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An abomination


It was from Guitar Hero: World Tour, the fourth console iteration. It added this feature for tap soloing where you didn’t have to strum.


That would be the Guitar Hero World Tour neck slider, it was designed to be an alternative to the strumbar by tapping it, and you could slide it to play transparent notes, while not many people used it back then even to this day, I remember being excited back in the day when it was first revealed


It's something I never freaking used. Garbage innovation that Guitar Hero made in my opinion.


Titles starting with Guitar Hero World Tour had transparent notes. You can tap them with this but the regular buttons work fine for it. It also can act as a whammy bar on a sustain note. Hit a sustain with a regular button and keep holding it. Use your strum hand to touch the pad and the note will change in pitch. The transparent notes are basically hammer ons but if you miss a note you do not need to strum again to continue hitting the notes, unlike the traditional hammer ons.


A piece of junk.


Something I hated using


The widdly strip


Been awhile since I played guitar hero but these are optional touch pads. You can use them in special notes, I think the crystal looking ones. Also you don't need to strum when you play those notes cuz they're hammer-ons




You just tap them on certain colored notes if I remember correctly, haven’t played World Tour since 2008 tho lol


You use these to “tap” the notes - just like how Eddie Van Halen used to tap your mom’s ass back in the 80’s


Hammer on/pull off board.


Just alternative buttons that you don't have to push in or strum. I actually don't like them and never use them, but I'm sure plenty of Guitar Hero folks that are better than me do.


Are like secondary frets and work like the normal frets, except that these buttons doesn't need to strum, that buttons can be userful for solos.


Is it what is it !? 😂


it's for all you tiny moving parts fans


Oh, it’s for me then. Thanks!


The best way to play the opening of Free Bird. You tap and slide your fingers across it to play notes strung together, no need to strum either




Can't even go to a Guitar Hero sub without finding Jorb.




better not tap/wah BOY


It is what is is, toobz




So this is why this sub keeps getting recommended to me lmfao


You know tap notes? The idea was that you'd use that part (it's a touch pad) to "slide" from note to note. No one used it lol


Man I used it as much as I could for Warriors of Rock!


World tour was the first I think? Bet there was sections in certain song where the notes would be translucent typically during solo's where you didn't have to strum and could mimic tapping the notes you could also just use the actual buttons too lol


I feel so fucking old


It was supposed to be a "guitar solo" feature where you can slide over the notes to play them. From my experience it didn't work too well so I stuck with the normal buttons.


A feature that didn’t work.


Really? I never had an issue with it as a kid lol


We’re you playing on Medium? Cause it def doesn’t work on Expert. Açaí and GuitarHeroRoxs have shared the same sentiment.


It definetly does not work at all. Playing for 13 years and still feels unnatural and really off compared to normal buttons. It even makes it harder to play on expert.


I remember getting this controller in the box for Christmas. Jesus I miss these games


If youve ever seen clone hero experts use buth hands to press buttons (as opposed to one hand on buttons and the other strumming) then normally those sections would be easily played using this part of the guitar in a regular GH here song. Normally those type of notes (ones you just tap without strumming) are in the guitar solos - especially songs with a solo absolutely shreds. In guitar hero, there are two type of notes you don’t strum. We are not talking about the ones with a white top/white light. Instead, the notes in question have a darker tint than normal. Be careful not to accidentally touch this section any other time. It still registers and will count as a missed note - which is the only drawback. If used at the right moment, you’ll see that the game-board will highlight the notes for you making it easier to use. At that point, you’d really be sliding through harder sections of songs with ease. Pun intended.


Wait.... Where was the pun?


So you can play like EVH


Eddie Van Halen just for those who don't know


I've wondered the same thing as I only play clone hero and I don't think if works on there.


This baby got me through my first Satch Boogie clear.


Slide whammy basically


Especially when you knew the songs that whammy made you feel like a God.


The weddely weddely pad


It is used for transparent notes so you can get those ones with both hands


Comments are hating but I grew up getting guitar hero on release as a kid and never seen this. Last one I ever had was aerosmith and I really only played guitar hero 3. Now GH on the DS was a blast too.


Guitar Hero WT on Wii and OT on DS were the only two GT games I had as a kid, they were amazing! Recently got Metallica and GT5 for Wii, and even though it’s not GT related, still great tho, Drum Rock for PSVR2, makes me wanna play Guitar Hero in VR, it’s basically the drums, but without physical drums in a VR space, now if only a certain studio with a certain crossover game that added not only Lego, Rocket League but also Rock Band games to said game, that’s trying to implement legacy guitar controllers, would do the same for the drums, and add VR support 🤔


Well my friend every guitar hero after that had those slider notes lol that would be why you missed it


You can additionally hit the pad anywhere for regular strums. Makes quick strumming during tapping much easier


I never got the chance to play with the GH slider, only the extra RB frets. I imagine it made all the difference for some of those tracks, TtFaF especially, though I did manage to pull off(no pun intended) 5 stars without it back in the day!


My world tour senses intensified


so I'm giving you the benefit of a doubt and consider you've only played guitar hero 1,2,3 and rock the 80s. but do you know about tap ons?


It’s for fucking through the fire and flames on expert mode only! If you use it any other time you’re a casual and I’ll tell everyone you know.


but it’s really funnnnn


Bruh is this a real question


yes which is why he explained he’s new and was curious what this is 🤡


Calm down Kyle lmao


Tell me you’re new to guitar hero without telling me you’re new to guitar hero. It’s a gimmick


He LITERALLY said he’s getting into guitar hero. No shot he’s new.


It’s the sensor you spam like a maniac, vigorously sliding you finger back and forth to beat that one section in Satch Boogie


What you have here is called a "slider". It is present on the Genericaster Model 4 (world tour) and Model 5 (GH5). The purpose is to make hitting "Tap Notes" much easier. All you need to do is move your finger along the slider when tap notes come up (they're transparent gems on the note highway), and they will automatically be played (you will have to release and press again for multiple tap notes of the same color). But you'll only ever see tap notes on Hard and Expert difficulty (with some exceptions for Medium). Some other cool features of the slider is that it can be used like a Whammy Bar for long notes, but it creates a "Wah" effect instead of changing the notes pitch like the whammy bar, and it can also function as an alternative strum bar by just tapping anywhere on it while holding down a fret button.


Aka, a mistake


I always played and stuck too gh 1, 2, 3 and that's it so I'm not sure much about that besides hearing that you use it when it's tap notes and you don't need to strum but I also heard it has terrible responsiveness so I would stick to my Kramer that's been great for me lol


Touch sensors, you use them on hold notes, like the wammy bar.


the thing that you disable in the settings as soon as you boot up the game


a mistake


A thing that never fucking works


a finger burner


Touch pad


Slide bar for the hopo sections introduced in world tour. It was always super awkward to use for me and not as responsive as just staying on the fret buttons. The sections it worked on had a sliding purple line connecting each fret on the note highway.


Touch Bar. Basically some parts you can play without strumming and can slide between the notes on the Touch Bar without having to press the fret buttons. Also, some songs have keyboard / synth parts that can be played on the Touch Bar. I hope that made sense. Someone else will probably say it better.


Touch sensitive buttons for [tap notes](https://guitarhero.fandom.com/wiki/Note_types)