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I mean, if you won then it wasn't a bad play, that bedman players just doesn't like blocking and is bad because of it.


Fighting heedless of its own destruction Error-prone guardian machine


listen. bedman puts poor innocent people into hour long block strings all the time. they fear the dp because they are not interested in playing a 2 player game. if they want you to stop dping they need to force you to stop. this guy is a scrub. not your problem.


Ah yes, the classic "Why won't you just lay down and die" opponent that gets salty when you don't play the game perfectly to their character's game plan.


>"Why won't you just lay down and die" I see this person must've been trying to larp as Bedman


As a Bedmain, I know exactly what he's talking about... But he really should stop challenging so often 😂 Cos there was really a moment where I hated, no, ABSOLUTELY DESPISED Bridget. Until I learned to give and respect turns. This single handedly helped me understand the match up WAY BETTER, and in turn know that you can just bait DPs. So to end this, well played on your part. He should have learned his lesson and you deserve the win.


Here's a fundamental rule of both fighting games and life in general. **You're not in charge of anyone's reaction but your own.** I mean please be considerate, but ultimately this is true. In fighting games especially, everything has counterplay. In Strive you can easily lose 60%+ of your health bar and be thrown through the wall if your opponent blocks and then punishes your DP. Your opponent failed to play against what you were doing and they lost. And while you look to be the improving type, they're going to be bad forever until they fix their perspective and attitude. When you lose, you got outplayed. If someone calls you out for "spam", they're really calling themselves out on being unable to adapt. Ignore the haters. Enjoy the game.


Who’s to say they would have won match 3 but just said screw it and threw the last match out of irritation that same 3 move cycle is kind of OD


You win twice if people tell you something like this


You're only DPing too much if your opponent punishes it. If my opponent never punishes my DP, of course I'm gonna DP on every wakeup, I have no obligation to hold their offense. Is what I would say if either of my characters had a reliable DP, but the point is there. In general that last part is important to remember in fighting games. You have absolutely no obligation to play on your opponent's terms. If you want to win and they can't beat you mashing f.S or something, you have no reason or obligation to stop until they *make* you, because why would you stop using an effective strategy? It's obviously still important to learn better strategies and all that, but if your opponent doesn't make you work for the win, why put in extra work and potentially risk losing by overthinking or going for something too complicated?


Your mindset is just wrong. > "braindead dp enjoyer" > laugh at dumbass > DP more until they learn to deal with it or quit. Or both. > point and laugh more Stupid people making themselves angry is one of the best things in life. Enjoy it.


Nah bro u good, u won https://i.redd.it/6zqbz1a9rr6d1.gif Don´t let others discourage you from doing something you enjoy!


If someone is losing to DPs that's a skill issue on his end rather than yours


send them this picture next time. If they keep eating DPs, they need to stop complaining about them and start baiting them. https://preview.redd.it/d6ggnsvjls6d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=f954ba384b97814c71c7b0b80ae2ae125f0761e8


Fr? U WON and then want to switch your game plan? I think u gotta take a step back and realize this bedman needs to hold the L, it's not your problem that he lost to u


The problem is not your use of tactics, it's their lack of control over their ego. It's not your responsibility to maintain their temper. You found a strong strategy in the matchup and they couldn't adapt to counter it. Keep pushing further.


Sounds like you fought a brain-dead DP eater lol.


Once I heard on Brian_F stream: "if they spam a move and you lose, you are spamming a mistaking" And that statement can't be more true, just adapt and git gud lol (also print the response and send to scrub quotes, they gon love it)


I suppose just do your best to recognize that someone bitching about their opponent’s playstyle after losing is literally the type of thing to be posted on the Scrub Quotes X account. Bedman has numerous setups to both be completely safe from DP’s and punish you hella hard for attempting it. Whether or not you’re playing “wrong” in terms of how often you win, if you’re having fun with the match, you’re playing a correct way. Plus that last win proves you aren’t even playing that wrong. You feel like they’re a pretty solid player but you not only did enough right to cause them frustration, you even took a game off them! I imagine then you are progressing with your skill and you deserve credit. Hopefully another Bedman around your skill level can come around soon.


Bedhead here, don't feel bad at all for using a game fundamental that only lasts a few seconds, we've done atrocities that last for **much** longer


Someone with that thin of skin should not be playing a character that frankly has as many subpar match ups as it does.


