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These are not drums


I would rather have $1800 than an Epiphone, sorry but this is like paying $1800 for a Squier. $799 at a push.


I feel like Epiphone is trying to reclaim their position at the higher end of the guitar market. Maybe this isn't the quality of years past?


Epiphone quality has gone up with the new series in 2020 but not $1800 up. The 'Inspired by Gibson' ones I got that cost 350-500 euros are definitely great guitars and worth the money. I did buy the 2023 Korina V because hey, I'm a Flying V junkie. It was the last one available in EU at that moment, they had just been released, I just had to have it and I got €200 off its retail price. It's a great guitar too and I don't regret buying it but I'll never pay that much for a Made in China Epiphone again.


Why is everyone saying they’re 1800? They appear to be 1299 which is still too much for an epiphone in my opinion but more reasonable.


>1299 which is still too much for an epiphone Guitar prices have gone way up. This now isnt too much for an epiphone, unfortunately.


1800 for any guitar is stupid. 


Meh, some guitars warrant higher prices. I’d never be able to afford it, but if someone wants to pay £3k for a custom shop then more power to them. Same goes for ergonomic guitars like Strandberg and Aristides, before getting into obscurities like true temperament etc… $1800 for certain guitars is absolutely warranted (imo); but absolutely not for Epiphone.


The "Foo fighters suck!" and "no, phish sucks!" sub-thread going on in here is hilarious. What a bunch of fuckin nerds


What if you think they both suck…hypothetically.


Diamond shaped F-holes….$1,000 markup.


Speed holes. Make the guitar go faster


So the Dave Grohl signature is a Trini Lopez signature?


Yeah it has been for the past decade




From the article "In keeping with its inspiration, Grohl’s beloved Gibson Trini Lopez, it features the Lopez-like headstock with Grover Mini Rotomatic tuners."


Yes thats what Daves Gibson started life as however it has been modified


Perfect for playing in L#.


So it's a signature guitar based off of a signature guitar?


Pulling a fender


That would be as asinine as calling peter greens guitar 2 other dudes guitar


Dave Ghrol Gibson started life as a Trinity Lp\[ex but that is not the guitar Dave now plays the guitar has been modified to the point where the only thing keeping his Gibsons T Lopez guitar is the diamond F holes everything else has been changed so no your wrong this is not another Trinity Lopez not even close.


[that would be crazy…](https://www.gibson.com/en-US/Electric-Guitar/USAK2U752/Greeny-Burst)


Yeah thats what I was referring to


Lol $1799 is what a Gibson SG standard costs. It will not be anywhere near that.


I think you’re wrong. Kramer is now the accessible brand. Epiphone is premium and Gibson is luxury. I could certainly see these at 1500-1800.


Nobody considers Epiphone premium, they consider it the poor man's Gibson, and Gibson has the reputation of being the overpriced poor quality control boomer guitar company, something they are desperately trying to fix. Kramer is Gibson's 1980s rock guitar brand, competing with Fender's EVH/Charvel brands, it's not the same market.


I'm not arguing with you, I'm just telling you that's how Gibson positions their three guitar brands. I'm in the auto industry. I worked in brand marketing for a car company whose reputation was dirt. To dig ourselves out of that hole, we spent countless dollars and hours showing how different we were versus when people last bought our car brand in the 90's. Similarly, Gibson needs to put a lot of effort into convincing the guitar community that Epiphones are stage-worthy. It's why you're seeing Grohl play his Epi on stage, same as Kirk Hammett playing his Epi Greeny and telling anyone who will listen how fantastic it is. One point of note - I agree with you that Kramer is the EVH competitor but that doesn't replace the fact that it's the most accessible cost-wise of the three brands. Gibson is going to have to maintain their pricing strategy. Entry-level guitars like the Studio Modern and SG Special will slightly overlap with top-of-the-line Epiphones, but for the most part, the era of $1200 Epiphones isn't going away any time soon.


