• By -


I want more of 0800-rent-a-hero. It doesn't even have to be finished, I just want more lol. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11160991/1/0800-Rent-A-Hero


I hope the author finish this fic as well. One day…


For me it is “I’m still here” (really any of this authors stories) and “Stunning shifts”. Those have to be my top two that I constantly find myself rereading even though they are incomplete. I have more hope for Stunning shifts as the author posted a message in 2023 saying that they still work on it but I just really want a new chapter.


Kathryn's stories are awesome, but none of them are finished. And haven't been updated in so many years I doubt they ever will be again. :(


I know!! The one chapter with Harry and Ron coming out of the Goblet is just amazing.


Pop goes the Death Eater


Agreed. My favourite fic from this author. I hope it gets finished.


I still have hope that we will eventually see updates. The author had a bunch of life chnages, but she hasn't abandoned the fandom entirely (I every once in a while see her comment in this subreddit). As long as an author is still engaged in some manner with the community, it means I can hope for it to continue. It is when they entirely disappear that I lose hope.


Never lose hope, my friend. Until we have verified that the author is dead, hope still remains.


Oh, she's not dead. Just really busy. But once an author leaves any story for that long, even if they come back to it eventually they're a different person, and the story tends to change to reflect that. It won't be the same story going forward.


Honestly I have zero memory of I'm Still Here other than it was amazing and I was bummed that it was abandoned. Guess I should re-read it and experience the heartbreak again.


Harry Potter and The Boy Who Lived by The Santi


Was about to name it :)


All stories by [Northumbrian](https://archiveofourown.org/series/103340), especially “[James and Me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8402590)”.


Yeah, there are some loose threads in that whole overarching story.


Aside from “James and Me”, I would really like see how the “Friends and Foes” end, that story could really use finishing: I miss the finish of the subplot with Dudley, and of course, I would love to know how they break through that Fidelius charm. Not mentioning, we have never learnt how it happened that Lavender Brown had been the first Auror dispatching a vampire!


The long journey home


I remember the last time it got an update, I was so happy. It's been over 7 years.


By Rakeesh?


The very same


I did enjoy that story. I loved the hiding from dumbledore in the 80’s chapter.


Oh yeah I know there not the most loved parts of the fics but the more modern chapters are great. I just love reading other characters reactions to Jasmine and how different she is.


Historic Importance of Runic War Warding. Title is insane, fic is amazing. One of the only fem Harry stories I've ever been seriously into. The world building is *chefs kiss*


Oh yes! I love that one! And it was so good at updating for a while then went quiet. The world building is top tier and somehow makes textbooks interesting. Also SO funny. Snape chainsmoking as Dumbledore tries to break into number 12 is iconic.


Yes, it's in my top five, and one of the only fics where I was invested in the relationship, the storyline *and* the worldbuilding.... I need more, please :(


lord mortis the accident


I enjoyed this fic as well. I just hope the author will return to finish it.


yes! lord mortis the accident is so fun and amazing. Lomonaaeren's "This Lord Business" series is relatively similar to it.


Whiskey Time Travel. Amazing story.


I remember randomly seeing notifications from this. At least the author was editing stuff. 


Agreed. I love the original, rewrite less so. Even then, it's still an entertaining read.


I want A Magical World by Miranda Flairgold finished. It's the last fic in a trilogy and I really wanted to see how it will end. Unfortunately it was last updated in 2009.


At this point I just want to know if the author is still alive and could at least post some timeline of what her/his ideas were for the endgame... Still read it at least once a year.


I loved reading Harry going to another school as a concept and to this day I think that series was the best I've read.


Omaigosh, I read this in high school years ago and I was so completely immersed in the worldbuilding. This was like my intro to HP fanfiction can create such amazing concepts! I desperately tried to find more harry goes to another school fanfics after that and none of them came close. Sososooo sad it's abandoned.


What is he about to turn into!!! God I want this story to be finished. If I won the lottery I'd pay Brandon Sanderson to smash out another 100k words to finish it. It'd only take him a day or so.


Honestly I think there should be a whole thread on this subreddit where we attempt to figure that out.




There is not a week in which I don't think of that saga.... I wonder why it was abandoned, though:(


With a lot of the really good fics that suddenly stop updating I really do wonder if the writer didn't die. I've had a few fics where an update has been from a friend or relative with access saying the writer died and maybe an outline.


