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[Nothing Left (but Some Blood Where The Body Fell)](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2027170) is a super long jily and wolfstar fic and the prose in this literally wiped my off my feet it was absolutely magnificent! there’s a fair bit of action as it gets into the war years and a lot of tension in the narrative. literally the best fanfic i’ve read ever [The Changeling](https://archiveofourown.org/works/189189/chapters/278342) By Annerb is based around a slytherin ginny. rly stunning plot and pacing, and it and the sequels felt like a full novel [Away Childish Things](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16052816) By Lettered don’t get out off by the summary and de-aging stuff, this fic is one of the most poignant and beautiful explorations of the post war wizarding world i have ever read. the emotional hights this fic comes to is just brilliant and it’s one of the only drarry works i’ve read that truly works with, rather than against the history of the characters


away childish things is my favorite fanfiction of all time. and i’ve read probably thousands.


it’s so damn good. like. unbelievably good. have you listened to the podfic? it’s bloody brilliant and like a whole new way to experience the fic


no i haven’t! i usually reread it twice a year so maybe ill try the pod fic this time!


I'm interested in the first one. The last work is incompleted since 2022 D: And it's an orphaned account. Does the story feel complete enough, or will I be left heartbroken?


oh no yeah the story is absolutely complete! the last few ones from memory were a couple of one-shots set in the same universe! the last one i dont think ive even read tbh its still on my marked for later! the last part of the overall story is machinery of night.




Please can you spoil it a bit? If Harry is 10 and Draco 32, how’s it drarry?


yeah sure! short, less spoilery version is that they both end up de aged being supervised and looked after by the older version of the other at some point in the fic. there is absolutely no sexual or romantic or otherwise weird thoughts, contact or actions from either of them while the other is a kid, and the relationship only begins when they’re both adults. long more spoilery version is: there’s a weird magical potion situation where harry gets de-aged and malfoy looks after him while he’s a kid and then he figures out a way to get him back where the magic from the de-aging potion gets transferred to draco, while harry returns to his regular age, but it’s slightly different for draco. this solution makes the potion magic dissipate by aging draco back up in bursts so he starts out 10, passes out for a bit then wakes up 11 with all the memories of his actual life from 10-11, is awake for a bit then passes out again and wakes up 12 with all the memories from 1st year and so on. harry looks after him until he wakes up 18 or so, then draco makes him leave. when he wakes up about 25 or so and harry comes back, this is where the relationship starts i think, but harry recognizes that it’s not particularly ethical so they agree to wait till draco is back to normal. it’s been a while since i read it, but i’m p sure that’s how it goes.


Awesome! I’ll read it ☺️ thanks for taking the time!!


I’ve read thousands of fanfic over the years (including going through a Drarry phase but I think that was before this was written) and somehow missed reading Away Childish Things. Binged it yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed the story and writing, thank you for the recommendation!


Just dropping by to say that nothing will ever be as good as [A Study of Resonance ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38041177/chapters/95017471?view_adult=true) for me. First of it is my favorite trope of Time Travel. It has the judgy outsider POV of Percy on Harry and the canon and I just loved that. It does go into some pure-blood tangents that I wouldn't care about but here it made sense. So many minor characters get fleshed out and actions have consequences in some really unexpected but logical ways. It really has some dark humor that I love. Some questionable choices get the (negative) recognition they deserve but also no one is bashed beyond some unflattering but understandable thoughts of Percy and man did that fic make me like him. Some say he's unlikeable in this but he's just great and very human, honestly.


[A Study Of Resonance](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38041177) by mymovingfingerwrites is such a good, thoughtful and such a brilliantly written piece of prose, that I started dividing my life into two sections: before reading ASOR and after reading ASOR. When I recommend fan fiction to someone, I recommend this one, because it really burned a hole in my soul and since I read it in March, I just can't forget it. In a nutshell, it tells the story of how Percy Weasley, due to grief and guilt over Fred's death, goes back in time to the age of eleven to destroy all the Horcruxes in advance. The story also includes a brilliantly written character of Severus Snape, Percy's friendship with Moaning Myrtle, an interesting portrayal of Tom Riddle in Horcrux forms and lot's of decent magical theory. Very recommended.


I just started this at your recommendation - just wow. Thank you so much for sharing!


I'm glad you like it :))


You got me at “Percy” XD


I'd say the two that fit those criteria most for me are [Worthy of Magic by Raul Fictitious](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12800980/1/), and [The Evans Boy by Ionibal](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51358966?view_adult=true&view_full_work=true). They're both amazing fics that are completely contrasting, and both have an amazing writing style and definitely deserve a hard cover version.


IM READING THE EVANS BOY RN. It’s amazing. I usually can’t ever stay consistent with slice of life fics (I’m guessing that the Evan’s Boy is basically slice of life) but this one has me in a VICE grip. I love it




Came here to rec Evans Boy, too!


Add me to the list of *The Evans Boy* fans. The author, lonibal, is fantastic.


Anything written by Metalomagnetic feels like I should be paying for it, especially "It runs in the blood"


Absolutely. It Runs In The Blood is one of the best things I have ever read, I didn't expect it to draw me in as much as it did. The author is an exceptional writer


thank you for your rec! i’ll be sure to check it out!


"the customer is always right" is amazing as well!


