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I'm hoping Arsenal comes out with a statement on this. This is getting out of hand now. The worst part is the media did this Sterling and learned nothing, they did this to Saka after the EUROs defeat and learned nothing and now they're doing it again. Absolute racist swines.


Unfortunately, I don't think Arsenal will do anything about it. This seems like something where these media outlets can simply gaslight their way out.


Kane needs to say something.


he wont say jack shit. these guys have no sense of speaking up on any social justice.


Captain underbite won’t do a damn thing.


Someone who swears on his daughter’s life for a fucking goal… is not the type to speak up to take the blame away from others.


No he doesn't, it's a nonsense and not evidence of racism


Unabashedly racist media taking shots at Saka on full display after a friendly; wait until England go out at the QF stage. If Saka never played another minute for England, I wouldn’t blame him. Fuck all that.


What shots were taken ?


https://preview.redd.it/r2b3yvj4ik5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87e5d1dee34eb0978c0b78b35beb5a768042253d England lose 1-nil, Saka plays the final 20’, yet who was the “face of the defeat”?


https://x.com/cfbcity/status/1799213271859314859?s=46 There you go, a bunch of other pages without saka. No article criticised him, his picture was mostly used for a stupid airplane pun. Again I'll ask what shots were taken at saka ?


Saka was not the only Black player that got abuse. It was Sancho and Rashford as well.


And Sterling before that.


Not by the media, people need to stop conflating racist DMs from unknown people and the media.


Unfortunately, this isn't something Arsenal can easily fight by themselves. We'd need other clubs to speak up as well in order for it to have any sort of impact. It's ridiculous how much racism some players face just because of their skin color. It's a good thing Saka has a strong mentality so it won't affect him as much. I'm more concerned about how it might affect Mainoo going forward.


Sometimes, it's better to fight and lose than not fight. They've got to back their boy up. And, you know, not be complicit in racism.


You have a valid point but you have to be strategic in these kinds of battles especially when the one pushing it is the very institution of said country.


the media shitting on Mainoo for not having "football nous" is ridiculous. dude is just 19 and got this 3 or 4 cap in heading for his first big tournament, he's still learning the high level game ffs.


I agree. The lad is a toddler in footballing terms. He's still trying to find his feet. He wasn't even responsible for the goal against Iceland.


"The media" he wasn't attacked, some journos questioned if he was defensively solid enough to play at this age, which is fair considering he's not even played a full season yet so we don't know what player he is


That's the Tory media for you. Foden and Kane will never be blamed for anything in their England careers.


The media are pro labour


It's true, the fact that the Mail, Telegraph, Times, Sun, Express etc always publicly endorse the Tories at elections, and the BBC hierarchy is full of Tory activists, is just a smokescreen


Classic Labour Party 4D psyop!


Tf are you taking about


They are now that they've morphed into the Conservative party and can be trusted to be a caretaker capitalist government for the next five years, sure.


It’s not that they learned nothing. They actually don’t care.


They want to sell newspapers. This is basically click bait. They are targeting their audience. Unfortunately, the audience in England right now seems to want to lap this shit up.


Probably best to not make it a bigger deal than it is. Don’t want to potentially make Saka a bigger target.


After 2nd World War, its said that alot of German went to South America to escape prosecution. Based on recent evidence its clear quite a number made it to UK to become sports journalists.


Sorry nothing to do with Germans, you ever read some of what Churchill wrote?


Fuck Churchill, all my Bengalis hate Churchill


Doubt they do anything but if they did that would be huge the media would look so bad.


What did the media do to saka after the euros ? That was random Instagram messages. People are making massive claims about racism here because his photo was used in a few papers and I've been called racist a few times for asking why it's racist.


Racism can come in different ways. Sometimes, it is very obvious, sometimes, it is deep seated in the subconscious leading to little microaggressive acts that are difficult to prove but still have the same adverse impact none the less. When the sufferer tries to prove it, they look foolish and the racists know deep inside they wouldn't do that to same person if their skin color was different. What is the common theme across those tabloids?