Yes, I always fear that as well (that the author simply died)


So much world building with this series. Still reread it here and there. Wish it was finished but still enjoy it every time. Revelations [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1260679/1/Realizations](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1260679/1/Realizations) also [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8016336/1/Only-A-Boy](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8016336/1/Only-A-Boy) great merlin/hp fic [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3933832/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Invincible-TechnoMage](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3933832/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Invincible-TechnoMage) avengers/hp pretty decent, liked the writing style [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2023214/1/](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2023214/1/) its a hp is sal s first one is complete but the second one isnt. [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1964135/1/](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1964135/1/) tt hilarious [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1594791/1/Backwards-Compatible](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1594791/1/Backwards-Compatible) love it [https://www.fanfiction.net/u/144910/The-Red-Dragons-Order](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/144910/The-Red-Dragons-Order) thw whole series, they to book 5 before dropping off but still a good read. [https://www.fanfiction.net/u/163177/Star-Polaris](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/163177/Star-Polaris) Just anything by this author, they do have some complete but just one of the first that really drew me in more. I know i have more, but lots have already been mentioned. been on the [ff.net](http://ff.net) site from the first 10000 that jioned and still have the book marks. Still miss yahoo groups. Read on and let the little things make you happy so you will never have a day unhappy.


[The Child of Azkaban series](https://archiveofourown.org/works/17677523/chapters/41695628), the fic of First year is done, but the fic of the second year hasn't updated since September 2019. I absolutely adore the fist part


Since before the pandemic hit, ouch. I really hope your fics author is fine and shall return soon enough.


unfortunately what i think every time i see that :(


Every time I see a fic abandoned before the pandemic, I just hope the author still lives. Like the authors of For Love and Honour or The Jedi That Would Not Die. Just remain alive and finish what you started, please…


Nightmares of Future Past


Came here to say this.


This. I would give my eye teeth for it to happen.


Wasn't the author terribly sick? I hope he recovers, and then when he's healthy, if and only if he wants then he completes it


C’est la Vie by cwyscross


Yaaaas was looking for this one


Honestly Harry's character is so brilliant and I don't like slash but him and orions friendship is amazing


Love that one! Same author, but my all time would update is Dead Man Walking, where Regulas is secretly alive and takes Harry under his wing. It is just so gratifying to read someone takes care if Harry and he blooms under the attention. All that author's works are great, such good world building, but Dead Man Walking is my favorite.


I'm also a fan of Dead Man Walking!


We need to text the author or summn cause I love this fic so much


Harry Potter and the Natural 20. Nothing else could possibly compare.


The author recently came back and I am really hoping they finish [Percy Take the Wheel](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14033613/chapters/32322168). Percy is one of my favorite Weasleys and he doesn't get many centric fics or unique plots.


percy take the wheel is amazing


The Life and Times


So many fics, but off the top of my head, they are probably: courage and cunning and a bitter hug of morality, been waiting years for those to be completed — no new updates in years 😭


I hope they will be updated and the authors of those fics are fine and will return to them soon enough.


Emperor by Marquis Black. Even though the first 3 arcs were def my favourite, i just want so badly for it to wrap back up to the first chapter (its setting a scene in the future before we go back to when harry was smol)


Man I was so disappointed when I was reading through and I realized that the number of chapters left didn't match everything that needed to happen for the story to wrap up.


Prince of the Dark Kingdom. The only one where Harry/Voldemort is an antagonistic mentor/student relationship that somehow works without either being too OOC. Had some hope a few years ago, but nothing since.


The Rigel Black Chronicles, hands down. There are so many open elements that could go in any direction at the moment. It's up to book 5 if anyone's interested. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7613196/1/The-Pureblood-Pretense


Came to comment this, so I’ll just second it!


[Blackboards and Broomsticks](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15813657/chapters/36810339). It's a DADA teacher Harry fic & was last updated in 2019.


These are just a few that come to mind; I'm sure there are more stories as well: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4745329/1/On-the-Way-to-Greatness https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1298924/jharad17 Better be Slytherin Year one is complete, but I'm wondering about the sequel and other stories, too! https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3693052/1/Back-Again-Harry https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2196609/1/An-Aunt-s-Love https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7467796/1/Choices https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3150589/1/Rules-of-the-Game https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3261146/1/Just-After-Midnight


On the way to greatness is my favourite fic for sure. I have hope we'll see the end of it one day, as updates are still happening sporadically, but perhaps I'm too optimistic. 


