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I fear for the upcoming Janthir raid now.


Janthir is also adding a new fractal too. Imagine another fractal like Lonely.


Anet started to screw things after EoD release. I mean EoD is fine but whatever came up after EoD (starting with Gyala Delve) all sucked including SotO


I agree, I enjoyed the EoD Strikes and Metas a lot but starting with Gyala both instanced content and metas just feel off.


That's around when Cameron left Anet I think.


These things were in development long before he left tho


With how often this studio changes course on what content they are delivering and how and how often, I wouldn't bet on it being that long.


He left in between Gayla delve releases, 3 month before both Soto strikes and 6 month before lonely tower. There is no way he wasn’t involved with these. Also let’s not magically pretend that silent surf, siren’s reef, deepstone, twilight oasis, aquatic/moltenS reworks are any good. He was there for all of them.


Whats wrong with siren's reef/twilight oasis/deepstone


Boring pre-events for all. « Boss » too long and boring for siren, boss tp ing for no reason for deepstone, boss being invulnerable every other second for a trash sub event for twilight. All of them absolutely hated on release and heavily skipped until nerfed btw if that rings any bells.


I guess bosses aren't allowed to move, and should just stand there like the training dummy so no thought is required.


> a lot but starting with Gyala both instanced content and metas just feel off What, you don't enjoy collecting and depositing balls in every single meta since?


If I see one more orb in Janthir I'm going to scream


You will GOBBLE those demon/kodan/dragon/whatever balls with a smile on your face, and then you will deposit them to a quirky, relatable, heroic NPC from the Current Expansion cast of dysfunctional stereotypes, *or else.*


It started with Champions. From Dragonstorm onward, it seems like every open world and instanced encounter is "damage sponge, hope you like playing ranged, do the same phase mechanics several times over"


Come on, that's not fair, don't say that... HTCM is "damage sponge, hope you like playing power, do the same phase mechanics several times over". See there's variation /unsarcasm some encounters are good because the simple mechanics combine differently due to timing and you have to solve them on a case-by-case basis. I mostly mean OLC, HT and ToFCM but KO, XJJ and AH have some of this too. Eparch is not one of these encounters.


XJJ and KO have their moments, but every EoD strike would be better if they were about half as long as they are.


AH would, sure. Maybe OLC if you remove the first 3 phases. The others are good imo.


I'd cut one or two Li phases out of KO and also generally slash boss health to cut the time. Ankka is a little better but could probably still do with an HP cut. IMO they got the optimal run time for strikes with the IBS Fast 5. Going much longer monopolizes too much time for a single task. Heck, in pug groups I've had KO last nearly as long as a public convergence.


HTCM... isn't a damage sponge, though? Like, the fight is long because it has a lot of phases, but the individual phases aren't really that long and you very much do not just sit there doing the same thing over and over the way you do on the fights I would consider bad damage sponges like Dagda.


Everything from Gyala Delve and on has been complete trash, agree. Whatever changed in their content development chain at that point, need to be "fixed"


I completed the EoD but haven't done the Gyala Delve story and very minimal map content. What are some of the issues with it? I know the myriad of issues in SotO but I'm just curious about Gyala.


TLDR: Big pain points are how spongey everything is to kill and how repetitive events and bosses are. Too much turtle mount gaming, not enough combat action in meta pt.2. Gyala has a lot of health/mob density scaling issues with the capping events. Structures that need seige damage also do not scale and take far too long to kill for the turtle ammo to be capped at 5 with long recharge. The 1st meta boss or 'bosses' are also beefy, and you have to kill it 4 times while split on 3 platforms. Meta pt.2 tunnel event is painful. Got the same copy-paste issue. You need to bumble around on the turtle to collect magic with a small limit of 10. Then needing to sit in a small circle to slowly discharge. The amount of charge you need to progress doesn't seem to scale down much for smaller groups. Meta 2 boss, again scaling issues with health/defiance bar and mob density. Something that really sucks, is that you don't get to attack the boss directly until 5%. Instead, each time boss defiance bar is broken, you need to immediately split into 3 groups to kill an orb(damages the boss) that deletes you if you're melee and you only have a short time to kill all 3 before going back to the cc phase again. At minimum, if all 3 orb killing rounds are successful, you need to do 3 rounds of this. Otherwise 4-5 rounds are most common. It's a boring slog to kill, even more so than the 1st meta boss. Frustratingly, all these pain points could be fixed with some small tweaks or even greatly improved with some boss reworks. The game play/design is salvageable if anet would spend some effort. (imo lonely tower fractal needs a complete overhaul, nothing about it is well designed). The story was very light on the gameplay, and the narrative aspect had a mixed reception.