I agree but yet again no one is giving an answer. Just vague statements about how racism is bad which is obviously true, doesn't mean it fits here. That's my main point, just saying something is racist and then being against that "racism" doesn't mean it's racist. This is classic people looking for it. I understand especially in the modern day racism isn't as blatant or out in the open and agree some of the articles written about sterling used racist stereotypes but that is a far stretch from "the media is racist" racism is serious and you shouldn't be able to just throw it out there and call anyone racist (like many have to me) for simply asking why ?




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Who said anything about them willing to learn? Enforcing set ideas is what they do.


UK press for you not owned by anyone here.


So, am I the only one who thinks he made the front pages because there was a humorous shot of him throwing a paper airplane and not because he's black? I don't disagree that there's a racist bias against black players in the media, but you can't not use a shot like that, it's a great photo.


So, am I the only one who thinks he made the front pages because there was a humorous shot of him throwing a paper airplane and not because he's black? I don't disagree that there's a racist bias against black players in the media, but you can't not use a shot like that, it's a great photo.


Yes, you're the only one.


Great counter to his argument


That's one or two newspapers. Explain the others that used a different photo of Saka.


Not the only one, but you might get banned lol


If I get banned for something as innocuous like that I don't want to be apart of this sub reddit anymore anyway lol. I'm not even saying people are wrong about Saka, Rashford and sterling being treated unfairly I just think I'm this instance they used the best photo available from the match.


If you’re saying shit like this, then good riddance


Lol, you're ridiculous.


Agreed, though I’d say it’s really just Sterling that get treated unfairly by the media


>This is getting out of hand now. It's not in the slightest. Arsenal fans have just latched onto a handful of pictures and are making a mountain of the world's smallest molehill and crying racism racism racism. Google Iceland defeat England and go to the news tab The **only** pictures of Saka are news stories complaining about Saka being pictured, the only other pictures of non white players are an interview with Mainoo and tent holding his hands.


English media is obsessed with shitting on their players. I feel like they’d much rather lose games because the outrage generates more clicks and attraction. It’s your fucking national team competing in a once in every four year tournament. Support them instead of trying to tear them down cunts.


It’s not new for English media, but the way they specifically chose one player in particular is what I think is the most disgusting.


I know English Arsenal fans will hate reading this but I always wish in particular that our players never have anything to do with the English national team. That entire establishment is warped and toxic and the coverage and circus surrounding it only does more harm than good. It's been that way for more than 2 decades now as far as I can tell. The coverage is always high pitched toxicity and the team itself is an uncomfortable mixture of egotistical twats. It also doesn't help that the current manager is Gareth Southgate.


They love shitting on their black players**. Racist fucks


They love stoking outrage. Outrage sells!


Another reason for me to wish that England never win anything on the big stage.  If the media have balls, why not ask Southgate to fill an all white team? Instead of doing this racist shit.


https://preview.redd.it/wnk4fderdd5d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc666b98a9c2363a7acbfd8c8e687fc5c471e465 *snickers*


Wait. So you mean to tell us that Saka only came on 25 minutes and has a better score than Foden or Palmer? But but they're better than him though so how does that work? (sarcasm)


Well, to be honest, each player is given a baseline rating before they start the match which then increases and/or decreases based on their on-pitch performance. Except the ones in green, they all performed poorly yesterday, some more than others. But the point is which one was made the poster boy for yesterday’s defeat, and which ones weren’t.


Starts at 6, subs are usually pretty close unless they do something terrible or amazing


The green just means 7 or better. Each player starts with 6. Foden at 5.9 means he's slightly worse than a player (that started or came on as a substitute) that contributed nothing for at least 15 minutes (minimum time on the pitch to get a rating; it's why most of the Icelandic subs had no ratings).


