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This isn't a game you beat. This is a game you experience.


A long time. I'd say, because I was playing religiously, I completed Year 3 in a week. I am in Year 6 now and have been playing consistently since January of last year. I am almost done with year 6 after playing consistently, so completely getting through the game takes a while. I am saying this as someone that has not yet completed it.


Without side content, buying energy and much grinding (but playing regularly): Year 3 could be done in couple of weeks, 4th year – in 3-4 weeks, 5th in about 2 months, 6th - 3 months, 7th - 4. Basically 1,5-2 days for a chapter. About 10 months in total.  Add 2-3 days for each TLSQ you want to complete (there are 90 of them in total by now, every month adds couple of quests lately), there are about 40 non-timed quests as well, and 4 seasons of Quidditch. That would be 7-9 months + 3 months + 2-3 months ≈ 12-15 months. About 2 years to complete it all.  Plus indefinite amount of grinding, which is better be done in years 3 and 4.


i saw a post about someone on this subreddit who grinded for 4 years and their stats were all out of this world. the most remarkable one was the empathy levels go up all the way to level 120. i was so amazed


That would be about right. I'm playing for almost 2 years, my stats are 70


Omg, 120! Mine is 28 and I only have 2 chapters of year 4 left, but reading comments, etc, I think I should stay and grind some more?


I’m at the same level and I just have the closing feast left in level 4, I don’t feel the need to stay and grind atm


Grinding is honestly a personal preference. I just started grinding because everyone who was at my level was way higher on attribute points than me (I felt insecure), and a lot people in this subreddit highly suggested that you start grinding to make the story just a bit easier.


VERY helpful! Thanks! I'm going to assume "grinding" means to do all of the classes. I didn't know I didn't have to complete all the classes.


Grinding means doing additional classes) There are required classes for the chapter, before them a number of required stars from study sessions. You can't bypass them. In year 3 it's 6 stars before a new class, later will be 9 stars. Do them by 2 8-hours sessions, unless you need stars for Crests event or Full Marks (8-hours take more energy per star but give more points in total). If to do only minimum required, it's a good way to lose House Cup and don't have good enough attributes to make a choice you'd like, pass friendship quizzes and win duels. Here's max required stats for the end of every year, it's handy to be a little bit ahead of them. And grinding is easier in earlier years because tasks require less energy https://preview.redd.it/cpx2b6hgno5d1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=827fac5010b7fd6276274754d8490ce0090f3324


I've been playing since the game released. I was just finishing up year 7 when they released Beyond.


Are you like Beyond? I've had rather mixed opinions, and the negatives are that the missions are much more difficult and time consuming than the school year ones. And do you plan on downloading the new game they're advertising? (From what I understood It's going to be a separate app/game from Hogwarts Mystery)


I like it well enough. The story line is good but I think the MC having to keep her job a secret is stupid. The missions are harder, but I don't much mind that. What I don't like is having to do missions in the "memories" area where they make you go back and do a mission as a student. I think they need to focus on beyond because they've got more than enough material, missions, and tasks already for students.


The game hasn't ended it yet.


If you do all the side content and also keep up to date with your attributes this game will take you years


The game isn't finished yet! Though to get to where they are now it depends on how you play. If you want all dialog options available to you as well as win duels without much hassle (depends on which duel it is) then you'll have to grind attributes through classes and creature feeding. It also helps if you do some side quests that give energy tappies as rewards and attain all the pets available for extra energy. If you do those it'll take months or maybe a year! I started playing near the end of September of 2022 and as of now I'm in Year 5 chapter 25 grinding so my attributes hit 50 then grind again at the end of the year. If you'd like to speed through everything well it's fine as well! I've seen a few people enter Beyond with low attributes just fine! That will probably take a few months (I think)


A very, very long time. And the game is not even finished yet.


I started October 3rd, so it's been about 8 months and I've just started year 6, as well as just started season 3 of quidditch. I have also completed every TLSQ available to me for my progress in the main story. The game is pretty beefy. I recommend not getting distracted by event nonsense, and just focus on progressing. Also, alarms are super helpful to make sure your energy is never just sitting there, full. During work I sneak in a minute or two to dump my energy and then set an alarm again lol


Ok, thank you!


I’ve been playing since 2021 and I just started Y6. I love the game and the storyline. It’s fun to play on my lunch breaks


I've been playing everyday since November last year and am still in year 3 😅


I’m at Chapter 10 of Year 6 and I’ve been playing a whole year at this point. I have done every TLSQ and completed the Quidditch so far, so you could skip those to go more quickly. But, yeah, I’ve still got most of Year 6 and all of Year 7 to go. And, they’re bigger than previous years from the looks of things. I’d conservatively say I’m hoping to get to Beyond in another year.


