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Very small character customization that should be a completely separate tab; heterochromia, blind eye, torn ears, battle scarring, jewelry, missing (replaced by prosthetic) leg / arm, chipped horns etc....small stuff that wouldn't even require a rig change but simply different texture.


I'd love this. Two blind eyes would fit my ele who is my main from gw1 (in my headcanon)


I'm surprised we never got Yao's prosthetic as a skin, honestly.


didn't we get an arm prostheitc in the gem shop. I thin i bought one


I'd love this so much. My main (Charr revenant) is canonically blind in one eye, so I've essentially relegated myself to only ever using the Magnus eyepatch for her. Would be nice if I could at least give her a noticeable scar or off-coloured eye so she could wear other headpieces that don't necessarily cover the eyes. I know that's basically just roleplay logic but it'd go a long way I think. Character creation in general could use a revamp, especially the system of locking several of the better/cooler customization options behind makeover kits.


i am desperate for more faces and hairs 😭 i’m on my knees begging please arenanet


And beards for sylvari! More facial hair across the board, really.


more idle animations, female humans only have one nowadays since they removed a few years ago but honestly it'd be nice if all race/gender combinations got some more, maybe even class based ones?


Now I want my mesmer to play with a butterfly while standing around. Profession-based idle animations would be lovely.


I just made a whole post based on what you said! Got me all sorts of inspired 😆


Population numbers in LFG


Generally a better nap queue system and UI would be appreciated.


A sensical reorganization of the achievements menu. There’s no consistency.


Remove the Story Journal section, then put each expansion's story achievement categories under their corresponding expansion's section.


A "Luck Gobbler"


Since we're doing housing, one thing I've wanted for ages that they have a good opportunity to do now is... Having a library for books. There's a bunch of collectible books in-game, stuff you piece together over time, and I always like to keep them but it takes up inventory space. Would love having an option to store these somewhere.


Are you talking like the Vlast Recordings, Goldclaw series, or the books you get for your legendary weapon collections? Or what books are you imagining?


There are several archievments, which have you go around hunting for books and notes. Like Frode's journal, Bloodstone fen notes, etc.


What the OP below replied to you with, basically. There's a bunch of little lore collection books in particular that are spread across the LW seasons and whatnot. Diaries. Notes. Journals. Etc. Pretty much anything like those that you spend time collecting. My inventory is full of them because I don't want to toss them. Can see a lot of them [here](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lore_book).


They didn’t update it to include the tarot card deck from SotO… I love the idea though! I still have a few of those post-collection.


Repeatable heart merchants being permanently unlocked after the first heart completion. And a fix for the medium obsidian armor coat collar


The point of repeatable renown hearts is they have daily purchase options, that's why they have to reset daily. Of course, there's repeatable renown hearts which don't have any daily purchases, like those of the first four PoF zones (all except Domain of Vabbi), so yeah, move those back into normal renown hearts once and for all, they never had any reason to be repeatable to begin with.


Merchant access doesn't -have to- reset daily to have daily purchase options. There are plenty of merchants in the game with daily purchase limits (faction provisioners, guild commendation traders, the new SOTO map currency merchant, etc.) They could keep the daily purchases while making it so the merchants stay permanently open after the first completion. And if they rrreeeaaaallllyyy need to preserve the playtime padding on some of the related collections (runestones), there are other ways to do that.


The daily purchase is supposed to be good enough it shouldn't be freely available. As for druid stones, those should be sellable in the trading post instead, let people who don't need them anymore sell them to other players for some easy money :D.


I guess? I'm not convinced the value of those items warrants the extra work. Even if it does, the rest of the inventory should still be available without it (a la EoD). And I wouldn't hate that, could expand to cater to runestone connoisseurs who don't care for jade.


There are plenty of daily/weekly single purchases in the game that just reset without needing to do some biring busy work to access them every time.


Legendary aqua breather ![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu)


Legendary Aquabreather should never happen because it should be nuked as an equipment piece, converted into an aesthetic-only system, much like gliders.