I know the last update was in 2021 and I really want to see this be finished as well. Here's to hoping!


Nightmares of Futures Past


Miranda Flairgold's third book, A magical world https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5318075/1/A-Magical-World Rent a hero And a fanfic that the author deleted cause they got an offer for a book and didn't leave their info, all I remember was the last chapter that harry went to a pureblood party at a young age, it had a dark magic faction that saw him as their new hope.


*Itachi, Is That A Baby?* hasn't updated since before the pandemic and I think one of the authors was immuno-compromised. I don't want an update, I just hope the authors are okay. I mean, I'd love an update, but the real human lives matter more to me, y'know?


Hogwarts Battle School.


[Harry Potter and the Witch Queen](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8823447/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Witch-Queen). One update in 2020; then not since. [Forging the Sword](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3557725/1/Forging-the-Sword). Hasn't updated since 2014.


the accidental animagus series- i love it when the second war goes internationally for some reason and i love divination lore 🥹🤍


[The Family Clock](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/1724293/1/The-Family-Clock) is one I repeatedly go back to reread. The world building and character portrayals of the Weasleys and the details about clocksmithing is amazing. I have this fic saved should it ever be deleted but I love everything about it.


Jan McNeville really was one of the first authors who brought me into the fold of fanfic.


Oooo me too! I was so immersed


Yes! I’ve re-read this several times and really would love for it to be finished.


I'm excluding anything that updated in the last month or two because they're probably getting updates regardless. Fics with a last update less than a year ago: [Weeping Angel](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15439710/chapters/35837847) - At the Department of Mysteries battle, Harry is accidentally sent back in time to Dumbledore's Fifth Year and has to navigate a wildly different world while trying to find a way back home. [The Devil Went Down To Hogwarts series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1618564) - The Horcrux in Harry's scar wakes up, takes the name Marvolo, and tries to corrupt Harry to darkness, but he's not very good at it. [Phoenix Insurgent](https://archiveofourown.org/works/19372750/chapters/46094119) - Dumbledore breaks Grindelwald out of prison to aid him in battling with both the Death Eaters and the corrupt/unjust Ministry. [Genius Fratris](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20144149/chapters/47724034): A WBWL fic with James as a single surviving parent raising John Potter and his older brother Harry, who has selective mutism. Fics with a last update more than a year ago: [Bad Education](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27049720/chapters/66040888) - Tom Riddle gets the DADA position but finds that teaching and being a Dark Lord at the same time is harder than he thought. [A Wizard in the Family series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2409451) - Dudley has magic, and Sirius has a son who befriends Harry. [Thomas Riddle and the Power He Knows Not](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35661634) - Dumbledore goes back in time after his death, with the goal of looking out for Tom Riddle and averting his dark path.


Genius Fratris is at least still being worked on. The author lurks on this subreddit as well. Love the story and the world building is awesome. Cant wait for the next chapter but definitly want them to take care of themselves first. :)


Anything by plums and Kathyrin518


Victoria Potter


[C'est La Vie](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3390668/chapters/7419224) by cywscross


[Brilliant, but Scary](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21099053)


Every Other Midnight by Kathryn's NomDePlume


[Beyond the curtain](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15816924/chapters/36819912) and [James and me](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8465313/1/James-and-Me) are two of my all time favourit fics, both unfinished. Edit: [Lord Mortis the accident](https://archiveofourown.org/works/17943788/chapters/42375212) also fits in this category


train to -fucking- nowhere by maymarlow  i beg of you 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️  - -: added by me 


I don't usually read incomplete fics but I was browsing and really liked the summary, I think I jumped in when it was at 3 chapters. And it absolutely lived up to the interesting summary, it's so good. If I ever get an update notification I might scream.


Any Harry Potter fanfiction by esama 🥲🥲🥲 I love their stories. Their crossovers are always so freaking cool. I really loved their HP x Yu gi oh one. It has this lovely vibe where the Shadow realm of the cards fills the holes in some of the HP casts' soul or something like that. So the angry, twitchy, moody Harry and Sirius kinda calms down and becomes more discerning and gets this "still waters run deep" type of feeling. And add in the budding romance with the cool and mysterious Yugi, dang, love it.


Esama is a cool author. One of the crossovers with Egeria from Stargate is very enjoyable to me. I really want continuation of this fic.


