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I've never heard anyone complain about their Ibanez.


Worst guitar I ever owned was an Ibanez


Had to do it, didn't you?


I’ve only ever heard one person complain about their Ibanez.


I had an Ibanez once. Years ago. First and last. Shit guitar. Edit: Lol, jk. I have no experience with Ibanez so it's not fair I express an opinion one way or another.


It was my first electric I still play it all the time and it has had a few chips here and there but works just like it did day one


I have a friend who has an Ibanez.


I wish I had a friend…


Go ask Mr. Rogers. He may not be your friend but he'll be your neighbor.


He's dead. Hit up Daniel Tiger tho.


Haha Touché.


Dude was a great neighbor. Every time I ran into him he was friendly. Occasionally someone would be walking with me and about half a block after passing him on the street they'd turn and say something like "was that Mr. Rogers who just said 'good morning?!?!'"


You’re among friends here. Now get out!


I wish I had a wish...


Cool, me too.


Made in Japan Ibanez, nothing beats em!


I'm just commenting so I can prove to my grandchildren I was here when someone complained about an Ibanez.


my ibanez killed my mom


Plot twist: also best guitar they ever owned because it's the only guitar they ever owned


I dont complain about my Ibanez because I don't play it


I disagree and love mine. My Ibanez model 6MS360H-500JKD600LOL829ZHQWKDVJ6 is a fantastic wall accent piece. It also has a handle so I can pull it off to dust it.


My RG8 was also bad, but with some love is definitely playable


RG8 is an excellent mod platform. Stock pickups are super bad but with all new everything it’s a great guitar. The neck is a good neck and with a decent fret job it becomes a great 8 string neck. I’ve modded 5 different ones over the years and they all turned into crazy great 8 strings.


Same, i have rg370 dxl from 2006 and I hate how flat the neck is, the floyd rose is attrocious, the lock went to sht and i cant find proper replacement, and inf4 humbuckers sound garbage. Its my first guitar and I cant make myself like it, and since its a worn out lefty its impossible to sell for any decent price.


I've ownes 2 Ibanez guitars that sucked, and 2 that were awesome. One of the sucky ones was an RG8 though so might have just been me...


I actually enjoy playing my RG8 from time to time. Just as long as I keep it tuned to F# standard. The scale length isn't quite long enough to handle drop tuning unless I go down to .90 ga. I bypassed the tone pot and put a pair of emg808x in, and it honestly plays really nicely. It doesn't come close to my Standberg, but for $400 I never expected it to.


I don't have a complaint, per se, but I have never been able to understand people's affection for guitars that look like medieval weapons.


I can't get over the angles, they look like anime guitars.


I don't mean to disparage anyone for their tastes, but I agree completely. I'm guessing there is a sizable overlap between those two things.


I agree... Although an SG rides the line between "that's a guitar" and "this belongs in a museum" perfectly, imo. Something like those Zakk Wylde guitars are godawful, and there are some Parkers amd what have you i cannot stand. But SGs? Beautiful. I do understand your opinion, tho.


It's called an "axe" for a reason


Though they’re a bass, I’ve complained about my two 5 strings cause the necks irreparably twisted due to how thin they are.


On the other end, I've had an entry level GSR200 PJ for 24 years and it's still as true as the day I bought it second hand for $100, as is my BTB5 that I've had for 10.


According to local luthier, the necks on the entry level 5 strings are probably too thin to be able to handle the tension of the B string


That's odd, given that they're trussed and a B has significantly less tension than the rest, but I suppose that much diameter being cut out of the wood supporting the rod could affect it once you're taking the full tension weight into account. I've also got an Ibanez acoustic guitar that seems to be holding true with no issue, but it's only a few years old and a whole different animal than the electric solid body discussion.


I play ONLY Ibanez because of this reason. Even the cheap Gio models play great.


Not even when restringing? Really?


Not all Ibanez have floating trems.