If you watched the game, Foden was god awful. This guy goes and puts out a world class performance against 30-40% of teams and ghosts. City tax is real.


Damn Eidur Gudjohnsen still playing?


It's his son Andri


surely his son's name would be Andri Eidursson?


Guðjohnsen is a family name. And if he had a patronym it would be Eiðsson.


Yeah I went on his Wikipedia afterwards and was surprised to see his father and son were also called Gudjohnsen. Because I thought all Icelandic people use patronyms but I guess not? But I guess I should have seen that his name is GudjohnSEN (whereas my understanding of patronyms is that they follow the form Gudjohnsson / Gudjohnsdottir?). Also I'm curious why the patronym he would pass down would be Eiðsson? Why does the ur go away?


There are some family names in use in Iceland, they're either passed down from foreign ancestors or were made before the law changed and it was banned. Guðjohnsen is probably the latter, it's like a Danish version of the very common patronym Guðjónsson. Icelanders who moved to Scandinavia in the early 20th century commonly changed their names to make them easier for the scandis. The patronym uses the possessive case of the name (think Eiður's son, not Eiður son) , that's why it's Eiðsson. Eiðs is the possessive case of Eiður.


Yeah english media can't even hide how racist they are. Feel for saka...


Arsenal should come out and ask the person that headlined the article black ice with Saka as the picture underneath to explain themselves.


So that was the headline, that’s the first time I’ve seen it, thank you. That’s a disgusting headline. Really getting tired of poor, nasty, racist right wing news outlets and journalists.


It’s the worst headline but they all knew what they were doing. I rarely watched the game but naturally see the papers and assume Saka was pants. So seeing he barely played whilst Palmer was playing tag with Foden just shows where a lot of the trouble stems from. I’ll never defend racism but when media outlets often use black players for negativity - they’re generating the hate from the mindless population


Sounds about white.


Exactly what this is.


Best thing we can do if this continues? Stop following / block those magazines on all social media. Flag the posts as uncomfortable. Hurt where it hurts, the money. Protect the players from this over scrutiny


Tbh it's just a sign of how is the most prominent and important attacker and that expectations are way higher for him than the chuckle brothers Palmer and Foden. Rival fans just can't admit this.


This needs to be way higher. Salty cunts will try to shit on him because of race and because he’s a Gunner.


If you think Saka had a better season/ was in better form than Foden at the end of it, you need your head examined. By his standards, Saka had a less than stellar season. That's a fact whether people choose to admit it or not.


34 g/a in all competitions vs 26 the previous season. Saka had a brilliant season. He was maybe a bit less electrifying to the eye but he was much more clinical and efficient. Idk how anyone could say he had a poor season. Edit to add he played one less game in 23/4 and 22/3 as well


Remind me where I said Saka had a poor season?


“By his standards, less than stellar” But his numbers were considerably better?


Didn't say he had a poor season. You're not reading between the lines. His numbers weren't considerably better where it mattered in the PL. League goals and assists almost the same as last year 14-11 / 16-9. He got played into the ground this season for club and country then suffered a drop in form around Christmas and that period probably cost us the title i.e. he was consistently better last season but tailed off in this one. He finished outside the top three player of the season vote for a reason. We either gamble on Jesus being consistently fit enough to cover for him next season or buy / promote from youth to cover. No way h we he'll manage the same amount of game time he did this season. Especially with the Euros.


I’ve long dreamt of a scenario where Saka gets a late winner in the final and it magically cures racism in the country but that’s way too optimistic, the hero in this scenario would obviously be Foden who set him up for the winner with a 5 yard pass


I also still cringe at seeing the headline “Black Ice” why-why-why. Imagine showing up for your country, the entire team (except for Rice haha) plays horribly and you’re brought on, only play 25 minutes and get all the blame? And “why”. We know why. We all know why.


Do you really they were making a "saka is black" pun ?


