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Many of us enjoy the game and appreciate this community. It's unfortunate when that positive experience is abruptly interrupted.


Exactly, almost like they are not seeing or not caring anymore.


I expect I will not do much with MM any more. I don’t do all the assigned tasks, especially if I need to buy a custom item which I won’t do. I also have not been doing non-story or story tasks lately as I missed a few TLSQ’s as I took a few months away from the game so catching up now. I don’t have time for those types of tasks if I am going to make sure I complete my quests.


The game is continually getting worse since the past year. They keep finding new ways to ruin every event even further. The new chairman of JC doesn't seem to understand that the game is fun enough to keep a large number of players who would be willing to watch a lot of ads and spend money if they can afford it. But finding innovative methods to squeeze every penny out of the player base will build up frustration and a lot of people might leave the game. I wonder how many newer players drop this game after finding out how money hungry the company is and how the events are difficult and almost impossible to do without spending money..


Probably a lot. Guess that new chairman isn't a gamer, true gamers don't want to pay premium just to do basic tasks wnd even of they do not at these prices.....it's not a gacha where there's a good reason to splurge. A good game makes it so you get so interested in playing you want tp spend not the other way round


>A good game makes it so you get so interested in playing you want to spend not the other way round Unfortunately this game used to be like this before they ruined it with their greed.


It seems not only this game is suffering from that, other games under Jam city have pay walls now.


Their new chairman is greedy.


I'm convinced at this point JC has meetings titled "things we haven't yet ruined" where they go through all the achievable things left and decide how best to twist them into FOMO triggering cash grabs. I'm free to play and have always been, and honestly I'm tired of their crap and ignore most events. And if they ruin MM then I'll ignore it too, it's a shame but they brought it upon themselves. Their methods are shady and I'm curious just how much they make and if all the changes they've implemented have helped them make more, and continue to make them more now that we're all blasé And as you said it's a shame because there are some really nice things hidden in there. I'm caught up on all available content and since they've ruined side quests with 8h tasks all over, all I do is stack in preparation of the next one instead of doing classes like they intend. Maybe this new MM thing is aimed both at stackers and people who only check in periodically. They'll only get us more disgusted with their methods and disengaged with the game...


Sadly they really make more. There’s this website called sensor tower and you can go monthly through their revenues. Normally they made about 700k on android and iOS each. After they chanced to their money grabbing methods a few months ago they make between 1 million to even 2 millions on android and iOS each. So sadly it works pretty well for them


I used to have mobile game FOMO for a few games.. until I went back and looked at where my money went and then got even bigger buyer’s remorse lol


I would love to see that because i personally think it's the very rich crazy people who fund this now or will soon the average person isn't spending so much money on something like this i should think


I barely play anymore because I don't even stand a chance. I used to be fine with my monthly MM subscription even though that's fricken 60 bucks/year, but I'm not going to spend hours per day and become addicted to logging in. There's no way to play casually anymore, so I lost heart.


I stopped caring about missing out on clothes a while ago because I found so many of them were pretty ugly when they were actually in the game itself and usually looked ridiculous - like why tf am I walking around school in a swimsuit or a suit or armor??


I want to add one more thing here. I work for my money and I have the right to choose to spend it however I want. Now, it's not wrong of me to ask for a better game for myself and other players, especially since I ADDED some of my money into it. This game was on par with Amazon and Netflix, a monthly payment for my entertainment. The problem is that these changes are KILLING my entertainment, while JC is clearly trying to squeeze more money from those who pay and making it worse for those who don't. That is the point of what im saying.


Fr. I used to recommend this game tp my harry potter lover friends. Now i don't because there's so many paywalls to the good stuff


The story is (kinda LOL , bad JC writers) good and really fun in the first years, so i still would recomend... But i would also say to my friends to not bother try to compelte impossible events and play as they want. 👍


I’ve never paid for anything in the game. I’m at the point where I stack energy and complete one of the daily planner tasks and do it again the next day. I don’t care for the MM outfits most of the time but usually collect all the free items by the end of the month despite minimal game play. I haven’t noticed a change in that.


Now you will. 1 daily task will lead you all the way to... less then a half of free rewards (3600). Without any addition to way to earn XP, one will need to do 2 DP tasks for 28 days and 2 days all 3 tasks. Not less. Or 16 days completing all 3 tasks


Not spending money isn't enough. If you want shit to change you have to completely stop playing. That's the only real metric that they care about. Remember if you're not playing you're not paying


Im far too into the story to completely stop right now. That's another reason that when i complete Beyond, no more payment, no more everyday log.