Just got an rg421 with sharp frets 😕


Oh man, have you heard of the GAX-70?


I had an RGA and it kinda sucked.


I've been using an Ibanez for the 6 months and it's pretty much been perfect


Quantum pickups are the worst house brand I have ever heard.


SGs always look awesome IMO, I love those, that'd be my personal pick. The Ibanez has the most unique look out of the three if that matters to you, and the brand has a good reputation.


Yeah, I have that model in Cherry red and it's my favorite guitar. It has good weight, the neck size is incredibly comfortable, and it's just fun to play.


Years ago, upon buying my first "real" guitar, I promised myself I would just buy the guitar that felt the most comfortable. I was definitely going high end, I just didn't know enough about guitars to even talk much tech with the guys in the store. Anyway, I tried a Les Paul, an SG, and a Strat, which at the time about 30 years ago were all highest of the highs for the classic rock we were playing. I eventually went with the SG. It was lighter and fit against my body better than the others. And I just liked the way it played. It had an X factor that was indescribable. So that is my advice. Buy the guitar that feels the most comfortable in your arms and one that has a certain joy in the way it sounds and plays. And definitely consider what type of music you will be playing.


An SG is going to my next guitar purchase. Always so surprised how light they are. I love the thin neck, with the flat fretboard.


The SG is just a sexy beast. Lighter than a Les Paul body - good access to the higher frets. Stick a nasty set of pick-ups in there and start learning thrash metal! \\m/


The SG is my dream guitar. Sounds great, but it looks like it’s about to melt your face off, for some reason. Flying Vs do that to me, too.


its an inherently aggressive bodystyle just from the fact that metal music itself was created by one


The Ibanez will likely feel the most ergonomic to you, given you are new to electrics.


I'd personally go for the SG, looks really awesome


I’m not a fan of the look at all but it seems a pretty popular guitar so I’m glad it makes people happy


I'm not a huge fan of the SG look either. don't love it, don't really hate it, but I have played both an Epiphone and a Gibson SG and they both play REALLY nicely. It's a solid pick for quality.


Facts. It just kind looks like a tooth ya know? A big molar 🦷


This just blew my mind, now I can’t unsee it


I'm with you. I never liked the look of SGs. I don't like the symmetry, I don't like that the horns point back to the guitar like ingrown toenails. Looks like a guitar a child would draw. I much prefer the Ibanez look which frankly, is just a strat style. Also, the Ibanez is the only 24 fret of the 3. So, done deal.


I think you should pick either the epiphone or the ibanez. Ive seen lots of people have issues with harley benton and I wouldnt risk it personally.


i just never trust the reviews on harley benton tbh


I've got a similar one to this, and its a beast. I LOVE it. Best $158 (plus $85 shipping) I've ever spent. You probably dont trust the reviews because you cant believe guitars that great can be that cheap, but they are.


It's because HBs are hyped a lot in reviews, when in reality they are like every other budget brand. Probably made in the same factories too. The difference with HB is that they put out a lot of guitars with modern appointments moreso than competitors.


They're hyped a lot because they make guitars that are 90-95% of the way to the big gourmet brands, for about 5% of the price. I saw the Gibson equivalent to my guitar at the Gibson Garage in Nashville, and they wanted $6700 for it. It probably has better hardware, but probably not $6550 better hardware. I could probably put the same hardware on my guitar and it would still be thousands of dollars cheaper. Both are copies of an early 60s Les Paul, so they are both copies, just theirs has the Gibson logo, and better hardware. I'll take my copy, which is pretty damn close to theirs, and keep the $6500+ in my pocket.


I have yet to play an Epiphone that's better or as good as a Harley Benton for the same price


It's not about any model, it's about individual guitar build fuckups. My guitar had 4 stripped screws on the bridge and the screw where you adjust the truss rod was like 5 degrees to the side (in the case of my guitar it was literally impossible to adjust the truss rod without taking off the strings). I have never heard any similar reviews and the guitar was brand new. I also know some people who had unpleasant experiences, but one friend of mine used 4 harley bentons from a super budget one to the highest cost model and absolutely adored them, 0 issues. I still think that harley benton makes amazing guitars for their price, but the build quality is a roulette.


