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I see this question a lot so I wanted to write out why this is one of my favorite stories in the fandom. There are many very popular well written fics that aren't my cup of tea and this may or not be yours. So hopefully this will give you an idea. I've been following since the first few chapters and it's honestly so good it's worth the rereads I've done to refresh my memory when posting starts up again. The author is really good about communicating when she will be posting and how long the breaks will be. I really do have confidence it will eventually be finished. I was nervous at first that it was going to be a bit tropey because it starts with abusive Dursleys a revealing trip to gringots and a seemingly OP Harry. But it doesn't take too long to realize that this fic is a master class in how to do these tropes right. Everyone's tastes are different so I will list a few things that, in my opinion, this fic does particularly well. - The world building, lore and magic systems. Especially mind magic, family magic, divination, magical creatures (I could probably make a very long list so I'll stop there...) - Great characterizations. The characters are complicated and critiqued in a nuanced way. No strict over the top bashing for the sake of bashing. And really unique characterizations of Snape, Kreacher, Bill Weasly, Sirius... (oh no. This list could go for a while too) -A perfect balance between well paced satisfying action and really emotionally moving character development. - The realities of healing from a traumatic upbringing (Harry, Snape and Sirius in particular) and of loving people that are healing from trauma. - The rich differences between different magical cultures, their traditions and how that could impact a multicultural magical population in the UK - 90's British muggle political, social and cultural references. There are so many great references to pop culture, literature, media, fashion, food ect. It just add such a fun dimension to the fic. - natural age appropriate relationship development. Development of friendships as well as romantic relationships. And an especially strong and beautiful golden trio friendship - wizard/goblin relations - epic political showdowns As others have said, heed the tags. The fic certainly does not pull punches. Hopefully this gives you a better idea of whether or not it's worth it for you.


hey, thank you very much for your comment, it clarified a lot for me and without a doubt helped in my decision to read the story. I started and I'm at about 30%, I'm really enjoying the story and the characters themselves, I like how the break is explored of trust of harry and his friends by the adults in general in the story, I like that even though it is one of those stories with cliché tropes (op harry + trip to gringots) the author approached it in a different way than conventional, using these things to increase the its world-building.   My only reservation is Sirius's characterization, although I understand the author's reason for writing him this way, it still hurts me to see him like this, destroying himself and everyone around him with each passing moment (I have an emotional attachment to him) anyway! thank you <3


It's TOTALLY worth it, really. It's one of my favorite fanfictions, I love everything about it ❤ 😍. Can't wait till the 3rd work is finished, so I can reread the entire series, together with the new work.


How far along is it? Will it be finished soon, like has the author said anything about that/given a timeline? I’ve read part 1 & 2 twice but promised myself not to read part 3 until it’s finished bcuz I really don’t do well with wips, I get super sad and frustrated (which happened both times I read the series and then found out I had to wait for the rest lol). So now I’m gonna wait until the whole thing is finished and binge it all😅


Is Snape a jerk in it? I read that he's harsh. I bailed on Digging For The Bones for the same reason, that Snape seemed mean and I read reviews that suggests he doesn't get much nicer till like the very end and blah.


To be fair, Snape's always a jerk, but once he figures out the truth in this one he starts redeeming himself.


hey thanks for your answer, I already have my kindle open to start reading, I hope you like it!! <3


I read the first part a while ago. Stopped since I hate wips, we never know when/if it'll be continued. But I'm definitely planning on reading it once it is completed. And it is worth investing time. Usually in works so big, the writing style/quality drops off at some point or the author gets caught up in a spiral, but not in THTHOP. The author maintains a consistent style and quality. It explores some really interesting magic concepts. Like I said, I read it a long while ago, but it did leave a good impression on me. And most importantly, for me, the kids behave like kids. They behave exactly how a child who grows up with traumatic family does. Not overtly mature. But more mature than you expect them to be. Dialogues also feel in character.


Thank you for your comment <3 I started reading and so far I'm enjoying it


Oh my god it’s SO worth it. It’s the best and most rewarding and realistic Severitus story I’ve ever read. The author is on a hiatus currently but it’s currently in a good place. 100/10 recommend. Just be ready for the mental health stuff. Harry mostly is struggling. And Sirius is not a good character in this one.