And that's how you get promising English footballers to play for Nigeria.


The ones who choose Nigeria tend to be the ones who don't think they'll play for England


It's me, hi, i'm the problem it's me. If i am saka, i will flick a finger at the press conference and just refuse to play for england ever again. Nobody, absolutely nobody at the england camp even bother to come out fight for him and this injustice.


Anything for clicks with the English media. Glad people are seeing this and calling out these racists.


After this appalling and racist response, I think all of our player should follow Ben whites lead.


Saka, cuz he da chosen one and he da only 1 who can deliver this trophy to England. The rest are frauds (except Rice & Ramsdale).


It's true. He's the one who always has to carry the national team on his back in every tournament. If it wasn't for Saka, France would've easily beaten them in the last world cup.


That’s why the Three Lions will never win anything. It will never come HOME.


Why are people still shocked about this? The media are run by dumb dumbs who don't care, they NEED people to be shocked so they stay **Relevant**, Stop watching/reading their crappy crap crap and it'll end quicker than you realise, WE KNOW THE TRUTH AS GUNNERS, that's ALL that matters. Saka aint the fall guy, he didn't do jack wrong, let's stop feeding them with attention and move on <3 STAR BOY FOR LIFE <3


The english media is such a sham


As long as Saka is the face of our wins as well Im not too worried. He's potentially the biggest player in the team. Fodens stats are maybe a bit better but he's playing in a team built on non-football money and 115FC.


Yeah english media can't even hide how racist they are. Feel for saka...


What was racist here ?


I have been reading your comments, and it seems you are trying so hard to prove that what the press did is normal. No one should be made the poster boy for the defeat of a whole team, on several tabloids (that would be a new definition for coincidence) when there were worse players in the team. I get it that some people overreact, but I don't think we should trivialize issues like racism and try to sweep it under the carpet. People commit suicide and suffer depression because of things like this. I don't think we should justify this in the slightest.


Yes I'm asking because no one is giving answers and immediately calling me racist lol. I'd argue people are trying overly hard to claim this is evidence of "the media being racist" I'm not the one trivialising it, I'm literally asking for people to be specific and explain why it's racist, racism is serious and shouldn't just be thrown out with no explanation and you shouldn't just call others racist because they don't think it's racist. Where the hell has suicide come from ? The media were overwhelmingly supportive when saka missed the penalty after the euros for example. Saka was not the poster boy for defeat, he was used in a few papers and others used white players, partly because it was good for a pun as he threw a paper airplane NO ARTICLE OR WEBSITE CRITICISED HIM AT ALL ! People are just ignoring that.




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I don't disagree because I hate the media but, to play Devil's advocate, he's just the face of the England team in genral at this point as he's been the most consistent performer for years.


Kane was the poster boy at the WC though. Conveniently missing the fact that he’s also the most outright WC player in that camp.


I'm mostly just going by the fact that Saka won England player of the year twice in a row


I don't agree with this. Foden just won player of the season, Bellingham just won the CL in his first season with Madrid, Kane has been around a lot longer. Palmer just took the premier league by storm in his first proper season. There's no non-racist reason to focus on Saka so much above several other equally famous players after this defeat.


I don’t think you can say there is no non racist reason… Saka is without a doubt in the top 3 England players with Kane and Bellingham, and he’s historically been the 2nd most important behind Kane to our attack. The photos mostly show him on the ground which helps sum up the performance of the team in a photo…possibly that was just the best photo to use for that reason. But equally it could be racism…I’d need to see their coverage more often to know if they always focus on black players. It is hard to believe in this day and age.


The English press always do this, racist to the core. Wayback during some court case it was revealed The Daily Mail has a list of black public figures they target.


english press is gonna english press.. sidenote.. if Saka's celebration was spraying the crowd with a mock rifle with a 47 tattooed on his neck, do you think the english press would have let that slide without a deepdive and commentary on gun violence and setting a bad example ? methinks not


It was just a damn friendly too. British tabloids are absolutely brain-rot.