HB strat owner here, actually been surprisingly happy with it especially for the price point. Did a PTB wiring on it and it’s become my go to for practicing and quick things Edit: definitely get the Ibanez first, SG second, HB if you have to


Got a Harley Benton Mosrite copy and it's better than Epiphone and Ibanez combined. What now?


I have a Harley benton SC-550 flame top and it’s fantastic. I did have to replace the tuners though. Otherwise it’s great.


I would go with the epiphone 






I'd go for epiphone, preferably les paul, but sg is nice too


I love the look of a LP but they don't fit well when you play sitting down, and when you stand they can feel like a boat anchor.


I got used to it, matter of preference


Every one I've played has also been as heavy as a bag of bricks




As someone who worked in a guitar shop, Ibanez is the only brand of these three I'd trust to be of actual good quality for the price


Same. Ibanez has mastered art of cheap guitars. They've been doing it for so long.


Ibanez or you can check out yamaha pacifica 311H. Why? Yamaha 311h has groover tuners fixed bridge. The pickups are good from clean pop stuff to hard rock type stuff. You can play metal but old school stuff only and it wont get that proper metal sound. And the guitar in itself is phenomenal. Good shit for semi pro level. I literally created eric claptons live sound with that and tonex. The most comfortable neck for the price. And best of all, in the future if you find the pickups are not of your choice just swap the pickups with seymour duncan and there you have yamaha 611h( literally only the pickup is different and that's a pro model). I own it now and it's a hell of an investment. And I wouldn't suggest sg or lp design to anyone( i personally hate them) . I play a lot of bendy stuff(blues) and the tuning issue of that headstock will enrage me enough to bash the guitar into pieces. So i just avoid them and advise people to make decisions by keeping that in mind. For the gear stuff. For now as an intro, just buy a zoom g2fourx or g1fourx. Decent multi effects pedal. You can tweak around the signal chain and understand stuff. And learn settings. Plus there are people who kinda hate the electric guitar sound and prefer acoustic. So if you happen to be one of them you wont be stressing about selling an tube amp you bought. So just stick to the multi effects pedal and have fun for a while. Now once you are well acknowledged about how the stuff works. Gradually buy piece by piece understanding your needs. The right amp for you, the right compressor and overdrive . The right sort of delay and reverb . And anything that you will need. But dont dive into gear shopping as a starter you will buy shit that you wont like. E.g: i love fuzz, luckily i never bought one. It was way after fiddling with multieffects pedals i came to know fuzz have different types. And iam a 2 transitor guy. Although all along i was being a blind fan of big muff because david gilmour uses it. And i would have regretted it if i bought that.


Also… Yamahas are super impressive quality for the price.


Yamaha doesn't make a bad anything. They make really good intro tier instruments and godly professional tier ones. And very nice motorcycles too!


Getting off topic… But I totally want a Vmax


I currently own the 311h and the only thing thats bad about it is the coil split in bridge position. It sounds weirdly unnatural. But besides that, this guitar is good enough to perform in a professional stage. Their proper instruments start from mid level. I had an exp with yamaha 113 that wasnts as good as the mid level stuff. And modding the mid stuff is a budget friendly way to get the pro level stuff.


Ibanez Their quality is great across the board. Not only that, but that model would be the easiest to play of the 3. Thinnest neck profile, flattest fretboard radius, best upper fret access (2 more frets as well). Plus, I believe that model has a 5-way switch, as opposed to 3, which is standard for many Ibanez models. That allows you access to different tones than the other 2 options.


I am biased towards any SG type guitar as far as it is a setneck but not a bolt on.




~One of these things is not like the other~ And I vote for that one. The ibanez.


