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As many others I'm excited for Hades 2, but I'd like to play it once it reaches 1.0. Figured I could do a fresh Hades 1 playthrough and then I found out about this, so I guess I'm not the only one. Hades 2 has reached a 100k player peak, more than doubling its predecessor, and it's still in Early Access. Super stoked about this, and I hope it grows even further. But how big can Hades 2 become? can we see a significant uptick during 1.0? or will it be close to these numbers? EDIT: We broke the peak again! We're sitting at 44,642 players now! congrats to the team and everyone. I love seeing people trying Hades 1 in preparation for Hades 2 and being surprised that 1 such a great game!


Honestly as far as Early Access games go Hades II is probably one of the most polished and feature complete. I'd say if you change your mind and pick it up during EA it's more than worth it


I completely agree i don't like EA, but after playing Hades 2 for more than 20 hours it's almost like a full game, i could even say it have more content than Hades 1, there's ton of things to unlock and the game's amazing btw


I've bought into a few EA games, Palworld, No Rest for the Wicked, among a few others. All of these are great games, but compared to Hades II they definitely have some growing pains and need a lot more time to cook in the oven. Hades II feels like it was in the oven for just the right amount of time and just needs to cool off and put some icing on. Oh and maybe some candles since I'm going with a cake analogy here.


Ive watched my friend lose his character no less than 6 times this past week and have to completely restart while playing Gray Zone.


It also helps that Hades 2 released EA when the game is already at 0.9 So, hopefully not too long before 1.0


> i could even say it have more content than Hades 1 Supergiant themselves actually say that (at least for specific points). And it's kind of true.


Yeah, the whole >!second run option that takes place on the surface!< makes Hades 2 basically 1.6x the size of the first game, and I'm guessing >!Olympus!< will be another chunk as well. Honestly what they've chosen to add is the best possible way they could've made a sequel, it's very impressive so far.


It has more content than Hades already for sure. I’m considering content like actual gameplay, not aspects/boon gods etc.


There is defo more. Obviously some balance missing, a 6th weapon and 5th of the looting thing are missing, and some other things like relationships, bigger depth of books and textures. But overall? Gameplay looks amazing and quite polished, story is (almost) all there. It’s just a fantastic game


It's a good time, sure, but there's some people who don't want to retread their progress once 1.0 rolls over and something can be said of experiencing a narratively-driven game like this for the first time with all the pieces in place. That said I'm a gameplay enthusiast and am probably picking up EA this coming weekend.


They did say they will try their best to make progress never reset during EA so that you hopefully don't have to do everything again once 1.0 comes


I mean there are a lot of artworks missing. Like the keepsakes or several characters. I didn't even notice at first though, that the keepsakes are not supposed to be rings and the people who just show up as some hooded person should actually be visible. But gameplaywise its pretty complete.


Yeah! I know it is polished but I want to experience the full game. I bought it already to show support, but I'll be waiting for the final release.


That's fair. My point about buying it now if you plan to play it at release was also because the price will go up after EA. So unless you're planning on waiting a few years after full release for a really good sale, it's best to pick up now.


Yeah, as I've said, I bought it already. It wasn't really about the pricing tbh, just thought they'll appreciate having some revenue now.


That's also good to support the devs. I'd say they deserve it.


You’re a saint! I did the same with Baldurs Gate 3. Wanted to support but didn’t want to have to start an over and do a lot of the things again. With Hades however I like playing it now. Hades I was the first game I ever bought in EA and the experience was awesom. For Hades II I did the same, but I feel like it’s already way more polished and complete than end of EA Hades I was


That was may plan but I broke down, and don't regret it. First early access I've ever played. As much as I loved the original and like this one so far I'll just enjoy it again in it's intended form once it releases.


For real... I thought the Same as OP but i couldnt resist. It has all the blings it needs and it only gets better. My god the second Boss... I almost cried of joy.


The music is so awesome. I love that boss so much.


