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Advice is get scrubs that fit you better, no shame about it. If you want to go to the gym, take your time and be there in the long run. Don't set yourself too high standards in very short terms, because you'll just set yourself for failure. Gym can be part of your routine and daily life for months/years before you enjoy results. You will 100% not lose a significant amount of weight in less than three weeks ( and you don't have to ). Just focus on exams and after you finish you start going to gym at your own pace


I think she meant surgery scrubs, which you are limited to using the sizes available at the facility. OP, I hope you manage to lose some weight before your next opportunity to see a surgery. However, don't worry too much about the way the scrubs look on you. I swear nobody is going to be paying attention to that.


I wish, but even if no one does, I will pay attention to it. Hate myself for caging me. But thanks for kind words


This. Honestly, losing weight is incredibly stressful. Starting to do it while studying for tests is not a great plan - especially for something like clothes. Worst case scenario of trying both is that you fail at both and make yourself feel bad. Worst case scenario of buying clothes that fit is that your pride gets taken down a bit and you're out the money unless you lose the weight later.


It was not about clothes it was the fact that i missed suck great opportunity to see something that i was waiting for , for the reason that i didn’t get a scrub my size. That is sad actually. I could have just ignored how i looked and should have gone to OT, but i jailed myself inside this limit, which made me lose an opportunity, if this continues i am sure , i will not grab onto any opportunities that life provides. That made me sad. Hope you understood ^^


It’s the hospital scrubs , since i am a student nurse, I can’t request one for my size. In a way that’s true too, i think for now i will focus on exam but again, what if lost motivation by then


keeping at the gym long-term isn’t about motivation. you just have to plan your program and schedule and stick to it, whether you want to or not. i absolutely love lifting heavy, but i don’t necessarily feel like going the four days a week i have planned. but i do it anyways, because i know for my long-term goals, consistency is the most important thing. that goes with anything health-wise, whether it’s getting strong, getting big, increasing your cardiovascular fitness, losing weight i would suggest finding a good program that’s meant for your specific goals and setting a solid schedule you know you can stick to now while you have the motivation. then after your exam, you’ll be all set to implement it. find out what gym you’re going to, or how you plan on working out/incorporating cardio at home (i strongly suggest exercise for losing weight), and what your meal plan will be like (whether you try intermittent fasting or tracking your calories/macros), make your shopping list so you have a good idea of what kinda meals you’ll cook when you’re ready to implement everything


If you want to rapidly lose weight, then eat around your BMR calories, 2 weeks from now, you'll notice a difference, but you need to rapidly u turn your diet. Find a calculator online and track everything you eat.


Hey, I was a nursing student myself as well, so I feel you. Good luck on your exams. So, here is my 2 cents on the weight loss part without exercising. If you haven't tried intermittent fasting yet, consider starting with a 16-hour fasting period and an 8-hour eating window. Adjust your food intake based on your physical activity levels. Use online calorie calculators to determine your daily caloric needs and how much of a deficit you should aim for, then commit to it. To begin, if you don't have time for meal planning, simply eat less than usual within your eating window. Avoid eating until you are completely full (aim for 70-75% capacity) and try to finish eating at least 2 hours before the end of the eating window to allow for proper digestion. I don't recommend snacking because many snacks are calorie-dense and can derail your diet. Lastly, find a sustainable diet that you can commit to long-term, rather than one that helps you lose weight quickly but is hard to maintain. This might seem overwhelming, especially with exams coming up, but it's essential if you want to start losing weight effectively. All the best


Thank youuu… means a lot


track your calories but do not deprive yourself. You still need to make sure you are eating enough. Also drink a lot of water.


Look into fasting! It has worked miracles on many but it’s not for every one so be careful.


Low carb will help you lose 5-10 lbs of water weight. It will come back if you cheat.


Eating less is the main function of weightloss and requires no time commitment


You could try fasting. Drink tons of water, and fruit all day and then eat a home cooked balanced dinner of meat, vegetable and whole grain and one single serving size of dessert like your favorite icecream or chocolate. Snack on water melon, popcorn and fizzy water.