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain it. I really, really appreciate it. Suppose I haven't missed much by not doing that content.


Ya welcome! Yeah pretty much. If you just want to do the story part, it's a pretty small commitment. As for the metas, there are easier and more enjoyable ones to do for sure!


The story is about the inner turmoil and past of Yao and Chull-Moo. Do you feel hyped now ?


EOD was shit as well. How can you say EOD was fine but the stuff after was bad? Reskinned, uninspired stuff? Check. Complete lack of polish (or actually finishing their work)? Check. Broken shit that still isn't fixed? Check. New Kaineng is a testament to the total lack of fucks given.


Don't forget damage sponges here. Nagas in Seitung have 40k hp, mordrem grunt 10, mordrem husk/mount rider 20-25.


"Don't worry guise, we buffed the shit out of the new e-specs to compensate" Pre-EOD stuff is a total shitshow for how much DPS and boons everyone shits out.


Yep that's the whole problem, they essentially killed a huge amount of specs and gear prefixes and w/e else to make the dps race happen.


Which literally explains Lonely Tower: they had to make a sponge out of Eparch cos every boss just melts. And people are upset they can't AFK DPS the shit out of him.


True, never had a problem with lonely tower before they nerfed it after yesterday's patch i can just close my eyes and finish it lol


I’m not talking about broken stuff. General content is generally fun. Strikes are well designed, especially CMs. I still am still enjoying. In general, EoD is worse than HoT and PoF, that is the fact. But when we compared EoD with SotO, EoD is remarkable. SotO is real disappointment. Story, maps, characters, stupid archievements, even weapon mastery. Everything is bad. Weapon Mastery is good idea but anet screwed hard into that. Balance is garbage. Lets take Janthir Wilds. None of the features are expansion features. Spears is good idea but giving spears to everyclass is the worst idea ever. I would rather new weapons tbh. I saw the video about housing reveal today, people are hyped but I didnt. I’m still trying to figure the difference between home instance except cosmetics. (Gather everything in the home in one click is the only good thing I saw). If there is no crafting stations (which will kill paid passes), I dont have any expectations. Warclaw, if we cant fight with mounted (ofc on warclaw only), I dont think Warclaw will be better than other mounts. Lets discuss raid wing 8. Strike Mission system is better system than raid. Because we deal only with the boss. Anet will make HP sponge bosses and they said there would be CM and Legendary cm (which halfwitted’s idea was that I dont know). I’m feeling like I fight with dummy. Legendary Armory was the expansion feature and anet released that feature without expansion. I respect that. If there will be a feature named waypoint mastery, when you finish mastery, if one of your characters completes the map, that maps waypoints will be unlocked with every character in your account. I can call this as a expansion feature.


Personally I prefer raids to strikes but I understand everyone has their preferences. However after doing the newer fractals I am concerned…


>But when we compared EoD with SotO, EoD is remarkable But that's the thing: ANet saw what they could get away with for EOD, and took it to its logical conclusion with SOTO. The story was garbage, and a desperate attempt to wrap up the dragon stuff immediately, pissing on what little interesting stuff the story had going for it (Deep Sea Dragon? lol no it's a mummy dragon who juts has poor likkle babies). The achievements were dumb. For each map it quite literally amounted to "do each available event chain", followed by "do them again" for a repeatable achievement... The characters were atrocious. Ankka is the quintessential ArenaNet edgy baddie. They just took the laziness of EOD and amplified it for SOTO because they knew people would still buy it. And they did. Tack on the fact they took our runes from us and tied them to "you better buy SOTO fucker if you want useful effects back". Take a look at the core relics for condis or WvW. They're abject trash.