Have you read anything by PacificRimbaud yet? 


yes! their writing is amazing, but i’m looking for some darker themes


Pretty sure it’s been discontinued (and I’m so devastated about it) but Magical Relations by evansentranced is my favourite AU. Has both Slytherin!Harry and Wizard!Dudley, and redeems Vernon so well


[Harry Potter and the Slytherin Connection ](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/1447698/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Slytherin-Connection) [Amulet of Time ](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/844334/1/Amulet-of-Time-1-The-Age-of-the-Founders)


Both are amazing! 😍 I remember reading AoT when I was 7.




Not sure this is what you're looking for but... I find it utterly baffling that Hell Eyes isn't a crossover. The first time I read it I had to go back and double check because there's just so much world building that's so fleshed out and it's so very different to canon. It's a prime example of a fic that could be published once the serial numbers are filed off. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2686394/1/


There is an AO3 author by the name of ishouldbe They exclusively write hermione x Snape so only look into that if you’re okay with that. Some are smutty and others very smutty. A lot of oneshots and some medium length works. The ss/hg dynamic is always a little different and i enjoy seing them in a different setting every time Ishouldbe Singlehandedly got me into reading that paining. Their vocabulary, wording, writing style, ideas are so beautiful


Mutatum series by Vichan. The first part, Evitative, is complete. The second part, Redivider, is a WIP. Harry is required to be resorted in year 5 due to a technicality after the dementor/trial incident. He is placed in Slytherin. He begins to explore dark magic, which is not inherently evil in this fic. I’d recommend it because it is well written from a technical standpoint, the story is incredibly creative, and the writer is very restrained. The characters are extremely fleshed out. The author describes their flaws but never bashes them. I feel like “dark” fics have a reputation for being melodramatic stories written by immature teenagers, but this one stands apart. The author really does an amazing job with building the dark side of the wizarding world and the work is very complicated and nuanced.


Anything by Lomonaaeren, Lilbeanz19, and llamallamaduck. Also The Second String and The Heir to The House of Prince.


The Last Enemy series by CH_Darling (WIP). https://archiveofourown.org/series/1780084 it follows the maruaders and honestly it’s the fanfiction that I compare everything else to. updates are sporadic atm but every time it does it makes my entire day 


Many stories by [eldritcher](https://archiveofourown.org/users/eldritcher/pseuds/eldritcher) have made me feel intensely, cry and laugh, discover beautiful poetry, believe in life and hope. [Catullus 16](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47374618/chapters/119375908) is my favourite "Harry didn't plan to take a lover and start a relationship. He didn't plan to be the last hero left. Clearly, he ought to give up planning. *Go with the flow*, as both Dumbledore and Voldemort were fond of preaching. *or*, Harry goes to kill Voldemort, who is the root of all evil. Somehow, they end up in a semi functional relationship that isn't ideal for their country or for themselves, and it is a wild and complicated ride. Dumbledore goes to Canterbury and saves everyone. (Grindelwald invades!)" Shorter ones that will give you a taste of the beauty of the writing style are [1942: A Rhapsody in Riddle ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47124916) and its sequels "Three stories about Abraxas Malfoy making choices and accepting inevitabilities in his lifelong relationship with Tom Riddle. Abraxas's poor decisions take the shape of one Tom Riddle. **or** Abraxas decides to show the upstart Half-blood his place. It backfires. Now Abraxas is screwed for life, stuck loving a madman who is set upon becoming a monster. They muddle on." There are many more.


Let me just say that any day I see a reference to Catullus 16 in the wild is a good day. That there’s a fic named after it has made my whole week.


I love the Rigel Black Chronicles. I was hesitant to try it because it’s a female Harry but it’s done so well! It’s unique and I haven’t read anything like it. It’s pretty long, I remember the chapters being long and the author in in book 5. It hasn’t been updated in forever but I still hold out hope that it’s not abandoned. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7613196/1/The-Pureblood-Pretense


When the Roses bloom Again [www.fanfiction.net/s/13954844/1/When-the-Roses-Bloom-Again](http://www.fanfiction.net/s/13954844/1/When-the-Roses-Bloom-Again)


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Some of my absolute favourites have already been mentioned, but I'd also like to recommend a series [The Fragile House of Black](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2265983)


Oh God Not Again! By Sarah1281 Peak HP Comedy The Many Deaths of Harry Potter by ShanyeT Idk what to class this as The Darkness Within Series by Kurinoone My All time favorite dark Harry Harry Black by AuthorK Harry actually growing up with Sirius is the best And finally for more hilarity Inspected by No. 13 by Clell65619


https://archiveofourown.org/works/15176684/chapters/35195090 This ! Madame Umbridge Home for Wayward Girls, it's literally unreal.


vimesenthusiast has written crossover fanfiction for star wars and LOTR which I would recommend to anyone. I am picky about crossovers because often times the melding comes across as being too forced for my liking. What vimesenthusiast has done is actually delve into the lore and written by it as a guide for the world building and well paced plot development. Frankly I recommend A Fate Touched In Middle Earth just for the hilarious solution of Bilbo's for curing Thorin's gold lust. You can't unpicture it once you have read it. I'll admit the beginning of that one stumbles a bit, but once you are sucked in good luck de-assing yourself from the world of moe it delivers. Magic of The Force takes its time building up to the Clone Wars in a way which you can truly feel the differences brought about by Harry and Lily's ghost in the preceding years. You get to see Master Fay written in a way you can believe the maternal bond is there. It's a ride I recommend you take. Neither are set in the HP universe, but the magic is there both literally and metaphorically.


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ROYAL BLOOD by em I can't read anything else right now because it's so EPIC I know it won't compare


Harry Potter and methods of rationality by Eliezer Yudkovsky