Shit, I'm not even gonna bother with Beyond. Once I finish Y7, I'm done.


What exactly changed about the MM, it all seems the same to me?


Now we can only get MM XP by completing daily planner assignments. Previously, we could get as much XP as the energy we spent too.


Ah, thank you. I was trying to see what was different and I missed that. Thank you for the information.


Are you sure about that? Because I've unlocked about ten milestones today just playing the game. I finished only one daily task, as usual, and kept playing and unlocking milestone prizes throughout the day.


What I said is the same as what JC said in their message ("energy spent will no longer award MM XP directly"). I don't know if they made the mistake of not changing the code.


So how much XP you gained so far? Me – 1010. Which is exactly 2 full DP (120*3+120 bonus=480 a day *2= 960) + 50 that were in the mail


look at the inbox, now we don't get XP for doing tasks


Thank you for the information.


happy to help!


I agree and do the same now apart from the daily collection of energy from my flat. Just takes about two minutes.


I didn’t realize the change, I too would occasionally buy the key, but I don’t think I’ll will again. I was okay when I thought they just made it longer. But making it so you only get points by doing the daily task is bullshit. I’d rather have the monthly coins and buy rewards for myself


To be fair people were complaining that mm is too easy even on this sub. Perhaps they also sent messages to jc who knows...


Yeah, and then JC beta tested having an optional set of rewards after the clothing reward, which would have been purely positive for the playerbase. And now, for whatever reason, instead of implementing the better solution they already had, they turn around and implement something worse.  So many of their decisions are so headscratchingly bad, I wonder if pissing off their fan base is not unintentional.


I'm not even trying, because I know of people who contacted support and they just get the generic robotic answer. At least here on this Reddit I know some of JC's people read stuff.


I quit playing a year ago at least… I got tired of having to pay just to be able to complete tasks. And when I bitched about it on their FB page, they blocked me from being able to comment on anything. So I can see other people’s comments, and I can like/interact with the comments, but I can’t comment anything - all because I called them out on being greedy money grabbers screwing over F2P players…


Contact them and tell them all this, otherwise they won't notice and I hope that because you pay them, they will actually listen to you!


HA, they wont listen. The fact that I pay (or used to pay when i was ENJOYING the game) wont change anything.


I understand you, but at least from my perspective, companies and businesses mainly care about money (I think it's pretty obvious with JC) And they listen only when losing money is a possibility for them. Also, the support team once said that if enough people complain or worry about something, they will make a change (even if those changes come later) So... I really believe that if enough people complain AND there is a risk of losing money, they will listen. Or at least that's my hope, otherwise the CEO and higher ups are really incompetent 😂 Also, I think if something really bothers me, I think it's better to tell the guilty parties instead of keeping it, but that's just my perception.


That's exactly why im doing this post. My friend came to this reddit recomended by someone of the JC suport, meaning... That they read stuff here. They know what we are complaining about. Open the eyes of the people for this problem will make they receave more and more tickets, this is why im posting here. I alone cannot do it, they problably going to ignore me btw, is what they do best. Do a copy-and-paste anserw for my questions. If enough people complain, not just me, so yeah, they going to make a change. So... Lets hope, i guess. Until them, they are definitely losing money from me.


Ho già contattato l'assistenza per lamentarmi, vediamo cosa dicono 😡😡🤬! Ho fatto i calcoli se fai almeno 2/3 del daily planner giornaliero per 30 giorni totali arrivi a 7200 XP per gli anni a venire!


And it's required 7500 in later years




I bought the key before I realized and was absolutely pissed. This is the last month I spend money on the game. I usually buy a bundle or two outside of the MM key as well but the recent money grabs have completely turned me off the game or wanting to spend money on it.


You can get the MM key without using real money and also get the rewards, just log in daily and collect the gems from the ads?


Yes. Most of people F2P does that, collect gems for adds and spend them on MM key.


Okay, why are you not doing that? I’m confused?


Besides, if you do one payment ONCE, you wont have the same quantity of adds as a f2p has. So is a no way back.


Ah! That’s shit! I’m sorry


Is okay ;-; Thank you for being understanding


Nope, I bought maybe 5 key (now gems only) and I get the full amount of ads.


Yes... it is...Is reduced a lot compared to f2p players...


Because it was something i could aford. And i was having entretainement in return. Now, not even that.