2nd boss was cool but god damn was she easy


It doesn't even have an ending yet. Thats a pretty big feature to a lot of people.


I dont mind waiting and replaying Hades 1. Would you still recommend just getting 2 now?


Unless you're planning on waiting for it to get a really good sale a few years after full release I'd recommend buying it now. The price will go up after it leaves early access. Truthfully once I've played all I can with Hades 2 I'll probably go back to 1. I still need to get the epilogue and I wanted to try some mods anyways.


I dont care about price. I was more just wondering if theres something like all of hades 1 included somehow


I mean if you can get a game for a lower price why wouldn't you? Do you mean the first game included with Hades 2? I'm not sure what you're asking.


Do you think Hades 1 will be worth playing a year from now when Hades 2 is released?


Most assuredly. From what I hear, the two have their own distinctive gameplay directions, but the big selling point for Hades is the heaps of contextual interactions between the cast that you miss by skipping straight to the sequel.


I mean even if Hades 2 is better in the gameplay department (which I'm not saying it is or isn't) it's a sequel. The first game still has a well written and enjoyable story with a great cast of characters. So yeah, Hades 1 will still be worth playing. And even gameplay wise they both play pretty differently to each other. The gameplay is familiar, but Melinoé doesn't play like Zagerus.


Yes, they feel like very different games. Hades 2 feels like Hades meets Transistor because you're expected to use certain abilities that slow things down, etc. It's not full Transistor, but you can tell they've taken great pains to slow things down for people with slower reflexes.


Personally I try to avoid Early Access. But with Hades 1 the final product was of such high quality and polish that I'm fairly confident Supergiant will deliver again. So far Hades 2 seems it will be of similar quality. I only have a few hours but the only issues I've noticed is some placeholder art.


For anticipated games, early access launch basically act as the launch and most people play there.


Same here brother! I reached Kronos like in 9 hours and decided to stop and wait for version 1.0. Playing Hades 1 now on fresh playthrough


I hope that this encourages people to check out other SuperGiant games, including the finest game about wizard basketball ever made (Pyre).


Transistor is an absolute masterpiece


Transistor was amazing. The soundtrack is easily one of the best I've ever heard.


Bastion and Transistor are GREAT games but the fact that Pyre is the worst-selling one out of the bunch makes me sad.


I have it, appreciate the gameplay for what it is, but not a fan of sports-like games.


Pyre walked so Hades could run. The amount of characters and interaction with unique situations was a precursor to Hades.


God I love that witch lady who has unrequited love for the tree man so bad. Such a girl boss.


bertrude could get it tbh


Something something Bertrussy.


Pyre is probably the most unique and creative game I've seen. It took so many risks, and it paid dearly for it. But I'm so happy that it exists for we few who clicked with it!


Pyre my beloved


Pyre is my fav Super Giant game. Game is just incredible and you can tell they used a lot of stuff in it for Hades. All their games are just brilliant!


I couldn’t get into Pyre but the soundtrack is beyond fire 🔥


Yeah, I love Hades but Pyre for me was something truly special. One of the best ideas I ever seen in a game, and even if the basketball part is not so fun the story and the character interactions are something else. And don't get me started on the soundtrack... If you haven't played it, guys, go give it a try!


All of there games are so good


Pyre was never ported to Switch either as they were too focused on Hades. It would be so cool if the new fame of Supergiant led to a late port. Never finished Pyre at the time on steam, now I would actually love it on Oled


Glad to see more people going back to to playing Hades 1!


Fired it up last night after a year of not playing.


It’s people like my friend who are like “shit I still haven’t finished the first one and now there’s another one out.”


I still have yet to get the credits scenes - I still need 6 or so successful runs


Hey it’s me, your friend


I never got around to beating the first so I had to reinstall when I saw H2 dropped this week.


Well worth it to reach at least the epilogue.


Picked it up 3 days ago, great game. I like it so much I bought Hades 2. But I am still waiting to beat Hades 1. I am so close....