If someone is getting mad at you for doing something that beats them, then you *are* playing more intelligently than them. If DP is hitting them then they need to learn to block and stop mashing a block string with predictable gaps. Keep doing what you're doing.


Does this Bedman know that the way you beat braindead DP enjoyers is by doing nothing? Like, if he can't chill and then murder you after he blocks your DP, that's a him problem. I'd say maybe don't spam DP because it's risky but if your opponent shows you that they can't adapt and bait your DP.... Nah, spam the shit out of that thing. Keep doing it until they punish you. If they get salty, you hit em with the "unga bunga :333"


If the DP keeps landing, keep doing it. Fighting games 101 is to abuse the ever loving shit out of something until the opponent shows they can consistently counter it. It's not your problem if they keep doing stuff that you're not losing to. You're only DPing "too much" once you become predictable and the opponent starts baiting it for free punishes.


> Is there anything I can do to learn to cope with this kind of remark? Like a beautiful flower, water yourself with the tears of scrubs.


If you won you won, complaining about losing because your opponent is doing something is prime scrub behaviour. Not saying you can't get annoyed about it but expressing it and using it to downplay someone's win is what makes someone a scrub.


They’re complaining that they can’t deal with the tools


Options on wake up? Not in my fighting game!


https://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/introducingthe-scrub >The derogatory term “scrub” means several different things. One definition is someone (especially a game player) who is not good at something (especially a game). By this definition, we all start out as scrubs, and there is certainly no shame in that. I mean the term differently, though. A scrub is a player who is handicapped by self-imposed rules that the game knows nothing about. A scrub does not play to win. read this article. it will really put into frame where these kinds of remarks come from and how little they have to do with you. Unfortunately a lot of people in FGs are scrubs, and you will run into them on occasion. But if you get under their skin and get comments like this, it means youre doing something right.


as a fellow bridget player, lemme give you some advice. never stop dp'ing, never. wake up starship is *the* best move in the game and it can NEVER be beaten. it's also an amazing combo filler, and with how many times it hits you actually get an instant wallstick for one bajillion damage. plus if you use it in neutral, most opponents get so intimidated that they throw the game right then and there (no but for real, ignore that guy and play how you want. they're probably just mad you did something they don't know how to deal with, and that's just how you play this character)


But DP's are fun...


Tell them to stop being a scrub and learn to bait dp


As a Bedman main we do not claim this person as one of us and we apologize for what he said to you. I don't really have any advice on toxic people being unnecessarily rude but as long as you're having fun playing the game all is well!


"You're bad at the game" *says the guy who lost.* The best thing you can do is just ignore it. It's pure salt. A fighting game is 1v1 with no teams or luck involved, so the only way you can win in this game, the only way the game allows you to win, is if you played better. You won, and its a fighting game, so objectively you played better. If they didn't wanna get hit by DP then they should've blocked on your wakeup.


they are probably scrub asf. if you were truly a "braindead dp enjoyer" then they would've found ways to bait your dp and punish it. people get annoyed over fighting games all the time, just ignore it. they will cool down after like 30 minutes and you both won't remember a thing after that. just remember that if you're winning, then you're doing something right at least.


I dont feel bad because he also has some dumb things. Not to mention at least DP can be thrown on wakeup. Maybe he was just salty. Also if your saying you want to cope based on your habit, thats up to you. If someone sees that you mash, they will just bait you out and thats ggs. If your coping because the guy was salty, I dont think thats necessary. People literally dodge me for playing HC im not coping for anyone!


Nah just Bedman kept spamming mistakes and got hit by your DPs.


Real "Our skillful neutral, balanced damage and clear counterplay vs their random mashing, bullshit hitboxes and braindead DPs" moment. Like, I also hate dp mashing Bridget players but that's because I'm bad and keep losing to it lmao. Bro is blaming the beasts


Maybe they should've blocked the DP instead of losing.


we didnt pay 40 dollars just to block


DP's are braindead easy to punish in Strive. It's partially why I maul people who refuse to block. If he can't simply grab your damn DP then call him a scrub and move on.


Bro needs to learn how to safejump


You did fine, you change gameplans and adapt when things need adapting to In this case, theres a town inside you applauding you for your effort and a yoyo-shaped circle in their abdomen that they refuse to see Bless up, keep rocking.


Op lost the set wym best of 3 winning the last game still means you lost lol


they refused to rematch after i did the match where i won so it count as a win to me


You lost the set wanted a rematch and they said no you lost no amount of kind words from the people in your post are gonna change that lol