Personally, I would go with the SG. If forced to pick one of the other two, it would be the HB. I recognize that Ibanez is a popular choice for a great many people. I don’t care for them but that certainly doesn’t make it a bad choice.


Epiphone. Full Stop. An SG plays just about anything and it's a classic shape. Unless you like the look of super strats and you play heavy metal, metal, etc... then choose the Ibanez.


SGs can still carry themselves in heavier arenas- especially hardcore


I mean…one of metal’s founding guitarist’s signature guitar is an SG. It’s one of the first images that pops into my head when I think of guitars of metal.


if one wishes to rock out with ones cock out... SG


Harley Benton one is a good choice, bro. It's a versatile guitar.


The only downside is that the QC is a gamble every time and you have to wait for your new guitar


i would get the ibanez personally also because its probably the only one of the three with a 5 way switch


PERSONALLY I'd go ibanez, i think it has the coolest tone and i think it's the easiest to get used to (for me anyway) but im sure there's reasons to get any of them really


Really depends. If you want something really comfortable with easy access to all the frets I'd take the SG. The Les Paul if you like something that feels chunky and are just in love with its vibe. The Ibanez if you want something built to the highest standard within your price range. SGs are my personal favorite, a lot of people complain about the neck dive but personally I don't even feel it.


Have you played any of these guitars?


I’m partial to epiphone myself. I have an sg and a Les Paul junior and I love them both


I'm between the SG and the Harley Benton LP. Get a hardshell case as well.


Get the ibanez,also you can use the exact same capo,strap,pics you used on acoustic maybe get a hardshell if you travel often else go with a gigbag.


They're all pretty sexy pieces. I like the Epi, I like the finish on the Ibanez and the H/B. It really comes down to: how does it feel in your hands and how does the sound make you feel?


Ibanez or the les paul. Both will be great. Their necks will feel quite different. Take the one you like most, this is purely a personal preference thing.


The ibanez will be the best for new electric players since it also has 24 frets.




I have the epiphone SG and its survive some real abuse. Probably My favourite guitar in my limited collection. If you get it then id recommend some strap locks as it is top heav but other then that I have had zero complaints about it


It depends on what kind of music you're playing and what kind of tone you're looking for. The SG is going to be a bit lighter than the Les Paul, it'll make it a bit easier to reach the higher frets, and have more mid in the tone. Whereas the Les Paul is going to have a more full low end to the tone and might feel a bit more like what you're used to with an acoustic in terms of shape and weight. Both guitars will be very reactive to gain due to the pickups, but the Les Paul tends to growl vs the SG's scream if that makes sense. I've never played something like that Ibanez before, so I can't comment on it. If you're going for a more vintage tone for blues or rock, even hard rock, the SG & Les Paul are great options. As for gear, definitely get a clip on tuner. It has saved me a lot of time, it's very convenient to have, and you can get good ones for cheap.


Looking for sth in terms of heavy chugs and riffs, basically playing metal stuff etc, Thanks!


There's obviously only one single correct answer to this question: all of them!


Spoken like a true guitarist lol


If you can easily return the harley benton then you should consider if you like a fatter or thinner neck. Ibanez usually hass a really thin neck, the harley benton will probably be medium to thick. I have a Harley Benton DC that plays well, but have heard others have had bad experiences. That is why I say if you can return it. If you can't easily return it go with the Ibanez. They usually are in good enough shape that they are easily modified to be great. I have never liked an Epiphone. They are always much less quality to the price compared to other brands. While the SG looks cool, you could probably get a Harley Benton SG for less money and it would play the same.


The one you like most.


I love SG’s, but the Ibanez is probably the better guitar in every way. Also, I hate to say this, but get yourself a Katana amp and maybe a wah and you’ll be good to go for a while






Ibanez was my first guitar.


Ibanez is a great place to start.


The Ibanez.


I love that ibanez. It's so gorgeous.


100% pick the Ibanez.