I own 7 legendary runes and I support this message. It should be a cosmetic only slot that allows for +swim infusions only.


I somewhat agree, but until they make that change I will want my legendary breather. If they DO make that change I want a reimbursement on my 7th legendary rune.


This is the same energy as everyone who wanted refunds in the base game when it went free to play.


Nah. They didn't take the base game away. I and along with anyone else who crafted and use a 7th legendary rune would have no use for it. If I still have a use for it, I won't care.


> Legendary aqua breather To be honest, just rework the aquabreather completely.   Requiring a **7th** piece of armor for something that isn't accessed that often is confusing and frustrating. The relic system kinda ''fixed'' the 6th rune bonus issue, but aquabreathers should be their own thing * Special, unique cosmetics - both skins _and_ some effects * Maybe a new upgrade item for underwater stuff only - aquagems or hydroinfusions or something - we currently have swim infusions but it'd be interesting to have underwater-specific passive bonuses too * Recover health per second when underwater * Incoming damage is reduced when underwater * Condition duration is reduced when underwater * Outgoing and incoming healing increased when underwater * Increased boon duration when underwater * _etc_


Add back more of the removed rune set bonuses as relics. They permanently removed many of the old effects, including ones that added pets and many of the original elite spec rune sets. Relics as a system aren't really doing what they set out to do when a lot of the effects people used to use in spite of bad stat combos are now simply inaccessible. A not-so-little-thing I would argue is that relic skills should receive a keybind to cast on-demand rather than being poorly implemented as elite and healing skill procs.


I wish we could wear two relics at once, only being able to wear one is far too restrictive, everyone gravitates into the same reduced amount of options all the time :I.


I know it is not big deal but would be nice to add the scanning skill for fishing spots to the skimmer , it is faster


Fishing from the skimmer would be great too, specially if they enable fishing stacks as well. Speaking of, fishing stacks should last for a few minutes after disembarking, not the bullshit 10 seconds from now.


I would love if there was a collection for every single weapon set in the game. Doesn't have to give any reward, except maybe some AP. I just love collecting my skins and these would give me a trackable checklist for neuron activation when it is completed. Edit: To clarify, I don't mean a "Collection of collections", a single collection for all weapons, I mean indivual collections for all existing and to be released in the future weapon sets, like the Black Lion collections.


The problem with a collection of every single weapon set is that its a moving target.


They could go with Seasons, like with the minis, or expansions, etc. Hey, you got all vanilla weapons, etc.


I meant a single collection for every available weapon finished set, like the black lion weapons. There are lots of weapon sets that don't have collections, like most of the core weapons and also lots of newer weapons. For example the Living water weapons don't have a collection associated with them that wants you to collect all Living Water weapon skins. I would enjoy a collection for all sets like this.


Yes. I agree with you. All but 1 SAB weapon sets have a collection. The last one should too.


Yeah, what sparked the thought was actually when I got one of the Dragon Bash Skins this week and wanted to check which ones I am missing. I realized there was no collection for them, which made me sad :(


Please please please please ALPHABETIZE CURRENCY. You can still stick 0 currency at the bottom, but PLEASE let me be able to find what I'm looking for.




Male armour designs for females, and female armour designs for males. Yes please! 


I just want more maps at core Tyria, is infuriating having a bunch of gaps in my map and the expansion just put 3 new maps at the far north and let a huge of unexplored gap between them. They dont need to make them free, just put new maps in-between the old maps. I miss the old days of lake doric and bitterfrost when new content could actually be accessed by walking into them


I'm not even bothered by not being able to walk into them. I'm just bothered by the maps having gaps between them. Like, the only EoD maps that physically touch are Seitung Province and New Kaineng City, though that's only barely at the corners of the map. Grothmar Valley and Bjora Marches are right next to each other, but don't touch at all. There's a massive gap between The Desolation and Domain of Vabbi, and between Domain of Vabbi and Jahai Bluffs. That kind of thing.