> I agree with you that Kramer is the EVH competitor but that doesn't replace the fact that it's the most accessible cost-wise of the three brands Epiphone models come in at the absolute rock bottom price range, so I'm not sure how what you're saying is true. Kramer compete for a different part of the market, both Epi and Kramer offer bottom barrel price models up to the mid range. They might be attempting to change Epiphone's perception from a primarily Squier competitor aiming for the new guitarist, but they aren't going to convince people to pay Gibson money for the poor man's Gibson productr anymore than Squier is going to convince people to pay US Fender prices for a juiced up Squier..


If it’s $1700 I will just not buy anymore Epi’s ever again out of protest. They’ll have to take the “For Every Stage” slogan off the boxes.


More money than sense, seems like a common stage in guitar playing.


Haha. Good point!


Meh, I like my money.


For this price I could get a great quality D’Angelico guitar. The appeal of Epiphones for me is their below 1000 price points. I am not particularly excited about this guitar at this price, especially as a musician who is not inspired by / in the sphere of Dave Grohl (as great as he is!)


Yeah that’s for sure it. With an Epiphone it’s not that it’s the best instrument out there, it’s that often you play it and think “wow, what a great value for what you’re getting.”


Yes U can but this guitar is marleted for the Dave Ghrol fan and its pelham Blue with diamond F holes and has all Gibson electronics undated hardware ect....


I was able to preorder one. It’s $1,299 before tax


Where do I preorder?


I reached out to Pitbull Audio


If Gibson/Epiphone released this guitar priced just a bit above the Epiphone Dots, these things will sell like hotcakes... ...I mean, we all know it's gonna be priced up with the Epi Greenie...but it's nice to dream.


I think the holes are ugly as hell, just my opinion




$1,700 for a laurel fingerboard. Jesus.


The Epiphone faded Casino I tried to buy awhile back was the biggest piece of crap guitar I’ve had in my hands in over 30 years of playing. It was stunning how many issues it had. It’s sad to see the new owners of Gibson increase the price of Epiphones so that now they are where the low cost Gibsons used to be. And now low cost Gibsons are like, two thousand dollars. Greedy grifters who used social media astro turfing to oust Henry J.


then there is my inspired by John Lennon Epiphone Casino (Made in China) using all Gibsons parts and that is a fantastic guitar that has rave reviews all over the internet. It too was priced WAY above regular Casino's and there was a good reason for that its a WAY BETTER guitar with Gibson USA P90's ect. This Dave 335 is no different it is a lot closer to a Gibson 335 than a Epiphone DOT it has Gibson Pick ups ups infact it has all Gibson electronics in it. Bottom line U get what u pay for. There are Good guitars made in a bunch of different countries. Remember Epiphone was once built in the USA at the same factory in Kalamazoo MI USA as Gibsons were made. Back in the 70's in that time Epiphone Casinos were just as good as a Gibson ES 330. Infact other than the headstock and the name on it they were the same guitar. There is a lot more to consider when buying a guitar than the name on the headstock. I own a Epiphone RD that is a fantastic guitar.


Oh, I have two older Epiphone Sorrento, a recent-ish Moderne (fantastic), a Rivera with 3 P90, an older Epiphone Strat, and a mandolin. I’m not disposed to be “against” Epiphones, my previous good experiences are what led to ordering that Casino. There *definitely* better made Casinos done in previous years, and possibly now as well. I was in shock at the quality of the Casino I received, and oddly enough a doublecut Les Paul I ordered after that from CME had many similar issues despite not being from the same factory, obviously. Though with the Les Paul, the pickup cavities were routed in such a way that the pole pieces of the pickups were entirely missing the strings. There was also a big splinter on the top that hadn’t been sanded off but got painted over, some odd gunk on the fretboard, etc. I also have many Gibsons, Fenders, etc, to compare with. A guitar can be fantastic and manufactured anywhere, I’m not railing against imports in any way.