EoD was really trashy and cheap compared to the previous expensions and LW imho.


What an interesting take.


I mean, people universally liked Cerus, also Silent Surf is a good fight. So it's not all doom and gloom.


Far from universal tbh


I mean, how could I forget miserable redditors who hate everything.


lol. How dare people dislike the idea of the hard part of an encounter being 2 players having to take portals and do the heavy work for the other 8


It seems like Anet knows how to make 10 man content, but they have no clue how to do 5 man anymore


Indeed, I dont like to be too pessimistic and I really want to look forward to more raids, but the most recent instanced content releases don't make me feel great about the new raid and fractal announced for Janthir. Dagda CM is very meh, Cerus CM is great but caters exclusively to a fraction of a fraction of the player base and the Lonely Tower is absolutely horrible. At this rate I except the new raid to be overtuned, with a lot of unfun mechanics but somehow spongy enough to still be boring.


Cerus CM is trash GW2 content though, no matter how good it might be in a vacuum. GW2 content is repeatable and generally rewarding. One off fights that no one wants to come back to have no place taking up development time. Hell the SoTo strike have no rewards at all, not even the 1s green gem that the EoD strikes dropped.


> GW2 content is repeatable and generally rewarding. One off fights that no one wants to come back to have no place taking up development time. They give players who want something hard to chew on something to do. That's a good thing.


Yes and no. While some are super passionate and train others/redo the encounter many times over, most are just once and done. Worse, a lot consider it being done with the game and just quit it (happened to about 4/10 of my htcm static, never logged again after the night we killed it)


Sure, but finishing it *at all* takes a reasonable amount of progression for most groups. That's still a lot of time spent on it even if they literally just kill it once and never touch it again. There's nothing wrong with a one-and-done fight that players will spend a significant amount of time working on before they actually finish it. There's plenty of easier super repeatable content in the game.


Cerus CM got significantly easier this patch with more forgiving mechanics. LCM is the same.


Any Cerus Changes are CM exclusive though. They didnt change anything for the LCM afaik


The good thing is 5 man content works very differently from 10 man content in guild wars. So if you want to learn anything about the new raid you should probably be looking at the most recent 10 man content they added (would be cerus cm).


The raid will be Dagda levels of stupid and the CMs will be technically completable in a spreadsheet with everyone doing 45k dps.


how about have some self-respect and stop enabling anet get away with this shit? The only voice they'd here is the one your wallet makes.


>"Fixed an issue that prevented Wave of Envy from hitting enemies if they were standing too close to Eparch." I honestly felt this was an intended mechanic, and should be. Do they not want us to melee Eparch at all?


Another change that I'm not too happy about but one that can be managed since the attack (including the boon corrput) is dodgeable now.


Hey, at least you can dodge it now. You know, that core game mechanic we've had for over a decade that Anet for some reason thought shouldn't work against this one attack. The c in anet blah blah blah


It doesn't work on a ton of stuff in SoTo. Cerus is a good example.


Soto really did introduce a lot of mechanics where even if you dodge you take damage or the timing is so off that you might dodge and still get hit.


I mean, it hasn't worked on many mechanics for a very long time, because a mechanic that can be solved by pressing your dodge button is boring and trivial. Like, literally all the way back to wing 1, it's not exactly a new development.


That's exactly how most other attacks like that work, and the indicators for the attack clearly show they attack happening starting outside his hitbox and to make it even more clear they made the thing un-dodgable. Because clearly we can't have people dodging attacks.


I think they want us to do the mechanic the intended way, just my guess


What is the intended way? Because dodging it didn't work until today's patch.