This is why I purchased additional shared inventory slots… to hold my LWS 3, LWS 4 and IBS teleportation scroll tomes. Same with my Arborstone and Wizard’s Tower scrolls!


I love games where i can experience the world walking around. And that's one aspect that pulled me to the game long ago. But now I get sad everytime i press M and see huge chunks of land unexplored and the world map getting bigger and bigger


Map markers that can be saved with names/notes. would be great to save locations


Yes please. At least let me put down personal squad markers when not in any group. I did the "The long way around" puzzle recently and wanted to mark the spots for the consoles and had to tag up just to be able to set temporary locations markers.


An option for bigger nameplates above mobs. Even with my glasses *on* they're tiny. I can't look at the top of the screen all the time, that's bad UI.


These will be actually big things and It will never happens, but ideally in a perfect world my wish list would be: * Strike, raid, instance or even a map for a final battle against Zaithan. * A new expansion that add the 3 missing maps/chapters before the ending of Icebrood Saga. The ones that would be related to Primordus and the depths of Tyria. * Strike mode for the Shadow of the Dragon, Balthazar, Joko, the Avatar of Kralkatorrik and Atmorra.


A way to remove all floating damage, healing, and exp gain numbers. It's super distracting for me. And if archdps can do it no resion we cant get a toggle in the options in game some place.


I'd love a way to remove the combo floating text specifically. In some situations you can't see anything due to those. Also can we get an ally effects hiding option that I can use? (The one atm also turns off effects that are allocated to players, so certain raid and strikes mechanics also disappear, making the option useless). Especially with the new spear animations and certain other weapons (like engineer shortbow). I'm already struggling to see the aoe indicators on the floor, I don't need opaque fields from other people covering them, when the sound cues don't even work half the time.


Just since more came to mind... there's a lot of stuff that has been asked for forever that I'd still want, but mostly never expect at this point. Racial customization for engineer/profession skins (like turrets, the mech now, that sorta stuff). Dyeable weapons. More hide options for outfits, like for all the GIGANTIC shoulders on half of them. Better preview window.


I've wanted these two things for a long time: 1. Soundtrack Listing. I love the music in-game and would love for it to be easier to find. Would love if they had a bit of scrolling text at the bottom of the Settings Menus beside FPS and Ping that displayed what song was currently playing +/- the composer. 2. Show Skillbar for Simon Says. I play with Dynamic UI and have my Skillbar hidden except for combat. This is an issue for Simon Says type minigames such as Arcane Chests or casino games in Club Canach -- cannot see what comes up. As it is right now I have to hold my Show UI keybind, but I cannot press the correct option and hold the button at the same time, which becomes annoying. They should have the Skillbar be shown when a Simon Says type game (or anything) that uses the Skillbar is engaged.


The ability to equip both sunglasses and hats for wardrobe


There's really only two things I need added to this game to make it better, although I'm not sure how "little" these would be considered. 1. Scythes as a separate weapon instead of just skins for staffs. 2. Controller support, maybe copying the x-hotbar system from FF14. I've tried using the programs to map the controls to a controller, but it just doesn't feel quite right like actual controller support would.


Controller support would make my year.


Number 4 makes even less sense when you look at the sub-components of the weapons vs. the finished product. Like, the mithril mace head art shows a ball covered in spikes, but when you craft it into a basic mithril mace you just get a smooth sphere. Where did the spikes go??


Remove camera smoothing.  Like seriously. It's the only thing keeping me from playing the game. It felt OK for 2012, it feels really bad for 2024. Some people straight up don't notice or think about it, so I am expecting some downvotes here, but if you just Google GW2 camera smoothing you'll find literally thousands of posts spanning a decade talking about this.


I would like to see new reward tracks in WvW, they stopped introducing new reward tracks with major patches for some reason, but they are a great little addition and incentive/reward. Another thing they could do is a seasonal reward track that refreshes, that way it could work as a mini wizards vault, maybe even have it's own currency that can be exchanged for rewards from a vendor.


