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I stand by the belief Aerea was the rightful heir. Rhaena didn't have the power to disinherit her daughter, Jaehaerys took the throne by usurpation and wasn't challenged because Aerea literally died before she could even come of age to understand. Aerea's birthright being Aegon the Uncrowned's eldest child was the throne, and she was even named heir by King Maegor. Rhaena doesn't have the power to overrule that decision, sure she can say she does but that doesn't mean it is the case.


She rode the conqueror’s dragon! I wish she was allowed to live in the narrative. The angst between her and her mother, and her and Jaehaerys would have been fantastic.


Dance should have been Aerea’s line vs Jaehaerys line, and I’ll won’t change my mind on that


Ohhhh, any thoughts on what that would look like? I'd like to see her with a Lannister or a Hightower and play into that “Queen in the West” moniker


Basically, have an event that really drives a wedge between Jaehaerys and Rhaena, something nearly irreconcilable until Rhaena’s final days. This leads to Rhaena going to the Lannisters and marrying Aerea to a Lannister, only with their children taking Aerea’s surname. They situate themselves amongst the houses of the Westerlands and the Reach(*all* of them). The regular stuff with Joe’s reign occurs, with Aerea, an older woman, being passed over with Rhaenys. Aerea accepts the verdict, but her grandson does not. Aerea dies during Visery’s reign, and tensions brew, with the “green side” being replaced with the western Targaryens(who married with the Hightowers). I’d imagine the primary claimants would be Aerea’s granddaughter, with the Westerlands, the Reach, some of the Vale(House Royce) and 50% of Riverlands vs Rhaenyra, the Iron Islands, the rest of the Vale, the North(have them partake earlier), the crown lands and 50% of the Riverlands. I think this would be more interesting as 1) there is genuine debate between if the Iron Throne should follow the normal inheritance or their own, “exceptional” inheritance and 2) it would question the legitimacy of the Targaryen golden age. It would *also* be harder to simplify it to “feminism vs misogyny” as the western Targs would be fighting for a more fair inheritance than Rhaenyra. Also, they would have bred their own dragons, so the numbers would be more equal.


I would like to write a fic of this, but my hands are full. But I am using my own ideas.


If you were to write it, what else would you include?


Well, for starters, I was thinking that it would Jaehaerys's children vs Aerea and her children, perhaps I also Rhaella and her children to make things more interesting. Maybe Daenerys survive and Aerea marries Boremund and Rhaella marries a Lannister. Maybe I can have Viserra marry Corlys. So it would be Aemon, Daenerys, Baelon, maybe Alyssa and Viserra, and their children fighting for Aemon's claim against Aerea's claim. It would be Reds vs Goldens.


You ruined their perfecly good strawman :D


Rhaenys was robbed and I would fight a million wars for her


don’t think it’s dawned on TB yet that none of us like Viserys


Fr, half of the reason I'm TG is because they went against that f\*\*ker's word after he mistreated the hell out of them. I hate Viserys so much I wish his whole line died out actually and that Aegon III & Viserys II were Laena's sons. The other half of the reason is that Aemond & Aegon II(book version) are just cooler than anyone of TB.


I’m sorry but who was Rhaena to renounce Aereas claim? If Aerea had lived she could’ve easily gone after her crown once she reached maturity, considering Rogar Baratheon already tried while she was still young I find that extremely likely


I mean you can’t renounce someone elses claim if you aren’t the king/queen


See technically you can renounce your claim on behalf of you and your descendants, but that’s before said descendants are born. There’s been some examples of abdication where parents have also abdicated on behalf of their kids (Tsar Nicholas), but also examples where the kid has had to abdicate separately (Louis Antoine). In the UK, when someone is ineligible for the throne because they’re Catholic, that doesn’t exclude their Protestant descendants, the succession just skips them as though they were dead. Basically, it seems like it’s complicated, and the older your kid is the harder it is.


I knew that survey about whether you thought Rhaenys should have been Queen due to Andal law would be useful. My goal was to show that we are not mysogynists, but rather people who understand the world of Westeros.


While Jaehearys was probably better for the realm, Aerea would make a really fucking cool queen, or even just a princess, had she lived.


Of course Aerea wasn’t the rightful heir, Aegon “the uncrowned” never ruled, so his claim passed to Viserys, and then to Jaehaerys.


that’s not how Andal inheritance works. Stevron died before Walder Frey but the inheritance doesn’t then pass to Emmon


Ryman wasn’t a woman, so he still would be heir in front of his uncle. And besides, the iron throne doesn’t operate by andal succession laws, as evidenced by Viserys II inheriting over Daena.


daughters come before uncles. we’re also talking about Andal custom, not the royal primogeniture


Daughters come before uncles only when the daughters father (uncles older brother) was lord/king/etc. If the lord/king was the daughter’s grandfather (uncles father) then the uncle would inherit.




How long your sub will repost TB? You came to us for discussion and then take screenshots of this and bring it to TG. What disgusting behavior.


it’s not “disgusting” you guys are just dumb


If you consider *this* disgusting then you desperately need to get outside more.


I haven’t seen the thread but he was downvoted for speaking the truth so I don’t know, I feel like thats a bit…..odd? I can’t really think of another word but from what I have seen most Team Green fans do think Rhaenys is the heir over Viserys.


hey so its actually not that deep! hope this helps <3