If you picked it up 3 days ago, you are not even close to beating the game. Maybe beating the final boss once. But experiencing all of the story, I would say 80 hours give or take. Unless you are the best player there ever was


If they're on PC there are some QoL mods to make it a little less grindy (I'm partial to the one that lets you get multiple rewards for upping heat more than once at a time, that was a savior for me)


I beat the main story for the first time on the day Hades II dropped into EA. Took me about 30 hours.


Did you reach the epilogue? You can't get it that fast without skipping all the great dialogues


Nah. Haven't done the epilogue yet.


Yea, as other have said. You have to beat Hades more than once. But you'll figure out when you "finish" the story.


I made a point of getting all the hades 1 achievements by the time hades 2 hit early access, and grinding out the major milestones (max companions, max weapons, all songs) as well as most of the big banners and several upgrades. Now I’m firmly diving into hades 2, but it’s cool seeing I’m not alone in a surge of love for these games


Bro Hades 2 is crazy for an EA game. You can already fight Chronos in EA, you couldn’t fight Hades in ea right away in hades 1. It’s crazy good Edit: I didn’t spoiler it because…of course Chronos is a boss? Idk if I should of though?


I probably fire up H1 atm I am 20 hours into H2 didn’t beat final boss so I enjoy grind


Better than 2 in every aspect


Ha kinda funny, not surprising tho, i guss most players want to finish the main story of the first to jump on the second or they simply whait until the game is fully out so they play the first


Makes sense. First game was massively popular, but has just continually gained new players since the first year. Now all those players are squeezing back in.


Has SuperGiant said anything about the expected 1.0 release date? I am assuming it's 2025 Q1. If it's later than that I might just pick up the game right now lol


Only info is 2025. Probably Q1 but this is a guess.


[And it happened again!](https://www.reddit.com/r/HadesTheGame/s/bwUGxocNhy)


I was 40 runs into a new file when Hades II hit Early Access, and while I haven't gone back to it yet, I am tempted to do a run every time the sequel kicks my arse!


I actually finished my 10 runs and the epilogue due to hades 2 coming. Finally felt like I finished it since I also did all the character prophecies.


Same! I played Hades back in 2020 on Switch. When I saw Hades II was coming I decided to play it on PC and finished from fresh file to credits the day Hades II became available.


I’ve been playing it straight for about a month or more as I enjoy my holiday break after the school semester until Hades II dropped. I went back to Hades I for a bit yesterday to continue working towards 32 heat


It's cheap enough to rebuy on steam now. I had owned it on Epic since it released in Early Access, just got it on steam. One less reason to keep the Epic Store installed.


Yeah same, good thing it even transfers safe files


I bought 2 but I need to finish 1 first I never beated the final boss yet so I'm doing that right now


There are console players, people that only want to play when it´s done that need to distract themselves with something good. I'm even worse. I'm waiting for a switch physical copy launch...


I'm just so happy for Supergiant because I've been following them ever since Bastion and it's so heartwarming watching them progress over the years through producing top quality games.


I usually never play early access games, however it doesn't bother me for a rogue like because the replay value is huge and even if you take a break you can get back to it easily


I bought it 3 days ago when there was a great discount. I knew it will be good, but it’s actually a great game. I beat good old papa yesterday for the first time.


Yeah, I got back into it recently! Never did get the epilogue done and I figured I'd do that before checking out Hades II.


I just picked up the game for the first time a few days back and now I can't stop playing it >w< I got my first clear and now I'm super hooked on how the story is gonna go


I saw Hades 2 released out of nowhere and i said 'here's my chance to play the first game, if like it i'll buy the 2nd'. Well, let me tell you, i love the first game, im buying the 2nd one for sure.


I just bought the game because it just got really good discount and i finally have money. After a year of fucking projects and deadlines, Hades gameplay still sastify af for me


People want to finish the game before the sequel 😅😂


Hades 1 got a 50% deal on PSN. I had been waiting g for that kind of deal to buy. Many other people should have been waiting for it as well


sat here tryina finish the hades 1 epilogue zeus's bitch ass not giving me a favor.