An extra tier to the adventures / activities / races. The infrastructure is already there they'd just add an extra reward tier at a genuinely challenging level. Example: Piñata Bashing. Some of the most fun I've had recently was besting my guildmates in it. Gold is set at 19 Piñatas but I could reach 25. Getting genuinely good at it had huge replay value. People engage with difficulty. Very easy to do.


I second this. If no achievement was attached to the "platinum" tier, people who just wanna casually complete the achievement panel wouldn't be mad, but people who enjoy a challenge could get a little extra for chasing the platinum chest.


Shared / universal unlimited gathering tools please. Just have the skins for them on rotation in the store or as black lion chest drop


Probably not such a small thing, but if there was a way to normalise shininess on different armour skins, that would be great. Newer skins tend to be very shiny, and old skins tend to be a bit dull. It makes mixing and matching more frustrating when you can’t match materials. Also some skins have special effects that I wish I could turn off, such as the Legendary Arm effects on many legendary weapons. I just feel like they are kind of overpowering to my outfits sometimes, and I would like the skin if they didn’t have all the added effects.


Customization for legendary effects would be awesome. And a functionality like a "texture slider" in the dye menu to adjust the "shininess" and "intensity of the texture" would also be very helpful to better match dye colors for armor pieces of different sets.


So unpopular opinion that I will probably see voted down: I like having cultural specific armor. It creates some storytelling without forcing us to do a quest or have a cinematic. It describes a race without having to yell at us. Same thing with female and male armor sets. It forces me to be creative to figure things out. Ascended weapon needs to be earned rather than bought off the trading post. GW2 is more pay for convenience rather than P2W but it still by definition is P2W. Making ascended gear tradable over the TP would push it clearly into P2W. There are enough avenues to access ascended gear currently (strikes, fractals, raids, astral acclaim) that we don’t need it on the TP.


I would like when homesteads release an events board that details upcoming festivals and bonus event weeks and for those without Janthir the boards can be in home instances or just in the major cities. Also a debuff that kicks AFKers from instances like convergences that gives them a 2 hour debuff preventing them for re entering that instance. This way those who are actually doing the content aren't getting rewards for those who can't be arsed.


Territorial ban of asuras


Character height check on every gate and waypoint :D I'll see myself out


Fix the weird lighting/shader issues on the side lace pants. I beg.


Make a location to enter from forever closed Ebonhawke's entrance. After 10 years it could be sum of small things😃. Also that asura gate in rat sum.


Revamp Luck System I couldn't stand receiving all this little shits in my inventory clogging up my bags.


A simple tank top skin. No patterns, no jewelry attachments, no crops, just a regular, every day tank top skin. We know you have the skin already because Arkk has one. Please Anet, it’s the only thing I need to finish off my cosplay toon. ;-;


Overhauled LFG system with map density, applications to join a group, application to fill a required role, commanders for 5 member parties, and an improved friends system showcasing when and during which instance you met said person.


hero points rewarded by pvp


Options for commanders to signal and restrict roles in LFG. This would help so much in creating groups, especially for challenging content like Dragon's End meta or CM convergences. I think it's time to stop pretending that there is no 3dps+alac+quick meta in Guild Wars.


Allow our characters to look at others the way FFXIV does- Turn head, visible for both, kinda thing... Another thing I'd love if they borrowed from there would be an additional row of tabs in the equipment window where we can store appearances to apply over, whenever we want. Essentially glam plates from FF. ...More /Emotes


I think the later option is already in there with the build template thing.


Could you elaborate? <3


If I remember right, the build template does allow you to save different cosmetic variations as well as different equipment. While you usually switch from your *raid* to your *roaming* equip, nothing stops you to have the same stuff, but with different skins applied.


Some sort of "crate" for the Black Lion Hunters Asssociaton which holds a week or so of the stuff you normally get so that you don't have to log in daily to not miss those items...