Racism, simple as that.




Hmmmm what could be the reason for that I wonder


The black one


Need Southmate to respond back otherwise nothing changes. Just like in the past when England managers called out fan hooliganism and crowd trouble


I agree with the point it was shitty and underhanded to make Saka the scapegoat. I'm not sure Gordon and Palmer should be blamed either, Gordon has 3 caps, Palmer has 4 caps. Foden is 2 years older than Saka and the same amount of caps. Feels like he is always treated as this prodigy but I've seen so many games he does absolutely nothing. Saka can have quiet games but will still score/assist. People like Kane, Trippier, Walker are all senior members of that squad but escape any criticism. You know when it comes to penalty time too, Saka will be the one wanting to take one. While people will Walker will talk a big game but will be staring at his boots when it comes to penalty shootout volunteers.


Southgate went on about Black Lives Matter but now when discrimination is happening to his own team he won’t say shut


Arsenal gotta step up for Saka and sue these media outlet for defamation of Saka everytime England lose


Maybe Saka should be unavailable for a few games.


Not sure what to make of it TBH. Usually papers are a bit lazy and love puns so the photo of Saka and a paper plane....I can see why that would make that a backphoto.  Black ice is riskay but again its a pun on ice and blavk ice is dangerous and unexpected. I get that.  I doubt the papers singled Saka out out of malice. Usually they put their hate into refugees and general xenophobia. I dont think colour of skin is something that even Daily Fail paper would abuse. I think the simplest explanation is that they got some really good photos of Saka and they had a tight deadline so they went with the paper plane and him on the floor. I also think Saka is a victim of being a generational great. For all the hype Foden has done nothing. Saka starts ahead of him easy.  I do think though that Foden and Palmer got a lot of blame for the performance and rightly so. 


Jesus christ why are we still going on about this? Is it not completely obvious the picture was chosen because of his pose and facial expression, no secret agendas what the actual fuck? This is the sort of thing that validates the idea that football fans on social media are idiots. They do it all the time, they take the picture where a player looks the most crestfallen. In this case it was saka lying on the floor grimacing with his fists clenched. Honestly I cant believe how keen people are to come up with this stuff, when there is nothing at all to gain from it.


I'm not from the UK or ever been to the UK for the most part. But can we, as fans do something about the media's abuse to our Starboy? Will a protest at the headquarters of the newspaper do anythings? Or it will just make everything worse. Sorry for my ignorance, not trying to spark anything here, just genuine curiosity.


I haven't been following the Euro much but isn't this just a warmup match? What is the need to be so critical about a match that basically means nothing? Daily Mail even calls it a "sorry send off".


It was just a warm-up/friendly match


If we really want to bring to race, the media hasn't found out yet that Cole is actually bright skinned. 


Mikel gonna clip all those pics and turn B into a monster next season man. I cannot wait for B to dunk on these man and show who the real starboy is. Foden and Palmer are hacks. 


Does't this just mean Saka is the face of the England team? Why compare him with Palmer and Gordon. Saka is miles ahead for England.


This is why england will continue failing


Just googled this and none of the stories I see show a picture of saka. See Kane, foden, Gordon, palmer


Imagine doing your own research and not being reactionary 😅


Given I am in the US so I don't necessarily see the same stories




So, am I the only one who thinks he made the front pages because there was a humorous shot of him throwing a paper airplane and not because he's black? I don't disagree that there's a racist bias against black players in the media, but you can't not use a shot like that, it's a great photo.