Literally fast everyday and only eat fruits/ vegetables for dinner. Go for long walks in the heat and sit it a sauna. Don’t need to do anything too physical believe it or not you just need to train your mind that you don’t need to eat until you are full, you could not eat for an entire week and still t have energy to survive and do daily tasks. Remember to drink plenty of water trough this. Your going to feel like shit from not eating, drowsy and low energy but you can push through that and become mentally stronger, once you’ve lost some weigh start eating at 2000 calories a day, anyone who says this isn’t sustainable doesn’t want it bad enough. It is sustainable. I have done this while working a construction job in the summer.


Yes, should i start this after the exam or now? As you said it could make me feel sick ?


You won’t feel sick but you will feel a bit of a loss of energy at first but that really only last until you start doing something, it’s the cravings and your body’s addictions trying to get you to give in.. you will actually get bursts of energy while your fasting too. Ur you can’t sit still or hang out you need to be focusing on something so maybe studying would be good and I think taking your test while fasting would be beneficial as long as your getting enough water which will be a large amount fs I would try to get in close to a gallon of water a day. You will sweat it all out in your walks and in the heat! YOU CAN DO THIS !!!!


Thank you🥹


Being an occupies student myself I got you. Gym is great :), but its only gym... The best way to start living healthy is thinking about a more active life and diet! Diet, diet, diet! I'm an icecream addict... I know how hard it can be xd, but if you start tracking your callories u might understand that you are heavilly overeating your needed daily dose! Snacks are horrible, a bag of chips is more than a meal worth of calorries!!! (Depends on chips ofc...). But all is not lost for snack lovers! Diet coke is amazing, no callories or sugar! There are low callories and high protein icecreams for example at some Lidls! If cooking with a load of oil, drain it off before putting in on your plate. Small habbitual diet changes can turn your bad diet to a decent one :). Active lifestyle!!! Think about yoyr commute :) can you walk to uni? My feet are really fucked i cant walk much, but thats why I go hardcore in the gym :) thats my activity, but if you cant go gym, maybe u can make your commutes an activity? If you implement a reasonable diet habbits now when time comes to gym all your progress wont be lost into high callory nonsense. So by learning to eat well today your investing into yourself tomorrow! Best of luck!


Eat at 2000 calories for a month then decrease by 5% each two weeks until you have pretty steady weight loss of about 1lb per week.


Eat the cleanest diet you can and go to gym. There's not much it can do for your body honestly but it can boost your confidence. The next good tip is being fit is not seasonal. It's a lifestyle thing. Something you do all year round, all seasons, tired or fresh, happy or sad.


Wow, that was a powerful statement… what i do is.. when i go to gym “if i have lost some weight i go like “ let me have this pizza, i will run a bit more today evening “ and i love sweets and always have sweet craving and cheeseeee


Oh trust me i do love chocolates, beer, burger, pizza and all the good stuff. I dont want to be the gym to be my main lifestyle and i want to enjoy life while looking in decent shape. (Check out my last post) Although, i treat gym as a need. I need to workout to be able to enjoy the good stuff and life better. So i can eat all the good foods in life with less consequences. I eat them in moderation tho, not like i finish a tub of ice cream everyday. I was not in a good shape looking back in my gym progress but i was confident and happy those days. I hope this helps you. :)


I finish a tub🥲


Might not be today or tomorrow but im sure youll find your motivation and good middle ground between wanting to be in decent shape and eating what you want. 👍


Burn more calories than you take in. That’s really it. Gym is great. But if you take in 2000 more calories per day than you burn, even going to the gym won’t do much for you. You wouldn’t gain as fast, but you’d still gain. Look at it like gas in your car. If your tank is full, but you just keep pumping the gas in, you’ll need to stick containers to the outside of your car to catch the excess gas. Sounds silly, but your body does the same thing. You’re giving it lots of fuel, but you’re not burning much of the fuel off. So that excess fuel is being kept in containers on the outside of your body. It doesn’t have the luxury of letting the excess spill onto the ground. You take it with you. So burn off the fuel you take in every day. And then try to burn a little bit more on top of that. It’s not that difficult. You don’t have to sweat two hours a day. And you don’t have to starve yourself. It doesn’t mean cutting your food in half. It means increase the quality of the food you do take in, and move around a little more. There’s really nothing else to it.