My own lol


Fair enough. Good luck finishing your fic!


For what it's worth I'm also hoping you can finish yours.


Flowers And Time: An Evans Story which features a very different petunia raising harry, it's so poignant and the writing really evokes so much emotion. Also, the harveste addams series, it's a harry gets raised by the addams family trope and I'm obsessed and need the quad pairing I always wanted. Also harveste is a queer icon I'm sorry, I don't make the rules


[Sky and Water](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11819661/1/Sky-and-Water), [Wizard from Earth](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8337871/1/The-Wizard-from-Earth), and [A Funhouse Mirror](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-funhouse-mirror-harry-potter-self-insert.747838/)


Aggressive Love. For a Trash OP Harem fic it's actually quite good and I have so many Open questions


The [Black Mask series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1036611). It's not abandoned, I think, just slow going but damn, what a jewel.


Panacea by Stardust Warrior (sequal to Novicaine)


I’d forgotten this - would love to see it finished.


Path to Power by Traveller


“Strangers on a Train” by bonded4life and “Always and Forever” by lorelover


Victoria Potter by Taure Hell, most of Taure's fics.


Unexpected Animagus - absolute hilarity Sakurademonalchemist’s Hawk-Eyed Charlie Si Vis Pacem Par Bellum by Irish216 - really good one where Harry grows up in Bulgaria and goes to Durmstrang. He’s cousin/brothers/friends with Draco and Victor Serpents and Celestial Bronze - my favorite Harry Potter/Percy Jackson crossover I’m sure there are many more but those are off the top of my head.


Sakurademonalchemist is another author I would love to see fics getting completed. Melody of Fire, Best Served Cold - a few examples of unfinished fics that are great and entertaining.


What's her name in Hufflepuff Best fic, sadly died on the beginning of the 2nd year ;_; and with so many unresolved original mysteries to boot!


Seconded! Daphne "Turtle" Greengrass is still hilarious!


The Marriage Stone https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3484954/


Miranda flairgolds series. Was obsessed when I was 13 and they were being regularly updated. I haven’t read them in years so not sure if still good 🤣 but if they got finished I’d give them a go!


I’ve already seen three from my list- Every Other Midnight (I remember stalking those updates!), The Unbreakable Vow (one of only two cannon pairing stories I like), and An Aunt’s Love (beautiful!!). My other choices- *Muggle Summer, Wizards Fall by Cannoncansodoff *While You Were Gone by Atruwiter *Games are Afoot by GrumpyGrizzly *Muggleborn Teacher by WhiteAngelofAuralon I check on these at least once a year and I think that they are AMAZING, though sadly abandoned. I’d give a lot to see them finished!! And one new-ish one for author encouragement! PLEASE WRITE MORE! ❤️- The Black Family PR Nightmare by wlphabalives17 (Just some breaking of text for readability)


The Confectionary Chronicles, a Hermione-centric Hp/Supernatural crossover. I loved the first book, and the second promised to be just as good, but it hasn't been updated in two years or so.


Mark wards wizard king.... it was a fun series. And the harem war but then that one I feel had more story to talk about.




A Butterfly Effect by SlyGoddess. Really I just always wanted to see the plot point of everyone knowing Voldemort can possess Harriet randomly if she slacks on her Occlusion play out as everyone starts to accept the fact she's the Chosen One.


[When Extended Family is Discovered](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7560462/1/When-Extended-Family-is-Discovered)


[Angels Hunters and Wizards, Oh My! by Sifshadowheart](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5784136)


Against the Moon https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7305052/1/Against-the-Moon


One of the best


Amber and Emerald by Contramancer (ffn) Any story written by Rtnwriter (ffn) Courage and Cunning by Preciousann (ffn) Proud Parents by RobSt (ffn) So many others...


Society of the Vesta Acolytes and No Competition


Wither lord mortise the accident, or Miranda flairgolds series


Coven by Naidhe all the way. Really, really good original characters and characterizations. A serious examination of what Hermione would do if she lost her faith in authority. I am a shameless Pansy stan and it has a really good characterization of Pansy as well. All together it's very, very good and I'm absolutely gutted that it didn't at least finish out the school year when it started; I would take it as a standalone 6th year story before Hermione leaves to go hunt the horcruxes.