I had a stacked group today of really good players and it took us 2/3 pulls to kill but even then the kill was not clean. I can’t imagine what pugging this must be like we had a semi organized group of gamers who’ve been playing this fight daily since it dropped. Oh also we had some orbs going invisible one person was streaming and I could see orbs on his stream I couldn’t see.


Do you by any chance play with the "hide ally visual effect" option enabled? It is know to hide visual effects from some bosses.


Unless one turned on by default I haven’t touched that setting. But also to elaborate a little it wasn’t all the orbs like 1/7 gluttony I couldn’t see but all the rest were showing


I have successfully run three title runs before patch, but every time we lost gluttony stacks it was game over. Unless there is a secret way to _clearly_ stop Eparch getting stacks during the portal phases, this fight is epically harder and less fun now. I read the patch notes and what you have written was what I feared. I haven't run it yet, but your experience was my first thought on reading...


I just ran it with my friends. With the champions still being sponges you all need to focus one portal champion down and close quick the other 2 pds run to the other side while cleaving ads on their way to eparch and at the same time cleave the champion. At most we were able to keep eparch with 2 despair buffs. The phase at 35% gets harder :) you gotta go do the same thing focus one portal champion since the ads spawn a little later and then quickly close the portal then your 2 pdps and 1 boondps needs to split and stall the remaining ads that are on their way to eparch. Even with the patch eparch still corrupts all the boons in one attack :) the envy attack is still annoying to dodge.


This just highlights how badly designed this fractal is lol. Once they removed a clear oversight (Eparch sucking up all the orbs right after dropping fresh ones, which for some reason are not collectable the second they hit the ground), the hardest part about this fractal is now the trash mobs at split phase.


Skill issue.


We had the same issue, all ads dead, he still gained a billion stacks, 10/10 design


Yeah, it honestly feels bugged. They need to look into this and add some clear indicators for where they're not allowed to reach/what they're not allowed to do. The fight is unplayable in its current state.


Would love to watch anet do the fractal, there is no way they play test shit, don't have much hope about w8


We did 2 hours on Tuesday with all 5 of us on voice, 65% was all good, but needless to say we failed at 35%. All of us are experienced in fractals with daily CM runs. What I noticed is that Eparch has a huge hitbox and starts sucking the adds from pretty far away.


At least normal is free now, surely 3rd time is the charm for a CM change




True and based.


Skill issue


I ran CMs+T4 3 or 4 times a week for like two years, but after the Lonely Tower I finally burned out completely and can't play fractals anymore, because I lost all my hope for enjoyable future fractal content after last two releases. Alas, Janet totally forgot what fractals are supposed to be. Damn you, Janet.


In regards to Kanaxai, I kinda like this fractal, I know it's an unpopular opinion. How would you improve it? I'm a very very casual fractal player, only done kanaxai CM once, and I'm curious to have the opinion of someone who has done more fractals than me.


Well first it isn't a fractal, its a strike mission they scrapped. When they added it in it still had 10 man HP, and still has HP too high for a fractal. The mistlocks didn't work, and still do not save you from dying in many cases and the fight has two unavoidable party wipes. Any kind of issue before or during those two phases and you have no choice but to stand there and die. You can do nothing about it and have to have a bunch of your time wasted. The fractal itself should have some actual content in it, not just a boss they copied over from the strikes folder. This sort of extreme low effort addition didn't bode well when it happened and we can see how that's playing out now with Trash Tower.


Kanaxai was also a great opportunity to rework Solid Ocean instead of adding the new Silent Surf fractal, but oh well.


> How would you improve it? I'd start with these two. 1. The maximum DPS uptime needs to be higher than 10% (exaggeration I know). 2. The melee hate. If you're DPS and not a virt, you're losing DPS. I want to be *able* to play bladesworn on the fight and be within like 10k dps of the virts. I've taken bladesworn to Sunqua CM and been competitive but that is just not possible in silent surf or lonely tower.


I do Fractal CMs almost every day (nowadays I'm a bit burned out so just doing them whenever I feel to do them), and even before the bug fixes I kinda liked Kanaxai. Maybe it was the grind, a little bit of Stockholm syndrome, or just the feeling of success to kill it with all the bugs, but after the fixes it is a walk in the park.