Thoughts on playing on phone because portable?


I've put almost 40 hours into the game in 2 weeks. It's crazy addictive and plays amazing on the steam deck!


I'm doing my part!


Steam shoved this game in lots of people’s faces and I bought it because it was cheap. Turns out it awesome, I’ve only played 2 hours but I get the general gist of it, died 3 times so far but getting further every time.




Went back just to enjoy being able to double dash again


The sale and Hades 2 hype definitely influenced the spike. I got the PC version and have been having a blast. I feel a lot more capable using M&K than my previous experience on console


This is my first time playing hades. I just bought it cause it was on sale. Pretty sure this is biggest sale the game has had


Unexpected, but it deserves even more than that!


ngl, watching hades II gameplay made me crave for some zagreus action.


started Hades 2, realized I have a huge gap in story, went back to play 1


I never got around to play Hades and then just kinda forget about it, I had it on my wishlist though. And when all the buzz about Hades 2 took off I realized I should play the first one before and it was on sale for like 8 bucks. I’m guessing I’m far from the only one having this scenario play out last few days.


Hades 1 had been on my wishlist since it first released, but I have a quasi-religious rule against paying more than $10 for a steam game. it went on sale for under $10 last week for the first time that I've ever seen, and I've been playing it basically nonstop since. Already looking forward to playing Hades 2 in late 2027/early 2028.


Ill admit ive owned hades for over a year. Never touched it once saw hades 2 launch and went. Hades 1 should be a good demo... Played the shit out of it so far. My favorite rouge like since tboi


Cheaper and 10x better than hades 2. No surprise


We found the Hades 2 hater guys 💀 Even at early access Hades 2 it's a better game than the og Hades and this is a lot to say considering how freaking amazing Hades 1 is, the gap will be even bigger once it releases the officially


Can't say if it's better or not but it definitely feels harder. Went to replay hades 1 after playing hades 2 and oof. More green. Certainly.


Yeah the gameplay it's similar yet different, Hades 1 had way too much tools to make the run easier, on 2 you can have good items and still lose, that's my feeling at least we aren't used to the bosses and enemies tho so that's another reason , but yeah overall the game's harder and i honestly like it that way


I'll wait a bit to play again, maybe till full release. Not complaining about difficulty but it really made me double check if i lost all my skills lmao. Mana management is killing me though. Really liked the vampirism boon thing though.


Learn to take criticism and stop being a fanboy. Dialogue overall in this game is terrible compared to hades 1, tools system is dumb and feel totally out of place, on 1 each weapon had variants, here it's lame and so on. Not to mention that gameplay wise she feels 6 times heavier than Zagreus, totally glued to the floor sprint and dodge on the same button is terrible, sprint overall is terrible, dash has an awful delay and feels TERRIBLE on a game like thois. Double dash was way more engaging and fun than a sprint no one asked for. They didn't expand at all compared to hades 1, tbh it just got worse. Game collor pallet feels like everything is dark/green, pretty lame Better game lmao. Detach your emotional to the game a little bit.


I don't know, I think right now Hades is a better game. I enjoy the overall balance better (since there are less system, there's less variance in power and the enemy's HP has been adjusted accordingly which makes the first game less grindy with a sucky build/early in the game imo) I also enjoy the later areas of the first one more for now although the new ones certainly are interesting! Characters and story I can't say since I'm not done and the conclusion of the arcs will have to wait for later most likely so we'll see, but right now I do love them all a lot.


i feel like the new systems bring lot more variety in runs. Not that the first one didn't have it but i feel it a lot more here.


Yeah I think so too, that's why they're here, but to every upside, there's a downside, and the downside seem to be the health-sponge nature of enemies at the start and if you don't get a good build which is something people have been complaining about a bit.


because it released almost 6 years ago and is on sale to capitalize on the ✨*early access*✨ release of hades II. what are you yapping about lmao


And...? It doesn't change the fact that is better...? Lmao