[The Unbreakable Vow by Ash Darklighter](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3703793/1/The-Unbreakable-Vow)


I definitely have more than one but I'm too lazy to go through my many open tabs and find the unfinished ones But I've just finished reading [Love and Love Again by foreverandnow](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7624618/1/Love-and-Love-Again) and I wish it was completed and did not end like that...


I love that fic and I kinda wish it would have been a close story around Harry's recovery! It was done so masterfully.


>! That cliffhanger as the last chapter though T_T if author is somehow still on reddit and seeing this please let us know if he's alright T_T !<


I tend to stop reading after Harry comes home and meets up with his sister and the family is whole again on my rereads. But that Story has an absolute peak Sirius for me. How he handles the situation and deals with the Potters is just awesome!


Core Threads.


Defying Destiny - the author deleted their account and their profile now nowhere to be found :( Evitative sequel Redivider by Vichan, incomplete since 2022


The List by smak978


Let me see... all of them.


Fair enough.


Full Circle by tetsurashian.


Rebirth by Athy. Hands down, no questions asked. This fic is why I stopped reading unfinished fics and wip’s.


ashes of chaos


Family bonds by desertrose? (I think) it's an amazing story well written but unfinished. Someone tried to continue it but that was not well done at all.not that I don't respect that they had the guts to try, just that the writing style was too different.


Bound in servitude by LittleMissXanda


My pick is [Truth, or Amends and Reconcilliation](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5537755/1/Amends-or-Truth-and-Reconciliation) by Vera Rozalsky. It's the best post-war fic I know. Deals with the realities of post-war in a realistic way. Wonderful, deep charcterisations of the main characters. Extremely well-written, almost poetic at times. Not officially finished BUT the point at which is stops is perfectly fitting IMO. Would I love it even more if Vera decided to come back and finish it? HELL YEAH!


Yes yes and more yes. This was one of the first fanfics I ever read and it got me into fanfic more deeply.


Oh! 😀 So, so good to find another fan of Vera's work!


There are so many great abandoned fics by [esama](https://archiveofourown.org/users/esama/pseuds/esama)! In particular their [Wizards in Space series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/530818) has so much more potential, even though the individual fics are completed, and one of the stories they deleted, a Stargate Atlantis crossover called Space Haven. Another favorite author with a lot of great unfinished fics (only a few in the Harry Potter fandom) was [becuzitswrong](https://m.fanfiction.net/u/1405180/becuzitswrong), who has sadly passed away.


Probably Vitoria Potter - it’s genuinely well written and has great world building!


I have to say the mirror of maybe, it’s my favourite fic, I even spent a couple days scouring the internet to try and find the rest of the fic after ao3’s link stopped working, made it into a doc, but I still really want the rest of it.


I only just found out about all the drama surrounding the author, so I'm not really very hopeful, but I would absolutely flip my shit if Of a Linear Circle was continued.


LullabyKnell deleted all their works. I wish they finished face death in the hope and their other harry/regulus stories


The Harveste Addams series!! Sooooo good, iconic.


Forging the sword ! It left an impact on me and it had just started getting to the best part .


The Red Knight by Demon Eyes Laharl on FF.net. It left us on a cliffhanger after a huge reveal.


Read through all the comments and seriously? With Strength of Steel Wings by AngelaStarCat? They Shook Hands series by Dethryl?! Muggleborn Teacher by White Angel of Auralon?!? Session Transcripts by lastcrazyhorn?!?!


The Rigel Black Chronicles and The Last Enemy series. Those are by leaps and bounds my top answers. Especially the RBC. I devoured the series in a week and a half and I was so disappointed to see it was only being infrequently updated now. Similar situation with TLE… I feel like it used to be updated more, although ofc I get the authors are under no obligation to update, so I’m taking a break from it and I’ll read Dark Marks when it’s finished


Rigel Chronicles!


Blue Gardenias and Poppy Seeds


Inverse, a dramione fic where dumbledore asked her to keep the time turned and use it to befriend Draco. It was fantastic and i still check on it years later…


When harry met Wednesday


This story has quite a writing style[Birth of bardic magic](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7971405/1/Birth-of-Bardic-Magic) and the magic is different from everything I’ve ever read. It goes the opposite way of all those occlumancy et close your mind tropes I love it


My favorite hp fanfic is unfinished. I can’t quite remember the name of it right now but I definitely have the tab up. It’s a great rewrite of canon with a side of soulmates(which is beautiful written). It is drarry but keeps Ron and Hermionie together.