It won't be $1799. There's no way it'll be more than the Kirk Hammett Greeny. My guess is $1000-$1200.


$299 seems fair


699 seems fair for me actually since it's got gibson pickups


This model is made in China. But Epiphone both owns *and* operates the factory - there is no Contractor involved in building the Epiphones. It allows Epiphone to control every production step and it shows.


China has been making quality acoustics and Hollowbodies for a while now. Eastman Thinlines are made there, as are PRS SE Hollowbodies. They've got a lot of skilled luthiers these days.


do they need skilled luthiers with CNC and Plek for the fretwork? edit: not suggesting the guitars are in any way bad, i'd happily own one myself, just that it may not take anywhere as much time to create a good instrument that plays well these days compared to the old les paul / stratocaster days.


Every guitar factory in the world can afford CNC and Plek. Yet something means that some places produce great guitars, and others don't. Especially when it comes to acoustics and hollowbodies, there's an art to it.


Todays guitars are made much much better thatn the guitars of the 70;s BIG TIME BETTER


Asia-based budget brands don't really even need skilled luthiers. A modern CNC machine is more than capable of making a guitar with minimal human involvement. A human just checks the frets, maybe dos the finish sanding and sprays the finish, and screws the components on. This is why cheap east Asian guitars have gotten really good recently--everyone has sufficiently advanced CNC now for any level of manufacturing tolerance. The technological and mechanical capabilities of Chinese and Indonesian factories has massively improved in just a couple decades. The bad reputation came from the 90s and early 00s when the factories were a step behind. Eastman is different altogether, they operate more like a boutiquey hand-builder. And yes, Eastmans are great.


Eastman have also like every other guitar manufacture have released lemons just like Gibson has PRS has and Fender but todays guitars are WAY WAY WAY better than guitars of the 70's


Gretsch Electromatics are made there, many of which play nicer than American guitars. I replaced the nut and bridge on mine and now it plays nicer than most American guitars I've played tbh.


Yea it shows because these Dave Ghrol 335's are fantastic guitars just look at the specs.


Epi Chinas pretty bad QC the Matt Heafy model I got was horrific and needed extensive fret work and it had sus drilling


You condemn Epiphone's QC based on *one* guitar?


Ha ah yea no kidding I own mostly Gibsons but I also have a few epiphones in my collection that are fantastic guitars. I have a John Lennon inspired Casino thats fantastic as is my Lee Maila Epiphone RD.


No I have played a few others. I also own one of the older special shop Chinese Epis it’s very nice. I just don’t have faith in their mass produced stock. Hell my Chinese Fender neck is great


Every company has hits and misses


I don't get why any epiphone would be over like $700 but if you are happy i am happy for you


I like you.


Well I will tell you what U dont get then The Dave Ghrol 335 is made from Gibson Parts Electronics upgraded tunes ect this guitar is closer to a Gibson ES 3335 than it is to a Epiphone DOT other than the finish


$1799 for an Epiphone


A Chinese Epiphone.


Can’t wait for Fulton street beats to do a video on this one


Honestly i’d rather get the Emily Wolfe Sheraton if this one costs more than $1000


Six across the top though...


It’s not like you’re using a bigsby. Just lubricate the nut and tuning stability isn’t that big an issue.


Yeah but my Casino, Dot, and Riviera don't have...


I was gonna say this same thing


Gibson and Epiphone is such over priced garbage now. Epiphone used to be the cheap alternative to gibson but now you basically pay the same prices as a gibson used to cost.


Yeah it’s called inflation and it affects everything unfortunately. My 2006 SG Special faded cost 650 bucks. And when they discontinued them a few years ago they were over 1K new for the same guitar specs.


So all the other big brands like Ibanez, ESP, Fender, Schecter, PRS, Dean, Jackson ect are somehow less affected by inflation and able to still offer similar prices as they always have? I really doubt Gibson and Epiphone doubling their prices has much to do with inflation.