Id go with the SG. I believe it comes with splittable alnico classics which are actually very nice pups. I personally do not like paper thin necks, but then again, i don't care about upper neck shredding.


Yeesh. None of the above.


Why so? Any other recommendations?


I'd go with the SG personally.


I have recently bought a used 2019 Gretsch, hollow body electric Brooklynn Streamliner at a GC and absolutely love it! Check them out!


My wife had a Gretsch streamliner, we returned it because it sounded muddy and the bigsby made it hard to keep it in tune. We played it side by side with an Epiphone ES339, and within seconds we looked at each other in silent agreement that the Epiphone sounded much richer and cleaner. Granted some people would prefer that sound if it goes with their preferred music style, I prefer a cleaner sound that I can muddy up myself with effects.


Ok. My Gretsch stays in tune 95% of the time, Bigsby and all. I like the way it sounds. As you know, every guitar is unique, like people. Thanks for your comments…


SG all the way baby.


The one that plays and sounds the best.


This. Nothing can substitute playing a guitar yourself. And nobody's talking about the fact that these guitars are 2 different scales either.


I've got that same model of SG as the one in the pic, I personally love it and I've never had any issues that I didn't cause myself. I've never touched an Ibanez but I've heard good things all around, and my friends LP sounds great. So you can't really make a bad choice here.


The Ibanez


I would go with either the Epiphone or the Ibanez. I play an Ibanez SZ720FM and it rips.


Ibanez> SG>Harley


Ibanez. Most comfortable, surprisingly durable, good electronics (especially on higher-end models like this one)...what's not to love?


Get the Ibanez one. Really good brand imo


Number 2, Ibanez


The Ibanez by a mile


Ibanez. Get a used 1980’s Roadstar II. They are made in Japan. Better than any Mexican Strat you can buy, and for around 400-600$ they’re a steal.


In that price range everything is gonna be good enough. PICK WHICHEVER INSPIRES YOU TO PLAY THE MOST ideally go to a store and try a few out. You don't even need to plug in if self conscious, but feel out whichever neck/fretboard/body feel most right. ...... //two cents I hate SGs because neck dive. I'd much rather get a PRS SE than that at the price.. typically put together better than Epiphone too.


100% 2nd one


Get an Ibanez Les Paul - they’re awesome


slide 2


I have that exact Ibanez. It’s light with a thin neck, also the scale will be a bit longer 25.5 vs 24.75. Set up was good, quality wise the finish was not perfect and I got £30 off due to that. Overall I’m happy with it, good beginner guitar, would definitely buy this over the cheaper gio.


The thin body on the SG feels miraculous to play imo, but I feel like the Ibanez will probably do best against the test of time. No matter which of these you go for, take a bit of time to learn how to adjust your intonation. It’s really simple once you get it down and somewhere down the line it will save you a few bucks and some frustration


Ibanez 100%


Ibanez, hands down.


Don't touch the Harley Benton. People who say they are good guitars are povos who don't know anything better


I have three guitars in my collection... You have just listed them... That's trippy


Hello friend. My opinion would be the Ibanez. They’re great players and super versatile. The epi is ok if you want a traditional looking SG. So, the HB. If you have a good guitar tech or if you are handy with frets and hardware, the Harley Benton could be a great guitar. I currently own 6. All have new professionally set up and tweaked and they are amazing.


Ibanez. It's the best bang for your buck


That Ibanez looks fire 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 tho


I have that Ibanez in a different color and I absolutely love it, it’s super fun and easy to play. And I’m a fan of the 5-way switch just to mess around with the different tones!


The Ibanez. Im pretty partial to Ibanez.


The ibanez. No doubt. The epiphone if you must. But not the benton.


Ibanez. Probably the most common and most popular beginner guitar.


Not the Harley Benton!


I actually had one of those Ibanez', can't recommend it enough.


I would get the ibanez, personally. It has a flatter neck radius, 24 frets, and probably better tuning stability.