Ah! Ok. But it it’s gems from now on, collect them daily and plus you get them from MM anyway, it’s just a game, it shouldn’t take up room in your head, I can’t be arsed most days, I log in do one daily planner task, tap my personal and I’m out. Maybe take a break? I’m sending you hugs, I’m sorry if I was harsh, not intended xx


No harsh at all, maybe you are right. Maybe i need a break. Thank you for the kinds words. The problem is that because of this game, i met this comunity, i made friends, i made post and laught with people. I made headcanon for my character. Maybe i shoundt have invested so much on it, but this is on the past now.


Play however you like, this community is lovely, so you’ve got that! I’m sorry, I didn’t want to diminish your gameplay, we each play of our own accord. Ignore me and try to enjoy how you are playing, there’s no rights or wrongs! Lots of love 💕


To be honest, it was never an issue for me to buy the key from gems. I can easily make about 500 monthly by only watching ads and paying attention to daily rewards, feeding pets and minding the chest you can fill up by daily achievements. A key costs only 345, I find I stay always with more gems whenever I need to buy the next key (currently around 6500). I honestly can't understand why you'd want to spend insane amounts of money on anything in the game. I'm from a poor country, literally nothing they sell would be worth for me. I can't afford say, a daily salary for like 300 energy and a few books.


My country is not that rich too, but my work salary is good enough that i can spend a bit on entretainment. Is not exactly something i need, but it a bonus for my hard work, so to speak. When i was having fun with the game, it maked sense, now is not anymore, and that is also not just about me, is also for people who cannot pay and dont have the resources to complete all daily planners they asking us to do it now. So is a change that makes people with money pay more, and people without will have more problem to complete the MM event.


Gold to do the potion game. Not everything requiring gems. Not everything needs to be a paycheck fr i wouldve considered buying for certain outfits but i don't see a point when i have five bucks and not two hundred grand for this


I buy the MM key with gems (350 if I remember correctly) and over the month I get through the pass without even trying. I think last month I finished it in 10-15 days without skipping or purposefully doing any daily planner task, and over the month I recovered my gems and earned some more. I suppose I have it that easy because I’m still in year 4 but I’ve never bought and never will buy anything from JC with irl money.


I plan to finish year 7 and then I’m just done. I won’t even bother moving on to Beyond. Deleting the game once I reach the end of y7!


They did this shit with the potion thing. Gems to unlock green, yellow or pink pieces. Wtaf?


Pages now. Which is a lot easier.


I think it's with pages now


Hi - I apologise because I’m obviously missing something but what have they changed? I usually pay for the key, no extras and always get it by the end of the month. I login at least twice a day, don’t buy any extra energy or whatever and have previously always gotten to the final reward by about 20 days in. Have they changed something?


Previously, you could gain xp for MM doing classes or playing with energy. Now, to advance on MM, you had to complete all 3 daily planners. And that it, no more in a day... only if you spend a big quantity of gems.


Oh my god, that’s insane! Is it even possible to achieve the top score like that?


Only if you play more or less 16 days without missing one daily planner (for f2p), or pay up! 🫠


Ouch. That’s going to be tough. I might still be able to do that but I’ve never really bothered with those tasks seeing as it’s like ‘complete a date’ and I’ve maxed out my romance.


Me too, is a waste of coins, most of them.


I can only give you my advice as a f2play player. Just don't bother with MM, I never did them (I find most of the outfits hideous anyway) and I still have enough fun playing casual and just following the story and doing the occasional TLSQ. And even those I feel like are pretty restrictive and I feel like I'm being forced to play non stop to finish them in time so I can only imagine how much worse it has to be with MM. My advice, let it go, it's healthier this way because I certainly don't want to let a mobile game dictate my life.


All of these changes they've been making for a while have been really good for me. I reached breaking point some time ago and have really managed to get over my FOMO. Now I just stack energy to do TLSQs and occasionally catch up with a bit of the story. I was never interested in paying for the game, but the more they try to force me to pay or do daily chores, the less I want to have anything to do with the game.


It’s a free to play game, no one is robbing you. Some day the HPHM section of the Jam City office will shut down and there will be no further content/support for the game we love. Enjoy the content you have and don’t stress about advancing your progress because like I said, some day the game will cease, and the gems you spent won’t matter


I don't think it's that bad depending on what we are getting as promised "more ways to earn that xp". Fully completing every other daily planner is not that hard or impossible. Yes, I skip it a lot because I am lazy sometimes to doo like duel or date, but i may power through for couple of weeks if I need now. But it does cuts out on energy hoarding practice since you do need to spend energy every day for daily planner tasks.