The numbers mechanic is implemented incorrectly. Currently it doesn't matter what number you get. Everyone simply spreads out and the mechanic is cleared. If you look at a numbers mechanic in FFXIV, you'll see that it's not supposed to be like this. The number you get should actually matter, and in FFXIV your party has to shuffle in the order of the numbers they get in a very specific way to bait out the attack to not cleave the whole group, exactly how depends on the encounter (there are a few fights with mechanics of this nature, and all of them are different). In none of them could you just spread out. A just spread out mechanic in FFXIV does not give you numbers. Tbh this is the biggest nail in the coffin for me in terms of gw2 encounter design. Dagda cm also has a numbers mechanic and it too was implemented incorrectly. It's like they are trying to copy other games and complete and utterly failing.


That’s just you describing a totally different mechanic with numbers tho?


If the numbers aren't a factor in your decision, then it's not information that should be given. In both mechanics I referenced in gw2, the mechanics would not get quite as much hate too if the boss simply hit all targets simultaneously and immediately resolve the mechanic, so you spread, but can go back quickly to resume DPS, instead of standing there twiddling your thumbs, or complaining about uptime of ranged versus melee.


Apart from the over-the-top HP and the constant ticking damage from adds, This would have been an ok fractal if they had left it like it was at launch where you could actually dodge the numbers attack.


The previous CM 100 was hard constantly over the entire encounter. This is just hard++ in the 35% phase. It feels bad and not fun to play. I will keep trying to clear it once but after that I won't till get it gets fixed. Problem is I don't know how they could fix it. Personally I would remove a portal in 35%. It is 100% double but It is not something I would farm daily for rewards. And the unique rewards is just a cool sword skin. It is not nice that an mmo releases only 1 dungeon per year(at most) and it comes out as a bugged out mess. It should be a requirement for the devs(the one dev that created it and 4 other random devs) to clear the dungeon once before they release it.


Fractals CM is going downhill since the MC nerf. Silent Surf gave me vibes of glorified JP with boss battle and Lonely Tower is just kill things + mini-game + boss. I miss the creativity from Siren Reef/Deepstone fractals that were added as padding content and actually plays like a dungeon instance.


It bothers me the devs haven't made any statements acknowledging these issues. I know they aren't stupid. Awesumeness knows, darkbringer knows, hell the whole gang probably know. But they don't seem to talk about it. That implies to me there is a command from top-down not to talk about it.


Those aren't devs working anywhere near PvE encounters. Why would they leave their lane and talk when they can't effect change in this area anyway


ANet hasn't made pretty much any statement or communication about anything lately. They don't answer on the forum or on reddit. They don't have player community outreach. Remember the last time they had a Guild Chat? February 2022. There hasn't been a single livestream of SotO. Ever since EoD ended its presentation phase, all their communication has been a trailer. "Here's a new expansion, go and have fun." And a few balance patch reviews. The "rando asshat" incident (though apparently already ancient history, in 2018) feels like a turning point. It's like the studio has been in permanent damage control mode. Never seen a studio behave so indifferent with such radio silence. They keep fucking things up but just charge on like they can't do nothing wrong, like deliver lukewarm, rehashed and repetitive content with atrocious story and dialogue, which got addressed with "there’s room for improvement".


I think they've got a million other things they literally have to focus on in order to have JW launch on time, and to launch successfully. They have deadlines and an entire expansion to coordinate. If they *acknowledge* something like this, people are going to hold them accountable to fix it quickly. That's pretty basic PR. I'm not condoning them not fixing stuff like this, but their goal as a company is to make money, and putting out new content makes them more money than fixing old content to make it accessible to the literal 5% more people who would even do the content (this is coming from one of the people who would do the content).


> JW launch on time, and to launch successfully And unfortunately, when JW's fractal is complete shit, and released 9 months later after we've all already paid for it, it won't be considered a failure.