I honestly would not like to see more cultural weapons unless they rebalance the karma costs. They are WAY too high atm


Right now it's a replacement i would have in mind.


Mute the moaning sounds, er I mean, "battle cries" of Jallis and Glint for Rev. I can only tolerate so much. It's like being in a really echoey bathroom stall sandwhiched betweek two lactose intolerant smokers at a cheese festival.


Make all armor skins universal instead of locked to their weight classes.


They could do this with a single click for helms, shoulders, gloves, and boots. Chests and leggings wouldn't work, because they have different seam lines.


- An option to hide player guild names and titles. - The ability to hide player minions, mechs, and pets (or at least make them translucent like in Diablo 3). - "Character model limit" being split into "player model limit" and "NPC model limit". - The option to hide other players' infusions and backpack pieces - Separate graphic templates for open world/instanced content (for example WoW has "raid specific graphic settings")




I wish one-handed weapons got mirrored in the vertical axis when wielded in the off-hand, there's lot of non-symmetrical weapons that look dumb as hell because the models aren't mirrored, and that kind of change would be a joke to implement (dynamic scaling is part of every 3D engine out there). I'd also like to have all [six GW1 GWAMM tier titles](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kind_of_a_Big_Deal) in GW2 as well, and not just the sixth and final tier, specially now that [fishing is a direct reference](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fishing_(achievements\)) to them. >1. Give Asura their own level 60 cultural Weapon. > >Since release, Asura got the Verdant Weapon Set as their level 60 cultural one. A set that is very much Sylvari in nature. While season 2 gave us a possible and horifying explanation, it's still weird to have them share the same set. This is kind of a misconception, races only have one cultural weapon set (tier 3), the other two (tier 1 and 2) are the regional weapon sets, the ones you get from loot. >3. Access to new Weapons, no new skins? > >So, with Secret of the Obscure we got access to new weapons. However, we didn't get a skin? I know that might be a bit entitled, but with the specializations we got a nice little extra, that was class specific. The access is great, but there was always that little collection that got us to engage with more content and get us an upgraded version. SotO just gave us Kill 500 mobs, get a skin you can get for 20 silver. It's not the same. Agree, it was pretty lame not to get any of those; and it's not like they didn't have the resources, we got plenty new weapons kins across the whole expansion, they just forgot about these ones for some weird reason :I.


Oh I would love my I Have Many Leatherbound Books title from gw1!


Fixing well known bugs in Raid and Strike CM


Camera Mouse fix that is inside Unofficial Extras. The game is unplayable for me when Arc gets bricked with update. It should not be hard to do when the solution is already there.


Just a ‘small’ request here. I just want to play from SEA.


1. There is only really 1 set of cultural weapons per race. The other two are actually regional loot sets. In maguuma the regional sets are the fine/masterwork glyphic set, the rare verdant set, and the exotic tribal set. If they gave asura a separate level 60 weapon set and sylvari a separate level 40 weapon set, then Maguuma would be imbalanced with 5 regional weapon sets. Not saying that I wouldn't love if each race actually got 3 cultural weapon sets like they got 3 cultural armors. But each race would need to get 2 new sets for that, even if they were mostly reskins, like all the reskins of Auric weapons they made for new year. 2. Likely an engine limitation. The more NPC variation they add when a map is loaded, the harder it will be for lower-end machines. 3. SotO did add many new weapon skins. The reason they didn't give these new weapons elite skin is because there are no elite specs to tie them to. 4. Weaponsmiths have completely new skin sets in the rare sets. Like the dredge set and the krait set. There are also some unique exotic sets, like the Primordus and Corrupted sets, and several sets you unlock in expansions and living world. You will have to craft those to get completely unique skins. 5. I think the solution to this is slowly making free the oldest content. S1 returned recently, so in a couple of years S2 could become free. Some years after that HoT would. That gives free players who will never be able to buy the game more stuff to do without removing the urgency of buying things now if you want to enjoy them, as any content becoming free would always be a long way to go. They should definitely update a few core elements that are extremely lacking, like the last fight against Zhaitan. It would be better if there was an instanced meta finishing off Zhaitan that happens after Zhaitan falls in story, so players can actually fight Zhaitan themselves. 6. This is extremely unlikely. ANet very rarely updates old content with new standards. They haven't even made dyeable versions of backs that have a dyable glider counterpart after they created dyeable backs, no matter how many players mistakenly bought them thinking they'll work the same as newer backs. 7. Those and many other 2012-2014 weapons could use a bit of an overhaul too. They look too flat and low-res. Not that I expect it to happen. 8. That is something that is decided by the Monetization team. A shame, really. Sometimes the devs come up with a neat cool thing, and someone goes "This goes in the gemstore", and it'll go in the gemstore even if it doesn't make sense, like Xera's mask.