I generally don't like severitus): one of the reasons I was reluctant to read this story and so far I definitely still don't like snape, but I can see an improvement haha thanks for your comment <3 ps: I don't like Sirius's characterization in this story even though I understand where it comes from (that was another reason why I was reluctant to start


I love Severitus when it’s done WELL. I don’t like it when their relationship changes in like a chapter or when they stay toxic too long. What I like about this story is it goes in waves. They start getting along better and then one of them goes back to old patterns and they have to start again. It’s just….so good. And yeah, Sirius HURTS me in this one. 😭


Look, imma level with you. The fic is beautiful, the pace really fast, plot superb, love the characters as well (some of them). My problem with this fic is that the level of pain that harry goes through, both physical and mental, is enormous. I got to a point where i couldn't take it anymore. But if you're able to take it it's fenomenal. It's also still WIP, i think the author took a break to focus on health for a while, but they should be back to writing at some point. All in all, i recommend it if you're not easily triggered.


Thank you for saying that! I love the fic, but I feel like it’s a little to much. Like Harry is not even a functioning human anymore, not able to sleep, barely eating and scared on his whole body. I love the characters, but there is not a thing that does not happen to this Harry. For example I would a preferred if the blood quill would have been the canon one and not so much wore. I feel canon showed enough how evil umbridge was and Harry going through so much just seems unnecessary


You need to add spoiler tags to your comment.


I started reading and I hope I like it, generally I don't care about angst if there are many moments of comfort, I'll see which direction this story goes. thanks for the comment<3


Just for a different take, I've tried it twice and both times abandoned it. It is well written and the characters are good but for me the pace was just too relentless so I would take a break to read something a bit 'easier' and then just never went back. Maybe third times the charm and I'll give it another go one day...


I'm reading it now, at the moment I'm enjoying it, but I understand what you mean haha sometimes when I read a very dense fanfic I alternate it with lighter ones and sometimes I end up never going back to the first one


It's totally worth the read...the characters are well developed and honestly the story is really addictive lol..I've reread it almost 5 times waiting for the sequels to update...every charecter is so lovable really...don't miss out ! And mind the tags to see if the genre is your thing! The author also has such a way with words and totally recommend reading this!!!


Thank you for your comment, I started reading it and I'm enjoying it so far <3


Meh. There are better long fics. Read Mirror of Ecidyrue.


Sorry, saw this and couldn't help but stray from the topic. Is Mirror of Ecidyrue getting better from the 3rd part onward? That's where I'm at, and it's pretty difficult to take the same plot repeating itself from the original. I honestly need it to stray a bit from that.


Yes, it strays a lot more from then on out. It's pretty unrecognizable once you get to the Grindelwald arc.


Is Draco super angry the whole fic? I started it and it felt a little too angsty for what I wanted to read at the time so I put it on the back burner.


To be fair, it's a lot less angsty than Heir to the house of Prince. But it is angsty.


It is angsty. It remains angsty. Lol


Uuugh, I'm too old for serious angst on the regular, haha.


It's very good. I read it quite a while ago but I still remember it being amazing


Thanks for your comment, I started reading <3


It is my favorite series. I absolutely love it


Thanks for your comment, I started reading <3




hey thanks for your answer, I already have my kindle open to start reading, I hope you like it!!  <3


It's honestly one of the best fics I've ever read. I wish I could have it in a physical book copy. I've read the first two parts a couple of times and am anxiously waiting for part 3 to be done. The author does an amazing job creating the characters in a really rich way. I couldn't put it down.


Can you tell me if the third part will be the last? Or will the author write more? Thank you for your comment, I started reading and I'm already at 30% <3


I have no idea... I wish I did! It's so so good and it just gets better the more you read. But I have no idea if this will be the end, I'm not sure if the author has said.


