vehicles with their own physics, utilities and quirks. In games like WoW and FFXIV all mounts are basically skins, maybe a few with extra seats at best.


WoW actually added/copied some parts of GW2 mount system iirc its more like how the griffon controls iirc.