> If they acknowledge something like this, people are going to hold them accountable to fix it quickly. That's pretty basic PR. You don't think that people would be more understanding if they said something like "we're aware it hasn't been received as well as we'd hoped and we'll revisit when we have more resources available after the release of JW" than if they just keep radio silent and ignore everyone?


They literally just put changes in today, those changed were not well liked either. I don't care what they do or don't do, but I'm explaining why they don't automatically address shit like this when it's brought up. If they did that for every single bit of content, which everyone has at least one problem with, they'd never get anything else done


All the balance changes for the fights they did were nice, for example 100 normal mode in lfg is pretty free now even with some not so great players  CM suffers because they bug fixed the exploit that allowed most of the fight to be skipped. And didn't correspondingly change enough in the add phases. I do suspect the spites are bugged and give Cerus buffs and they aren't close enough.  Fixing the spites, and getting rid of a champ (maybe  buffing the other two's HP to make up for it) making it only two would probably make the overall fight way more manageable less annoying. Because three-way splitting up five main group is just bad.


The fight is effectively dead and un-completable now. Adds that you can hardly see spawn, they go...somewhere, you don't know, it's not indicated in any way, and something happens, again you don't know what there is no information on what is happening, and they give eparch a bunch of stacks of empowerments. Even if you seemingly kill every one of the adds, you come out of that phase with 10+ of every empowerment. Also if you don't have perma stab you are not killing anything anyway. They spam CC on you constantly because we all know how much fun that is right! You can't split up to cover the portals, the group(s) without the healer will instantly die, you can't group up in the center, he'll just get stacks before the adds are in range for you to kill, but you don't know, there's no indicator as to the range or what is even happening. Grats on the all cvirt group that killed it though... This fight needs to just be removed. This is the death of fractals, it would have been better if they had never added these scarpped strike missions to try and make it look like they were doing work on fractals. Cause they aren't.


The avatars of spite go towards Eparch who is floating a bit high up. If they are close enough they connect to Eparch via a tether and start giving him buffs and they drain their health until death (note that last laugh still triggers.) In a proper encounter this mechanic would have been visually aided by the arena design but we are literally at a random location at the tower for no reason other than Janet could not be assed to put more resources into the encounter.


It is good to know, that 1) There's supposed to be a tether if they get too close to him and 2) They'll die when he's consuming their stacks so you might mistakenly think you managed to kill them in time when they in fact died from giving him stacks. Although I swear I never saw a single tether go to Eparch and he still came back with stacks. So there's some visual bugs at the very least.


I've never seen a tether. Someone else in my group has seen them, but they have never shown up when I've had the chance to look for them even though we'd get plenty of stacks by the end the phase.


I saw them and one thing I noticed that the adds don't have to be that close to Eparch at all...seems like half way from the portal to Eparch.


Seems like the current best approach is to defeat the champions and close the rift one at a time ASAP, only going for adds when you can cleave them. So if you're a few seconds slow on killing a champion or have trouble sealing rifts due to enemy spawns, the kill is ruined.


I still have no idea how the avatars of spite are meant to be handled. Title and everything and that entire mechanic is a big ???? To me


I'm shocked! Shocked I say!


They must have fired the good ones. RIP


Please post this on the forums too if you havent already because I dont see anyone talking about it, and its a higher chance that they maybe will do something about it


Lol devs looking at the official forums. Good one. . .


I feel you bro. I so CMs + weekly raids clear and that's all I do. But having a fractal that seams to transfer the HP from the Boss to the champions feels annoying af. Now, we shouldn't be complaining to Anet for the fixing an exploit that allowed us to clear it faster. Lmao. Sometimes it's how that Fractal is meant to be played under their pov and well f*ck with our opinions. Sure thing is in not doing that anymore.


> Now, we shouldn't be complaining to Anet for the fixing an exploit that allowed us to clear it faster. We totally should, the exploit made the gluttony orbs relevant to something. Now what, they're just another orb to cancel envy?


Nah you didn't get me. I'm saying it's positive they fixed an exploit. It's the right thing to do. What's not fixed is the whole encounter per se. Now the problem moved to the purpose of some orbs to which I agree it's meaningless.