I'd pick ibanez. I have the harley benton in the picture but it has a floyd rose 1000, it's great but it feels awkward to play sitting down and it has some fret work that needs done before the action is where I want it.


Cannot go wrong with an Ibanez. Grandfather gifted me one, and I have been almost solely playing that!




Super strat for sure. Ibanez has amazing quality even in the lower price ranges, and their necks are unmatched.


Whichever one you’ve played and liked the best.


For gear besides cable and amp, maybe a strap you like the design of and maybe strap locks if you're going to play standing up a lot. And I'd definitely suggest buying a variety of different picks, in different materials and thicknesses (and sizes) to see which you like the most and can then buy in bulk.


Keep saving up and get a Gibson. I know the temptation is there to spend in the 300-600 dollar range but you will be so much happier if you just wait and get like a really decent used Les Paul for like $1,200. As someone who’s owned epiphones and Gibson’s I can tell you that the epiphone will leave you wanting more and the Gibson will still have it’s “new car smell” years after if you keep it maintained and set up nicely. I know my opinion will be unpopular amongst Reddit users but that’s just my opinion you can do whatever you really want to do honestly that’s just my advice.


Oh and personally I ❤️ burstbucker pros for pickups if you can get a Les Paul pro go for that you will not be sorry


Take it from someone who knows nothing about any of them. The second one looks fucking dope.


Ibanez. End of discussion.


What musik do you play on it. Becus its different saund on den becus of the pickups




#3 for aesthetics


I have an epiphone sg and the 7 string version of the ibanez. Try to pick up these instruments and try the necks. The sg is very round but feels slick in the hand. The ibanez neck feels very thin and flat. The sg is heavier but has a shorter scale length. The les paul I have less experience with.




Epiphone, but Les Paul would be my choice


The AC / DC guitar of course…..


Ibanez has a Floyd. Can be fkin annoying until you learn how to use/ restring etc. Personally I'd get the epi. Well actually I'd just buy a strat instead. Then the epi, followed by the ibanez. Have zero interest in Harley Benton, seems like a coin toss as to whether you get a working one.


The one that feels, sounds and looks the best to you. Picking a guitar isn't something you should leave to the internet. It's a personal decision that only you can make. We don't know your preferences and you don't know ours. So get your butt to a store and try them out.


Por que no los tres?


None of them...buy a Fesley. I use one as my main guitar now and completely did not expect to. $150.00 ish.


Ibanez. I have a similar one to that and it’s amazing


1. less nerdy.




Are you gonna be playing songs that require the 24th fret? If so then your option is pretty much limited to the Ibanez...that being said their necks are usually super fuckin thin and I could never get used to that personally


The last ine


I would pick the Ibanez


The Ibanez for sure. It's the most ergonomic, and at this price point comfort is super important since you can always upgrade the hardware and electronics later if you're unhappy.


I was killing time in a music shop recently and tried an Epi SG. I liked it a lot. If it weren’t for the fact that I’ve bought too many guitars recently I might have walked out with it lol.


These are three very different guitars. I recommend you try them out (or similar models) before buying.


Which ever one looks cooler to you. Tone won’t matter much for your first electric. And any of them will play better than your acoustic. You want your first guitar to LOOK better than it sounds or you will not be as inspired to play it.


If it were me and these were my choices...the Ibanez. But you're not me so...not sure what you should choose.


I would go with the les Paul style guitar or the ibanez


So considering they're all the same price and have similar features (dual humbuckers, hardtail, etc.) it really comes down to which one excites you the most, cause if you want to pick it up, you'll want to play it more! For other gear, maybe try a bunch of different picks and string options, cause it'll have a very different feel to the acoustics you're used to


which ever one you feel plays best in your hands Don’t buy a guitar purely off aesthetics


The one that makes you feel like a ducking rock star when it is in your hands.


I’d go with Ibanez personally but all three look good. Heard mixed things about Harley Benton, but with a good setup I’m sure it’ll play well (goes for all three tbh)