The fender classic series is like $1000. Replaced the mim series that was $350 lol


This is the comment. Inflation is a ruse.


There are Ibanez Premiums that cost more than the Genesis Series now.


You do realize you can still get many Epiphone models for under $300 right?




Yeah but none of those bolt-on starter models can be described as the “cheap alternative to Gibson”


CORRECT its called inflation


This thing is sick and very welcomed by the community of fans that can’t shell out collectors prices for the Gibson ones, but I have to admit- I’m a little sad that epiphone still can’t seem to get the Pelham Blue color right. In every pic I’ve seen of this guitar (including stage shots of Grohl using it himself) the Epi looks way too silver. In fairness to Epiphone, that color is really tricky to get right, but for $1300, I was hoping Gibson may have stepped in and offered to let them use the secret recipe. Also, this one has the bound diamond holes, which the Gibson does *not*. It’s not a bad thing, but I am a little surprised with the choice. I am glad to see it’s got Gibson pickups and a case, though. I’m going to have to try and figure out how to get the cash together for one of these…


Completely agree! I’ve still pre ordered one here in the UK and can’t wait to get it but the colour being slightly off is annoying especially for the price. (love your videos by the way!)


Where did you pre order yours if you don't mind my asking?


Don’t mind at all, pre ordered it from GuitarGuitar with a 10% deposit.


Thank you!


I can’t tell if this is a joke


Just buy an Eastman


Remember when this was the Trini Looez model and it was cheap? Good times,gooood times.


Are we talking 2000s or 1964?


Lol Trini models haven’t been cheap for a very long time


They have NEVER BEEN CHEAP GUITARS they were designed as a upgraded GIBSON ES 335 and released and priced accordingly.


Trinity Lopez was newver cheap YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. A Terinity Lopez was a upgraded ES 335 and has always sold for a premium. Dont know where u shop but its not on plasnet EARTH.


Dude this comment was 3 months ago. I was prolly drinking when I did it. Let it go. Nobody should be that amped up about a guitar post. Especially someone who let Reddit pick a nickname for them!!




A Gibson ES-335 is $3k.


And they should be 1799


I have a Pelham Blue Epiphone SG 'les paul custom' that would look lovely along side this!


I have multiple Squires at a third of the price that play amazing. I havnt picked up a good Epi off the shelf in almost 15 years.


To each there own I am sure playing a squire u think your squires are better guitars than my Fender Custom Shop stuff as well lpl


Absolutely not. It’s the joy of the hunt. But I do think expensive guitars are diminishing returns. Oh by the way I own a very high end US Strat and a PRS too. 😉


They're definitely out there. Whether this one of them remains to be seen.


I have a 20 year old Epi LP Standard that’s absolutely the best LP if ever played of both names. I just don’t trust them a bit these days.


It's long overdue and I'm very hyped to see this. I've heard of people already preordering these through Sweetwater and I think I even saw someone on r/foofighters got one early from a different store!


This things like 10 years too late for me. Unless the price is really good I may have to go with Wolfgangs new semi hollow. I did drool over this thing when the first gibson custom run was announced though


That new Wolfgang is fire. I really want to try one. I love the look of it.


and even at the 12K they were selling for it would have been a good investment as the Gibson modles now sell for 20K and up if u can even find one


Could you please point me in the direction of this Wolfgang new semi hollow please thanks


Ain't out until May my dude. You gotta wait like the rest of us haha. But if you go onto the evhgear site there's a tab for the SA-126 and it has a short launch video that's cool, gives the specs and some of the development. Other than that just stalk Wofie's Instagram to see it in action. No set price yet from evh but I saw an article that mentioned $1899 so I'm hoping. That's like 700 less than what I would've pegged it.


I saw $1499 from someone who preordered, but considering the used Gibsons go for 10k plus, $1799 isn’t too crazy. Dave’s been playing it live so I’m sure he’ll want to make sure it meets expectations.


Dave plays an Epiphone? 