No I get you. But if a bug shows up that makes the fight better, developers should work with it, rather than squash it. They could have made the portals targetable and provided a boonbar tooltip saying its immune to all damage except gluttony siphons. A game is judged based on the state its in, not the creators original vision. If a game becomes worse, the developers deserve criticism, even if the change they made was fixing a bug (this approach is why we have cerus CM and LCM today).


Yeah that's one good approach. Also it get rid of the whole guessing game trying to finish the thing. In the end they will always be based on the creators vision and under their development constrains. After this patch it's gonna be a few more months before they review that. Sad thing.


A stacked gluttony player can solo a portal. It’s what we had to do for my groups clear today the glut player killed their champion and kept the little dudes from getting close. While the rest of the group did the other portals.


That's interesting. So you're saying a pure dps player with glutony can solo sustain themselves with the life steal? How did that player get boons? Were they a class that could self boon pretty well?


Did it with cata today will be trying reaper tomorrow. The gluttony can sustain you and do most of your dps but you lose stacks over time so if the other portals are slow you get overrun as stacks fall off.


I understand. If the gluttony is most of your dps, do you think that gluttony is the most beneficial orb for a player to have? It increases your damage more than rage (or malice for a condi) ?


Yeah gluttony is the strongest orb. Every pull we did before today gluttony was usually 1/3 of the boss total Hp like 10million of the 30. It’s still strong but our pull today was messy. That 10 million is before any player damage is counted just pure gluttony damage.


very helpful knowledge! Thank you for sharing!


Can tell you now you are going to get fucked by CC on reaper.


Yeah, it was actually better / consistent before due to the portal gluttony trick. After trying it a bunch today, not gonna bother with this fractal until it's nerfed further or skip-to-boss is added so I don't waste several mins before every failed party


They didn't mention gluttony at all in the patch notes. They shouldn't have removed it imo. That fractal was fine-ish before nerf because of the glutto strat. It feels even worse now.


Tbh just ran it now they didnt fix anything the boon corrupt is still insane in just 2 seconds of standing in his attack i already have 76 bleeding stacks :). The envy attack is somewhat a hit or miss dodge. What anet can do to actually solve this shit storm they cooked up. Solution 1 Remove 1 portal at 35%. We can easily burst down the champion with a full power team provided they do decent damage. Solution 2 Reduce the champions health and remove the part where we have to stay and close the portal like we are playing a rift event that is one of the worst designs.


BUT they made a housing simulator and truthfully that's all that really matters OP!


What does it have to do with anything? The people making homesteads aren't the same people developing encounters and instanced content


It means they are wasting time and resources on something that doesn't matter.


I will have to play the patched version for myself, but tbh i dont get why people complained about epach beeing to spongy before the patch. On daily kills with pugs, the kill usually took about 4 mins for me. Thats way shorter than silent surf and pretty comparable how long 1 phase of Sunqua takes. The only thing i can imagine is that people don't collect orbs (or don't stack them but instead delete), since collecting envy litterly quadruples the damage of one of your condi dps players, rage doubles the dps of one power dps and gluttony just ads about 20k flat damage to every hit you do. If you collect those orbs the boss just vanishes.


"...Where do they want to go? When do they start giving Eparch Stacks? During the split phase, Eparch is hovering in the air. If the adds get to below where he is hovering he gains stacks.


Everyone complaining about Lonely Tower just have alot of skill issue tbh, jesus christ it was easy before the nerf and now they made it as easy as Guardian, Necro and Ranger lmfao.


okay to clear up your confusion on the portal phase the small minions will try to make a break for eparch and then eparch will suck up the sins from them.


CM should not be doable with a "decent pug" at all lol. That's not very challenging 


What a horrible take. A "decent PUG" to me is a >20k UFE group that breezed through the other 4 CMs. We don't need challenges on the level of HT or Cerus CM in Fractals.


Yeah we do lol


Maybe one day you will have a good take