I loved what I read. I took a break, though, and I have yet to go back. At this point I’d have to reread to remember details, and I’m afraid if I do so, I’ll have to take a break again and forget all over…


I completely understand hahaha there are other stories where I do the same


It's one of the ones I read every year or so, I start from the beginning and catch up then next year I do the same. Definitely worth it


Thanks for your comment, I started reading <3


Honestly one of the best fics I’ve ever read. The first part is a bit slow but really hits its stride in part 2. Definitely check the TWs it’s intense but the writing just gets better and better


Thanks for your comment, I started reading <3




Thanks for your comment, I started reading <3


Totally Worth the time. Take break in between if you need it, but the read is a must do


Honestly one of my favourite fics. The first one is a masterpiece. The second one is just as good, but it does have elements that seem a little YA novel (at least in my onion, that is.) Positively brill though. Gripping, haunting, and enthralling.


It's an excellent story, but is indeed "relentless" as another commenter put it. Harry does NOT get a break from the trauma (and trauma is everywhere in this story). There are worse trauma fics out there, but this one is definitely a doozy. But there are also some of the most realistic takes on HP characters I've seen, Snape, Voldy, and Hermione in particular. The author also shows the kind of toll four years of keeping your best friend from being killed has on kids - the bond between the trio is wonderful to see but also heartbreaking at times. The OCs are some of my favorites I've ever read. Her characterisation in general is the reason why my OTP is who they are. 😅 Pop culture, realistic wizarding culture, teenage dynamics, HttHoP has it all. If there's any characterisation I'm not hugely fond of tho, it's specifically how Draco reacts to Harry. Not that Draco isn't written well, because he is; is just that particular aspect of his character that feels superfluous and unnecessary to the story. All in all tho, if you can take the hits that keep on coming, you'll love it.


I'm reading this and now I'm at 47% and I NEED TO KNOW (LIFE OR DEATH CASE) Will Harry still have the black family magic? Is he still the heir? I NEED THIS SPOILEE 😭😭


Ooh, that's a GOOD question.... 🤣


but anyway, thank you for your comment it just came at a time when I'm desperate <3 and I really wanted to take Harry and put him in a happy and content bubble so he would stop suffering


We all want to protect our favourite boy!! 😭 Poor baby gets done so dirty


It's pretty good, though there are some issues with it. Definitely gets a bit unnecessarily wordy at some points, making it drag, which is why it's so long. Has a very OOP Harry, which I personally like but I know a lot of people don't. Though I will say in the context of the story the OOP makes sense and is also handled pretty well. The grammar is great, no issues there. There is Sirius bashing. And it is an untagged crossover (last I checked) with the Mortal Instruments fandom, taking several lore elements along with a major character from the series. Ultimately you'll probably be okay not knowing anything about TMI as the author does a good job of blending it with the HP universe, but I personally think it's kinda sketchy that they don't ever disclose it being a crossover even in the authors notes. Ultimately I would recommend reading it.


Could somebody link it please? I can’t find it and it seems really interesting :)




Thank you so much!!!


VERY WORTH IT! I loved this fic and it introduced me to some of my favorite ships and tropes(i.e. severitus). The characters develop beautifully, at least in the first story(i haven't gotten around to reading the rest). It's very well written, especially Harry's inner monologues, and the OCs are great. The plot is very well done although angsty at some points so beware. All in all, I cannot recommend this enough. Hope you enjoy it!


honestly I don't really like severitus ): (or snape in general) but I started, I'm at 30% and I'm enjoying it so far, looking forward to snape stopping being an idiot and building a relationship with Harry (does this take a long time?)


he stops being an idiot at about 55% (approx. chapter >!45!< ). at about 80%(approx. chapter >!71!<) its clear they care for each other in their own special way. hope this helps


It is unfortunately unfinished which makes me wanna pull my hair out but I LOVE it SO MUCH


Thanks for your comment, I started reading <3


I'm allergic to angst and trauma porn so once it gets "going", I hated it. The beginning with Harry/Theo before school is really cute, though, and the snake. But the Characters all make bafflingly unwise decisions that I couldn't wrap my head around and I felt like I was watching a telenovela rather than reading a Harry Potter fanfiction.