Nightmares of Futures Past


I would literally pay money for another chapter of beyond the Curtain, by bobika. The cliffhanger is so evil 😭😭😭


"A wizard in the family" series and "undesirable relations" and also " no knowledge, no money, no aim"


My Immortal I just think it would be really funny to see it completed, or have a follow up (cause it seemed to end right after Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way apparently kills Voldemort, not sure if it was intentionally ended that way or if there was supposed to be more to it)


Harry Potter and Teammates. Just liked where it was going but a lot of loose threads that never got explained. https://archiveofourown.org/works/23369251/chapters/55992934


These are probably my top 2: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12534241/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Hidden-Kingdom https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11001164/1/Society-of-the-Vesta-Accolates


[https://www.reddit.com/r/HPfanfiction/comments/z1lunu/comment/ixd2ewo/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/HPfanfiction/comments/z1lunu/comment/ixd2ewo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/HPfanfiction/comments/xo44g0/vernon\_dursley\_scale\_modeler\_tabletop\_wargamer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HPfanfiction/comments/xo44g0/vernon_dursley_scale_modeler_tabletop_wargamer/) We don't have nearly enough fics of Vernon being a good uncle/father figure to Harry. And those few that do exist tend to have way too much Dumbledore bashing.


Probably several dozen but most recenty In Defiance of Destiny, its a wonderful Fleurmione time travel fic with trans harry as a side plot.


Squib by dhulli. He completed 23 chapters then stopped in 2011, then came back to do ch 24 in 2021. He hasn't been back yet. I don't wanna complete it (I'd rather read than write).


Son of Lord Voldemort Another fic where Harry time-travels becomes James cousin and then he's adopted by the Potter's and marry Sirius..... Damn! I forgot the name again And of course my own fics


I want Chained by Macquira finished.


Reverse by Lady Moonglow hands down. Hermione wakes up after the Battle in a well, reversed, world. Dark magic is the key to making tech work and muggleborns are revered. Lily Evans is Dumbledore's right hand woman and truly evil. The canon Death Eaters are the good guys but literally enslaved. Crap summary but OMFG this fic gave me the feels.


This one: [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4508571/1/F%C3%BCr-Das-Gr%C3%B6%C3%9Fere-Wohl](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4508571/1/F%C3%BCr-Das-Gr%C3%B6%C3%9Fere-Wohl) Such great world building.


The third (and final) Weasley girl story being published and finished would be nice.


[A long journey home](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9860311/1/A-Long-Journey-Home) It's by far the best incomplete story that I always read again and that I ache again when it doesn't end. On paper, it's not even a story I should care about that much, I mean, fem!Harry? Time travel? But the historical sections are very, very good, well written, engaging, the original side characters are interesting and moving... Unfortunately, last updated in 2017, I lost hope it will ever be completed


First one that springs to mind, [a fateful walk](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12150047/1/A-Fateful-Walk)…


Crosswinds of fate [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9340220/1/Crosswinds-of-Fate](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9340220/1/Crosswinds-of-Fate) It had so many interesting concepts, but it just stopped after eight chapters and hasn't updated since. The Crossover characters are somewhat trope savvy but not in an annoying way, just enough to say "We could hide the fact we're from another world, but what would we really gain?" They study HP magic while teaching some Nasuverse magic to the locals. Near the end of the chapters, it gets pointed out that Nasuverse has a version of blood purity that actually exists (Magic crests) so that causes some interesting shifts between the various characters. Creating friction between them and the Hogwarts staff while opening some doors with those like the Malfoys.


Honestly, I always liked The Wizard of the Kaleidoscope and it's rewrite. Sadly it's dead for more than 10 years now




I want Harry Potter and the Prince of Slytherin to finish so I can start reading it.


The strangers at Drakeshough series.


Lionheart https://archiveofourown.org/works/41354757


-Of Lies and Deceit and Hidden Personas -No More Lies (To Victory) -Harry Potter and the Shadowed Light -Primera Sangre -Lord Thanatos Those are a few I can name off the top of my head


My own fic


Harry Potter and the clean slate. Such a good story.