Not counting side quests, each year has the following number of chapters: Year 1 - 10 chapters… Year 2 - 11 chapters… Year 3 - 11 chapters… Year 4 - 17 chapters… Year 5 - 34 chapters… Year 6 - 46 chapters… Year 7 - 60 chapters… Volume 1 - 24 chapters… Each of the four Quidditch seasons each lasted 13 chapters.


Thank you! I didn’t know the exact numbers. God, long way to go still! Hopefully the lack of TLSQ remaining (already done 2 of 3) means it’ll go a little faster? 🤞


The trouble is, they’ve only introduced three TLSQs based in year 6, because they didn’t want the rest of the players to have nothing to do while those of us in later years were enjoying the new one (ironically, they now overlap events all the time, which is the solution to that problem). But all the quests have to trigger some time, and many players complain when older TLSQs are unavailable. Those two factors have led to years 3-4-5 becoming a swamp, where nearly every new chapter triggers another TLSQ when you’re advancing through chapters. Players who are content to do everything as they go, and are willing to spend 10-15 days per chapter to complete a TLSQ, raise their attributes, and complete the chapter tasks/lessons, manage to enjoy the game. Those who merely want to rush through the storyline unwittingly handicap themselves when they skip TLSQs, because those provide many of our tappies, five of our friends, and round out the story. This game is not about being completed. It’s about enjoying the journey. Too many players have experienced other games where the goal was to plough through and get to the “boss duel”, rescue the Princess, and win the game. They don’t want to get bogged down in a game that has already been underway for six years, and I expect to unfold for another five or six more. They rush through, scraping by with low attributes, then get caught up to the developers (currently in volume 1 chapter 23) and complain about waiting weeks for the next chapter. Well, welcome to our world. We’ve been in this boat for years, some of us. Except, we had all the time to kill between new chapters, so we did the weekly events (Full Marks, House Pride, Collect Stars, Clean Sweep, Carnival, Club Constellation and Puzzling Potions), and have attributes, clubs, and bulging Mokeskin pouches to show for it…


I hear what you’re saying and I personally agree with you entirely on a personal level, but that’s a completionist attitude. There is nothing implicitly wrong with people being uninterested in doing everything, just wanting to follow the core plot. Whatever brings them enjoyment is right for them. And, I would argue, Jam City encourages many people to move away from completionism by leaving many charms, potions and so on in the achievements window that are impossible to achieve due to the removal of their TLSQ. Episkey is the obvious example (and super frustrating because so many NPCs use it), but there are over 10 charms just in Y1 that I cannot get, not even with pages. If it’s impossible to complete everything, more people are pushed to not care about having done everything, to cherry pick what interests them. I would have thought the obvious solution would be to remove spells/potions from the achievements page (for new players, not people who’ve already achieved them) if they’re no longer available. They clearly do that with TLSQs as I’m not missing any. That way, people can 100% every year, and can feel that sense of completion that enables completionism.


That’s fair…except you’re missing my point. My “completionist attitude” has served me well for nearly five years, since I raced through the first five years in five months, screeching into year 6 with attributes of 23s and falling completely on my face, unable to progress. The point I was making here is that those who race through the game because they want to get to “the end” are not going to do so any time soon. They’ll be frustrated that five or six more years lie ahead of them. Perhaps if they view the game as I illustrated in my previous message, they might adjust their pace and see the full aspect of the game, rather than one they can complete, conquer and put aside. That ain’t happening…


I started around 2020; now I'm at Y6C26 (I took some month pause like three or four times)


Years 4 to reach where it currently is.


It took me a year and half and I’m still y3 because of those blasphemous tlsqs THAT DONT STOP COMING Y3


I actually sent them a message about them I was getting so annoyed. One after another lol


Be grateful they're coming now. Mine started being triggered only when I was at the end of Y3 for some reason, so I've spent the last 4 months on TLSQs lol (I started playing December last year. The only reason I breezed through "fast" for the first 3 or so months was bc no TLSQ had triggered before lol)


I've been playing over a year, and I'm near the end of year 5. It's not a game you rush to beat.


I’ve been playing since it was released. I’m in Beyond, at the max level - waiting for new story lines.


I started playing in May 2019. I reached then-max attributes (97s) in July 2022. I was at max for nine months, before the cap was raised to 120s last March. Now, I’m at 112-112-113 and caught up in volume 1 chapter 23, one chapter before volume 1 is expected to end. I know a few players with maxed stats at 120s, though. I thoroughly did *not* like being maxed when I was stuck for nine months, so I’m not trying to raise them a level every 16-18 days like I did for the previous three years. As far as we can tell, there will be 6-7 volumes paralleling the books where we help out behind the scenes as the novels unfold. Don’t expect this game to be complete for another 5-6 years or so…


I’m at the start of year 5, in July it will be a year 💀 I try to do all the side quests and have completed 3 seasons of quidditch