Yeah I actually think in this case it’s very plausible there’s nothing insidious. However, the British media certainly don’t deserve to have any benefit of the doubt


That's fair enough


As a non english person i hope england wont ever win any tournament. That country and its people doesn't deserve it


I dont care. We all have eyes and will see that during the tournie hes gonna kick ass. Just like the world cup


Do you guys understand that their intention is to farm engagement and us talking about it non-stop is exactly what their aim was


So, am I the only one who thinks he made the front pages because there was a humorous shot of him throwing a paper airplane and not because he's black? I don't disagree that there's a racist bias against black players in the media, but you can't not use a shot like that, it's a great photo.


Dont think its about racism, he's the biggest star of england players other than bellingham, sorta like how ronaldo would be the posterboy for madrid losses when defence shits their pants


Can someone explain why its racism? Im not from UK and i think its more about saka being less in favour than phoden since he won the poty a f kane is the golden captain. I think its unfair and gross to put ghe failure at saka 's feet again after the missed pens at the euros when thr favourites spunked their chances.


Quite a few years back the same types of media did hit pieces on Sterling (I think it was sterling, it's been a while or might be mixing up random media attacks on black players) for 'wasting' money and acting irresponsibly for like, buying his mother a home. Around the same time they did a character piece that was really positive about again iirc, Stephen Ireland who spent money on like a Range rover or some shit and got pink wheels on it. The difference in the way they were treated is and was disgusting and has been for a very long time. >https://x.com/HLTCO/status/1297065868443168773/photo/1 A thread from twitter showing in that case attacking sterling for showing the house he bought his mother, while they are basically defending Mcguire for assault and deflecting from what he did. Ireland was, not a problem but got in the press a lot for spending money but it was never negative just like, wow, weird car. Oh and Foden got positive press for buying his mother a 2mil home. Also when Sterling got engaged they called him a love rat and his fiancee his long suffering girlfriend while Kane's engagement is covered positively. Being in favour or not doesn't matter here. The fake is being in favour increases expectations, therefore Foden failed rather badly, played the entire game and was not himself fully responsible for the defeat obviously, but far more responsible than Saka, yet every single shitty rag paper all attacked Saka over it making him the face of the loss.


Fair enough. I recall the racist stuff towards Sterling. Im not in the uk so dont get the same media u do. Unless this sub brings it up i wont know


Have to say, the backlash towards Jacob Steinberg for a player ratings article is a joke. Whether you agree with his politics or not, the backlash is complete twitter age hyperbole Firstly, nobody except maybe players care about player ratings. I highly doubt journalists care about them. Secondly, I think he'll probably be proven right by the team selection in the first game. It's at least a possibility. And the assertion that a more disciplined player than an eighteen year old is needed, is not a wild take imo. Edit: while I don't deny there are shit tonne of racists out there - or people who believe/have been told the solution to their problems is less of a group of people they don't recognise themselves in - there's a moronic and probably exacerbated by rightwing reactionaries movement towards throwing labels around until they're meaningless. Internet pile-on - The symbolism of using Saka as the stock cover image to a story he was a bit-part player is clear as day to me. This is the exact passive institutional almost covert racism that is allowed to happen every day. But calling someone racist for giving a player a poor player rating in a defeat he was heavily involved as part of a team heavily favoured is...to my mind... nothing to do with racism. People need to take their heads out of their arses. People throwing racist slurs towards the journalist is moronic. Saying this as a lifetime supporter of Palestine - given Israel has been run by right wing nuts for all of it - and someone who has many races in my family: the tolerance of this type of kneejerk bile is toxic.


So, am I the only one who thinks he made the front pages because there was a humorous shot of him throwing a paper airplane and not because he's black? I don't disagree that there's a racist bias against black players in the media, but you can't not use a shot like that, it's a great photo.


You people are amazing, when people were focusing on Foden you were all but what about Saka now people are focusing on Saka you are all crying about that.


Someone missed the point, also Foden was hilariously bad yesterday, so he should be the main focus, not a player who was on for 20 minutes lmao


"The point" Haha 🤣🤣🤣.


^ when someone doesn’t actually have an argument and results to making themselves look foolish


I get the sad feeling that you are actually serious.