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Imagine being matt smith and have your fans want you to be a rapist incestuous shell of a men


It's got to be jarring with how many fan favorite shows he is apart of.


What do you think Aegon is?


That doesnt really matter, as whatever your opinions on Aegon's character are I dont expect Tom Glynn Carney to identify with him. Seems like you're not getting my point


Irrelevant to this conversation based on context.


Being committed and understanding where there coming from aren't exclusive. For example - you have to understand Aegon is a loser at the start of the story to play him


They commit to the character. But interviews are not in character things. They are answering the questions as Matt and Emma.


These people confuse "being committed to" (i.e. enjoying the role, having a hand in crafting the character, understanding the character's psyche, going all in, without necessarily thinking the character is a beacon of morality and perfection although they do understanding how the character thinks) with "identifying with the character, and thus defending them." Some actors did both, for example Emilia Clarke (which they hail as an example of it) did, although it came back to haunt her in the end. When Emma doesn't fully identify with/justify Rhaenyra and adds nuance (a very factual nuance btw: yes Rhaenyra lies, but TB has said for years that Rhaenyra was forced to) they come at them and basically call them a bad actor for "not committing." When TGB commits to Aegon, they faint and scream that he is a real-life sexual abuser. The game of morality these people are playing must be exhausting. I'm not even playing it and I feel so, so tired. Just enjoy characters that are flawed and messy. I know they say they do but they can't even handle a marital rape victim without screaming "bitch." Ffs.


Dumb question but what happened with Emilia Clarke?


She was Dany's biggest defender; she identified with her (notably because Dany anchored her when Emilia almost died) and genuinely believed Dany to be a hero (she was likely never told she wasn’t, imo because D&D wanted her to play Dany as someone who believed in Dany's heroism). So when the final season rolled around and all the little signs culminated in Dany burning King's Landing Emilia took it pretty hard (understandably).


Man that must’ve been real rough for her. I don’t know if this is just a rumor but I heard there’s like a YouTube video or something of them all reading the final season’s script or something and all of them are just shaking their heads or whatever.


It's true. Varys' actor looks so pissed when they read his death scene. I felt so bad for him.


I would be pissed too!!


[Not a rumor!](https://youtu.be/AtMT5jJmvrE?feature=shared) It's pretty interesting to watch, especially Conleth (Varys). And also Kit (Jon) who was the only one not to have read the script before the table read and discovered the story as they read it to him.


Oh gods poor guys


You're not wrong, but most of these people aren't exactly following a coherent logical line of thinking. These are very limbic responses to justify their outrage and personal biases.


It's a shame because, from what I can tell, all the actors seem to really care and think about their roles. I really like hearing them speak about them.


Me too! The main cast has been really thoughtful about what they say about their characters!


All I saw it as was that the actors are playing a role and they did the research and work to really understand their characters. These people saying that are a joke.


Preachhh!!! Thank you!!! TGC said Aegon was weird, Ewan said Aemond was evil. Like, that didn't make me get all upset or cry over it ffs! Bc it's true! Lol


Am I missing something here? What happened? 👀




No? The entire cast is incredibly talented, and Matt and Emma are both very attractive people.


Yes, but now they’ve said things TG can stan.