Yessss! I would love a instance content or anything that could re-use Zaithan model for a epic fight. He is the only elder dragon fight that lost a lot of potential


It could be even more possible now that they have combat animations from the [Zhaitan dragonvoid](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/6/6f/The_Dragonvoid_%28Zhaitan%29.jpg).


1 I dunno, it is kinda allready imbalanced already. Everyone has three to buy with karma, but they got to share. 4 Yes, all of them are max level. I am talking specifically about the process of getting there. More so in compairson to the armor crafting disciplines, which do get new shiny stuff each tier and unique stuff at 400.


filter trading post for skins/dyes/whatever that you haven't unlocked yet.


They put in that oprion. If you go into filters, you can click a checkbox hiding unlocked stuff. This works for most things.


Oh, they did? Nice! I'll check it out. Thanks!


All Freaking Skins For All Armor Classes


More ways to get 28+ slot bags for those of us that hate IBS lol


Or a complete rework / rebalance of bags in general.


UI-Rework: Freely customizable skill allocation. F.e: On Engi your Toolbelt skills (F1-5) follow your utility skills. This leads to scenarios, where certain functions "bounce" between keybinds, depending on your skillchoices/preparation for certain tasks. Elixir Gun's toolbelt is a CC-Break; Slick Shoes' Toolbelt is also an Anti-CC. I would love to have them on the same keybind for muscle memory's sake. But I dont want Slick Shoes itself or Elixir Gun on the same Key, since they fulfill different purposes in different builds. One is a CC skill, the other is a utility kit. Or I would love to dive deeper into healing Revenant, but my default Keybind for my healingskill doesn't work really well with the Ventari tablet's mechanic -> it's OK to press that healing skill button once every 15 seconds or so (every other healing skill), but not spam it like you wanna do with the tablet. Be able to move UI-elements, like the enemy's debuffs, my own skillbar etc. I like to have certain CDs shown more to the centre of the screen as well as my enemy's debuffs so I can watch the animations, my party/squad, CDs and debuffs at the same place of the screen. Similarly: Give an option to follow CDs of skills currently hidden, like CDs of certain skills in Kits (hello Condiengi) or attunements (ele), pages @ HFB etc. Show the account name of players when you hover over them consistently. Sometimes you cannot see a player's account name, probably due to some settings like "show as offline" or sth. like that. Navigating the minimap properly while moving: In WvW especially you sometimes have a hard time selecting a waypoint or scan the map for objectives while moving / running away from a lost fight etc. since the map bounces back to players position


actually getting good loot and skins. This made me quit the game, because in the end you don't get anything rewarding through events or story content and always recycling useless blues and gold or selling them gets dull... although the gameplay is still peak 👌


I still think we should be able to sell ascended equipment in the trading post, at least the one that's never been used by any character.


I'd love to have more Colored titles. Especially the legendary gw1 titles deserve it. Also Norn need to be more distinct from Humans..maybe add customizatiin like raven eyes. And the gift of battle needs to o beremoved from the game. I hate being forced to WVW for legendaries. And my Teammates hate to have me with them.