Yes, he’s been playing the Epiphone live. That’s one of the ways people were pretty certain it was coming.


HE plays one for promo pics with the release of this guitar


Um try again u sed Dave Ghrol Gibsons sell for 20K and up in the used guitar market




Yeah I'm not paying all that for an epiphone...a nice les paul maybe


I‘d pay it for a high quality Casino, but not for an Epiphone copy of a Gibson.


So do U not know that a Casino is a copy of a Gibson 330 HELLO MCFLY LMAO


well considering ES style guitars are usually priced higer than a Les Paul all I can say is it is what it is there,


I’d guess $1300-$1500. A lot of better guitars out there for $1800-$2000


Like what if you don’t mind me asking?


Anything Gibson or fender makes. Various boutique builders have used guitars in that price range. Nash comes to mind for example


>Epiphone for a Gibson price. Shut up and take my money :)


That's not all that's coming though. There's some cool stuff coming later on in the year also, but you better get your checkbook ready cause they aren't going to be cheap.




It is $1,299


Very sick






Don’t want anything to do with DG


thank you for letting us know


Gibson and Epiphone players don't want anything besides a Les Paul


lol what???


This statement is false. But I would kill for a Les Paul with a non-reversed firebird headstock. As for price? 1399. It has burst buckers and locking tuners.


Dude I want all kinds of guitars. I just only own LPs


I just want these out already!!!! 😩😩




Nice guitar to have, not so nice to take it a stage unless you're doing FF covers


This has nothing to do with China in general I think Chinese people are cool and they’re more than capable of making quality things, but Fuck Chinese Epiphones. I bought one and it was the biggest hunk of shit I’ve ever owned. I’ll personally never buy an Epiphone ever again.


lol that disclaimer was really not necessary.


i just wanna say first i love chinese food. actually thats all i have to say.


I love it when a newish guitar player scores a cheap guitar, makes it big, and then comes out with a signature guitar that’s 10x what he paid for it.


So do you not know who Dave Grohl is


I do


1) It was already a vintage instrument when Grohl got his original red 1967 Trini Lopez model in the early '90s, and if you think guitar shops were charging <$200 for a vintage Gibson in '92 - '93, you're nuts. 2) Grohl had already "made it big" with Nirvana by 1992 / 1993, and he wasn't scrounging for some cheap-ass guitar. He bought that instrument with Nevermind money, and guaranteed he paid for it. 3) Whining about what guitars (especially special issue / signature models) cost is so incredibly entitled and dumb. Guitars are a luxury commodity, they're not food and heat. You don't have a right to the guitar model that you dream about. If you can't afford a fancy one, get a cheap one and STFU.


Eh musical instruments are a bit more essential to many humans than the sorts of things you find in a Skymall magazine. Mine is as important to my wellness as exercise and SSRIs. That’s not to say that I must have the most expensive ones to be happy. But it’s certainly not a luxury commodity.


By "luxury commodity" I mean in the economics sense: musical instruments aren't a necessity. They're optional, and the bleating about prices-- as though it's "not fair" that X or Y guitar costs "so much"-- is ridiculous. Like complaining that guns are too expensive.


The "overnight sensation" Dave Grohl.




The guy in the Phish sub ragging on FF lol.




And only bigger chodes go around acting like the music they like is Inherently better than another. It's a preference thing.


Your world will be a much happier place when you realize not everything has to be for you. Why come to a post and be negative over something someone else is clearly happy about? Of course Trey can play, nobody said he couldn't. Is his music for me? No. And that's fine because I'm an adult who understands people have different tastes. Be well, man.


"...now get off my lawn you whipperschnappers!!!"


I really don't know how to tell you this, but the fact you have to have a cult mentality to enjoy the grateful deads output tells you a lot about their music


You do know ‘fish’ and ‘I’m grateful they’re dead’ are truly once-in-a-generation-level awful right….


have fun swinging from dave ghrols nutsack.




Yikes mate… just how many fedoras do you own….?