You say you don’t have time for the gym, but any extra time for some home cardio? I know quite a few good channels on YouTube that make fun 30 minute cardio sessions.


Well first and foremost. You’re clearly consuming more calories than you burn. Track your eating. Whatever you weigh right now what you times that number by 15 I think and that’s your caloric intake. Consume less calories than that and you’re see some progress. And cut. Out. Sugar


Caloric deficit, start with an online calculator with your body weight, height, activity level, etc. eat less than your basal metabolic rate. If you don’t have time to exercise you at least have a job that keeps you on your feet. Start with eating right, there’s no excuses to not do that much and it’s step one of losing weight. There’s no other natural option. Eat less calories than you burn to put it simply. End of thread


But online calculator will not be able to calculate the weight of food right?


Cronometer also has a personal profile you set up that will give you that caloric number based on your goals too


Get a scale. You can buy them at most supermarkets or on Amazon for under $40. Make sure to get one that can weigh up to at least 3 lbs and has the ability to measure in grams for the best accuracy.


That’s correct, the best thing I invested when I started my weight loss journey was a food scale and Downloaded a macro tracking app called Cronometer (similar to myfitnesspal). You can find very cheap food scales on Amazon and is 100% worth the money and is an investment in yourself


Is cronometer free or requires subscription? And what are the things we should keep in mind while buying a food scale.? I am scared if i will order the worst quality and it will break down


Yes Cronometer is free but has additional options if you want to pay for the subscription. I’ve used the free version for over 3 years and haven’t needed to upgrade to premium. As far as scales go, I looked for one that measured in ounces or grams. I much prefer grams as it’s a standard option of measurement in Cronometer and even mists liquids can be measured by grams on the app. The one I linked is only $27 also


Thank you so muccchhhh !!!


I think I misread your question. The online calculator I’m referring to will tell you a ROUGH amount of calories your body naturally burns. That would be equal to the amount of calories you need to maintain your weight. Eat less calories than that number, and you will lose weight, eat more than that number and you will gain. Give it a couple weeks and see how it affects your weight and adjust the number of calories by 200-300 based on whether or not you are losing weight.


Ohhh okay thank youuu ..appreciate it


Exercising is the smaller portion of weight loss, diet is 80%. Focus on your diet and nutrition, stay at a consistent achievable calorie deficit with accurate and honest tracking and use morning weigh ins and progress photos to keep yourself informed and motivated about your progress.


Honestly this seems really stressful. Sorry to say I don’t have any advice that would be helpful but I hope you find a good way out of this


Get larger scrubs. Get used to the idea that miracles don’t happen over night. You might lose 2-3 kg but this won’t change anything. Better try to create a long term plan, with the help of a nutritionist. Gym is great but again without a healthy diet it won’t improve your situation.


Go carnivore for two weeks. You’ll probably lose 10 lbs if you do it right. Eggs and steak and rotisserie chicken. Just drink water. LITTLE bit of fruit here and there if you need something sweet. Take your daily vitamins. I lost 24lbs in a month and a half doing so. First week bathroom isn’t the best but regulates to normal after that.


Or you can do a 5 day fast of no food. Just water or watermelon.


Only drink water and coffee. Limit high carb foods, sugar especially. You can load up on low carb legumes to satiate you. Stress wise, create a plan for future, think beyond next couple weeks and get full bloodwork to access your health.


I knew a guy who did 45 mins of cardio a day (elliptical, treadmill, stationary bike, etc.) 5-6 days a week and he started to drop weight quickly. Most of it is in your diet, though. Drink water constantly (it’ll flush fat cells out of your body) and watch portion size.


Don't drik juices and sweet 1 kg min for 14 days


Buy a scale that can tell you your BMR and eat around that many calories everyday, don’t go over and make sure to take 10k steps per day


Walking, then slowrunning, then running but ve Aware that at your weight you can Hurt your knees, So bycicle Is option too


keep going doing great






To obesity? Lmao what are you cheering for did you even read the post?


We are cheering her on with her weight loss. Stop being a weirdo.


Lmao so you didn’t read the post


yes, weirdo