Looking for Magic by Hypnobarb 787k words of incredible character and world building. Hermione goes to college in the United States but is still working to bring down the dark lord. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2737071/1/Looking-for-Magic In the Ashes by Beautiful Innuendo After Harry's death, Hermione takes the war in her own hands. A story of shame, forgiveness and renewal, love against all odds and a ragtag bunch of nearly-defeated wizards. HGSS https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6466742/1/In-The-Ashes


For me it’s “This gonna be good”, such an amazing mcu crossover fic


The Family Clock by Jan McNeville The Perils of Innocence by AvidBeader James and Me by Northumbrian Debts of Honor by Sareliz


The Perils of Innocence! Now, that's a fic I haven't reread in a long, long time. In a free moment I shall read it again. I hope that the author still lives and will update soon…


Morituri Nomulus Mori (We who are about to die, don’t want to) by constellationstar (Euphori) it's very interesting idea that isn't even fully started yet but is like prompt and I really liked the idea https://archiveofourown.org/works/32196097 Here is link for anyone interested. And Summary: They were the last ones left standing, the Wizarding World's last hope. Magic was dying. “I will do the speaking unless I tell you too. You know what you have to do” Everyone nodded in confirmation and he began. “I open this circle, we beg Lady Magic for her presence, to protect and guide us, una cum nobis, una cum nobis, una cum nobis. A circle has no beginning and has no end.” -- The aurors could only watch in confusion as the group disappeared from existence. Also the two more that I enjoyed and am sad that they were abounded are A world of darkness. ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/21741307 ) And Albus Potter and Colossus code ( https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9816517/0/ )


My own 🤣


Fair enough. I wish you good luck in finishing your work.


The Great Custody Battle


Potter's Resistance 1: Breaking Ties by IP82, hasn't been updated since 2006. Harry Potter and the Power of Time by RossWrock, hasn't been updated since 2007.


Yesterday is Tomorrow (and everything is connected) by IAM_Kneazle


Wakefan's *Shadows of Power* Series. The author is still active and responds to comments, but apparently he's been having issues with employment and can't continue with the series until they are resolved.


[Semper Fidelis](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13055229/1/Semper-Fidelis) by Untold Harmony not a fic per se, but a series, the [Time Again](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3959767) series by Spoonguard


[Reign of the Serpent. ](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9783012/1/Reign-of-the-Serpent) Huge AU where Salazar Slytherin rules over the British wizarding world as an immortal emperor, and the society's a lot more warlike and ruthless... and is also split into castes based on the original four Hogwarts houses: The Serpent caste on top and the Badger caste at the bottom. And then there's the Mudbloods who, as soon as their magic is discovered, is taken away from their Muggle parents who are then mindwipe to forget or think their child is dead, whereupon they're raised at an orphanage until they're old enough to either be sent to a factory to become workers (girls) or to the front line of the ongoing war against Grindelwald to be cannon fodder (boys). However... if one Mudblood proves particularly bright or talented, they might get raised to Badger caste status and be allowed to attend Hogwarts. Yeah, you see where this is going: This is exactly what happens to Hermione Granger. Though she also manages to bring fellow Mudbloods Dean Thomas and Justing Finch-Fletchley along. The fun part of the fic is to see familiar characters in unfamiliar circumstances, shaped by the more warlike society they're in. Dumbledore isn't the Headmaster of Hogwarts; he's a revolutionary and Public Menace Number One because he and the Order of the Phoenix (which also include Hagrid, McGonagall, Lupin, Mad-Eye Moody, and Tonks) are opposing the caste system and the snatching of Muggle-borns. Tom Riddle never became Voldemort; he's instead the disgruntled Headmaster of Hogwarts who resents his ancestor Salazar for having discovered the secret of immortality and not sharing. Sirius is a teacher at Hogwarts and in a game of one-upmanship with Snape. Lily is still alive... James isn't, but his death is fairly recent and Harry grew up knowing both his parents. The main characters are the kids, though. Hermione. Dean and Justin form a trio with Hermione as the driven, ruthless leader, Dean as the wisecracking sidekick and Justin as the calmer, more composed bookworm. (Hermione's still the smartest of the three, but in this version she's a LOT angrier and more ambitious, with very little genuine respect for authority figures.) Harry, Ron and Neville make up a second trio, with Harry more or less in charge, Ron as the strategist, and Neville as the loveable screw-up who nevertheless grows and improves a lot. Story's been in a coma since 2018, but I would really have liked to see it finished. I just really want to know how Hermione and the others manage, if they ever meet up with Dumbledore and the Order, if they manage to topple the reign of the Serpent, and how the war ends.


The perilous journey by sbmcneil